Sunday, May 27, 2018

Jews and the Media - Part III

Part III

„We must prevent a criminal understanding between the Fascist aggressors and the British and French imperialist clique.“ (Statement issued by Dimitrov, General Secretary of the Komintern, The Pravda, November 7, 1938).

„As for anyone who does not know that the present revolutionary Bolshevist movement is Jewish in Russia, I can only say that he must be a man who is taken in by the suppressions of our deplorable Press.“ (G.K.’s Weekly, February 4, 1937, Hilaire Belloc)

„The reader may wonder why newspapers never mention that Bolshevism is simply a Jewish conquest of Russia. The explanation is that the international news agencies on which papers rely for foreign news are controlled by Jews. The Jew, Jagoda, is head of the G.P.U. (the former Cheka), now called ‘The People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs.’ The life, death or imprisonment of Russian citizens is in the hands of this Jew, and his spies are everywhere. According to the anti-Comintern bulletin (15/4/35) Jagoda’s organization between 1929 and 1934 drove between five and six million Russian peasants from their homes. (The Government of France now (July, 1936) has as Prime Minister, the Jewish Socialist, Leon Blum. According to the French journal Candide, M. Blum has substantial interests in Weiler’s Jupiter aero-engine works in France, and his son, Robert Blum, is manager of a branch Weiler works in Russia, making Jupiter aero-engines for the Russian Government).“ (All These Things, A.N. Field; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, p. 37)

„The two great British institutions represented by Eden and myself had never sent a representative to Soviet Russia until now...British statesmen had never gone to Moscow. My paper had never sent a correspondent to Moscow because of the Soviet censorship. Thus our two visits were both great events, each in its own sphere. The Soviet Government had repeatedly complained about Russian news being published from Riga and asked why a correspondent was not sent to Moscow to see for himself, and the answer was always Censorship. So my arrival was in the nature of a prospecting tour. Before I had been there five minutes the Soviet Government started quarrelling with me about the most trivial thing. For I wrote that Eden had passed through streets lined with ‘drab and silent crowds,’ I think that was the expression, and a little Jewish censor came along, and said these words must come out.
I asked him if he wanted me to write that the streets were filled with top-hatted bourgeoisie, but he was adamant. Such is the intellectual level of the censors. The censorship department, and that means the whole machine for controlling the home and muzzling the foreign Press, was entirely staffed by Jews, and this was a thing that puzzled me more than anything else in Moscow. There seemed not to be a single non-Jewish official in the whole outfit, and they were just the same Jews as you met in New York, Berlin, Vienna and Prague, well- manicured, well-fed, dressed with a touch of the dandy. I was told the proportion of Jews in the Government was small, but in this one department that I got to know intimately they seemed to have a monopoly, and I asked myself, where were the Russians? The answer seemed to be that they were in the drab, silent crowds which I had seen but which must not be heard of...I broke away for an hour or two from Central Moscow and the beaten tourist tracks and went looking for the real Moscow. I found it. Streets long out of repair, tumbledown houses, ill-clad people with expressionless faces. The price of this stupendous revolution; in material things they were even poorer than before. A market where things were bought and sold, that in prosperous bourgeois countries you would have hardly bothered to throw away; dirty chunks of some fatty, grey-white substance that I could not identify, but which was apparently held to be edible, half a pair of old boots, a few cheap ties and braces...
And then, looking further afield, I saw the universal sign of the terrorist State, whether its name be Germany, Russia, or what-not. Barbed wired palisades, corner towers with machine guns and sentries. Within, nameless men, lost to the world, imprisoned without trial by the secret police. The concentration camps, the political prisoners in Germany, the concentration camps held tens of thousands, in this country, hundreds of thousands...
The next thing...I was sitting in the Moscow State Opera. Eden, very Balliol and very well groomed, was in the ex-Imperial box. The band played ‘God save the King,’ and the house was packed full with men and women, boys and girls, whom, judged by western standards, I put down as members of the proletariat, but no, I was told, the proletariat isn’t so lucky, these were the members of the privileged class which the Proletarian State is throwing up, higher officials, engineers and experts.“ (Insanity Fair, Douglas Reed, pp. 194-195; 199-200; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, pp. 38-40)

„We have only to look around us in the world today, to see everywhere the same disintegrating power at work, in art, literature, the drama, the daily Press, in every sphere that can influence the mind of the public...our modern cinemas perpetually endeavor to stir up class hatred by scenes and phrases showing ‘the injustice of Kings,’ ‘the sufferings of the people,’ ‘the Selfishness of Aristocrats,’ regardless of whether these enter into the theme of the narrative or not. And in the realms of literature, not merely in works of fiction but in manuals for schools, in histories and books professing to be of serious educative value and receiving a skillfully organized boom throughout the press, everything is done to weaken patriotism, to shake belief in all existing institutions by the systematic perversion of both contemporary and historical facts. I do not believe that all this is accidental; I do not believe that he public asks for the anti-patriotic to demoralizing books and plays placed before it; on the contrary it invariably responds to an appeal to patriotism and simple healthy emotions. The heart of the people is still sound, but ceaseless efforts are made to corrupt it.“ (N.H. Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, p. 342; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, pp. 180-181)

1976: Jewish owned movie studios in Hollywood produce two anti-Christian movies. „THE PASSOVER PLOT“ which portrays Christ as a revolutionary who uses drugs to trick people into thinking he was crucified. „THE SEX LIFE OF JESUS,“ Christ is portrayed in a series of sexual encounters including homosexual [Think about it -- time after time the Jews make movies portraying our Lord Jesus Christ as a Queer. How can ANY thinking Christian possibly believe these are God’s People HOW STUPID CAN CHRISTIANS BE?] „ACTS THE MANY FACES OF JESUS“ is built around the same theme. [Other movies made since 1976 with that same theme, that Jesus Christ was a drug addict and Queer are „JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR,“ „LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST,“ „HEAVEN ON EARTH -- this one was not about Christ but about a fallen woman angel,“ „OH GOD-1“ and „OH GOD-2“ -- while these did not portray Jesus as a Queer they did portray Almighty God as a stupid mortal man -- and these are only a few of the many] (Tribune Review, November 16, 1976).
Where the hell are our so-called Christian Ministers? That’s right in their pulpits, on television and radio crying out for more money and letting these antichrist perverts go on blaspheming Almighty God and the Lord Jesus Christ, while they suck up after these Satanic creeps!

This cannot be accomplished without the use of other peoples publications.. It is impossible for us to agree with every view expressed in these works.. some of which are quite Inflammatory And even downright HATEFUL. I believe it important when presenting this material.. to leave it intact without Alteration. In this case however I am rewriting the Introduction... the old one seemed a bit Reactive and Racist. Kinda hard to avoid sometimes. But Racism is not a good defense against Racism...

HILAIRE BELLOC, renown historian in G. K.’s WEEKLY, February 4, 1937: „The propaganda of Communism throughout the world, in organization and direction is in the hands of Jewish agents. As for anyone who does not know that the Bolshevist movement in Russia is Jewish, I can only say that he must be a man who is taken in by the suppression of our deplorable press.“

HENRY FORD in The Dearborn Independent, 12-19 February 1921: „Jews have always controlled the business... The motion picture influence of the United States and exclusively under the control, moral and financial, of the Jewish manipulators of the public mind.“

LINDBERGH, CHARLES. 20th century American aviator, writer. Wednesday, August 23, 1939: „We are disturbed about the effect of the Jewish influence in our press, radio and motion pictures. It may become very serious. [Fulton] Lewis told us of one instance where the Jewish advertising firms threatened to remove all their advertising from the Mutual system if a certain feature were permitted to go on the air. The threat was powerful enough to have the feature removed.“

Thursday, May 1, 1941: „The pressure for war is high and mounting. The people are opposed to it, but the Administration seems to have ‘the bit in its teeth’ and is hell-bent on its way to war. Most of the Jewish interests in the country are behind war, and they control a huge part of our press and radio and most of our motion pictures. There are the ‘intellectuals’ and the ‘Anglophiles,’ and the British agents who are allowed free rein, the international financial interests, and many others.“ (The Wartime Journals)

ADRIEN ARCAND, Canadian political leader of the 1930s: „Through their (Jew’s) international news agencies, they mold your minds and have you see the world not as it is, but as they want you to see it. Through their cinema, they are the educators of our youth - and with just one film in two hours, can wipe out of a child’s brain what he has learned in six months in the home, the church or the school.“

SPRING-RICE, SIR CECIL. 20th century British politician: „One by one, the Jews are capturing the principal newspapers of America. (Letter of November 1914, to Sir Edward Grey, foreign secretary. Letters and Friendships)

CAPOTE, TRUMAN. 20th century American writer. In an interview, he assailed „the Zionist mafia“ monopolizing publishing today, and protested a tendency to suppress things that do not meet with Jewish approval. (Playboy magazine, March 1968)

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Subverting Freedom

Source: Free Speech - August 2001 - Volume VII, Number 8

by Dr. William Pierce

Today I want to talk again about a growing threat to our freedom in America. In every White society, at all times, there have been people who valued freedom over comfort and security, and there have been people who valued comfort and security over freedom. Sometimes there are more of the one, and sometimes there are more of the other.

When I’ve talked about this subject in the past, I’ve characterized the freedom-lovers as masculine and the security-lovers as feminine because under natural conditions men are a bit more willing to take chances and try new things and want to keep their options open, and they also are a bit more concerned with general principles, and women are a bit more concerned with the security of home and hearth - which is not to say, of course, that even the most adventurous and principled man has no concern for security or comfort or that even the most home-oriented woman has no concern for principles. It’s just that on the average men are more freedom oriented, and women are more security-and-comfort oriented.

As times and manners change, however, the degree to which men value freedom changes. In America 226 years ago Patrick Henry proclaimed, „Give me liberty, or give me death,“ and in doing so he won the general admiration of his fellows and the agreement of a majority of them. Today many Americans would question his sanity, and more would laugh or sneer at him than agree with him. Partly this change is the consequence of dysgenic immigration and breeding policies during the past century, but it is due more to permissive child-raising practices and a less masculine, less demanding social and civic environment.

And there’s another reason - a very important reason - for the devaluing of freedom in recent times, and that’s the propaganda line of the mass media. The media have worked diligently to undermine Americans’ attachment to certain specific freedoms - the freedom to keep and bear arms, for example - and at the same time have twisted and redefined the whole meaning of freedom, while cultivating a more feminine ideological climate in America. Sixty years ago Franklin Roosevelt did much to confuse the concept of freedom in the public mind by classifying comfort and security as „freedoms“ and then elevating them to the status of freedom of speech and freedom of religion. He included in his enumeration of his so-called „four freedoms“ freedom from want and freedom from fear, and the media bosses loved him for it.

Ever since then they have done everything they could to further twist meanings and compound the confusion, so that today the average couch potato or soccer mom can be persuaded easily that comfort - that is, „freedom from want“ - and security - that is, „freedom from fear“ - are indeed freedoms in the same sense as freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, freedom of self-defense, and freedom from excessive governmental intrusion.

Really, I have had women - and men too - seriously defend the notion that freedom of speech needs to be balanced against comfort, in the form of freedom from feeling bad because of some „insensitive“ remark by another person. These couch potato and soccer-mom types will argue, „Well, yes, we have freedom of speech, and that’s important, but we can’t have people saying or writing things that offend other people, things that hurt the feelings of other people.“

For the most part, this is just simpleminded „feel-goodism.“ These soccer moms and couch potatoes just have very fuzzy notions about concepts such as freedom, and they’ve absorbed from TV the belief that there really is a „right“ to feel good about oneself. Imagine where we’d be today if the Americans at Valley Forge in the winter of 1778 had believed that they had a „right“ to be comfortable, and that „right“ was as important as the right to be free from domination by a foreign government. In the last couple of centuries we have not only become softer physically and morally, but we’ve become a bit soft in the head as well.

But it’s not just the couch potatoes: there are smarter people out there whose notions are not fuzzy at all but who also hate and fear our ideas about freedom. The radical feminists and the militant homosexuals and many of the leaders of various racial minorities understand the precariousness of their present positions. They understand that a very comfortable and confused White society that tolerates their antics now may someday lose its patience, especially if someone explains things. They understand that they could very quickly lose all of their unnatural privileges if someone explains to the public what their behavior is doing to our society.

They begin feeling very insecure and very uncomfortable when they hear me, for example, talking against government-imposed sexual and racial quotas. When I ridicule the idea that America needs more „diversity“ or more female fighter pilots or more Haitian or Mexican immigrants, they would like very much to shut me up. They are afraid that other people will listen and will begin thinking. When I say in one of my broadcasts that a society is sick unto death when its citizens are taught that there’s nothing wrong with men kissing and fondling each other in public, these people begin screeching about „hate speech“ and demanding laws to keep me quiet.

And a lot of the couch potatoes and soccer moms are ready to go along with them, because they’ve been conditioned in that direction by the media and the schools - especially if they have attended a college or university. The radical feminists and the homosexuals and the non-White militants established a beachhead in the university faculties and administrations in the 1960s, and since then they have metastasized to the point where they are the arbiters of Political Correctness in nearly every university in America.

Well, all of this is bad enough - on the one hand the positions of influence in our schools and our government held by freaks of various sorts and by non-Whites and on the other hand the general softness and state of confusion of our population - but what makes it much worse and much more dangerous is the campaign by well organized and well financed Jewish pressure groups to subvert legislative bodies and law-enforcement agencies at the same time that Jews in the media are continuing to soften up the public. There is a powerful effort underway now to abolish our Bill of Rights, piece by piece, both directly and indirectly, and it is succeeding.

You know, I’ve spoken with you before about the Jewish and liberal campaign to have more so-called „hate crime“ legislation enacted, at both the state and the Federal levels. That campaign continues, with groups such as the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith presenting their so-called „model hate crime“ bills to legislators everywhere and lobbying for their enactment. And it’s not just the Anti-Defamation League. It’s other Jewish organizations too, such as the Southern Poverty Law Center and all sorts of ad hoc groups. And politicians being what they are these days, these Jewish groups are having an alarming degree of success. Legislators, who take an oath of office to uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, eagerly subvert the Constitution if it will win them favor with the Jews. They will enact patently unconstitutional laws without a second thought if the Anti-Defamation League will give them a pat on the head for it.

And let me assure you, even patently unconstitutional laws that should never be able to stand up in court are dangerous. In the first place, some of them do stand up in court because the courts themselves have been corrupted. But even when they aren’t enforceable they intimidate people. No person in his right mind wants to be charged even under a law that is so clearly unconstitutional that no court will uphold it, because he can be bankrupted by the legal fees involved in proving that it is unconstitutional.

At least, there are some more or less „mainstream“ groups in America that are as strongly opposed as I am to the whole concept of „hate crime“ laws, although for different reasons, and these groups undoubtedly have slowed down somewhat the rate at which the Constitution is being undermined. They could do much more if they weren’t so terrified of being labeled „haters“ or „anti-Semites“ for daring to take a Politically Incorrect position.

The Jews, however, are pushing their campaign to subvert the Constitution at more than one level. While using their media to persuade the public that everyone will be safer and more comfortable with more „hate crime“ laws, and lobbying the politicians to enact the laws, at the same time they have a massive effort underway to infiltrate and subvert law-enforcement agencies. And in this last effort, which in some ways is the most dangerous of all, there are no mainstream groups opposing them.

Here’s the way it works: the media in a particular area - say, in Arizona or in Michigan - raise the public’s consciousness of the threat of terrorism. The Jews persuade one of their favorite Gentile politicians in the area to speak up about the need to be prepared to deal with this new threat. The politician gives television interviews and speaks very seriously about the lack of preparedness on the part of police and other government agencies. State and local police agencies begin to worry that they will be blamed if they don’t do something to show that they are taking the threat of terrorism seriously. As a matter of fact, terrorism is completely new to them. They’ve never thought about it much. They don’t know anything about it.

Well, guess who comes to the rescue! An official of the Anti-Defamation League or another Jewish group goes to see the head of the state police, and he brings along a member of the Israeli secret-police organization Mossad. The two Jews tell the chief of the state police that they know all about terrorism and terrorists, and they want to share their information with him, because of their humanitarian concern for public safety. The police chief is happy to accept their offer, and so training seminars are set up. The Jews tell the police officials about terrorism - and especially about terrorists, about how to spot a terrorist, about what characteristics to look for.

Usually the irony of the situation is not even realized by the Gentile policemen. The Mossad is an organization that engages in state-sponsored terrorism. It commits terrorist acts on a larger scale than any other organization, including Osama bin Laden’s group. Its agents sneak into people’s hotel rooms in other countries and plant radio-detonated bombs under their beds. They put bombs in people’s telephones. They put bombs in people’s cars. They use exotic poisons to assassinate people. A couple of Mossad agents got caught in Jordan a couple of years ago when they tried to murder an Islamic religious leader they didn’t like by squirting poison into his ear as they passed him on a sidewalk in Amman. And these professional assassins and terrorists are supposedly teaching our policemen about how to spot terrorists!

Imagine the police hiring the Mafia to teach them about organized crime and how to fight it. Do you think that perhaps the Mafia instructors might tailor their teaching to give the police only the information that wouldn’t be harmful to the Mafia? Do you think that perhaps the Mafia might try to use the police for its own ends instead of being public-spirited and really helping the police fight organized crime?

It is not surprising that what our policemen learn about terrorism and terrorists from this relationship with the Jews is a bit one-sided. It is not surprising that the police learn that terrorists are likely to be Islamic extremists - or even more likely, White racists. It is not surprising that they learn that White racists and White patriots - in fact, any groups or individuals who are not Politically Correct - should be watched carefully, because they might be terrorists, or they might become terrorists as demographic and social conditions in the country continue to worsen. People who are opposed to the flood of non-White immigrants pouring into the country, people who are opposed to continually increasing „diversity“ in America, might become violent, might resort to terrorism, if the government doesn’t do something to control immigration.

Well, that’s just the beginning of this worrisome relationship between our police and the Jews. And you know, when I say „the Jews,“ I don’t mean just the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Mossad. This ongoing subversion of our Constitution - this assault on our freedom - is also supported by the Jewish community, by the Jewish tribe, as a whole. The Jewish bosses of the mass media support it as well as the Jewish pressure groups.

Of course, there are individual exceptions. There are a few Jews who, for one reason or another, refuse to march in lockstep with the rest of the tribe. In an earlier program I told you about Norman Finkelstein, whose book The Holocaust Industry, exposes the chicanery and fraud of the media Jews and other Jews who have lied about and exaggerated Jewish losses during the Second World War in order to gain economic and political advantages for their fellow Jews. Despite Finkelstein’s dissent, the Holocaust fraud remains a Jewish fraud, because it is supported by nearly all Jews, not just by Simon Wiesenthal and Elie Wiesel and a few other professional Holocaust hucksters. I’ve discussed with you Robert Friedman’s revelations of the Jewishness of so-called „Russian“ organized crime in his book Red Mafiya. But despite Friedman’s exposé, virtually all the Jews in the controlled media continue to pretend that the members of the organized crime gangs that came to America from the former Soviet Union are Russians instead of Jews.

And there are a few individual Jews who speak out against the campaign to enact „hate crime“ and „speech crime“ laws. They warn that this campaign threatens our most fundamental freedoms. Nat Hentoff, a Jew who works for the Jewish newspaper Village Voice and has a syndicated newspaper column, is one of these. Hentoff has for years spoken out against threats to free speech, and he is speaking out now against the „speech crime“ campaign being pushed by his fellow Jews.

Of course, Hentoff doesn’t refer to it as a Jewish campaign, but that’s exactly what it is. I’m happy that Hentoff is at least speaking out against „speech crime“ laws, but it is a fact that one cannot really understand what is going on unless one sees the campaign as Jewish and sees how it meshes with long-term Jewish goals. And one cannot effectively fight against this campaign unless one is willing to fight against the Jews as a whole.

Well, I told you that the Anti-Defamation League’s teaching of law-enforcement agencies about terrorism is just the beginning. Having established a cozy relationship with police departments around the country, Jewish organizations next put themselves forward as experts on „hate crime“ legislation, which is as new and strange to most law enforcement people as terrorism is. „Hate crime“ and „speech crime“ are the coming things, the Jews persuade the policemen. If you want to stay on the right side of the media in the future, you’ll be spending much less time chasing robbers and rapists and instead will be arresting „hate criminals“ and „speech criminals.“ You’ll need to know how to recognize them. Let us teach you.

And the Jews are teaching them. In Phoenix, Arizona, the police department has a special „bias crimes detail“: an incipient thought police unit. Although the Phoenix cops do not yet have the authority to arrest people for expressing Politically Incorrect thoughts, they do keep official police records - „information cards,“ they are called - on people overheard saying things that might be used later as evidence against them if they ever are charged with a „hate crime.“ For example, a White man reports to the Phoenix police that he has just been mugged and robbed on the street by two illegal aliens from Mexico. While the police are taking his report he says, „I’d like to see all of these wetbacks rounded up and shot.“ An „information card“ reporting that remark goes into the police files. Two years later the same White man gets in a fight with a Mexican and beats him up. Has a „hate crime“ been committed? The „bias crimes detail“ finds the two-year-old „information card“ in its files and on that basis charges the White man with a „hate crime“ carrying twice the penalty that a simple assault would carry.

And Phoenix certainly isn’t the only community where the Jews have persuaded the local cops to begin collecting evidence of what people are thinking so that they can be prosecuted later. In Laguna Beach, California, Police Chief Jim Spreine encourages citizens to report to the police any „hate-style comments,“ to use the chief’s words, that they overhear. People who make „hate-style comments“ are more likely to commit acts of violence later and so bear watching, the chief told a reporter for the Orange County Register. And I do not need to tell you who it is that advises the chief exactly what constitutes a „hate-style comment.“

This is the sort of thing that is happening all over America at a rapidly increasing rate. The whole meaning of law enforcement is being transformed. The police used to protect normal, law-abiding citizens by locking up violent predators. Nowadays in many cities the police are doing less of that from fear of being charged with „racism“ or „racial profiling,“ because violent predators are disproportionately non-White. The police instead are spending their time watching, gathering information on, and in some cases arresting White men who are suspected of having Politically Incorrect attitudes and thinking Politically Incorrect thoughts.

As I told you earlier in this broadcast, there are two principal reasons for this transformation. One is the general feminization of America: the shift from a freedom-loving citizenry to a comfort-loving and security-loving citizenry. The other reason is deliberate subversion on a huge scale, in which the controlled mass media and Jewish pressure groups have played the largest role.

If America is to survive much longer its citizens must once again come to value freedom more than comfort and security. But before this shift in attitude can be effected, the grip of the Jews on the mass media and on the political process in America must be broken. And before that can happen, those Americans who still love freedom must find the courage to speak out and accuse those who are subverting their country.

Certainly, anger is growing. The rage is growing. But along with the rage must grow understanding and courage.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Ursula Haverbeck - The Hooton Plan and the Migrant Crisis

In this 28-minute video, recorded in September 2015, Ursula Haverbeck, a German woman who lived through WWII discusses how the “migrant” invasion is part of larger plan to destroy Germany and is a continuation of the WW II era Hooton Plan (and similar schemes) created by organized jewry as part of their larger goal of world domination, aka, the Jew World Order

Monday, May 14, 2018

The Bad War - The REAL History of World War II That You Were Never Told

By: Mike King

245 pages / 500 + illustrations



SECTION 1: Seeds of the World Wars / 1848-1913 .

SECTION 2:.World War I & Fall of Russia / 1914-1918

SECTION 3: Nationalism vs Globalism / 1919-1933

SECTION 4: The Plot to Destroy Germany / 1933-1939

SECTION 5: World War II (Part 1)

SECTION 6: World War II (Part 2)

SECTION 7: The Aftermath of World War II / 1945-1950


Saturday, May 12, 2018

Heroine Ursula Haverbeck goes to prison, as Jews continue to force Deutschland to mistreat its own elderly folk

by Carolyn Yeager

THE JEWISH WORLD IS CELEBRATING! The 89-year-old woman they have dubbed the “Nazi Grandma” has finally been incarcerated in a prison in western Germany for a two-year term. According to Jewish news outlets, Ursula Haverbeck was picked up at her home in Vlotho, North-Rhine Westphalia by police on Monday and taken to the prison at nearby Bielefeld to begin serving her sentence.

I have been informed that her lawyer is already petitioning to have her released on grounds of health.

The laws under which the Federal Republic of Germany (which is a non-Constitutional construct) prosecutes and punishes people like Haverbeck were put in place by the Americans in the late 1940’s as a temporary legal structure until the people were “re-educated” enough to form a new Constitution. Called the ‘Basic Law’, it installed the findings of the ‘International Tribunal of Major War Criminals’ and subsequent post-war tribunals carried out by the WWII victor nations as law that supercedes any of the freedoms guaranteed to Germans. Under this ‘legal’ system, non-Germans are given great liberties and protections while the indigenous German people are forced to comply with the multiculturalization and multiracialization, and also subservience to Israel, of their homeland. If they publicly express their disagreement, they are arrested, tried, fined and jailed.

Note that the name of this people in their own language is ‘Deutsch’ and their country is Deutschland. Land of the Deutsch … land where Germans live. The post-war global order wants to destroy nationalism by destroying the nation itself - as said above, by multiculturalizing and multiracializing every European homeland. This is the idea behind ‘One Europe.’ So Deutsch people are to disappear as a unique product of evolution so that their superior qualities don’t make other, less well-endowed people look bad. And so they won’t be able to sucessfully interfere with the Jewish ‘One Europe’ plan.

The liberal political parties (that sometimes call themselves ‘conservative’ or ‘centre’ but remain liberal-globalist) that have been in power since 1945 do not want to return to a national orientation or perspective. They actually want to retain whatever American control mechanisms are in place because that helps them retain their power. This is the reason no new Constitution has ever been called for. The Basic Law is called the Constitution now, and no one questions it except the small number of patriots like Ursula Haverback who refuse to quietly let the Deutsch people disappear. Watch her talk about the phony German Constitution here.

Witches in the Middle Ages

This treatment of ‘holocaust deniers’ in Deutschland is similar to hunting witches in the Middle Ages. At that time, the very powerful Catholic Church terrorized women in order to keep the faithful in fear of the Church’s power to condemn their souls to Hell. Sacrificing a few innocent victims in this cause did not bother the hierarchy for they told themselves the end justified the means - they were saving souls.

It is no different now. The importance of keeping the Jewish-inspired global order in place (the horrific world wars also gave them the opportunity to establish this order in the first place) is the “end” that justifies the sacrifice of the ‘free speech’ and democratic processes they claim to offer. In other words, Big Lies have to be backed up with many more lies, thus those who still insist on telling the truth must be sacrificed.

The greater good that they are protecting is the Global New World Order that they say is necessary to bring peace to the world.

Canadian citizen, violinist Monika Schaefer was arrested for no crime committed in Germany and has been held in a Munich prison for many weeks now because of a video she released onto the Internet from her home country of Canada where it is not against the law. Because she was visiting her brother in Germany, and attended a court hearing for Sylvia Stolz (another woman who spent a long stretch in prison for ‘holocaust denial’), the German government applied it’s strict laws to Monika.

The Jews are trying to get more countries to pass ever more stringent laws against ‘holocaust denial’ with their global campaign against ‘anti-Semitism.’ They flood the media with this campaign, while not covering people like Ursula Haverbeck and Monika Schaefer at all. This is a kind of tyranny and dictatorship that must be fought, but requires a level of intelligence that is being bred out of our Western and European people at a rapid rate. We are at a critical stage.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Folk and the Jewish Question

The NSDAP Policy on the jews

Translated by Hadding Scott 
FOLK (Nation) is a community of human beings with the same descent, language, culture, history, and homeland, and the same political will. The folk is a community of blood and destiny. Shared ancestry is the most important characteristic. We Germans are all related to each other. Other characteristics of a folk, language, culture, history, and homeland are not as important.

Language is the most conspicuous sign of nationality. One recognizes the scion of a folk by his language. It can also happen however that a folk adopts an alien tongue. The Jewish folk for example speaks the language of the respective host nation.

Every true culture is bound to the folk. Art is always rooted in folkdom; it is never “international.” This does not rule out the possibility that certain masterworks acquire supranational importance. On the other hand there are peoples that are capable of no cultural achievement.

Every folk has its own history. Perhaps no people has a past so great and proud as ours. In the convoluted course of German history the German folk was indeed torn asunder again and again into separate states, but, because of the mighty, historic deed of our Leader, united Germandom now will bear a single shared destiny.

Every folk has a special settlement region, a homeland. It is one of the greatest tasks of every nation to adjust its living space to fit its population-count. Germany was for centuries a “folk without space,” while other European peoples ruled great world-empires. Because German living space was too small, hundreds of thousands of the best Germans emigrated to foreign lands, with the result that they were mostly lost to Germandom. We therefore demand living space which corresponds to the accomplishments of the German people upon this earth (cf. the Party Program, Point 3). No people has a greater right to colonies than the German people.

An important characteristic is the common political will. The awareness of belonging together, national consciousness, is of decisive importance for a people. A folk becomes a nation when it is animated by a unitary political will and unifies itself in a durable state. It was through the National-Socialist Revolution that the Germans first became a nation. Adolf Hitler has given to the German people a singular political will; he has thereby made it into a true nation. While the concept “folk” in German history often expressed something contemptible (niederes Volk, “common folk”), National-Socialism has elevated the folk to the central and most important value.

The folk articulates itself organically into tribes (Stämme), clans (Sippen), and families.

The family is the germ-cell of the folk. It is, as the smallest and most natural blood-bond, one of the most important foundations of our entire life. Every human being is decisively influenced in the house of his parents. The Jew knows very well that he can only destroy the peoples among whom he lives if he destroys the family. On the other hand the soundness of our folk is only possible through a purposeful nurturing of the family.

While one understands by “family” only the nearest relatives, one calls the broader circle of blood-relationship the clan. In Germanic prehistory the clan played a major role. It will again acquire greater importance in the folkish state.

The largest hereditary units within a people are the tribes. They define themselves through the same dialect, through the same customs and usages, and through a common homeland. In Germany we are acquainted for example with the tribes of Lower Saxony, Franconia, Swabia, Bavaria, Saxony, Silesia, etc. However great the differences between the particular German tribes may appear, the commonality which binds them all is greater by far. The tribes are only parts of the folk, a community of destiny.

Folk and race are not the same. “Folk” is a political and cultural concept; “race” is a concept of biology and natural science. The folk is a bond of destiny; the race by contrast is not a political community but the eternal spring from which the people derives its strength.

The folk is the only political community. Everything we do should be for the benefit of the German folk. We struggle and sacrifice for our German folk.

Adolf Hitler: “By fending off the Jew, I fight for the work of the Lord.”

The Jews are a folk, not a race. They are often portrayed as a race in order to emphasize their distinctness. They are a folk completely alien to us Germans, with an entirely different racial composition. The chief racial components of Jewry are the Armenoid (vorderasiatische) and Semitic (orientalische) races. In the course of their history they have mixed themselves with almost all other races of the world.

We National-Socialists are anti-Semites, i.e. adversaries of the Jews. We do not oppose Jewry as a religion. A baptized Jew remains racially and folkishly still a Jew. — We are likewise not gutter anti-Semites (Radau-Antisemiten) nor are we strictly anti-Semites (Nur-Antisemiten). Rather, we are adversaries of the Jews for the following reasons:

1. Jewry is a foreign folk. The Jew is of completely different descent, of alien blood; he has an entirely different political will. A Jew is always in the first place only a Jew, then also perhaps — when it is of benefit to him — “German,” “English,” “French,” etc. — Jewry considers itself the “Chosen People” and strives for world power.

2. The Jew is a parasite, a sponger. He always corrupts the folk in which he dwells. Jewry deliberately destroys the host people’s basic prerequisites for life. Jewry is the “ferment of decomposition” (Mommsen), i.e. the force of destruction. The Jew knows very well how to camouflage himself and to adapt himself (to “assimilate”) to the people among whom he dwells. He systematically poisons every healthy folk; for in an unhealthy folk the Jewish sponger thrives better.

Jews were most of the black-marketeers and profiteers from war and inflation. Jews were the key “leaders” of the Marxist and Liberal parties. The Jew systematically divided the German people in order to be able to govern. He corrupted art, undermined all moral and heroic strengths of our people. All of public life became more and more judaized. This alien folk pushes its way into all important positions (examples!). Almost the entire press, and thus public opinion, were controlled by Jews. Above all the economic power of the Jew escalated more and more. He prevailed not because of his greater ability but as a consequence of his brazenness, brutality, and lack of conscience. The Jew ruled the German people. (Regarding the Jewish question cf. the entire following chapter!)

Against this, National-Socialism organizes the unified defense of the German nation.

Adolf Hitler has broken the Jewish influence in Germany. All the more does World Jewry now agitate throughout the world for the National-Socialist Reich, which it hates, to be destroyed in a second World War. But this war, on the contrary, will end Jewish world power. Through the victorious campaign of the 18 days in Poland and Galicia, the core province of today’s Jews, this world plague has already been struck to the core. Furthermore the Fuehrer will eliminate Jewry in all Europe, and thereby frustrate all Jewish plans for world government.*

* This paragraph reflects the circumstances of 1940 and is totally absent from the original 1934 edition. It is an elaboration of a statement from Hitler’s speech of 30 January 1939, which said that if “international finance Jewry within Europe and abroad” succeeded in fomenting another world war, the result would be the Vernichtung of the Jewish race in Europe. The rationale given in this paragraph is that getting the Jews out of Europe gets them away from the centers of power in the world.

Also see, inter alia: Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, especially Vol. I, chapters 2, 3, and 11, and Vol. II, chapters 2 and 10; Theodor Fritsch, Handbook of the Jewish Question; Schwartz-Bostunitsch, Jewish Imperialism, Chapter 2.

Source: Politische Fibel by Hansjoerg Maennel, 16th edition (1940); translated by Hadding Scott (2009)