Sunday, December 31, 2017
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Secret Societies - Part II
In Disraeli's „The Life of Lord George Bentinck,“ written in 1852, there
occurs the following quotation: „The influence of the Jews may be traced in the
last outbreak of the destructive principle in Europe. An insurrection takes
place against tradition and aristocracy, against religion and property.
Destruction of the Semitic principle, extirpation of the Jewish religion,
whether in the Mosaic of the Christian form, the natural equality of men and
the abrogation of property are proclaimed by the Secret Societies which form
Provisional Governments and men of the Jewish Race are found at the head of
every one of them. The people of God co-operate with atheists; the most skillful
accumulators of property ally themselves with Communists; the peculiar and
chosen Race touch the hand of all the scum and low castes of Europe; and all
this because they wish to destroy...Christendom which owes to them even its
name, and whose tyranny they can no longer endure.“ (Waters
Flowing Eastward, pp. 108-109)
„The real chiefs of this immense association of
Freemasonry (the few within the innermost circles of initiation), who must not
be confounded with the nominal leaders or figure-heads, are mostly Jews, and
live in close and intimate alliance with the militant members of Judaism,
those, namely, who are the leaders of the Cabalistic section. This älite of the
Masonic association, these real chiefs, who are known to so few even of the
initiated, and whom even these few know only under assumed names (noms de guerre)
carry on their activities in secret dependence (which they find very lucrative
for themselves) upon the Cabalistic Jews.“ (Le Juif, la Judaïsme, et la Judaïsation
des Peuples Chrétiens (Paris, 1869), p. 340).
„During the second revolutionary period which began in 1830 they showed
even more fervor than during the first. They were moreover directly concerned,
for, in the majority of European states, they did not enjoy full civic rights.
Even those among them who were not revolutionaries by reason or by temperament
were such by self-interest; in working for the triumph of liberalism they were
working for themselves. There is no doubt that by their gold, their energy,
their ability, they supported and assisted the European revolution...During
those years their bankers, their industrial magnates, their poets, their
writers, their demagogues, prompted by very different ideas moreover, strive
for the same end...we find them taking part in the movement of Young Germany: they
were numerous in the secret societies which formed the ranks of the militant
revolution, in the Masonic lodges, in the groups of Carbonaria, in the Roman
Haute-Vente, everywhere, in France, in Germany, in Switzerland, in Austria, in
Italy.“ (L'Antisémitisme,
(1894) Bernard Lazare; Léon de Poncins, The Secret Powers
behind Revolution, (1929)).
„Freemasonry, Judaism, and Occultism, whose alliance and reciprocal
interpretation no longer require demonstration.“ (Léon de Poncins, The Secret Powers
behind Revolution, (1929)).
„Behind every revolutionary movement throughout the
world there is always some secret organization. These revolutionary movements
in all countries, whatever the bodies which actually organize them, have always
three primary aims: (a) the abolition of existing constitutions, whether
Monarchist or Republican; (b) the abolition of private ownership of property;
(c) the abolition of established religion. Sometimes the chief aim is
camouflaged under a pattern of nationalism or of internationalism; but the
attack is always directed ultimately against these foundations of
civilization...The same people often preach nationalism in Ireland, India,
Egypt, or South Africa, when the effect is to disintegrate the British
Empire... Mr. George Lansbury, the most prominent figure connected with the
Herold newspaper, and founder of the Herald League, is not only a member of the
Theosophical Society, and, it is said, of the Co-Masons also, but claims to be
of the line of the prophets of revolt.
In an article in the Daily Herald (November 24, 1921),
on the death of Mr. Hyndman, he describes himself as a disciple of that
gentleman, who in turn was the disciple of Mazzini. So that here, on his own
admission, we can trace once more the political pedigree of a leading
revolutionary to the Carbonari of the mid-nineteenth century.“ (G. G., The Anatomy of Revolution; The Trail of the Serpent, Miss
Stoddard, p. 180).
„The Royal Government of Hungary has, as the whole world knows,
dissolved Hungarian Freemasonry because some of the members of this
organization have taken part in the preparation of the October revolution and
the work of systematic destruction which has taken place against the interests
of the people and State of Hungary. There were, according to the investigators,
among these people men who, in this country, were representatives or agents of
Jewish tendencies having in view universal domination, and who have dreamed in
the silence of secrecy to lull to sleep national sentiment so as to make an
anti-national doctrine triumph, which is foreign to us but dear to
them...Although the decision on the fate of Hungarian Masonry is the business
of the Interior order, in my opinion, Your Excellency would render a great
service to the country by enlightening the foreigner on this question, and
another, connected with it, the Jewish question, so that the foreigner does not
form erroneous ideas on the measures taken in view of the defense of the
religion and morality of the people and nation.“ (Léon de Poncin's book La Dictature des
Puissances Occultes).
„It is essential to isolate the man from his family and cause him to
lose his morals...He loves the long talks of the cafe, the idleness of the
shows. Entice him, draw him away, give him any kind of importance, teach him
discreetly to tire of his daily work, and in this way...after having shown him
how tiresome all duties are, inculcate in him the desire for another existence.
Man is born a rebel. Stir up his desire for rebellion as far as the fire, but
let not the conflagration burst out! It is a preparation for the great work
which you must begin. When you have insinuated in several minds the distaste of
family and religion, let drop certain words which will incite the desire to
become affiliated to the nearest lodge. This vanity of the bourgeois to
identify himself with Freemasonry has something so banal and so universal that
I am ever in admiration before human stupidity...“ (Letter
to the Jews Nubius and Petit-Tigre or Piccolo-Tigre, dated January 18, 1822, from
the superior agents of the Piedmontese Vente).
„Manichaean doctrines were thus being diffused during the period when
the Templars were at the height of their prosperity and power, and King devotes
several pages of his work to a consideration of the close resemblance between
these Orders. Gnosticism, he points out, in one shape or another, was still
surviving on the very headquarters of the Order, among their closest allies or
enemies, the mountaineers of Syria.“ (Secret
Sects of Syria, Springett; The Trail of the Serpent, Miss Stoddard, p. 33-34)
„There are a certain number of people who have arrived at the highest
degree of imposture. They have conceived the project of reigning over opinions,
and of conquering, not kingdoms, nor provinces, but the human mind. This
project is gigantic, and has something of madness in it, which causes neither
alarm nor uneasiness; but when we descend to details, when we regard what
passes before our eyes of the hidden principles, when we perceive a sudden
revolution in favor of ignorance and incapacity, we must look for the cause of
it; and if we find that a revealed and known system explains all the phenomena
which succeed each other with terrifying rapidity, how can we not believe
it?...Observe that the members of the Mystical Confederation are numerous
enough in themselves, but not relatively so to the men they must
deceive...Indeed, to realize this proportion one must get a just idea of the
force of combined man (was not Mazzini's cry 'Associate, Associate'?). A thread
cannot raise a pound's weight, a thousand threads will raise the anchor of a
ship...also man is a feeble being, imperfect...but if several men mix together
half-qualities they temper and strengthen each other...the weak yield to the
stronger, the most skillful draw from each what he can supply. Some watch while
others act, and this formidable ensemble arrives at its goal, whatever it may
be...It was according to this that the sect of the Illuminati was formed. One
cannot, it is true, either name its founders or prove the epochs of its
existence, or mark the steps of its growth, for its essence is the secret; its
acts take place in darkness, its evasive Grand Priests are lost in the crowd.
However, it has penetrated sufficient things to astonish and draw the attention
of observers, friends of humanity, to the mysterious steps of the sectaries.“ (Essai
sur la secte des Illuminés (1879), Mason de Luchet)
„Besides the Freemasons, there rose up a kindred association, the 'Order
of the Illuminati,' which from the very beginning, was intended as an
anti-Jesuit organization. Its founder, Weishaupt, a professor of Ingolstadt,
heartily hated the Jesuits, and formed his league of Illuminati with the
express intention 'of using for good ends the means which the Jesuit order had
employed for bad'; this means consisted mainly in the introduction of an
obligation of unconditional obedience, reminiscent of Loyola's Constitutions;
of a far-reaching mutual surveillance among the membership of the order; and a
kind of auricular confession, which every inferior had to make to his superior.“ (The
Power and Secret of the Jesuits (1930), Filip-Miller; The Trail of the Serpent, Miss Stoddard, p. 68-69).
„Equality and liberty are the essential rights which man in his original
and primitive perfection received from nature. The first attack upon this
equality was made by property; the first attack upon liberty was made by
political societies or Governments; the sole supports of property and
Governments are the religious and civil laws. Therefore, to establish man in
his primitive rights of equality and liberty, we must begin by destroying all
religion, all civil society, and finish by abolishing property. These few lines
indicate the root idea of Masonry and all secret societies; the germ is found
in the symbolic grades, it is scientifically developed in the high grades, and
brutally realized in the communism of the International and the anarchism of
Bakunin and Socialist democracy.“ (Adam Weishaupt, The Trail of the
Serpent, Miss Stoddard, p. 80).
„Weishaupt aimed at nothing less than the complete overthrow of
authority, nationality, and the whole social system, in a word, the suppression
of property...As to his principle, it was absolute and blind obedience,
universal espionage, the end justifies the means. This system of conspiracy so
strongly organized which would have upheaved the world, spread through Germany,
where it seized almost all the Masonic Lodges. Weishaupt sent to France Joseph
Balsamo, so-called Comte Cagliostro, to illuminize French Masonry. Finally he
assembled a Congress at Wilhelmsbad in 1782, to which he convoked all German
and foreign lodges...In 1785 the Illuminati were revealed to the Bavarian
Government, who, terrified, appealed to all Governments, but the Protestant
Princes showed little haste in suppressing it. Weishaupt found refuge with the
Prince de Saxe-Gotha. He had for the rest taken great care not to tell
everything to the Princes, or even to many of his initiates; he had hidden from
them the appeal to the force of the masses; he had hidden from them the
Revolution.“ (Masonic report, l'Ordre de Nantes, April
23, 1883; Marie-Antoinette et le Complot Maçonnique (1910), Louis Dasté; The
Rìle of Freemasonry in the XVIII Century, F ... Bruneliäre; The Trail of the Serpent, Miss Stoddard, p. 70-71).
„The Kassideans or Assideans...arose either during the Captivity or soon
after the restoration...The Essenians were, however, undoubtedly connected with
the Temple (of Solomon), as their origin is derived by the learned Scalier,
with every appearance of truth, from the Kassideans, a fraternity of Jewish
devotees, who, in the language of Laurie, had associated together as 'Knights
of the Temple of Jerusalem.'...From the Essenians Pythagoras derived much, if
not all, of the knowledge and the ceremonies with which he clothed the esoteric
school of his philosophy.“ (Lexicon of Freemasonry, Albert
G. Mackay, Secretary-General of the Supreme Council 33o for the Southern
„It has unfortunately now become a habit for so many generations, that
it has almost passed into an instinct throughout the Jewish body, to rely upon
the weapon of secrecy. Secret societies, a language kept as far as possible
secret, the use of false names in order to hide secret movements, secret
relations between various parts of the Jewish body: all these and other forms
of secrecy have become the national method.“ (Hilaire
Belloc, The Jew, p. 99).
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Friday, December 22, 2017
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
The Jewish Gold Rush
By Dr. William Pierce
A subject we’ve
discussed often enough for many of you to be tired of hearing about it is the continuing
- make that the escalating - Jewish effort to extort reparations from the rest
of the world for claimed injuries done to Jews of past generations by Gentiles of past generations. I would
drop the subject, except that every week Jewish leaders make new demands which surpass
all previous bounds for greed and arrogance. You wouldn’t believe the
arrogance and pushiness of these Jews when they smell gold - except
that it’s all documented, all in your daily
newspaper for you to read.
Therefore, this Great Jewish Gold Hunt makes a wonderful educational tool for helping
others to understand the nature of the Jews, and I cannot resist using it.
remember, this current gold hunt began early last year, when Jewish leaders
came up with the idea of expanding their claim for reparations from the 1930s
and 1940s to include countries besides Germany. They already had bled
Germany for $60 billion since 1948, most of
which went to Israel. That
averages out to about $60,000 for every Jewish family of four now in Israel.
Getting that money from Germany was relatively easy, because the Allied
governments had an occupation army in Germany that was ready to
squeeze the Germans whenever the Jews gave the word. All they had to do to keep the Germans
from complaining about these massive extortion payments was step up their whining about gas
chambers and about the soap and lampshades supposedly manufactured from the corpses of
gassed Jews. When they really wanted to shut
up the doubters and the
questioners, they would have Steven Spielberg crank out a new Hollywood dramatization of the so-called „Holocaust,“ which would have the
effect of making anyone so „insensitive“ as to think of denying the
poor, persecuted Jews anything they demanded seem like a real heel to
the public.
A few
years ago they added a new twist to their racket by implying that it was not just
the Germans who owed them
reparations for having run Aunt Sarah and Uncle Abe through a crematorium
at Auschwitz: everybody owed them
for permitting the wicked Germans to „Holocaust“
Sarah and Abe. The United States and the other Western countries who fought against
Germany during the Second World War could have stopped the „Holocaust“ if they really
had wanted to, the Jews complained. The Allies could have bombed the rail lines leading to
the German concentration camps, but they didn’t, the Jews complained. The
Allies could have taken in many Jewish refugees fleeing from
Germany before the war, but they didn’t: they
turned the refugee ships back,
and the Jews aboard them consequently perished in the „Holocaust,“ the Jews
complained. „You could have saved millions of us if you really had wanted to,
but you didn’t want to. It
was your anti-Semitism which made you insensitive to our needs back in
the 1930s and 1940s. So now you owe us.“
After a
good, long whine along this line intended to soften up and „sensitize“ the
Gentile world, and after a law prohibiting negative
comments about identifiable ethnic groups was passed in Switzerland, the
Jews became much more specific in their complaints. They claimed that many Jews
who had stashed their money in secret, numbered Swiss bank accounts during the 1930s and
early 1940s in anticipation of difficulties with the German authorities,
subsequently died during the war, and their money still
remained in the secret accounts. The Swiss had not done all they could to try
to locate heirs of the depositors. They owed all of that money in dormant
to the Jews - plus interest, of course. The head of the World Jewish Congress, Edgar Bronfman,
who also belongs to the family who owns the world’s biggest liquor company,
Seagram, took charge of the effort to force the Swiss to pay up.
Bronfman estimated that the amount owed to the Jews by the Swiss is $7
billion. Later the Jews expanded their claims
to include insurance policies
held by Jews who disappeared during the war and also gold used by the Germans to pay the Swiss for various
commodities imported by Germany during the war. The Swiss should have known, claim the Jews,
that some of that gold had come from confiscated Jewish assets. „Giff it back to us,“ the
Jews now demand.
course, every large bank does have some dormant accounts, and in the case of
Swiss banks, which always have taken pride in the confidentiality they offer to
their customers, it is understandable that today Izzy and Rebecca
may not have been able to get their hands on or even find the money
that they believe Uncle Abe may have stashed in a secret account 60 years ago.
Swiss bankers pointed out that they always have treated their Jewish customers
just like everyone else, and that any heirs who establish their claims in
the normal manner would receive whatever was in Abe’s account. The Jews
feigned outrage at this response and accused the Swiss of being
„insensitive“ for failing to take into account the fact that there were no
death certificates or other documents for many of the Jews who
disappeared during the war. Of course, with
the widespread destruction that
occurred during the war, the same is true for
A few
Swiss officials recognized these Jewish claims for the shameless extortion
effort that they are and publicly denounced them as such.
Most Swiss politicians and bankers, however,
were more concerned with not jeopardizing their
public image by having
the Jews unleash
their media weapon, and so they took a conciliatory
approach to the Jews. They made a special search of their accounts and
then took the unprecedented step of publishing the names of all their depositors
whose accounts had been dormant since the Second World War, so that Jews could more
easily file claims. It turned out
that only a very tiny percentage of these dormant accounts belonged to
Jews. Of course, this was largely ignored by the
media. And of course the Jews continued to whine about how the Swiss had
wronged them. They added to their list of grievances the fact that the Swiss had
interned Jews who came across the Swiss border
during the war in their effort
to avoid being arrested by the
Germans. The Swiss put them into work camps for the duration of the war. One might
think that the Jews would be grateful to the
Swiss for this, but if you
thought that then you don’t understand the Jewish mentality. Instead of being grateful
to the Swiss for saving them from the Germans the Jews publicly lamented the
fact that the Swiss made them work for their room and board. The media only
occasionally mention that all able-bodied Swiss citizens were also
forced to work during the war.
Swiss are a bit naive when it comes to dealing with Jews, and so they have
continued to try to appease them, even as the Jewish demands
have escalated. The Swiss bankers and politicians got together recently, estimated the most the Jewish assets they might be holding could amount to
is in the neighborhood of $150 million, multiplied that figure by four,
and then offered to pay the Jews $600 million to settle all of their claims.
Now, if
you understand the Jewish mentality, then you don’t have to be told how
Bronfman and the other Jewish leaders responded to this offer. The Jews simply
escalated their demands again. They feigned shock and outrage that the
Swiss offered them only $600
million. Liquor czar and
Jewish Congress boss Edgar Bronfman scoffed at the $600 million offer and said
that the Swiss owe his people billions of dollars, not millions. Israeli
spokesman Yoram Dori called the Swiss offer „offensive“ and said: „If we
were not dealing with such a tragic story, this would be laughable.“
Bronfman’s colleague in the World Jewish Congress, Israel Singer, claimed to be „pained“
by the Swiss offer and said that the
offer had been made in a „shabby“ manner. Rabbi Marvin Hier of the Simon Wiesenthal Center
in Los Angeles said of the Swiss offer: „We consider it a lack of seriousness on their
part.“ He added that the offer „will be unanimously refused.“ New York Jewish lawyer Edward
Fagan, who is representing more than 30,000
Jews claiming to be heirs to
dormant accounts, called the Swiss offer „insulting“ and said, „My 31,000 clients
will not stand for this... A billion dollars is not enough.“
all of this pretended outrage and these claims of feeling insulted by the Swiss
offer of
million is a lot of very cold-blooded calculation by the Jews. They simply
believe that by using their media power and their virtually
total control of the Clinton administration, the U.S. Congress, and
several state legislatures they can squeeze substantially more than $600 million
out of the Swiss. The Jews’ number-one step’n’fetchit in the Congress is
New York Republican Senator Alphonse D’Amato, chairman of the
Senate Banking Committee. He is running for
re- election in November and is
counting heavily on Jewish support. After the Jews let their displeasure with
the latest Swiss offer be known, D’Amato threatened to use the Senate Banking Committee
for reprisals against Swiss banks operating in the United States. He said: „If they continue
to proceed in this manner, whereby they are ducking their responsibilities, we
have no other course in the Congress of the United States than to go forward.“
Jersey state Assemblyman Joel Weingarten has introduced legislation to bar New Jersey from
investing state funds in Swiss banks, and similar measures are moving forward
in New York City and in the New York state legislature. In California,
the Chinese State Treasurer, Matt Fong, also is eager to prove his loyalty to
the Jews.
confident are the Jews that ultimately they can pressure the Swiss into
yielding to their demands that World Jewish Congress boss
Edgar Bronfman already is talking publicly
about other countries on the
Jews’ hit list. „It’s not just the Swiss banks,“ he said in a published telephone interview with the New York Jewish newspaper Forward. „We still have problems with the Poles, with the French, the Dutch, the Belgians, the
other neutrals.“ It’s pretty clear that after the Jews have sucked the Swiss dry
they will be looking for blood from a long line of other countries they
believe haven’t done enough for them recently.
A new
line of attack which the Jews are using is that the European countries which claimed neutrality
during the Second World War and refused to join the Jewish-American-Soviet crusade
against Germany weren’t really neutral: they provided aid to the
Germans, and so now they owe reparations to the Jews. Switzerland also
had business dealings with the Allies, but this is ignored. A Jewish
official in the Clinton administration, Stuart Eizenstat, has been especially active in pushing the idea that the neutral countries were guilty
of not doing enough for the Jews. He has prepared a report for the U.S. State
Department in which he strongly criticizes Sweden, Spain, and other neutral countries.
Eizenstat concludes: „It is clear that these countries were committing
unneutral acts, even by the standards
of the times.“
arrogance of Eizenstat’s complaint is really breathtaking, considering the fact
that under Jewish pressure the Roosevelt administration, in 1939, 1940, and
1941, at a time when the United States was officially „neutral,“ was
committing unneutral acts against Germany which dwarfed into insignificance anything the
Swedes and the Spaniards might have been doing
to help Germany. Not only was
the Roosevelt government supplying first Britain, and later the Soviet
Union, with vast supplies of war materiel, but Roosevelt was trying everything
he could to provoke the Germans into some action that would give him an
excuse to enter the war on the Jewish side. In September 1941, three months before the official entry of the
United States into the war, he went so far as to order the U.S.
Navy to shoot on sight at any German naval
vessel encountered in the Atlantic.
the historical facts of the behavior of all the parties involved in the Second World War
are not presented to the American public by the
mass media, but just the facts the Jews want the public to know about. The average
citizen listens to the complaints of the Jews about the unneutral behavior of
Switzerland, Sweden, and Spain and believes that there may be some justification
to the Jewish demands for reparations. It never
occurs to the average couch potato to ask, „Hey, what about reparations for all of
the other peoples who were looted during the
Why are
the Jews the only ones entitled to reparations? And if the Jews are entitled to reparations
for losses that occurred 60 years ago, why shouldn’t the Palestinians be
entitled to reparations for what the Jews stole from them much more recently?“
unfortunately, it doesn’t occur to the average American to ask such questions.
He just accepts at face value whatever he reads in his newspaper or sees
on his television screen. And as long as his newspaper and his television
screen are controlled by the Jews,
he’s not likely to see anything which would cause him to question
the current Jewish demands for gold from the
rest of the world.
might wonder how anyone could possibly be as arrogant as the Jews are in their
quest for reparations. I think that the best explanation for that is to be
found in the Jews’ view of themselves and their relationship to the
non-Jewish peoples of the world. This view is
best expressed in documents the
Jews themselves have written: documents such as their Talmud and their
Old Testament. I understand, of course, that most Jews today are entirely
secular and do not regard such documents with any special
reverence or awe. Nevertheless, they provide
wonderful insight into the
Jewish mentality.
than 3,000 years ago, when the immigrant Jew Joseph managed to become the most powerful
bureaucrat in the Egyptian government by claiming to be able to interpret
dreams for the superstitious pharaoh, according to the Old Testament book of
Genesis, he acquired a monopoly control over the Egyptian grain
market and doled out grain to the hungry Egyptian people or withheld it, according to his
policy - although he invoked the name of the pharaoh in exercising his
policy. He then invited his fellow Jews to come into Egypt and to „eat the fat of the
land.“ Not surprisingly, this policy caused resentment toward the Jews by the
Egyptians, and eventually the Egyptians, under a new
pharaoh, threw the Jews out.
it’s not really important whether or not this account in Genesis is
historically accurate. What’s important is the Jews’ attitude
toward this account, and their attitude is that it was right
proper for them to exploit the Egyptians, and that the Egyptians were
persecuting them in expelling them. It was the Jews’ right to exploit the Egyptians, because
whatever the Egyptians had really belonged to the Jews as God’s
Chosen People.
sees this attitude of „what’s yours is really mine, because I am a member of
the Chosen People“ expressed over and over again in the Old Testament. In the
book of Isaiah it is perhaps most explicit. Isaiah presents to his fellow
Jews a vision of the future in which the Gentiles of the world will deliver
all of their wealth to the Jews and will become the servants of the Jews. And anyone
who refuses to pay reparations to the Jews will be punished severely: „The
nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish.“ This is spelled
out in detail in the sixtieth and sixty-first chapters of Isaiah.
Jews focus their consciousness of their Jewishness on this assumed obligation
of the Gentile world to turn its wealth over to them. They have a custom
of attaching a little box to one of their doorposts, with a piece of
parchment, called a mezuzah, in the little box. The parchment is inscribed
in Hebrew characters with 22 lines from the Old Testament which epitomize to them what
it means to be a Jew: that is, with the 22 lines they regard as the most
important in all of their religious writings. These 22 lines are
from the fifth book of Moses, also known as Deuteronomy. They stress the importance of
Jews adhering to the contract they have with
their tribal god. The
interesting thing is that immediately following these 22 lines in Deuteronomy is spelled
out what their god will give to them as his obligation under the contract. And
what is promised to the Jews is essentially all the wealth of the world:
specifically, all the wealth now in the hands of non-Jews. „Thy god shall . . .
give thee great and goodly cities, which thou
buildedst not, and houses full
of all good things, which thou filledst not, and wells digged which thou diggedst
not, and vineyards and olive trees which thou plantedst not... Every place whereon the
soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours.“ Remember, religious Jews regard
this promise, this contract, as the core of their religion.
As you
know, it is not my custom to bring religion into these broadcasts. I certainly
don’t want to start any religious arguments among my readers. But I do think that a consideration of the nature of
Jewish religious belief, as expressed in their religious writings, can shed
some useful light on their attitudes today. Whether they are
religious Jews or non-religious Jews they all seem to have the attitude that
they have some god-given right to exploit the rest of us. If there are Jews who dissent from this
policy of collecting reparations from the rest of the world, I would like to hear them
speak up. So far they seem to be rather unanimous in their support of the
notion that the Swiss owe them billions of dollars - and the
Swedes and the Spaniards and, in fact, all the
rest of us.