Friday, September 20, 2024

Fighting Together for the Future: On Occupied Germany (1999)

Original title: Fighting Together for the Future
Free Speech – December 1999 – Volume V, No. 12


by Dr. William L. Pierce


This week I was in Germany. I was there to participate in a congress of the youth division of the National Democratic Party of Germany: the NPD. I had been invited to address the congress. Now, don’t let that word “democratic” in the name of the party fool you. These are really decent people: nothing democratic about them at all. Political life in Germany has been rather strange since the end of the Second World War. Germany, of course, was divided into two major occupation zones at the end of the war, East and West. In the East, the only political party permitted by our Soviet ally was the Communist Party. In the Western Occupation Zone, the democratic allies, chiefly the United States, ruled. And of course, the United States did things the correct way, the “democratic” way. We had, after all, brought “freedom” to Germany, we claimed.


Our way was to permit any political party to operate and to participate in elections – as long as it was “democratic” and had approved policies. It was the same way with newspapers, magazines, and so on. There was “freedom of the press.” Anyone who wanted could publish a newspaper – so long as he was given a license to do so by the U.S. Occupation authorities. And the only people who were given licenses to publish were those certified as “democrats.” The same policy applied in Germany whether the Democratic Party or the Republican Party was in power back in the United States.


Anyway, what this policy in Germany meant in practice was that publishing licenses were given only to people who could prove that they had been opponents of the prewar German government: which is to say, communists, social democrats, draft dodgers who had fled abroad to avoid military service, Jews, and the like. Jews automatically qualified for everything. And it is absolutely astounding how many of them who had miraculously managed to survive the so-called “Holocaust” suddenly appeared.


And what the policy meant for political parties was that if the Occupation authorities decided that they were not sufficiently “democratic” they were simply banned, and their leaders were thrown into prison. And the eventual withdrawal of most of the Occupation forces, the tearing down of the Berlin Wall, and so on didn’t change this policy. The present German government is a lineal descendant of the one installed by the U.S. Occupation army.


So today in Germany any genuinely patriotic political party is obliged to employ a good deal of camouflage in order to avoid being banned. Nobody is really fooled by the camouflage, though. Certainly, the enemies of the German people aren’t fooled: Communists, Jews, homosexuals, feminists, anarchists, and the rest generally protest outside NPD meetings and attempt to disrupt them. That happened at an NPD meeting I attended last year, but the one this week was peaceful – perhaps because it was held in a lovely, little Bavarian town, Falkenberg, where the supply of local Jews, feminists, etc. was very limited; also, because several dozen heavily armed riot police patrolled the area outside the meeting hall. If protestors had appeared, and the police hadn’t been there to protect them, there were at least 200 very sturdy, young NPD members with shaved heads and heavy boots among those attending the meeting, who would have loved nothing better than to send at least twice their number of protestors to the nearest hospital emergency room.


Perhaps the most bizarre aspect of political life in Germany today is the consequence of Occupation legislation prohibiting any Politically Incorrect speech: at least, any Politically Incorrect speech touching on such ultra-taboo topics as race, the Second World War, and – most of all – the Jews. There is a special branch of the German secret police called the Verfassungschutz – ironically, that means “Defense of the Constitution” – whose principal responsibility is to ferret out and arrest anyone suspected of having published or said anything in public that might be offensive to Jews. The Verfassungschutz also arrests people for displaying banned symbols or for making forbidden gestures. A German patriot must be careful never to raise his right arm in any way that might be considered “provocative” by the Verfassungschutz, even if he is only shielding his eyes from the sun or greeting a friend. A great many German patriots are in prison today for having gone afoul of the Verfassungschutz in one way or another.


What all this means is that speeches like the one I gave at the NPD meeting this week must employ what amounts to a code. One cannot say in public something like, “Jews in New York, Washington, and Tel Aviv are the principal moving force behind the immigration policy that is bringing millions of non-White immigrants into Germany.” One must say instead something like: “Those who are the enemies of every nation but their own are behind the immigration policy that is bringing millions of non-Whites into Germany.” Using this code is a bit of a nuisance, but at least everyone at an NPD meeting – and indeed, every politically aware German – understands exactly what is meant.


Unfortunately, however, millions of ordinary Germans don’t understand. Just as is the case with White Americans, most Germans are lemmings and couch potatoes. They are self-centered, addicted to comfort, materialistic, conformist, consumption-oriented, and very fashion-conscious; in fact, they are desperately eager to be fashionable, and every fashion comes to them through their television screens, just as in America. In the various German hotel rooms I was in this week, I scanned the television channels in order to sample the fare being fed to the Germans. On about half the channels were exactly the same programs seen by Americans: programs made in Hollywood or in New York by Jews, but with German speech dubbed in instead of English. On a couple of channels they didn’t even bother to dub in German.


Judaeo-American garbage culture has so thoroughly penetrated Germany that on some of the programs for the lowest-grade lemmings, programs with the dialogue consisting mostly of slang expressions and standard clichés, the average German viewer can follow the primitive English as well as the average American. MTV is an example of this. German teenagers receive their daily dose of poison from New York television Jew Sumner Redstone in precisely the same flavor as American teenagers do. And the television channels with original German programming are not really much better. No such thing as an independent idea ever appears on German television. If it did, the Verfassungschutz certainly would haul the offending programmer off to prison.


And the poison has its effect. German teenagers, at least in the cities, are looking more and more like American teenagers: slovenly and undisciplined and addicted to Negroid music, Negroid grooming, and Negroid life-styles. A disgustingly common sight is a blonde German girl walking along hand in hand with a Negro from Africa or the West Indies. All too often there is one or more flat-nosed, dusky-hued offspring toddling along after them. To the establishment politicians and the Christian clergy, there is nothing at all wrong with this. The Christian clergy, in fact, encourage it in every way they can.


Although I was never in Germany before the disaster of 1945, I have seen enough German films from the 1930s and the early 1940s to make comparisons. One of the mental comparisons I made during my trip this week was between the apathetic, brainwashed, “democratic” German youth of today and the clean, healthy, athletic, enthusiastic, and disciplined boys and girls in the German youth organizations instituted by Hitler. The boys of the Hitler Youth and the girls in the League of German Girls were proud of their nation and proud of their race and were eager to become proud citizens of a strong, healthy and progressive Germany and march forward together into a bright future. What a difference a few decades of Jewish television propaganda can make!


And television is not the only medium through which Judaeo-American “culture” has penetrated Europe. Indeed, one sees familiar American advertising slogans, in English, on about half the storefronts and billboards in the larger German cities, just as one sees graffiti in English scrawled on walls and in subway cars. This contamination of European culture – and not just German culture – has always seemed to me even worse than what the Jew has done to culture in America. Even before the Second World War the Jew had built a new nest for himself in America and moved his center of operations here from Europe. Hitler, of course, helped him make his move with a good, strong kick in the backside. Now the Jew is throwing his filth from his new nest back into the old one, fouling the source of our cultural spring. And of course, this is deliberate.


The really unfortunate thing about it is that, outside the NPD and a few other patriotic organizations, Germans do not really care about this cultural contamination, nor do they object to it. As with Americans, as long as there is plenty of beer in the refrigerator and entertainment on television, they don’t care what is happening to their country, their culture, or their race. They don’t see anything amiss in turning on their television receivers and seeing Oprah’s Black face grinning back at them.


I’ll get back to this subject of Judaeo-American cultural contamination in a minute. First, I want to mention that, despite my horror and disgust at what 54 years of contact with America has done to Germany, my whole purpose in being in Germany this week was to increase at least one facet of that contact: namely collaboration between my organization, the National Alliance, which operates mostly in America, and the NPD, which operates exclusively in Germany. In fact, as I told the NPD congress in my talk, it is essential – not just helpful, but necessary – for genuine nationalist groups everywhere to increase their degree of collaboration across national borders. The natural tendency for a nationalist group, of course, is to devote all its effort to building its strength in its own country and to educating the people of its own nation. The National Alliance is really unique in that it has no geographical restrictions on membership; we define nationality in terms of race, not geography.


Our enemy also does that. To the Jews it makes no difference whether another Jew was born in Russia or Canada or England or Brazil or the United States. All that matters is whether or not he was born a Jew. And the fact is that the Jew is the common enemy of every nation but his own and of every nationalism but his own. The same Jews who are attempting to plunder and weaken and destroy White America also are attempting to plunder and weaken and destroy Germany. And the Jews in Germany are in constant and total collaboration with the Jews in Russia, in England, in the United States, and in every other nation which is being used as a host by them. And they have had centuries of experience at such collaboration.


So if nationalists are to gain real strength anywhere – ultimately, if we are to survive anywhere – we must overcome the international Jew, and we can only do that through collaboration across national borders. If a genuine nationalist movement gained governmental power anywhere and began taking appropriate cleansing action in its own country to undo the damage done by decades of Jewish policies, then the Jews in every other country would not hesitate to combine forces and unleash all of their military strength against that one country. They wouldn’t stop even at unleashing a nuclear war if faced with the prospect of completely losing their grip on a major nation. We have seen that happen before, 60 years ago, and we must not let it happen again.


Perhaps a nationalist movement in the United States might be able to become successful without having to worry about being suppressed by outside forces, but really, we’re just about the only country for which that’s the case. Nationalists in every other country need to worry very much about Jew-instigated suppression from outside, as the Serbs certainly know. In fact, that’s what the New World Order is all about. Even in the United States, nationalists – the National Alliance, for example – can benefit from nationalist successes elsewhere.


What this means is that success for nationalists everywhere – even those in the United States – will be much more likely if all nationalists coordinate their activities: if they grow together. We must not become too successful anywhere before we have become at least moderately successful in a few other places.


Well, I talked to the NPD congress about specific ways in which we ought to be collaborating across international borders: ways beyond merely exchanging publications and inviting one another to our big meetings. I talked about nuts-and-bolts details that I won’t bore you with now.


I also talked about the spiritual side of nationalist collaboration across borders. In the long and difficult struggle that lies ahead of us, nothing is more important than a deep belief in the rightness and the necessity and the beauty of our cause. Belief should be able to exist alone, in a single individual, but in fact it thrives best in company. One person who believes very strongly in something may devote his entire life to serving his belief, but if he knows that tens of thousands of his kinsmen around the world also are serving the same belief, then he has a great advantage: the advantage of confidence, of optimism, of enthusiasm. Most of all, he will act more boldly, with more daring, in the knowledge that he is not alone. And really, there’s nothing more important for us, outnumbered and outgunned as we are, than courage, than boldness, than audacity.


Certainly, we must be wise; we must plan tactics and strategy with the greatest care; we must avoid serious errors; but above everything else we must act with confidence and boldness, and the greatest guarantor of boldness is the assurance that many others share our belief and are acting with us, that they will cheer our successes and aid us in our difficulties. And if our allies are spread throughout many nations, so much the better. That makes the rightness of our cause universal. It is not just I who believes that we ought to be free, that we ought to be the masters of our own fate: the Germans agree with me; the Russians agree; the Irish agree; the Poles agree; the Magyars agree; the Swedes agree; the Romanians agree. In every country in Europe voices are being raised now for the same cause. This certainly strengthens our mutual conviction that we are right and that we must prevail.


That, among other things, is what I told the delegates at the NPD congress in Germany, except, of course, that I had to phrase everything in the peculiar sort of double-talk required by the Verfassungschutz. And let me tell you, in plain language, nationalists everywhere need all of the moral support they can give each other, and that is nowhere more true than in Germany. The Jews really are doing a job on Germany. Munich, where I spent more time than anywhere else this week, already is one-third non-German. Turks and other Asians are everywhere. Blacks are increasingly numerous. The kindergartens and public elementary schools in Germany’s larger cities are as much as 80 percent non-German. And non-Germans continue to pour into Germany. One non-German group whose numbers in Germany have increased especially rapidly in the past two years is the Jews. They have been pouring into Germany from the former Soviet Union. The German government welcomes them with open arms and gives them a number of valuable subsidies to start them off on a more prosperous track than other immigrants. Jews from Russia and Ukraine already completely dominate organized crime, including the White slave trade, in Germany.


Whenever a German complains in public about what is being done to his country, if he phrases his complaint carefully enough so that the Verfassungschutz doesn’t lock him up for “hate speech,” the sold-out politicians, the Christian clergy, the Jews – and all too many of his brainwashed, guilt-ridden fellow Germans – are all over him, accusing him of “racism,” “anti-Semitism,” “fascism,” you name it. In Austria, which was torn away from the rest of Germany by the victorious democrats and communists at the end of the war, a conservative leader, Jorg Haider, won a surprisingly strong second-place in the elections last month. The Jews in Germany immediately went into their Chicken Little act, shrieking that the sky was falling. “Oi, veh! Vasn’t six million enough, already? Vhy do you vant to make us suffer even more, already?” Et cetera. They made the sort of viciously intemperate remarks about Jorg Haider that they make over here about Patrick Buchanan. And the really unfortunate thing about it is that Haider is not an anti-Semite. He has appointed Jews to high positions in his party. He merely opposes some Jewish policies, especially the one which is flooding Austria with non-German immigrants. But even that opposition, especially on the part of a German, is enough to send the Jews into a spitting, shrieking rage.


Fortunately, there are Germans, though Haider seems not to be among them, who want to send the Jews into something besides a rage. I was with a group of them this week in Bavaria. And their number is growing. There remains much, much more work to be done in Germany, however. The average German is still inclined to grovel and begin apologizing whenever the Jews begin complaining about how persecuted they are and how much the Germans owe them. The Germans as a whole, probably too polite and too civilized to begin with, have let themselves be beaten down by the anti-German propaganda of the postwar period until they are in a truly pitiful moral state today, with no pride and no backbone: nothing but guilt and self-hatred. With a birthrate well below the replacement level, the number of Germans is declining every year, while the number of non-Germans on German soil grows.


But the resistance also is beginning to grow, as I mentioned. The Jews and their collaborators in the government and the Christian churches are desperate to keep this resistance under control. My personal opinion is that they will fail. I want to do whatever I can do to assure that they fail, because, as I told the Germans at the NPD congress, our destinies are linked. If the Jews succeed in destroying the German nation, they will have an easier time destroying us. And if the Germans successfully resist their efforts, then our own success in overcoming the Jews and their collaborators will be much more likely.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The “Operation Reinhardt” Camps Treblinka, Sobibór, Bełżec - Black Propaganda, Archeological Research, Expected Material Evidence




By Carlo Mattogno




As an update and upgrade to the monographs written about the alleged National-Socialist extermination camps Treblinka, Sobibór and Bełżec (Volumes 8, 9 and 19 of the Holocaust Handbooks), this study contains all the essential information about all three camps, and presents as well as scrutinizes much new information.


The first part of this study quotes and discusses numerous witness testimonies recorded during World War II and its aftermath, thus demonstrating how the myth of the “extermination camps” was created. Particularly the chapters about Sobibór and Treblinka contain numerous early witness testimonies about the claimed extermination activities of the Reinhardt Camps, many of which have never yet been quoted, let alone discussed, in earlier revisionist works on this topic.


The second part of this book acquaints the reader with the various archeological efforts made by mainstream scholars in their attempt to figure out what exactly happened at those camps – or rather, their attempt to prove that the extermination myth based on wartime and post-war testimonies is true.


The third part compares the findings of the second part with what we ought to expect, and reveals the chasm that exists between archeologically proven facts and mythological requirements.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Open-Air Pyre Cremations Revisited





Almost one third of all six-million Holocaust victims claimed by the orthodox narrative are said to have been killed in just three camps: Bełżec, Sobibór and Treblinka. All these victims are said to have been burned outdoors on pyres, leaving behind only ashes. Another set of slightly different open-air pyre cremations is said to have occurred at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Camp as well. At least a few hundred thousand victims are said to have been reduced to ashes on those pyres. The structure and operation of these open-air pyres were described by various witnesses, and summarized in court verdicts and historiographic accounts. Among other sources, revisionist critiques of these accounts cite data from single-corpse pyre cremations as they have been performed traditionally for centuries in India, and from mass cremations of deceased and culled livestock during major livestock epidemics. Neither of these data sets were collected during strict scientific experiments, hence are to some degree anecdotal in nature and therefore to some degree questionable. A new scientific study on fuel requirements of open-air pyre cremations for the first time fills many of our knowledge gaps with empirical and hence much-more-reliable and probably reproducible data. This will allow us to better assess witness accounts of pyre cremations in German wartime camps.


Orthodox Narrative and Its Critique


The Orthodox Narrative: Auschwitz


As the typhus epidemic at the Auschwitz camp complex escalated in the spring and summer of 1942, mass exterminations of Jews in the so-called bunkers of Birkenau are said to have escalated as well, with Bunker 1 starting its operations in March, and Bunker 2 in July of 1942. The only crematorium operational at that time was the old facility at the Auschwitz Main Camp. Its six muffles could not even cope with the number of victims of the epidemic, let along those who are said to have been gassed to death. Moreover, this crematorium became inoperable in late spring of 1942 due to a damaged chimney that had to be rebuilt. That reconstruction was finished only in late July/early August of that year. As a result, tens of thousands of victims both of the typhus epidemic as well as those presumably gassed could not be cremated. The latter, having been killed near the fledgling Birkenau Camp some two miles away from the Main Camp, were therefore initially buried in local mass graves. However, due to the high groundwater level, those graves had to be exhumed again to prevent polluting the regional drinking-water supply. Hence, as many as 150,000 rotting corpses were supposedly burned on open-air pyres starting in late September 1942.


The orthodoxy claims that, in this context, an official of the Auschwitz Construction Office traveled to the Chełmno Camp in September of 1942 in order to learn how to efficiently build so-called field furnaces requiring considerable construction material. Hence, they evidently consisted of some kind of structure. The pyres later described by witnesses, on the other hand, are said to have consisted simply of alternating layers of wood and corpses stacked up in pits several meters deep, with no structure at all.


The same kind of simple pit pyres are said to have been constructed at Birkenau again in late spring and summer of 1944 during the claimed extermination of the Jews deported from Hungary. It is unclear how many victims were cremated on them. Considering the limited cremation capacity of the Birkenau crematoria and the number of Hungarian Jews claimed to have been killed, the likely numbers is somewhere between 200,000 and 400,000, on the orthodox view. (See Czech and Długoborski/Piper for the standard account.)


The Orthodox Narrative: Bełżec, Sobibór and Treblinka


The claimed gassing victims at all three camps are said to have been buried initially. Later, all buried corpses are said to have been exhumed and burned on pyres, with new victims killed after that point in time being cremated right away. The times at which this switch from burial to burning is said to have occurred varies from camp to camp:



October 1942


January 1943


April 1943


While Bełżec presumably saw no further killings in 1943, hence all victims had first been buried and then cremated, Sobibór and Treblinka still had a considerable number of gassing victims after the switch, hence some of the bodies were cremated right after the alleged murder.


In contrast to the simple wood-and-body pyres allegedly operated at Auschwitz, the cremation pyres at these three camps are said to have consisted of concrete pillars some 50 to 100 cm in height, upon which a grate consisting of railway tracks was erected. Firewood was placed beneath that grate, and the corpses to be burned were placed on the rail-track grate in multiple layers. Once the pyre was built, it was set aflame and left to burn out before the remains were processed. (See Arad, Donat and Harrison et al. for the standard orthodox account.)


Revisionist Critique


The critique of Holocaust skeptics regarding the claimed open-air cremations at the above-mentioned camps addresses various aspects. (See the studies listed in that section of the list of sources.) These most pertinent of them can be summary as follows:


  • For Auschwitz-Birkenau, the high groundwater level would have prevented any pyre in deep pits to have been lit.

  • Air photos taken during the alleged extermination of the Hungarian Jews at Auschwitz-Birkenau show no sign of any large-scale outdoor cremations, such as large amounts of stored firewood; large areas of ground disturbances due to moving corpses, fuel and ashes; large smoke plumes blanketing the affected area.

  • If firewood is mentioned at all by witnesses, the minimal amount of it claimed to have been needed for these pyres would have resulted in a mere charring of the corpses, but not in their destruction.

  • The short times claimed for building, burning, and processing the remains of a pyre are unrealistically short.

  • The true amount of firewood needed would have required a huge workforce of lumberjacks felling large swaths of the surrounding woods, or huge deliveries of firewood by a fleet of trucks or trains, but there is no trace of either.

  • The amount of ashes and inevitably unburned remains (charred wood, charcoal and body parts, among them teeth and large bones) would have been gargantuan, but forensic investigations have demonstrated nowhere near the expected amount of such physical evidence.


2018 Australian Experiments


A team of researchers from the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, led by Luis Yermàn conducted a “series of experiments, using pig carcasses as surrogates for human bodies,” in order “to establish the conditions that will result in total destruction of organic matter in the cremation of bodies by means of an open pyre,” with a main focus on the amount of dry pine wood needed for an almost complete destruction of the carcasses investigated. They published the results of their experiments in 2018 (Yermán et al.). Due to its importance, the Bradley Smith Charitable Trust, aka CODOH, obtained a license to republish the entire article in Inconvenient History, where it is featured in the same issue as this present article.


The results of this study pertinent to the historical context here reviewed can be summarized as follows:


  1. A self-sustained burning of corpses on open-air pyres is not possible. Under all circumstances investigated, corpses are always heat sinks in a fire, hence require fuel to burn.

  2. The denser corpses are packed on a pyre, the less efficient a cremation is. Best results are obtained with only a single layer of corpses, with the corpses spaced apart to allow the fire to develop fully, and thus flames to engulf the corpse.

  3. Fuel efficiency is highest when only a part of the firewood is placed beneath the corpse, and the rest then added gradually with the progressing cremation, to keep the fire lively and the corpse engulfed. With these conditions, “a minimum of 5 times the weight of the body in dry wood is necessary to achieve almost complete destruction of all organic matter (<10%).”

  4. If all wood is stacked beneath the corpse, and the pyre is then left unattended, the fuel requirement increases to a “minimum of nine times the weight of the body in dry wood is necessary to achieve almost complete destruction of all organic matter (<10%).”

  5. A complete destruction near 100% would have required additional firewood.


Parallels and Differences


Yermàn et al. conducted their experiments with freshly euthanized pigs. Pigs are known for their similarity to humans in terms of size and the composition of their bodies. For the present purpose, it needs to be kept in mind that the combustibility of a pig’s carcass as well as a human corpse greatly depends on its body-fat contents. While today’s average body-fat percentage of humans may be similar to that of pigs, this assumption is most likely incorrect when talking about the impoverished and often famished Jewish masses who were deported to German wartime camps in 1942 and 1943. This is especially true for Treblinka and Bełżec, whence almost exclusively Jews from Polish ghettos were deported. These Jews had lived for years in ghettos where mal- and undernourishment was a rampant problem. It may therefore be assumed that the average body-fat percentage of these Jews was well below what is considered healthy (12% to 20% for men, and 20% and 30% for women; Abernathy/Black). This means in practice that the corpses of these Jews would have required more fuel to burn than results from the experiments of Yermàn et al.


Furthermore, many corpses burned in the German wartime camps had not been “freshly euthanized.” During the initial phases, these allegedly murdered humans were buried, and then, several months later, their partly decomposed bodies were presumably exhumed and burned. Hence, the consistency of these bodies greatly diverged from that of the pigs cremated by Yermàn et al. Since primarily protein and fat decompose, hence gradually lose their calorific value, while the water content may decrease only slightly, if at all – depending on the soil moisture of the burial site – decomposition has only a slight effect on the fuel requirement for graves in the moist soil of central Europe.


Yermàn et al. built their pyres by having a fine, ┌─┐-shaped iron steel grill at the bottom, with a clearing to the ground of maybe 10 cm. Beneath it, flat pans with a mixture of kerosene and heptane were used to light the firewood placed on top of the grill. The grill’s fine mesh size of maybe one centimeter or two allowed only ashes and small embers to fall through. This made sure that large embers and burning wood stayed close to the carcass.


In contrast to that, the Auschwitz pyres had no means of lighting them from below or removing ashes. While that would have been detrimental to starting and operating the fires, it would still have been a feasible operation. The pyres reported for Bełżec, Sobibór and Treblinka, on the other hand, are said to have had their firewood beneath a grill made of railway tracks, which inevitably would have had large gaps, allowing smaller corpse parts to fall into the fire below. However, only the flames reaching above the burning wood would have reached exclusively the underside of the lower layer of bodies, and that only initially. As the wood burned down, less and less flames would have reached the lower layer of bodies. This is an arrangement that might be conducive for grilling meat, and maybe for charring one side, if the meat is not turned over. It would have been impossible to completely burn even the lowest layer of bodies this way, however. Such an arrangement would have done close to nothing to higher layers.


Interspersing more firewood between several layers of bodies could have aided in burning higher layers, although lighting them would have been challenging. Much more challenging would have been to maintain such a multi-layered fire, which inevitably would have burned unevenly, resulting in uncontrolled pyre collapses. Since multi-layered corpses on a pyre result in an increased need of firewood per corpse compared to separate single-layer pyres, such an operation would have been more wasteful as well.


The pyres reported for Bełżec, Sobibór and Treblinka are said to have been huge in size. Hence, prolonged physical work near them would have been borderline impossible without heat-protection gear (which was not available to the crew working the pyres). Refueling these pyres with more wood would have been extremely challenging, and possible only at the edges of the pyre. However, refueling would not have overcome the problem that none of the corpses on top of the grill would have been in direct contact with the burning wood and glowing embers beneath.


Yermàn et al. also tried to evaluate whether it is possible to burn pig carcasses on a pyre without the need for any additional fuel, once the carcass, wrapped in cloth to imitate human clothes, had been “lit.” The thought behind this is that the carbonized skin and clothes act as a wick, enabling subcutaneous fat to maintain the combustion similar to a candle. However, as mentioned earlier, this has proven to be illusory. Pyre cremations require considerable amounts of fuel under any circumstances. Of course, the victims of the gas chambers are said to have been undressed before being killed, and then dumped into mass graves or later burned directly on pyres without wearing any clothes. While witness tales of self-immolating human bodies for these camps are quite common, they can be dismissed as entirely unrealistic.


The mass of dry pine wood required per mass of body to be cremated is considerably higher than what revisionists have assumed to be true so far. In his latest revisionist work on the matter, Carlo Mattogno lists a need for some 3.6 kg of dry wood per kg of organic mass for fairly normal bodies (as presumably deported to Sobibór from all over Europe, most of which were cremated right after having been murder) up to 13 kg for heavily emaciated bodies (as deported to Treblinka from the Warsaw Gheto) which were in their majority partly decomposed (Mattogno 2021, p. 282). While the last value is near the findings of Yermàn et al. of 9 kg of dry firewood per kg of non-decomposed organic mass of normal pigs (and thus humans) for a non-attended pyre, the 3.6 kg seem unrealistically low.


While Yermàn et al. used dry pine wood, the source of the wood presumably used at the German wartime camps, if mentioned at all, were trees freshly felled in the surrounding woods. Since fresh wood has a calorific value roughly half of that of dry wood, this would double the amount of wood needed for open-air pyre cremations to some 10 kg per kg of organic matter for refueled pyres, and some 18 kg for unattended pyres, provided normal bodies were cremated, which was not the case. The emaciated bodies cremated in many if not most cases of the German wartime camps would have had an even larger firewood requirement. For the attested-to unattended pyres, this would mean a firewood requirement of at least some 20 kg of fresh wood per kg of organic matter.


If this is true, the amount of wood required is staggering. At Auschwitz, most of the perhaps 500,000 victims cremated on pyres had been killed recently. Assuming an average body mass of men, women and children of 40 kg, the camp would have needed (500,000 × 40 kg × 18 =) 360 million kg of fresh wood, 360,000 metric tons. At Bełżec, Sobibór and Treblinka, the statistics are even more incredible. Including children in our considerations of the famished massed shipped to these camps, we may assume an average mass of a starved-person’s partially decomposed corpse of 30 kg. With this, each body would require (20 × 30 =) 600 kg of fresh wood. This would result in the following requirements of freshly cut wood in metric tons:



Claimed Victims

Wood Needed [t]













Spruce trees were dominating the woods of eastern Poland during WWII. With a 50-year-old spruce forest on average yielding some 50,000 metric tons of wood per square kilometer (Colombo, p. 161), this would have required the deforestation of some 15.7 square kilometers, 6 square miles or almost 4 million acres of land.




The simple wood-pile pyres reportedly used at Auschwitz were perfectly feasible, albeit not in deep pits. Since large numbers of victims of the 1942/1943 typhus epidemic could neither be cremated nor permanently buried, it is very likely that witness reports about these pyres are in fact based on real events of 1942. Massive open-air cremations for the year 1944, however, are clearly refuted by air photos.


The situation is different for witness reports about the pyres at the camps at Bełżec, Sobibór and Treblinka. These were presumably built using railway tracks on concrete posts. Such as setup would have been unable to cremate even the first layer of bodies, let alone any additional layers. Claims about this alleged design can be safely dismissed as untrue.


The firewood needs for open-air cremations have been the subject of much speculation and extrapolation from conflicting data derived from a variety of sources of mixed value. A first-ever empirical study of this issue brings clarity to the problem. The firewood requirements so far assumed by revisionists – Mattogno assumed some 250 kg of fresh wood, or some 125 kg of dry wood per human body (Mattogno 2021, p. 282) – is at the low, conservative end of what these new scientific experiments suggest. The actual value might be considerably higher than that.


Since it was logistically impossible to procure and process the needed firewood for the scale of operations claimed for Auschwitz, Bełżec, Sobibór and Treblinka, it must be assumed that any such open-air cremations, if they happened at all, had a scale of at least an order of magnitude smaller, and most certainly used other setups than those claimed for Bełżec, Sobibór and Treblinka. These assumptions are also consistent with archeological findings on the grounds of these former camps (see Mattogno 2021).




My gratitude goes to James Mawdsley who has ferreted out the paper by Luis Yermán, and to Thomas Dalton for critically reviewing this paper.




Referenced Studies


P. Abernathy, D. R. Black, “Healthy body weights: an alternative perspective,” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 63, No. 3, March 1996, pp. 448S-451S;


Guiseppe Colombo, Manuale dell’ingegnere civile e industriale, Enrico Hoepli Editore, Milan 1926.


Luis Yermán, Harrison Wall, Jerónimo Carrascal et al., “Experimental study on the fuel requirements for the thermal degradation of bodies by means of open pyre cremation,” Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 98, 2018, pp. 63-73; Safety Journal (2018).pdf.


Mainstream Narrative


Yitzhak Arad, BelzecSobibor The Operation Reinhard Death Camps, Indiana University Press, Bloomington/Indianapolis, 1987.


Alexander Donat (ed.), The Death Camp Treblinka, Holocaust Library, New York, 1979.


Danuta Czech, Ausch­witz Chronicle, 1939-1945, H. Holt, New York, 1990.


Wácław Długoborski, Franciszek Piper (eds.),Ausch­witz 1940-1945: Central Issues in the History of the Camp, Ausch­witz-Birkenau State Museum, Oświęcim, 2000.


Jonathan Harrison, Roberto Muehlenkamp, Jason Myers, Sergey Romanov, Nicholas Terry, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka: Holocaust Denial and Operation Reinhard, A Critique of the Falsehoods of Mattogno, Graf and Kues, A Holocaust Controversies White Paper,, December 2011.


Revisionist Critique


Academic Research Group (ed.), Holocaust Encyclopedia, 2nd ed., Bargoed, Wales, UK, 2024.


Jürgen Graf, Thomas Kues, Carlo Mattogno, Sobibór: Holocaust Propaganda and Reality, 2nd ed., Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, 2020.


Heinrich Köchel, “Outdoor Incineration of Livestock Carcasses,” Inconvenient History, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2015;


Thomas Kues, “Tree-felling at Treblinka,” Inconvenient History, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2009;


Carlo Mattogno, Ausch­witz: Open-Air Incinerations, 2nd ed., Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, 2016.


Carlo Mattogno, The “Operation Reinhardt” Camps Treblinka, Sobibór, Bełżec: Black Propaganda, Archeological Research, Expected Material Evidence, Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, 2021.


Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf, Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp, 4th ed., Castle Hill Publishers, Bargoed, UK, 2023.


Carlo Mattogno, Thomas Kues, Jürgen Graf. The “Extermination Camps” of “Aktion Reinhardt”: An Analysis and Refutation of Factitious “Evidence,” Deceptions and Flawed Argumentation of the “Holocaust Controversies” Bloggers, 2nd ed., Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, 2015.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Theresa May, the Jews and Israel





by Karl Radl


The former British Prime Minister Theresa May was a bit of stalking horse in British politics. Given that under ordinary political conditions; May attaining the position of Prime Minister would have been almost unthinkable given among other things her abject failure as Home Secretary to stop mass immigration into the United Kingdom (1) in spite of an assortment of promises to the contrary. (2)


Ever since the failure of the globalist elite to scare the British people into not voting for Britain’s exit from the European Union in the 2016 Brexit referendum. May was seen by the political establishment as the ‘natural’ successor to David Cameron. (3)


The reason for this is that May is a true political animal of the establishment stuffed shift variety: she is focused on promoting a globalist agenda and ‘celebrating diversity’, while all non-White groups get a free pass to largely do as they please. The core and most powerful constituencies of this kind in Britain today are the jews and Muslims.


A microcosm of this situation was seen in the 2016 London Mayoral election when the Conservative candidate – Zac Goldsmith – was a jew, while the Labour candidate – Sadiq Khan – was a Muslim. (4)


Gone are the days that the British had a significant say in their own destiny. Let alone have an empire of which the ‘sun never sets’.


Instead, the primary focus of the Conservative and Labour parties is in perpetually assuaging the delusional persecution complexes of the vocal and politically aggressive jewish and Muslim minorities.


Indeed, May defended the implementation of Sharia law in the United Kingdom (5) and she was regularly genuflecting to the jewish community for even longer. (6)


Perhaps the vilest piece of May’s distinct brand of philo-Semitism occurred in early 2016 when she addressed the UK branch of the B’nei Akiva.


The Times of Israel describes it thus:


‘Addressing the Bnei Akiva youth movement’s Israel Independence Day event this year, for instance, May bewailed the “tragic fact of history that the Jewish people have had to protect themselves against repeated attempts to obliterate them.”


She said she was “appalled” by the reported rise of anti-Semitism in Europe, including in the UK – “no one should live in fear because of their beliefs,” she said. She acknowledged that “many Jewish people in this country are feeling vulnerable and fearful… I never thought I would see the day when members of the Jewish community in the United Kingdom would say that they were fearful of remaining here in our country,” she said. “We cherish the enormous contribution you make… Without its Jews, Britain would not be Britain.”’ (7)


The B’nei Akiva (literally ‘Sons of Akiva’) to those of my readers who don’t know much jewish history is a religious Zionist organization, which has produced a fair few jewish terrorists in its time. (8) Now religious Zionism in general is usually one of the worst and most genocidal forms that Zionist political ideology can take. (9) However secular or religious a variant of Zionism that an individual believes in. All modern forms of Zionism take for granted that jews need to have an ethno-state in order to protect them from being ethnic cleansed by inter-faith/inter-racial relationships and marriages.


That B’nei Akiva is on the more extreme side of this scale is fairly obvious even from the organization’s name. Rabbi Akiva – after whom it is named – was a leading jewish religious zealot who served as the principle religious leader of the jewish revolt against the Romans led by Simeon bar Kochba. Both Rabbi Akiva and Simeon bar Kochba held that non-jews are lesser beings that exist to serve jews or be exterminated as the ‘seed of Amalek’ and acted accordingly. (10)


That May didn’t know this basic fact shows that quite frankly she had no right to be Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.


Yet she still addressed what is tantamount to a white supremacist group of jews and did so in terms that echoed the usual nonsensical platitudes about eternal jewish victimhood as well as how everyone has tried to exterminate them at some point or another.


May failed to ask the glaringly obvious question, which is very simply: why?


If the jews have been subject to so much persecution by so many disparate civilizations, cultures, governments and religions over more than two millennia. Then is it not far more likely that the said disparate civilizations, cultures, governments and cultures are reacting to something the jews are doing not just being ‘irrational’ and ‘jealous’ of them?


Why yes: it is.


May didn’t worry about such obvious issues and instead cannot pay homage to the jewish community enough. (11)


In her address to the UK chapter of the B’nei Akiva May asserted that ‘no one should live in fear for their beliefs’, but then she has expressly stated that wants to curtail the local tradition of free political speech and force Britons to live in fear for their beliefs if they offend jews and Muslims. (12)


Yet while May sought to criminalize any kind of right wing or nationalist thought – especially if it offends the little circumcised special snowflakes – that seeks to protect the British people from ethnic displacement. She is happily and openly speaking on behalf of the United Kingdom in supporting states that have racial nationalist agendas such as Israel. (13)


Indeed, so pro-Israel is Theresa May that I cannot find one Israeli or jewish media mainstream media outlet that wasn’t absolutely gushing in its praise of her.


The Jerusalem Post asserted that she was a ‘long standing friend of Israel’, (14) the Times of Israel and Haaretz describe her as a ‘firm supporter of Israel and the jewish community’, (15) the Jewish Chronicle thought that May was the most philo-Semitic Prime Minister ever (16) and the Jewish Daily Forward opined that she would come to Israel’s aid whenever the latter requires it. (17)


It is therefore unsurprising that May attempted to further clamp down on any right wing dissent from the globalist agenda (as the Jerusalem Post openly encouraged her to do), (18) because such views are – then as now – showing themselves to be both resilient and resurgent across both the United Kingdom and the rest of Europe.


We can thus see that when it came to her political priorities: Theresa May was firmly within the tradition of the mealy-mouthed establishment apparatchik. In so far as she puts the interests of vocal and politically aggressive minorities and even other states over those of her erstwhile electorate: the British people.


This is neatly summarized in the fact that the night before she took office: she chose to dine with the Chief Rabbi. (19)


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(8) Isi Leibler, 2008, ‘Jewish Religious Extremism’, 1st Edition, World Jewish Congress: New York, p. 39


(9) Cf. Israel Shahak, 2002, [1994], ‘Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years’, 1st Edition, Pluto Press: Sterling; Ami Pedahzur, Arie Perliger, 2009, ‘Jewish Terrorism in Israel’, 1st Edition, Columbia University Press: New York


(10) Mordechai Arad, 2014, ‘”For the Sake of Peace (mipnei darchei shalom)”: Rabbinic Attitudes towards Gentiles, Christians and Muslims’, p. 8 in Jacques Doukhan (Ed.), 2014, ‘The Three Sons of Abraham: Interfaith Encounters Between Judaism, Christianity and Islam’, 1st Edition, I. B. Tauris: New York




















via Karl Radl’s Substack