Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Jews and Christianity
Part II
"The Jew is not satisfied with de-Christianizing, he Judiazizes, he
destroys the Catholic or Protestant faith, he provokes indifference but he
imposes his idea of the world of morals and of life upon those whose faith he ruins.
He works at his age old task, the annilation of the religion of Christ." (Benard
Lazare, L'Antisemitism, p. 350; Rabbi Benamozegh, quoted in J. Creagh Scott's
Hidden Government, page 58).
"Today the Gentile Christians who claim of holy right have been led
in the wrong path. We, of the Jewish Faith have tried for centuries to teach
the Gentiles a Christ never existed, and that the story of the Virgin and of
Christ is, and always has been, a fictitious lie. In the near future, when the
Jewish people take over the rule of the United States, legally under our god,
we will create a new education system, providing that our god is the only one
to follow, and proving that the Christ story is a fake...Christianity will be
abolished." (M.A. Levy, Secretary of the World League of
Liberal Jews, in a speech in Los Angeles, California, August, 1949)
"Why should we believe in God? We hate Christianity and Christians.
Even the best of them must be regarded as our worst enemies. They preach love
of one's neighbor, and pity, which is contrary to our principles. Christian
love is a hinderance to the revolution. Down with love of one's neighbor; what
we want is hatred. We must know how to hate, for only at this price can we
conquer the universe...The fight should also be developed in the Moslem and
Catholic countries, with the same ends in view and by the same means." (Lunatcharski,
The Jewish Assault on Christianity, Gerald B. Winrod, page 44)
Judeo-Christian Heritage a Hoax: It
appears there is no need to belabor the absurdity and fallacy of the
"Judeo-Christian heritage" fiction, which certainly is clear to all
honest theologians. That "Judeo- Christian dialogue" in this context
is also absurd was well stated in the author-initiative religious journal,
Judaism, Winter 1966, by Rabbi Eliezar Berkowitz, chairman of the department of
Jewish philosophy, at the Hebrew Theological College when he wrote: "As to
dialogue in the purely theological sense, nothing could be more fruitless or
pointless. Judaism is Judaism because it rejects Christianity; and Christianity
is Christianity because it rejects Judaism. What is usually referred to as the
Jewish- Christian traditions exists only in Christian or Secularist
Fantasy." There is no doubt this is true! And the fantasy exists in
Christian and Secularist minds only because it was implanted there by the
persistent propaganda of the masters of intrigue of the ADL-AJC Network.
Nevertheless, there can be no doubt that knowledgeable theologians, Jewish and
Christians who constantly allude to "our Judeo-Christian heritage"
are for their own specious purposes perpetuate a grotesque and fantastic hoax.
"The newly founded Society of Jesus...Saint Ignatius. His secretary
Polanco, the only person present at his deathbed, was of Jewish descent. So was
Lainez, one of his first and greatest converts, was of Jewish descent...In a
short time, as the young Jesuit organization became a power for Catholic reform
and propaganda, Jews were attracted to it, as they are always attracted to
centers of influence, in such numbers that it was found difficult to keep out
those who wished to destroy the order and the Church under pretext of working
for them. Thus a nephew of the great and Catholic Jew Polanco followed him into
the society, and caused such difficulties and dissensions that for years he
nearly drove his superiors to despair." (Philip
II, William Thomas Walsh, p. 95)
"The doctrines which the Jews have been spreading throughout the
lands for years could not but have helped to undermine the Church's
power." (A Program for the Jews and Humanity, Rabbi
Harry Waton, p. 272).
"So against both the Albigenses and Huguenots this (Jewish) pope
now directed all his fury...The beautiful city of Beziers was razed to the
ground. 'We spared neither dignity, nor sex nor age' writes the monk. Arnold,
to his Holy Father, the pope. 'Nearly twenty thousand human beings perished by
the sword. And after the massacre the town was plundered and burnt, and the
revenge of God seemed to rage over it in a wonderful manner." (A
Program for the Jews and Humanity, Rabbi Harry Waton, p. 224).
"It is the Jews who originated biblical exegesis (a critical
analysis of the Bible), just as they were the first to criticize the forms and
doctrines of Christianity...Truly has Darmesteter written: 'The Jew was the
apostle of unbelief, and every revolt of mind originated with him.'" (Bernard
Lazare, Antisemitism: It's History and Causes, London: Britons Publishing Co.,
1967, pp. 149-151).
"Jewish Talmudism owes its existence today to the indifference with
which it is regarded... The Jew is prejudiced against the Bible, doing what he
can to destroy public honor of the Book." (The
International Jew, Vol. III, p. 16).
"Mrs. Van Hyning, I am surprised at your surprise. You are a
student of history -- and you know that both the Borgias and the Mediciis are
Jewish families of Italy. Surely you know that there have been Popes from both
of these house. Perhaps it will surprise you to know that we have had 20 Jewish
Popes, and when you have sufficient time, which may coincide with my free time,
I can show you these names and dates. You will learn from these that: The
crimes committed in the name of the Catholic Church were under Jewish Popes.
The leaders of the inquisition was one, de TorQuemada, a Jew." (Woman's
Voice, November 25, 1953)
"A Jewish question exists, and there will be one as long as the
Jews remain Jews. It is an actual fact that the Jews fight against the Catholic
Church. They are free thinkers, and constitute a vanguard of Atheism,
Bolshevism and Revolution...One should protect one's self against the evil
influence of Jewish morals, and particularly boycott the Jewish Press and their
demoralizing publications." (Pastoral letter issued in 1936.
"An Answer to Father Caughlin's Critics," page 98)
"We were also at pains to ask the Governments represented at the
Conference of Genoa, to make, by common agreement, a declaration which might
have saved Russia and all the world from many woes, demanding as a condition
preliminary to any recognition of the Soviet Government, respect for
conscience, freedom of worship and of church property. Alas, these three
points, so essential above all to those ecclesiastical hierarchies unhappily
separated from Catholic unity, were abandoned in favor of temporal interests,
which in fact would have been better safeguarded, if the different Governments
had first of all considered the rights of God, His Kingdom and His
Justice." (Letter of Pope Pius XI, On the Soviet
Campaign Against God, February 2, 1930; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, p.
"...Bolshevism in its proper perspective, namely, as the most
recent development in the age-long struggle waged by the Jewish Nation against...Christ..." (The
Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, p. 48)
"The anti-religious campaign of the Soviet must not be restricted
to Russia. It must be carried on throughout the world." (Stephanov,
quoted in J. Creagh Scott's Hidden Government, page 59)
Because of this hatred toward Christ and the Christian way of life, we
would ask: Is the Christian more dangerous to Judaism and the other religions
of the world, because God forbids them to injure his brother, is the same God
before whom we are both one day to appear in judgment; is that God less
tremendous to the wicked, or less favorable to the just, because on His word we
believe him to be one in essence, though three in persons? This hatred of the
Jews which is becoming more and more frenzied, which even the pagans and
infidels themselves could not justify on such pretexts as they present for
public consumption. What fanatic rage must it be that blinds the Jews, when in
contradiction with themselves, they applaud the toleration of the ancient
Philosophers, who, though disbelieving the mysteries of Paganism, never
attempted to rob the people of their religion; while on the other hand they
incessantly conspire against Christians and Christianity under pretence that it
contains some sort of mysteries.
Another objection not less extravagant, is that against Revelation
itself. It is God, they say, whom the Christians declare to have spoken; hence
there can be no further liberty of opinion in man on matters of faith. The
so-called defenders of liberty and equality is then authorized to rise in arms
against Christ and Christianity and its way of life which, they say, denies
people of their liberty. Such is thier arguments. But to what length does their
frenzy carry them? Rabbis for hundreds of years have conspired to overthrow
every altar, Catholic, Protestant, Lutheran, or any of the other Christian
sects. What stupid idea is this? Can reason be traced through plots and
conspiracies, of which the sole tendency is the overthrow of the religion of
the White Race, under the pretence of liberty of worship; we have heard all
sorts of false ideas to crush the God of the Christians
For 2000 years we have seen them conspire and use every artifice of
cunning intrigue to rob the world of the religion of God, of Christianity. And
because they utter the empty sounds of Liberty, Equality and Toleration, people
mistake their utterings as that of profound men, when they are nothing but
empty shells, trying to escape the judgment they know is coming. Perhaps most
telling of all is that 'it was American Roman Catholic bishops in the middle
and late 19th Century who demanded the removal of Bible reading from public
schools...' Why? The full weight of history confirms that the Bible has been
and continues to be opposed by those seeking to destroy freedom, but those
seeking to bring mankind into bondage. This speaks volumes about the worth and
the truth of the Bible. The West's tyrants of tomorrow are even now painting
heavily against it, and in particular, the 17th- century King James Version is
based on the Textus Receptus (also banned by Rome) with Hebrew and Greek texts
differing from all other modern verses, which come from the Judaized
Alexandrian texts, and contains many errors.
Dr. Albert M. Gessman, writing in the Winter 1969 number of the
conservative Jewish journal, "Issues." After contrasting critically
almost nine pages of glaring differences between Judaism and Christianity to
the disadvantage of the latter, and after reviewing the back-grounds of both
religions, he concludes that, "A Judeo-Christian heritage or tradition in
the proper sense of that hyphenated word does not exist; it has no foundation
in historical fact." There is Edom [Esau is
called Edom in Genesis 36:8. And Edom is in 'Modern Jewry' Jewish Encyclopedia,
1925 edition, Vol. 5, p. 41.
"A Cultist is one who has a strong belief in the Bible and the
Second Coming of Christ; who frequently attends Bible studies; who has a high
level of financial giving to a Christian cause; who home schools his children;
who has accumulated survival foods and has a strong belief in the 2nd
Amendment, and who distrusts Big Government." (Janet Reno, in a speech before an ATF luncheon, Washington, D.C.)
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Dr. Kevin MacDonald Destroys the Khazar Theory!
Dr. Kevin
MacDonald comes on the Dr. David Duke Radio Show and effectively exposes Khazar
Theory as completely a bogus concept purposely promoted by Zionists to hide
their racism!
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Toward a Healthy Society
By Dr. William L. Pierce
I’ve spoken before about the deliberately
destructive role of the mass media in American society. I’ve talked about the
psychology of liberalism, about what makes liberals do the crazy and
destructive things they do. Today, though, instead of talking about the enemies
of our society, the enemies of our people, let’s just talk about our people and
the sort of society that we need.
You know, a
society is a very complex thing: it is like a living organism. It responds to
selective environmental forces, and it evolves. In past ages it was the
struggle of our people to survive, the competition of our people against other
peoples, other races, which determined the nature of our society. Societies
which functioned well survived. Societies which didn’t function well perished.
Historically, if some crazy liberal came along and were able to change all of
the rules and structures in a society to suit some egalitarian fantasy of his,
the society would sink like a rock, and its people would perish. And that’s
what’s happening to our society today, although it may not be apparent to us
because of the time scale. After the experimenters finish their deadly work, it
may take a society 200 years to disintegrate completely and sink out of sight.
That’s not long from a historical viewpoint, but it’s long enough so that most
of the people involved never realize what’s happening to them.
The society
we had in Europe up until the end of the 18th century — or one may say, the various
national societies there, which really were very much alike when compared with
any non-European society — this European society had evolved over a period of
many, many generations of our people, and it had fine-tuned itself to our
special nature; it had developed its institutions and its ways of doing things
which suited us as a people and allowed us to form viable, efficient
communities. And when we colonized North America and other parts of the world,
we brought the essential elements of our society with us.
The first
essential element was order. Everyone had a place in our society, whether he
was the village blacksmith or the king, and he knew what that place was. He
knew how he fitted in, what his responsibilities were, to whom he owed loyalty
and respect, and to whom he in turn was obliged to provide guidance. It was a
hierarchical society. There was no pretense that everyone was just as capable
or just as creative or just as brave or just as suited for leadership as anyone
else. People had social rank and social status and social authority
commensurate with their social responsibilities and with their contributions to
The second
essential feature that our society had was homogeneity. Everyone had the same
roots, the same history, the same genes, the same sensibilities. Or at least,
there was enough genetic similarity, there was a close enough family
relationship among the people, so that people understood each other. A village,
a province, a nation was like a large, extended family. People felt a sense of
kinship, a sense of belonging, a sense of loyalty and responsibility that
extended to the whole society. This feeling of belonging, this sense of a
common history and a common destiny, this sense of identity, was the glue that
held the society together and gave it its strength. And it gave men and women
their individual strength too. Just knowing who they were, where they had been,
and where they were going made an enormous difference in their sense of
personal security, in their ability to plan ahead and be reasonably confident
of what the future held for them.
homogeneity and the consequent sense of family, of identity, was thousands of
years in developing, just like the hierarchical order in our society. And we
developed, we evolved, along with our society. The type of society we had
become imprinted on our genes. Of course, it wasn’t a perfect society. It was
full of problems and imperfections. We always were developing new technologies,
for example, and our society didn’t always have time to adjust itself to these
innovations before even more innovations came along. But it was a society in
which we were strong and confident and more or less spiritually healthy.
You know,
the opponents of social order and racial homogeneity will try to confuse the
issue by pointing out that we have a longer life span today, that our infant
mortality rate is much lower, that we don’t have to work as hard to support
ourselves, that we can buy all sorts of shiny gadgets that our ancestors
couldn’t, and so on. They want you to believe that these changes came about as
benefits of the breakdown of order and the destruction of homogeneity. But they
didn’t. They are all the results of technological innovation. Our medical
scientists learned how to control the diseases which shortened our lives. Our
scientists and engineers learned how we could work more efficiently. And they
learned how to make new tools and new toys for us.
Now, to be
sure, not all of the degenerative changes in our society which have occurred in
the past couple of centuries have been the consequence of the destructive
efforts of the Jews and the liberals. The Industrial Revolution really was a
huge shock to our traditional form of society. The Industrial Revolution took
people off the farms and out of the villages and packed them into factory towns
like sardines in a can. This was a great strain on the old order. The new
relationship between factory owner and factory workers was not as healthy a one
as had existed between landowner and workers on the land, nor was the new,
urban life-style as spiritually healthy as the village life-style.
Unrest and
revolution were fomented from the latter part of the 18th century and
throughout the 19th and 20th centuries: egalitarianism, Communism, democracy,
equal rights, no responsibilities, welfare programs, feminism. The old order
was drowned in blood. In France the aristocrats and the landowners were
butchered in response to the resentments which the liberals had stirred up
among the rabble. Later in Russia the same process took place, when the Jewish
Bolsheviks finally gained the upper hand and butchered not just the
aristocrats, but everyone who had worked a little harder and been a little more
successful than the rabble. The kulaks, the small farmers and
landowners, were murdered en masse, by the millions, in order to
“equalize” Russian society and destroy the last traces of the old, hierarchical
And into the
social chaos of the 20th century the enemies of our people were able to
introduce their idea of racial equality alongside their idea of social
equality. We were told that the descendants of our slaves are just as good as
we are — maybe better — and so they should become our social equals. We should
bring them into our schools and neighborhoods, and we should intermarry with
them, and we should buy Food Stamps for them with our taxes, and we should give
them preference in hiring and promotions. And we should open our borders to all
of the non-White wretched refuse of the Third World’s teeming shores. They also
are our equals, we are told. The more diversity the better. Diversity is our
strength. Et cetera. Et cetera. Blah, blah, blah.
We were too
disoriented and confused by the destruction of our social order to resist this
poisonous propaganda. And so here we are at the end of the 20th century. There
are some people who will try to convince you that things never have been
better. We certainly have more equality and less order, more diversity and less
homogeneity than ever before. And that obviously suits some people, in addition
to the liberals and the Jews who have been pushing for these changes.
Are these
changes better for us?
The suicide
statistics, the drug statistics, the crime statistics, the divorce statistics,
and the mental illness statistics give us part of the answer. The statistics
should help us keep our grip on reality when the Jewish media try to persuade
us that we need more of the same poison they have been dishing out for so long:
more equality, more chaos, more diversity.
And we
should be able to look into our own souls for the rest of the answer. We should
know that we need again to have an ordered, structured society, in which we all
have a place and will be appreciated according to how effectively we fill that
place. We should know that we need again to have a homogeneous society, in
which we can feel a sense of belonging. We should know that we need a society
in which we have a sense of permanence and stability, not chaos and
uncertainty. We should know that we need a society in which everyone strives
for quality, not for an imaginary equality. We should know that in order to be
spiritually healthy again we need a society in which we can feel a sense of
rootedness and responsibility, rather than the aimless, wandering, rootless,
cosmopolitan, egoism which characterizes American society today.
If we are
honest with ourselves we know that we all crave a healthy society again, we
need it. But too many of us have let ourselves be persuaded by the enemies of
our people that the type of society we need is no longer attainable. Our
enemies tell us, “We have destroyed the order in your society. We have made
everyone equal, and you dare not try to take that equality away. That would be
like trying to take candy away from a child. We have opened the candy store and
told all the children that they can have as much as they want, and it’s all
free. They all will fight you if you try to change that, if you try to tell
them that they must earn their candy.” And our enemies grin in triumph when
they see how that demoralizes and discourages so many of us.
And they
tell us, “We have destroyed the homogeneity in your society. We have replaced
your homogeneity with diversity. We have brought every non-White type on the
face of the earth into your midst, we have brought them in by the millions, and
we have forced you to mix with them. Now there’s nothing you can do to restore
your homogeneity.” And again they grin and say, “What will you do? Will you try
to root out every non-White and every mongrel and send them all away or get rid
of them? You don’t have the stomach for that. So you’d better just learn to
live with all of these non-Whites and mongrels. Pretty soon you’ll be a
minority in your own land.” And they gloat.
And it is
true, of course, that many of us do not yet have the stomach to do what must be
done. And so the suicide rate and the divorce rate and the abortion rate will
keep rising. The government will continue building more prisons. The cults will
continue thriving. And the Jews and the liberals will keep telling us how
wonderful everything is, how things have never been better, how we should
appreciate all of the equality and diversity.
But, you
know, all the while the number of us who do have the stomach to do what must be
done will be growing. Our numbers are growing, because more and more of our
people are coming to understand that the only alternative is death: death for
our society, death for our children, death for our kind. What the Jews and
liberals have done to our society is lethal. It cannot be sustained.
Order and
homogeneity, a sense of identity and belonging, are not just luxuries for us.
They are essential. Without them our society sickens and dies. The liberals may
not be able to understands that, and the Jews, with their media propaganda, try
to keep the rest of us from understanding it, but we can see the proof of it
all around us. And we are determined to do whatever we must do to have once
again a society for our own kind, a society to which we can really belong and
feel a sense of responsibility to, a society in which we have a place and are
appreciated if we fill that place well, a society based on order and quality
and structure and commonality. We will have it. We will do what is necessary.
From Free Speech,
May 1997, Volume III, Number 5
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Monday, March 14, 2016
Ursula Haverbeck - "The Greatest Problem of Our Time" [English Subtitles]
This old German lady is breaking the law. What
she says in twenty minutes in this video landed her in prison for 10 months in
Find out
why, as Ursula Haverbeck challenges "The Greatest Problem of Our
Ursula's site (in German):