Monday, June 30, 2014

Two Speeches by Julius Streicher


This Day is the Proudest Day of My Life


9 March 1933 in Nuremberg, on the day of the assumption of power in Nuremberg


My German racial comrades! Shame and disgrace ruled here for fourteen years. Today, however, the flags of National Socialist Germany fly from this building as true symbols of German rebirth. In 1924, the police threw us National Socialists out of this building. Today we enter as victors! Once again, German thinking will hold sway. Cowardice has given way and one now speaks again of German justice, which had formerly been banned. 


My racial comrades! Do you hear the church bells ringing for the new Germany? Let me say and affirm: “Today is the proudest day of my life! Let us all thank God that it has come! Be thankful that you may experience this hour! Once Hans Sachs [the Meistersinger of Nuremberg] was hailed by the citizens of Nuremberg on the festival grounds. Today, all of Nuremberg celebrates Adolf Hitler. The flags now being raised atop this building will fly there forever. He who sins against them deserves death. We have borne many sorrows and made many heavy sacrifices. Daily we met disloyalty and betrayal. We overcame all these difficulties and emerged victorious from the hard battle. This hour is therefore holy to us, and will forever remain so! I have longed for the day when I could tell the Führer that Nuremberg belonged to him. Today is that day! I am reconciled to my fate. I have forgotten the days that are behind me. Nuremberg, the proud city of the Meistersingers, has become German and will forever remain German! Raise high the flags! Adolf Hitler, Führer and Reich Chancellor of Germany: Sieg Heil!

The Future Knows Only Germans!

 27 April 1933 in the City Council Hall in Nuremberg

German racial comrades! In 1918, the state collapsed in Germany, leading to a complete dissolution of the German people in all areas of life. Respect for the holy, the inheritance of centuries, vanished under the mocking laughter of a misled “mass man.” People did not want to accept that there was a fatherland named Germany. The rootless spirit, the rootless god of an abstract Internationale ruined the source from which the German people had always taken its strength in time of need. The German people lost faith in the strength of its blood, its faith in the strength of its soul, and thus faith in its very self. Thus it had to come that the inward and outward strength, the former power, the glory of the past, sank into shame and misery. But the most terrible aspect of these fourteen years was not that the economy of the productive German people was ruined. Rather, the German people’s faith in itself was taken away — the faith in that which once holy to its fathers. That was the crime against the German people. A people from whom faith in itself and in its own strength has been taken is open to exploitation. Today the German people knows the names of those who enriched themselves in the midst of its need. The German people knows that its misery was caused by a foreign people, the Jews, above all from those who were the lackeys of the Jewish race. The miracle of today has happened because the German people recognized the cause of its misfortune. The German people once again has a Führer in Chancellor Adolf Hitler.

The black-red-gold flags of self mutilation and surrender have been removed from government buildings. The German people have again been given the flags and cockades they once won on the battlefields. Germany’s tribes are once again united and marches once more in the ways of its fathers. Once again, Germany is above all else in the world. The field marshal [Hindenburg] of the Great War, whose whose career reaches back to Königgrätz [1866], and the corporal of the World War, who created the brown battalions that destroyed the Jewish-Marxist Internationale today stand at the head of the people and extend their hands. That is the great miracle of the German people today. This great miracle gave the German people back their faith — a new faith that shines in the eyes of our children and leads us to raise our arms in a Heil for the fatherland. With this will, we enter this ancient hall. The chosen representatives of the citizens of Nuremberg have gathered here to begin the work they have resolved to put in the hands of the chosen leader of the citizens. This receives its solemnity though the men and women here present, the representatives of the people of Nuremberg. When the Great War began, the representatives of the Reichstag promised the Kaiser that the days of discord and strife were over. They promised the Kaiser that there were no more parties. Only a Germany so united could be victorious in the great battles that had to be fought. My city councilors, if you have all come here with this honest and decent intent, this first Nuremberg city council under the national revolution must also begin with the promise that there will no longer be parties here, only representatives of a united citizenry.

Women and men! After fourteen years of struggle, in which thousands of German men voluntarily gave their lives in their brown uniforms, National Socialism has destroyed the crime of November [1918] and laid the foundations for the new state in Potsdam [a ceremony the month before]. We National Socialists, on this the first day of the new city council, are ready to extend our hand to all who are of good will. Just as the representatives in the provincial parliaments and in the Reichstag must feel obligated as representatives of the German people, so too the citizens of Nuremberg demand of their representatives in the city council that they reject all the causes from which hate sprang in the past. Malice and discord make decent work for the good of the community impossible. He who does not enter this hall ready to be an honest, decent man will remain our enemy, and also the enemy of the citizens of Nuremberg, the city of Albrecht Dürer and Hans Sachs. What happened before in this city hall is gone and forgotten. But he who dares to injure or insult honest German work with the spirit of a Jewish-Marxist worldview that brought Germany to its grave will be judged by the people. At the first meeting of a new city council in the former Jewish-Marxist Germany, it was customary for party leaders to speak of their programs. That was then! The time of chattering and lying is over. It will not return. Those who have created the new Germany will be sure of that. The citizens of Nuremberg expect of their newly-elected council not promises, but courage and decisiveness: healing wounds where necessary; maintaining that which is again healthy; increasing our new wealth. That we have already begun to eliminate self interest from the offices in the Nuremberg city hall is no secret. The task of the men who we today elect as leaders of the citizens is, in the view of the citizens, to tear away the facade that even today covers a swamp of corruption. The greater the courage with which the mayors we today elect, the greater will be the confidence of the citizens whom they serve.

As Adolf Hitler entered the chancellory in the Reich capital, he asked the German people for four years. Four years will determine whether he is worthy of the confidence they gave him in the election of 5 March 1933.
Citizens of Nuremberg! Give your newly elected council four years — after which the city of your fathers will again be the city it once was: clean and united. It will be again a German Nuremberg, worthy of the greatness of the masters who once gave it fame and honor. Women and citizens! The bells of the Frauenkirche and the bells of St. Sebaldus have today rung in the new Nuremberg. Get to work, city council members! Get to work, you mayors! Hail to the field marshal of the Great War! Hail to the blacksmith of the new Reich! Long live the city of our fathers! Long live our beloved, ancient Nuremberg!

Friday, June 27, 2014

The Jewish influence in the USA as it was over 70 years ago!

 US Industry


US Movie Industry

US Culture

US Press

US Radio

US Finance

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Jewish Professor Boasts of Jewish Pornography used as a Weapon Against Gentiles


 Jewish Professor of American History at Aberdeen University in UK, Prof. Nathan Abrams. He boasts that Jews were the driving force of the modern pornographic industry and that their motivation is in part to destroy Gentile morals.

Jewish Professor Says Porn Industry is a Weapon used by Jews Against Gentiles

The following is an excerpt from one of the new additions to my book, Jewish Supremacism. It offers more powerful evidence that reveals the Jewish extremist war against Gentiles, a struggle that we Gentiles are not even allowed to know about, much less resist. The new edition of Jewish Supremacism will be available for purchase in about three weeks at

From the new 2007 Edition of Jewish Supremacism by David Duke

After learning about the inordinate Jewish involvement in organized crime, historical slavery and modern white slavery, it did not surprise me when I began to learn of their domination of pornography. Just as Jewish scholars faithfully recorded the Jewish domination of the African slave trade so they have also documented their prominent role in pornography.

In a respected and scholarly magazine of Jewish intellectuals, (The Jewish Quarterly, winter 2004) Jewish professor Nathan Abrams in an article titled, “Triple Exthnics,” proudly documents the leading role of Gentile-hating Jews in pornography.

A story little told is that of Jews in Hollywood’s seedier cousin, the adult film industry. Perhaps we’d prefer that the ‘triple exthnics’ didn’t exist, but there’s no getting away from the fact that secular Jews played (and still continue to play) a disproportionate role throughout the adult film industry in America. Jewish involvement in pornography has a long history in the United States, as Jews have helped transform a fringe subculture into what has become a primary constituent of Americana. These are the ‘true blue’ Jews. Jewish activity in the porn industry divides into two (sometimes overlapping) groups: pornographers and performers. Though Jews make up only two per cent of the American population, they have been prominent in pornography. … In the postwar era, America’s most notorious pornographer was Reuben Sturman, the ‘Walt Disney of Porn’. According to the US Department of Justice, throughout the 1970s Sturman controlled most of the pornography circulating in the country. … It was said that Sturman did not simply control the adult-entertainment industry; he was the industry. … Many are entirely secular, Jews in name only. Sturman, however, identified as a Jew – he was a generous donator to Jewish charities. …

Abrams shows how the corruption and debasement of Gentiles and Christian morality is a primary part of their motivation for intentionally infecting the Gentile community with pornography.

Is there a deeper reason, beyond the mere financial, as to why Jews in particular have become involved in porn? … Al Goldstein, the publisher of Screw, said “The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t believe in authoritarianism.” Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture and, as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream (and is no doubt consumed by those very same WASPs), its subversive character becomes more charged. … Extending the subversive thesis, Jewish involvement in the X-rated industry can be seen as a proverbial two fingers to the entire WASP establishment in America. …

Opposition to Jewish extremist subversion of Gentile, Christian or Muslim morality is frequently defined as anti-Semitic “hatred” in the Jewish dominated media. Abrams writing in a Jewish journal for a presumably Jewish audience writes matter-of-factly about the “atavistic hatred” against us by Jewish pornographers and their motivation to “weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion.”

Jewish involvement in porn, by this argument, is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion. Astyr remembers having “to run or fight for it in grammar school because I was a Jew. It could very well be that part of my porn career is an ‘up yours’ to these people.” …

Obviously, there are no articles in the mainstream media exposing Jewish “atavistic hatred” against Gentiles by the promoters of pornographic depravity. Abrams even goes on to talk about the roots of this revolutionary Jewish attack on European values.

Jews were also at the vanguard of the sexual revolution of the 1960s. Wilhelm Reich, Herbert Marcuse and Paul Goodman replaced Marx, Trotsky and Lenin as required revolutionary reading. … Pacheco was one Jewish porn star who read Reich’s intellectual marriage of Freud and Marx. … In light of the relatively tolerant Jewish view of sex, why are we ashamed of the Jewish role in the porn industry? We might not like it, but the Jewish role in this field has been significant and it is about time it was written about seriously.

Notice that all those mentioned: Reich, Marcuse, Goodman, Marx, Trotsky, Lenin and Freud are Jews. From Freud to Goodman, all represent a Jewish revolution against traditional European values and morality.

When sick Jewish pornographers are part of the brutality of Jewish organized crime, the results can obviously be horrifically tragic for our people. In 2000, a Jewish “Russian” organized crime ring was uncovered that specialized in kidnapping Russian children, some as young as two years old, from parks and orphanages and then subjecting them to rape, torture and murder, all on video tape. These tapes were sold to thousands of Jewish and Gentile perverts all over the world. When police in Italy were frustrated by lack of action by the authorities they released some of the video footage to an Italian network which then showed some of the graphic images hoping to cause public outrage. Instead of outrage against the Jewish murderers the TV producers suffered outrage for showing the disturbing images.

In spite of the horror and obvious newsworthiness of this international Jewish child porn/murder operation, it received little coverage in the media in the United States. When Seth Bekenstein, the ring’s American distributor was arrested, there was little publicity, and in spite of being a part of one of the most horrific criminal activities imaginable, he was sentenced to only 18 months on guilty plea.

Porn is no longer 1950s pictures of voluptuous nude women on a deserted beach. It has become permeated with sadism, masochism, scatology, even sexual molestation, rape and murder of young children. I am no prude. I love the beauty of the human body. But, I do think that this kind of sick criminal activity, in which there is so much exploitation, so much degradation, so much catering to the depths of human depravity, should be fought with constitutional law.
Ironically, with Jewish influence over media, societal mores, and government today, it is legal, even chic to make and sell the sickest pornography showing the sick defilement of women. But, if you have unacceptable political opinions about Jewish supremacism, you may find yourself a political and social pariah, or at worst in prison. We live in a Jewish supremacist world where often the sickest porn is legal while political incorrect opinions will land you in prison.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Equality: Man’s Most Dangerous Myth

by Dr. William Pierce

All racial difference are either genetic (hereditary, inborn) or cultural (acquired from society after birth). The latter can be changed or eliminated by enforced social changes; the former are independent of man’s laws and customs, except over a period of many generations.

Examples of cultural traits which differ from race to race are mannerisms of speech („Amos ‘n’ Andy“ dialect or „Black English“), styles of dress, and personal grooming. If Blacks and Whites are forced to live together from birth, attending the same schools and exposed to exactly the same cultural influences, they will grow up speaking and dressing in very nearly the same manner. Even Blacks who have grown up in the tribal areas of Africa and who customarily distort their ear lobes or lips with huge wooden plugs or plaster their hair with liquid cow dung as a means of attracting Blacks of the opposite sex can be trained to adopt White standards of personal cleanliness and grooming.

The fact is, however, that the most important racial differences are genetic rather than cultural. Skin and eye color, facial features, skull shape, skeletal proportions, patterns of body fat deposition, tooth size, jaw shape, female breast form, odor, and hair texture are only the most noticeable genetically determined physical characteristics which differ racially.

Beyond these things are the entire biochemical constitution and development of the individual. There are profound racial differences in blood chemistry, in endocrine function, and in physiological response to environmental stimuli. Blacks and Whites mature at different rates. They have different susceptibilities to many disease organisms as well as different patterns of congenital disease. They even have different nutritional requirements.

Only the fool or the mischief-maker can claim that the same soul dwells in the breast of the Negro, the White, and the Jew. Body and soul are interdependent, and the face more often than not reveals the essence of the inner nature. Every man instinctively knows this, but the false propaganda of racial equality has confused and misled many Americans.

Racial differences, in other words, are much more than skin deep; they permeate the individual and are manifested in virtually every cell of his body. They are the products of millions of years of separate evolutionary development which has adapted the different races, with considerable precision, to different environmental demands.

When we understand the all-pervading nature of genetic racial differences, we can see that cultural racial differences are not so superficial as some would have us believe. Far from masking any fundamental „equality“ or exaggerating racial dissimilarities, they simply manifest the genetic differences of which they are, in fact, expressions.

The culture of a race, free of alien influences, is telling evidence of that race’s essential nature. The African Negro with a cow-dung hairdo, a bone through his nose, and teeth filed down to sharp points, in other words, presents to us a far more accurate image of the Negro essence than does the American Black in a business suit who has been trained to drive an automobile, operate a typewriter, and speak flawless English.

Negro culture is not merely different from White culture; it is a less advanced culture and, by practically any standard, inferior. It is a culture which never advanced to the point of a written language or a civilized society. It never saw even the barest glimmerings of mathematics or the invention of the wheel.

The smelting and use of metals and the quarrying and dressing of stone for architectural purposes are crafts that were taught to the Negro by members of other races. The hokum currently being served up in the schools about a centuries-old Negro „civilization“ based on the ruins of stone walls found at Zimbabwe, in Rhodesia, is simply the product of wishful thinking by proponents of racial equality who are willing to ignore all facts which conflict with their equalitarian mania.

Negro cultural inferiority is the consequence of the physical inadequacy of the Negro brain in dealing with abstract concepts. On the other hand, the Negro shows an ability approaching that of the White at mental tasks requiring only memory. That is why the Negro can be trained relatively easily to adapt to many aspects of White culture.

His verbal ability and his ability to imitate allow him, when properly motivated, to assume much of the outward appearance of „equality.“ In a decade of special college-admission quotas for Blacks, many thousands of Blacks have obtained college diplomas-but only in those disciplines in which a glib tongue and a good memory suffice. There have been virtually no Black graduates in the physical sciences and very few in engineering.

Thus, the Negro’s inability to handle the abstract concepts required in problem-solving and technological innovation make a mockery of outward appearances. And this inability is genetic in nature, rooted in the physical structure of the Negro brain.

Until the post-World War II campaign to blend the White and Negro races began in earnest, the Negro’s mental limitations were common knowledge. The 11th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, for example, says of the Negro, in part:

„Other characteristics

„...appear to be hypertrophy of the organs of excretion, a more developed venous system, and a less voluminous brain, as compared with the white races.

„In certain of the characteristics mentioned above the negro would appear to stand on a lower evolutionary plane than the white man, and to be more closely related to the highest anthropoids....

„Mentally the negro is inferior to the white,... While with the latter the volume of the brain grows with the expansion of the brainpan, in the former the growth of the brain is on the contrary arrested by the premature closing of the cranial sutures and lateral pressure of the frontal bone.“

And the 1932 edition of the Encyclopedia Americana lists, among the distinguishing characteristics of the Negro race, the following:

„3. Weight of brain, 35 ounces (in gorilla 20 ounces, average Caucasian 45 ounces)....

„8. Exceedingly thick cranium, enabling him to use the head as a weapon of attack....

„14. The cranial sutures, which close much earlier in the Negro than in other races. „

As the media stepped up their flow of „equality“ propaganda, later editions of these encyclopedias simply deleted the racial data on Blacks. One had to turn to specialized medical texts to learn that the associative areas of the brain, where abstract thought takes place, are less developed in the Negro than in the White.

It has been well known since the large-scale intelligence testing of U.S. Army recruits in World War I that the average Negro IQ is approximately 15 per cent below that of the average White. Apologists for the Blacks have tried to explain away the earlier test scores as being due to the effects of segregated schools and Black poverty; i.e., they claimed the tests were „culturally biased.“

Later IQ tests, however, showed essentially the same degree of Black deficiency in IQ: whether Black graduates of integrated high schools were tested against White graduates of the same schools, or Blacks in a certain socioeconomic category against similarly categorized Whites, the Blacks always scored substantially lower, even though standard IQ tests measure memory skills as well as purely associative ability. Tests which focus on the latter type of mental function show a much larger difference between Black and White scores.

But it is precisely the ability to associate concepts, to deal with abstractions, to mentally extrapolate the present into the future that has allowed the White race to build and maintain its civilization, and it is the Negro’s deficiency in this regard which kept him in a state of savagery in his African environment and is now undermining the civilization of a racially mixed America. That is why it is vitally important for every White person to understand that there can be no such thing as „equality“ between Whites and Blacks, regardless of the amount of racial mixing forced on Americans by the government.

Black-White Race Differences: A Partial List

Intelligence: The IQ of the average American Negro is 15 per cent lower than that of the average American White. Individuals of high intellect are much scarcer among Negroes than among Whites. This difference is revealed not only by the Negro’s historical lack of achievement, but also by extensive testing. The U.S. government’s PACE examination, given to 200,000 university graduates who are prospective professional or administrative civil-service employees each year, is passed with a score of 70 or above by 58 per cent of the Whites who take it but by only 12 per cent of the Negroes. Among top scorers the difference between Negro and White performance is even more striking: 16 per cent of the White applicants make scores of 90 or above, while only one-fifth of one per cent of the Negro applicants score as high as 90-a White/Black success ratio of 80/1.

Lactase Deficiency: Most adult Negroes lack the ability to digest milk and food products based on milk; their bodics do not produce the enzyme lactase, which is necessary for the digestion of milk sugar. This genetic deficiency stems from the failure of Negroes to domesticate animals in Africa prior to contact with Whites; their ancestors consequently did not use milk as an adult food.

Body Proportions: Negroes have arms which are longer, relative to body height, than those of Whites. This feature, together with their much thicker cranial bones, gives Negro athletes an advantage over Whites in boxing. The skeletal and muscular peculiarities of Negroes’ lower limbs have given them considerable success as sprinters, but have left them relatively undistinguished as distance runners.

Criminality: The FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports reveal that Negroes commit violent crimes 8.5 times as often as Whites, relative to their numbers in the overall U.S. population. Negroes are 7.2 timcs as likely to commit rape, 11.2 times as likely to commit murder, and 14.1 times as likely to commit robbery. Violent Negro crime is typically spontaneous rather than planned and reflects a general lack of inhibition and foresight.

Skull and Jaw Shape: The Negro skull, in addition to having a smaller brain volume and thicker cranial bones than that of the White, is prognathous; i.e., the lower face projects forward, rather in the manner of an animal’s muzzle. In consequence, the Negro jaw is substantially longer, relative to its width, than the White jaw. A feature of the Negro lower jaw is its retention of a vestige of the „simian shelf,“ a bony region immediately behind the incisors. The simian shelf is a distinguishing characteristic of apes, and it is absent in Whites. Negroes also have larger teeth than Whites.

(National Vanguard Issue No. 68, 1979) Published in The Best of Attack and National Vanguard, edited by Kevin Alfred Strom (1984).