Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Adolf Hitler About the Mastered Fate

I am, due to my unique life path, perhaps more able than any other to understand and comprehend the essence and the life of the diverse German strata, not because I could perhaps view this life from the top down, rather because I have myself experienced it, because I stood in the middle of this life, because fate - in its caprice or perhaps also in its Providence - simply hurled me into this broad mass folk and people, because I myself laboured for years as a worker at a construction site and had to earn my bread, and because I then for a second time again stood for years in the broad mass as a common soldier, and because life then shoved me into other strata of our folk, so that I become better acquainted with them than countless who had been born into them. So perhaps fate has determined me more than anybody else to be - I may use this term for myself - the honest broker, the honest broker toward every side.

Speech of May 10, 1933 in Berlin

I was a worker in my youth..., and I then gradually worked my way up, through industriousness, through learning and, I can say, also through hungering. In my innermost essence, however, I have always remained what I was before.

Speech of November 10, 1933 n Berlin

I left Vienna as an absolute anti-Semite, as a mortal enemy of the whole Marxist world-view, all-German in my political thinking - and because I knew that German fate for German- Austria as well will not be fought out in the Austrian army, rather in the German and Austrian army.

Speech of February 26, 1924 in Munich

When on November 7 it was proclaimed that the revolution had broken out in Munich, I could not believe it at first. But then the decision emerged within me to turn to politics. I experienced the Soviet period and as a result of the resistance against it came into contact with the National Socialist German Workers’ Movement in a political course. I was the seventh one. That I joined this party and not one of the big parties, where my chances would have been better, had its reason in that the former parties did not recognize and did not perceive the decisive basic problem.

Speech of February 26, 1924 in Munich

I am firmly convinced that a large portion of the German nation in these days of November and December 1918, and even yet in 1919, was totally of the view that, if Germany continued on this inner political path, it would outwardly as well rapidly approach an end. Hence the same view as I had. There was only one difference. I said to myself back then: It is not enough to recognize that we have been ruined, rather it is also necessary to comprehend, why! And that, too, is not enough, rather it is necessary to take up the struggle against this destructive development and to create for oneself the necessary instrument for that.

Lecture of January 27, 1932 in Düsseldorf

When thirteen years ago I, an unknown man and German soldier, entered political life, I only obeyed the command of my conscience. I saw the conditions coming...I could not force myself, like millions of others, to remain silent or to without resistance bend to those, who according to all historical experience and human insight through their action had to drive Germany to ruin. For thirteen years I have, on the basis of the consciousness of duty, taken a stand against the parties and men responsible for the German collapse. In countless assemblies I have illustrated their behaviour and predicted the consequences of this behaviour. It was a difficult struggle, as an unknown, nameless soldier to call to life a movement against those who then ruled Germany and to whom... all paths and means of public life stood to their disposal. They could hence easily keep silent about me at first, could later mock me, could ban me from speaking, suppress the movement, restrict propaganda... Only one thing could they not do: They could not refute me!

„Adolf Hitler’s Program”, appeal for the election of July 31, 1932

The non-political fighter of the World War now became a fighting politician.

Speech of August 17, 1934 in Hamburg

Personally, I stood at a lost post at the start. Nonetheless, in the course of a few years a movement has grown from the small band of six men, which today embraces millions and which, above all, makes especially the broad masses national again. It was clear to us that we could not manage it with the old methods of whining and entreating. A government cannot protect an intellectual movement. Hence we decided on the principle: For those who are willing to fight with intellectual means, we have the intellect, for the others the fist! The propaganda machine was joined by the Storm Troop in order to prevent it that our movement would be terrorized, our supporters beaten down. There were after all places where we could not hold assemblies for a long time.

Speech of February 26, 1924 in Munich

So in the year 19 I established a program and set down a tendency, which intentionally slapped the pacifist-democratic world in the face.

Speech of September 3, 1933 in Nuremberg

For you, my workers, can well imagine this, that if a man in your life situation begins to found a movement, then successes do not fly to him; that is obvious. It takes a lot of tenacity and a strong will just to start this work. And this I want to say to you today: If I had this faith, then I only had it, because I knew the folk and because I never doubted the quality of the German folk.

Speech of November 10, 1933 in Berlin

In such a time one must be very hard and must, above all, not budge a centimetre from his right.

Speech of November 10, 1933 in Berlin

If I am once convinced that a specific course is the only and correct one for my folk, then I hold to it, come what may. And what I do, I do openly!

Interview of April 3, 1934 in Berlin

We did not fold our hands in our lap, rather we toiled day after day.

Speech of November 10, 1933 in Berlin

One can believe me when I assure that in my life, I have never allowed worries about my own fate to come up.

Speech of July 13, 1934 in Berlin

When I speak of cares, I never think of capitulation!

Speech of September 30, 1934 at Bückeberg

If I have for years, in all situations and under all circumstances, believed in the victory of the National Socialist movement, then this unshakeable conviction came from a thorough thinking through of the laws of life and the laws of development. My political opponents neglected to do the same.

Speech of September 3, 1933 in Nuremberg

What you experienced in these two years (1933,1934) was born back then in Landsberg.

Speech of November 9, 1934 in Munich

My previous life has been a struggle; but I have never capitulated, and I have reached the goal.

Speech of November 6, 1933 in Kiel

I have never as a private person pushed my way into a fine society, which did not want me or did not view me as equal in worth. I did not need it then, and the German folk has just as much character.

Speech of November 10, 1933 in Berlin

What stood before my eyes was from the first day on a thousand times more than to become a state minister. I wanted to become the destroyer of Marxism: I will solve this task! And if I solve it, then the title of state minister would be ridiculous for me.

Speech of March 27, 1924 in Munich

In the thirteen years of my struggle for Germany, I have had to put up with so much persecutions and personal attacks that I gradually really learned to put the great cause, which I serve, above the miserable own self.

Letter of November 16, 1932 to v. Papen

I also never want to have business cards printed for myself with the designations, which are so gloriously bestowed on one in this earthly world. On my gravestone I want to have nothing other than my name.

Speech of May 10, 1933 in Berlin

That, what moves me, is not perhaps the idea to now be satisfied, because the present has given me the position, which I could just demand from it, rather we have the feeling: Now we want to acquire the confirmation from posterity that we taken this position by right.

Speech of November 6, 1933 in Elbing

We ask, Lord God, never let us become wavering and cowardly, never let us forget the duty, which we have assumed!

Speech of March 4, 1933 in Königsberg

I only want that posterity once confirms of me that I have decently and honestly endeavoured to make my program reality.

Speech of November 10, 1933 in Berlin

I promise that I, under full utilization of my person and my movement, want to dedicate myself to the salvation of our fatherland.

Letter of November 23, 1932 to the State Secretary in the Reich Presidium (Dr. Meissner)

What the present thinks of me, means nothing to me. What the future hopes from me, that I know, and we hence also want to fulfil that!

Speech of June 19, 1933 in Erfurt

I confidently hope thereby that, if fate should at any hour take me from my position, my successor acts no differently, and, in the event he also must leave the position, the third after us is ready with no less determination to look after the securing of folk and nation.

Speech of July 13, 1934 in Berlin

Each only hears the sound to which his innermost is attuned.

Speech of September 3, 1933 in Nuremberg

In order to be able to criticize, one must have learned something oneself. What one has learned, however, one proves through the deed!

Speech of March 21, 1934 in Unterhaching

Only he is justified to make criticism, who can better solve a task.

Speech of May 1, 1934 in Berlin

The heroic idea...must always be ready to renounce the approval of the present, if truthfulness and truth demand it.

Proclamation of September 1, 1933 in Nuremberg

It is glorious to live in a time, which puts great tasks to its people!

Speech of October 16, 1933 in Munich

Before God and the world the stronger always has the right to accomplish his will. History proves: Whoever does not have the strength, is not helped at all by „right in itself’!

Speech of April 13, 1923 in Munich

Whoever...wants to win in this world, must risk.

Speech of August 17, 1934 in Hamburg

Sure, nerves and iron tenacity are the best guarantors for successes in this world.

Proclamation of September 5, 1934 in Nuremberg

I welcome ambition.

Interview of April 3, 1934 in Berlin

Every fight must be fought out. It is better, it comes sooner than later. And most securely always stands the one, who from the start enters the fight most confidently.

Speech of July 28, 1922 in Munich

Heroism is necessary not only on the battlefield, rather also on the soil of the homeland.

Speech of February 26, 1934 in Munich

My Christian feeling directs me toward my Lord and Saviour as fighter.

Speech of April 12, 1922 in Munich

As a Christian I do not have the duty to pull the cloak over my eyes, rather I have the obligation to be a fighter for truth and right.

Speech of April 12, 1922 in Munich

Whoever wants to talk the golden middle road, must renounce the achievement of greater and greatest goals.

Speech of April 10, 1923 in Munich

One does not beg for a right! For a right, one fights!

Speech of August 1, 1923 in Munich

Right was always still worthless, if a power did not put itself behind the right.

Speech of March 27, 1924 in Munich

It belongs to the decency of a real man to possess the courage for a just self-evaluation.

Proclamation of September 5, 1934 in Nuremberg

The prerequisite for the deed: initially the will and the courage for truthfulness.

Speech of April 12, 1922 in Munich

I believe that with all that it is necessary to honestly tell the truth, and that one must not - out of fear of ignorance or the folk’s disfavour or unpopularity - renounce presenting things as they actually are.

„Adolf Hitler’s Program”, appeal for the election of July 31, 1932

One should not come to us with word games; we reject that.

Speech of October 24, 1933 in Berlin

Honour is just as little an empty illusion as loyalty is. Without them one cannot live in this world.

What I sign, I keep. What I cannot keep, I will never sign.

Interview of October 18, 1933 in Berlin

As long as I live I will never put my signature as a statesman on a treaty, which I would never sign as an honourable man in private life, even if it ruined me!

Interview of October 18, 1933 in Berlin

Whoever is leader today, must be an idealist already because he leads those against whom apparently all have sworn.

Speech of July 28, 1922 in Munich

I am always affirmed the view that there is nothing more beautiful than to be the advocate of those who cannot well defend themselves.

Speech of May 10, 1933 in Berlin

I am...of the opinion, if a man knows he can do a thing, he should not be modest.

Speech of February 26, 1924 in Munich

One should not always speak about rights, rather one should then also speak about duty!

Speech of May 10, 1933 in Berlin

I know...that words and speeches fade, and effort and drudgery remain. However, nothing has yet fallen to earth from heaven.

Speech of March 21, 1934 in Unterhaching

Providence...will in the end...reward the dauntless, the honest.

Speech of October 2, 1933 in Hameln

However, I know one thing: One will achieve nothing at all in this world, if one loses oneself in a thousand projects and always starts something new, instead of taking up one task and, stubbornly and fanatically, struggling for its fulfilment.

Speech of May 1, 1934

No, what you want to possess - you must again and again acquire it for yourself, you must again and again fight anew.

Speech of May 10, 1933 in Berlin

Nothing, which is great in this world, was given as a gift to man. Everything had to be bitterly, difficulty won in struggle.

Speech of May 1, 1933 in Berlin

The eternal principle...holds true that there, where an unbending will rules, a need can also be broken.

Speech of April 5, 1933 in Berlin

Remain firm up to the most extreme resistance!

Speech of July 28, 1922 in Munich

It is beautiful and advantageous to know power is in strong hands, however, it is more beautiful and satisfying to be able to call the love and affection of a folk one’s own!

Proclamation of September 1, 1933 in Nuremberg

Individual fates, which form from a hundred-thousand seeming coincidences, untangle and appear as the countless stations of a very clearly predetermined path, which either leads downward, that means to the end of a folk, or upward to its ongoing self- assertion and thus to its continued life.

Speech of September 1, 1933 in Nuremberg

I feel myself as a best German, who has wanted the best for the German folk.

Speech of February 26, 1924 in Munich

I ate (has) taught worried concern with each thought to hold tight to the dearest thing, which is given us in the world: the German folk and the German Reich!

Speech of July 13, 1934 in Berlin

Whatever my fate as well will be: As long as I live I will fight for the German folk’s recovery and resurrection, for its future, its happiness and its greatness!

„Adolf Hitler’s Program“, appeal for the election of July 31,1932

Whoever so remains loyal to his folk, should himself never be forgotten in loyalty!

Speech of August 6, 1934 in Berlin