Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Saturday, May 27, 2017
World Domination
Part III
is in existence a plan of world organization about which much has been said for
several years past, in favor of which determined propaganda has been made among
the masses, and towards which our present rulers are causing us to slide
gradually and unconsciously. We mean to say the socialist collectivist
organization. It is that which is the most in harmony with the character, the
aptitudes and the means of action of the Jewish race; it is that which bears
the signature, the trade-mark of this new reigning people; it is that which it
wishes to impose on the Christian world because it is only by this means that
it can dominate the latter.
Instead of
wearing a military or political character, the dictatorship imposed by the
Jewish race will be a financial industrial, commercial dictatorship. At least
for a time, it will show itself as little as possible. The Jews have endowed
the commercial, industrial and financial world with the Join-Stock Company,
thanks to which they are able to hide their immense riches. They will endow the
entire Christian world with that which they have bestowed on France: the
Joint-Stock Company for the exploitation of nations called Republic, thanks to
which they will be able to hide their kingship.
We are
moving then towards the Universal Republic because it is only thus that Jewish
financial, industrial and commercial kingship can be established. But under its
republican mask this kingship will be infinitely more despotic than any other.
It will be exactly that which man has established over the animal. The Jewish
race will maintain its hold upon us by our needs.
It will rely
on a strongly organized and carefully chosen police so generously paid that it
will be ready to do anything just as the presidents of republics, who are given
twelve hundred thousand francs and who are chosen especially for the purpose,
are ready to put their signature to anything. Beyond the policy, nothing but
workmen on one side, and on the other engineers, directors, administrators. The
workers will be all the non-Jews. The engineers, directors and administrators
will, on the contrary, be Jews; we do not say the Jews and their friends; we
say, the Jews; for the Jews then will have no more friends. And they will be a
hundred times right, in such a situation, to rely only upon those who will be
of the 'Race.' This may all seem impossible to us; and nevertheless it will
come about in the most natural way in the world, because everything will have
been prepared secretly, as the (French and Russian) revolution was.
In the most
natural way in the world, we say, in this sense that there must always be
engineers, directors and administrators so that the human flock may work and
live and that, furthermore, the reorganization of the world which we shall have
disorganized cannot be operated savvy by those who will have previously
gathered in wealth everywhere.
By reason of
this privileged situation, which we are allowing to become established for
their benefit, the Jews alone will be in a position to direct everything. The
peoples will put their hand to the wheel to bring about this state of things,
they will collaborate in the destruction of all other power than that of the
State as long as they are allowed to believe that the State, this State which
possesses all, is themselves.
They will
not cease to work for their own servitude until the day when the Jews will say
to them: 'We beg your pardon! You have not understood. The State, this State
which owns everything, is not you, it is us!' The people then will wish to
resist. But it will be too late to prevent it, because all moral forces having
ceased to exist, all material forces will have been shattered by that same
cause. Sheep do not resist the sheep-dog trained to drive them and possessing
strong jaws. All that the working class could do, would be to refuse to work.
The Jews are not simpletons enough not to foresee that. They will have
provisions for themselves and for their watch-dogs. They will allow famine to
subdue resistance. If the need should arise they would have no scruple in
hurling on the people, mutinous but unarmed, their police made invincible
because they will be provided with the most up to date weapons against
powerless mobs. Have we not already a vision of the invincibility of organized
forces against the crowd (remember Tenamin Square in China).
France has
known, and she has not forgotten the rule of the Masonic Terror. She will know,
and the world will know with her the rule of the Jewish terror." (Copin
Albancelli, La conjuration juive contre les peuples. E. Vitte, Lyon, 1909, p.
450; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, pp.
"As for the final result of the
Messianic revolution it will always be the same...the nations will be converted
to Judaism and will obey the law, or else they will be destroyed, and the Jews
will be the masters of the world." (G.
Batault, Le probleme juif, p. 135; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by
Vicomte Leon de Poncins, pp. 203-204)
"We Jews, who have posed as the
saviors of the world. We are today, nothing but the worlds seducers, its
destroyers, its incendiaries, its executioners. There is no further doubt that
the influence of the Jews today justify a very careful study and cannot
possibly be viewed without serious alarm." (The World Significance of the Russian Revolution)
"Marxism, on which Bolshevism is
founded, really did not express the political side of the Russian character and
the Bolsheviks were not sincere Socialists or Communists, but Jews, working for
the ulterior motives of Judaism. Lev Cherny divided these Jews into three main
classes, firstly, financial Jews, who dabbled in muddy international waters;
secondly, Zionists, whose aims are, of course, well known; and, thirdly, the Bolsheviks,
including the Jewish Bund. The creed of these Bolsheviks, according to the
lecturer, is, briefly, that the proletariat of all countries are nothing but
gelatinous masses, which, if the Intellegentia were destroyed in each country,
would leave these masses at the mercy of the Jews." (The Cause of World Unrest (1920), Gerard
Shelley, pp. 136-137; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, p. 37-38).
Following Law of the Jews, as laid out by
the Jewish Sanhedrin or the Learned Elders of Zion to bring about World
Domination by the Jews for they have decreed, "The Law must be
fulfilled!" That law is the establishment of the Kingdom of Adonai, the
Jewish Lord of the Universe, built upon the ruins of all old civilizations.
The Chicago Tribune, July 4, 1933. A
pageant of "The Romance of a People," "tracing the history of
the Jews through the past forty centuries, was given on the Jewish Day in
Soldier Field, in Chicago on July 3-4, 1933. It was listened to almost in
silence by about 125,000 people, the vast majority being Jews. Most of the
performers, 3,500 actors and 2,500 choristers, were amateurs, but with their
race's inborn gift for vivid drama, and to their rabbis' and cantors' deeply
learned in centuries of Pharisee rituals, much of the authoritative music and
pantomime was due.
'Take the curious placing of the thumb to
thumb and forefinger to forefinger by the High Priest [which is simply a crude
picture of a woman's vagina, which the Jews apparently worship] when he lifted
his hands, palms outward, to bless the multitude...Much of the drama's text was
from the Talmud [although the goy audience was told it was from the Old
Testament] and orthodox ritual of Judaism.'
A Jewish chant in unison, soft and low, was
at once taken up with magical effect by many in the audience, and orthodox Jews
joined in many of the chants and some of the spoken rituals.
The Tribune's correspondent related: 'As I
looked upon this spectacle, as I saw the flags of the nations carried to their
places before the reproduction of the Jewish Temple [Herod's Temple] in
Jerusalem, and as I saw the six-pointed Star, the Illuminated interlaced
triangles, shining above all the flags of all the peoples of all the
"The principal end, which is Jewish
world-domination, is not yet reached. But it will be reached and it is already
closer than masses of the so-called Christian States imagine. Russian Czarism,
the German Empire and militarism are overthrown, all peoples are being pushed
towards ruin. This is the moment in which the true domination of Jewry has its
beginning." (Judas Schuldbuch,
The Wise Men of Zion)
Jewish objectives as outlined in Protocols
of the Learned Elders of Zion:
1) Banish God from the heavens and
Christianity from the earth.
2) Allow no private ownership of property
or business.
3) Abolish marriage, family and home.
Encourage sexual promiscuity, homosexuality, adultery, and fornication.
4) Completely destroy the sovereignty of
all nations and every feeling or expression of patriotism.
5) Establish a one-world government through
which the Luciferian Illuminati elite can rule the world. All other objectives
are secondary to this one supreme purpose.
6) Take the education of children
completely away from the parents. Cunningly and subtly lead the people thinking
that compulsory school attendance laws are absolutely necessary to prevent
illiteracy and to prepare children for better positions and life's
responsibilities. Then after the children are forced to attend the schools get
control of normal schools and teacher's colleges and also the writing and
selection of all text books.
7) Take all prayer and Bible instruction
out of the schools and introduce pornography, vulgarity, and courses in sex. If
we can make one generation of any nation immoral and sexy, we can take that
8) Completely destroy every thought of
patriotism, national sovereignty, individualism, and a private competitive enterprise
9) Circulate vulgar, pornographic
literature and pictures and encourage the unrestricted sale and general use of
alcoholic beverage and drugs to weaken and corrupt the youth.
10) Foment, precipitate and finance large
scale wars to emasculate and bankrupt the nations and thereby force them into a
one-world government.
11) Secretly infiltrate and control
colleges, universities, labor unions, political parties, churches, patriotic
organizations, and governments. These are direct quotes from their own writings
(The Conflict of the Ages, by Clemens Gaebelein pp. 100-102).
12) The creation of a World Government.
dear questioner, you are too curious, and want to know too much. We are not
permitted to talk about these things. I am not allowed to say anything, and you
are not supposed to know anything about the Protocols. For God's sake be
careful, or you will be putting your life in danger." (Arbbi
Grunfeld, in a reply to Rabbi Fleishman regarding the validity of the
CFR member (and former chairman of Citicorp)
Walter Wriston's The Twilight of Sovereignty is published in which he declares
that "The world can no longer
be understood as a collection of national economies, (but) a single global
economy...A truly global economy will require concessions of national power and
compromises of national sovereignty that seemed impossible a few years ago and
which even now we can but partly imagine...The global {information} network
will be internationalists in their outlook and will approve and encourage the
worldwide erosion of traditional sovereignty...The national and international
agendas of nations are increasingly being set not by some grand government plan
but by the media." He also spoke of "The new international financial
system...a new world monetary standard...the new world money market...the new
world communications network...the new international monetary system," and
he says "There is no escaping the system."
Few people know of this because they do not
carefully read their Scriptures and because of the great pains which Jews have
take to deceive the Christians. Care has been exerted by the Jews to hide their
ECONOMIC-POLITICAL conspiracy for complete world domination UNDER high sounding
words that have a "RELIGIOUS" ring in the ears of Christians.
FATHER DENIS FAHEY; in his book The Rulers
of Russia, page 25: "The real
forces behind Bolshevism is Russia are Jewish forces, and Bolshevism is really
an instrument in the hands of the Jews for the establishment of their future
Messianic kingdom."
A.N. FIELD, The Truth About the Slump, page
208: "The World today, however
provides a spectacle of a great concentration of Jewish power. In New York
there is a concentration of Jewish financial power dominating the entire world
in its material affairs, and side by side with it is the greates physical
concentration of the Jews ever recorded. On the other side of the globe, there
has taken place in Russia the greatest concentration of the Jewish
revolutionary activity in all history...
The enormously significant thing in the
world today is that both this power of the purse (Theodor Herzl's
"terrible (Jewish) power of the purse") and revolutionary activity
are working in the direction of destroying the entire existing order of things,
and not only are they working in a common direction, but there is a mass of
evidence that they are working in unison."
York Tribune, March 29, 1939: "The
war now proposed is for the purpose of establishing Jewish influence throughout
the world."
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Monday, May 22, 2017
Saturday, May 20, 2017
Democracy and Propaganda
Dr. William
I do appreciate the feedback I receive from listeners,
who give me their responses to my broadcasts and who tell me about their own
concerns and ideas and who sometimes give me useful tips on news stories that I
might not have learned about otherwise.
One thing I’m reminded of over
and over again by listener feedback is that many listeners still haven’t
assimilated a message I’ve included in nearly every broadcast, and that is the
central importance of Jewish media control to all of our problems. Many listeners,
perhaps even a majority, still believe that somehow, when the White public
becomes sufficiently exasperated, we can vote ourselves out of our problems.
When I have said that the whole democratic process is merely a sham, an
illusion, in the age of television, they haven’t believed me. They still cling
to the notion that democracy is inherent in White life, that it is with us to
stay, and that we must rely on it in order to overcome our problems. This
notion seems to have been implanted so deeply in their consciousness that it
will take a real trauma to uproot it. Well, you can be sure that the trauma is
on its way, but meanwhile it behooves some of us to understand the situation.
A couple of weeks ago I quoted
a few sentences from a book published in 1928 titled Propaganda, by the
Jew Edward Bernays. Today I’ll read to you an expanded set of excerpts from
Bernays’ book to give you a little more of the gist of his message. I quote:
conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of
the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate
this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is
the true ruling power of our country.
‘We are
governed, our minds are molded, our tastes are formed, our ideas suggested
largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in
which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must
cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning
attitude one chooses to take toward this condition, it remains a fact that in
almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or
business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by
the relatively small number of persons... who understand the mental processes
and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control
the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind
and guide the world....
the effect on the public is created by a professional propagandist, sometimes
by an amateur deputed for the job. The important thing is that it is universal
and continuous; and in its sum total is regimenting the public mind every bit
as much as an army regiments the bodies of its soldiers....
systematic study of mass psychology revealed to students the potentialities of
invisible government of society by manipulation of the motives which actuate
man in the group.... So the question naturally arose: If we understand the
mechanism and motives of the group mind is it not possible to control and
regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it?
‘The recent
practice of propaganda has proved that it is possible, at least up to a certain
point and within certain limits....
‘No serious
sociologist believes any longer that the voice of the people expresses any
divine or especially wise and lofty idea. The voice of the people expresses the
mind of the people, and that mind is made up for it by the group leaders in
whom it believes and by those persons who understand the manipulation of public
‘Whether in
the problem of getting elected to office or in the problem of interpreting and
popularizing new issues, or in the problem of making the day-to-day
administration of public affairs a vital part of the community life, the use of
propaganda, carefully adjusted to the mentality of the masses, is an essential
adjunct of political life.’
I should mention that Bernays’
book is not profound or especially valuable in itself. It merely states a few
self-evident facts about the way in which a modern society works. For the
person interested in propaganda, far more useful books are available. The fact
that Bernays was a Jew is not even especially relevant here except to emphasize
that propaganda, the mass media, psychology, and the manipulation of others
always have been subjects of special interest to the Jews. It is not for
nothing that they are as thick in these fields today as they were in the time
of Bernays and Freud. The reason I chose Bernays’ book to quote is that it
provides a more concise and clear summary, in a few quotable paragraphs, of the
role of propaganda in modern life than most other books on the subject.
If I were you I wouldn’t even
waste time trying to hunt down a copy of Bernays’ book. Although it is
available in larger libraries, it’s long been out of print, and all it does is
state the obvious: namely, that the whole concept of democracy is meaningless
in an age where a few people have in their hands the mechanism for controlling
the attitudes and opinions of a majority of the electorate. And Bernays also
takes the disingenuous position that not only is this control a fact of life,
but it is a good thing; it is necessary to control and regiment the thinking of
the public in order to avoid chaos, and it can only lead us to greater progress
and prosperity. He simply glosses over the question of who should exercise this
control and what their motives should be.
If you really want to study
the subject of propaganda, a good place to start is with the 1962 book, also
titled Propaganda, by the Frenchman Jacques Ellul. That book is still in
print and is available from the sponsor of this program, National Vanguard
Books. Professor Ellul deals with the subject in much greater depth and with
much greater honesty than Bernays does, but he agrees with Bernays on the most
obvious and fundamental conclusions: on the irrelevance of the idea of
democracy, for example. I quote from Professor Ellul’s book:
‘If I am in
favor of democracy, I can only regret that propaganda renders the true exercise
of it almost impossible. But I think that it would be even worse to entertain
any illusions about a coexistence of true democracy and propaganda.’
To me it is frustrating that a
conclusion that seems so obvious is nevertheless resisted by so many otherwise
intelligent people. Democracy has become almost a sacred concept to them, this
idea that the policies guiding our nation should be decided by counting the
votes of every featherless biped who has reached the age of 18. It’s like
motherhood: they’re almost afraid to question it.
This seems to be as true of
intellectuals in our society as it is of Joe Sixpacks. The fact is that
intellectuals are no more likely to be independent-minded than people who work
with their hands; most intellectuals, just like most Joe Sixpacks, are
lemmings. In fact, as Ellul points out, it is precisely the intellectuals who
are most strongly controlled by propaganda, because they are more open to every
medium of propaganda.
And I must admit that it took
me a long time to overcome the ideas drummed into me when I was in school that
under a democracy people are more free than under any other political system,
that under a democracy we are all free to think and say whatever we want, and
that we have a greater responsibility as citizens of a democracy to make up our
own minds about things independently, and so on. Actually, we still have some
degree of individual freedom in the United States today because more than 200
years ago men whose temperament was far more aristocratic than democratic in
the modern sense of the word were willing to go to war against their legitimate
government in order to secure that freedom for us, and people with a truly
democratic temperament, who have been gnawing away at that freedom ever since,
haven’t yet succeeded in suppressing it completely.
Well, it should not be
surprising to us that although books such as Professor Ellul’s Propaganda
– and many others – are readily available, almost no one has heard of them.
Keeping the public believing in the myth of democracy is an important element
in maintaining control over the thinking and behavior of the public. It is
simply immoral and scandalous to question the reality of democracy. It’s like
questioning the truth of the “Holocaust” story. And for that reason we’re not
likely to be taught in our social studies classes in school or to read in the
New York Times or the Wall Street Journal even the most obvious and
self-evident conclusions presented by Bernays or Ellul. We’re still taught how
democracy safeguards our freedom, even while those who control the mechanism of
propaganda in our democratic society are working day and night to eliminate
that freedom.
Already “freedom” means to
Sally Soccermom the right to buy either blue plastic hair curlers or pink
plastic hair curlers or yellow plastic hair curlers or no hair curlers at all
at the shopping mall. And to her husband it means the right to watch whatever
ball game he chooses and to go to the refrigerator for another six-pack at
halftime. And both Sally Soccermom and Joe Sixpack have pretty well been
brought around by democrats to the opinion that the First Amendment doesn’t really
give anyone the right to say “hateful” things: things that offend other people.
A majority of them already believe that racism is illegal – or ought to be
It is unfortunate that we
cannot use propaganda the way it is used against us. I’m certainly not a
propaganda expert myself, but I understand enough about it to know that the use
of propaganda on a large enough scale to be effective in changing the attitudes
and the behavior of the public requires a much larger mechanism than anyone but
the Jews possess. I’m talking here about so-called “vertical propaganda,” which
simultaneously conditions large numbers of people through the use of
television, magazine advertising, and other mass media. The Jews worked hard to
seize control of that mechanism and build it up throughout all of the last
There is, of course, what is
called “horizontal propaganda,” in which the attitudes and behavior of
individuals in small groups are changed through suggestion by group leaders and
guided group discussion. This is the sort of thing that was used in communist
prison camps and in some religious cults and is used in “sensitivity training”
in America to condition employees in government and in private business today.
It also is used to a frighteningly large extent in America’s schools to
propagandize children. It doesn’t require much in the way of mechanism, as
“vertical propaganda” does, but it does require a large number of conditioning
groups operating simultaneously in order to be effective on a significant
portion of the population, and that in turn requires a large organizational
infrastructure to get people into the groups and then to coordinate their
I find all of this very
interesting, but also a little depressing. I cannot help but agree with Bernays
and Ellul that the governing role of propaganda is inevitable in a modern,
centralized, technological society. Without propaganda as a coordinator for the
lemmings, we would have chaos. The only way to avoid propaganda would be to return
to the sort of decentralized society without mass media, based on the farm and
the village, that we had during the Middle Ages and in ancient times, and we
can’t do that as long as we live in a world where we are surrounded by
dangerous enemies: which is to say, we cannot afford decentralization and the
giving up of our mass communications capabilities as long as we have Chinese or
Jews waiting for us to lower our vigilance. The important thing is not to try
to avoid propaganda – we really can’t do that – but to ensure that the people
who control the content and the direction of the propaganda are our people and
that they have the right motivations. That is the essential thing. Beside this
everything else becomes insignificant.
An understanding of our
present situation leads us to a conclusion that many otherwise intelligent
people are afraid to confront. That frightening conclusion is that there is no
peaceful way out of this situation. The Jews never will voluntarily relinquish
control of the mechanism of propaganda, and as long as they retain control
America and our civilization and our people will continue down the slippery
slope toward oblivion: non-White immigration will continue, the White birthrate
will remain far below the replacement level, the media will continue pushing
multiculturalism and race-mixing, and the Jews will continue their efforts to
reduce our freedom to a choice of hair curlers and ball games, as they already
have done in Europe. And as long as their television screens stay lit and the
shelves at the shopping malls remain full of consumer goods, the lemmings will
go along happily with everything.
We cannot vote our way out of
our planned demise. Either we will let ourselves be led into extinction by the
masters of propaganda like lambs to the slaughter, or we will fight back, and
when we fight back there will be a period of bloody chaos. When I have said
this in the past I have been accused by people who otherwise agreed with me of
having bloody-minded fantasies. They did not want to face the prospect of
violence and bloodshed, and when I said that we must face it they accused me of
wanting it.
Well, I don’t want it – except
as an alternative that is infinitely preferable to extinction. I prefer a
peaceful path to survival and freedom and progress, but I no longer believe
that a peaceful path remains for us. The people who accused me of being bloody
minded were people who were comfortable, who were living fairly high on the
hog, and of course they didn’t want their comfort to end. They didn’t want
their comfortable world to become chaotic and dangerous and bloody. I can’t
blame them for that. But they let their desire for a continuation of comfort
hide the truth from them. They wanted to believe that we can vote our way out
of the mess we’re in and that everything can be resolved peacefully, and so
that’s what they believed. I can only agree with Professor Ellul that the worst
thing we can do now is entertain any illusions about the efficacy of democracy
in combating the destructive propaganda mechanism being used against us by the
Our responsibility is to
continue building our capability for taking advantage of events as they happen,
and that means primarily to continue building our means for communicating
effectively with every independent-minded White man and woman with a conscience
and attempting to gain his or her participation in the effort to reach others.
I don’t expect that our communications capability will win any elections for
us, but it certainly will enhance our ability to fight back – and that is what
I intend to do until my last breath.
Thanks for being with me again