Thursday, May 30, 2019
Monday, May 27, 2019
Adolf Hitler About the Worker
I will in my life possess no
greater pride than to one day at the end of my life be able to say: I have won
for the German Reich the German worker!
Speech of May 10, 1933 in
It will be the firm goal of
the movement, which I and my fellow fighters represent, to elevate the word
„worker” to the German nation’s great title of honor.
Speech of May 10, 1933 in
Against him (the worker) no
state should be formed, no, it should rise with him!
Speech of May 10, 1933 in
I lead the struggle for the
million masses of our good, industrious, working, productive folk.
Speech of November 10, 1933 in
The appeal must be directed
ever anew to the nation and socialist feeling.
Speech of April 17, 1934 in
The social idea (must) be the
unconditional fundament in a state, otherwise a state cannot hold out in the
Speech of April 12, 1922 in
Genuine socialism, however, is
the doctrine of strictest fulfillment of duty,
Appendix to „Adolf Hitler’s
Speeches“: Adolf Hitler’s Sayings
If...the word socialism is
supposed to have any meaning at all, then it can only have the one, with iron
justice, that means in the deepest insight, to burden each - in terms of the
preservation of the entirety - with that, which is appropriate to him thanks to
his born talent and hence his worth.
Speech of September 3, 1933 in
For the German worker we
National Socialists will from now on open the path to that, which he can demand
and claim.
Reply to Weis (SPD) in the
Reichstag on March 23, 1933
This broad certainly
often ponderous and is certainly in many regards backward and not so nimble,
not so witty and not so intellectual. But it has something: It has loyalty, it has
perseverance, it has stability.
Speech of May 10, 1933 in
Whoever wants to find loyalty
and faith, confidence, fanaticism and persistent devotion, must go where these
virtues are still to be found; but they are only to be found in the broad mass
of this folk. Only there dominates this faithful trust, this blind devotion,
this attachment and this heroic courage to stand up for an ideal.
Speech of February 26, 1934 in
The German worker is just like
our peasant industrious and loyal!
Speech to the folk comrades in
Danzig of May 17, 1933
If we want to endure as a
community, then we must overcome what divides!
Speech of March 4, 1933 in
Genuine socialism is the
highest folkdom!
Appendix to „Adolf Hitler’s
Speeches”: Adolf Hitler’s Sayings
One may be active wherever -
and should and must never forget that his folk comrade, who fulfills his duty
just like him, is indispensable, that the nation does not exist through the
work of a government, of a specific class or through the work of its
intelligentsia, rather that it only lives through the common and harmonious
work of all!
Speech of May 1, 1933 in
There is no socialism, which
does not have the strength of intellect at its disposal, no social joy, which
is not protected by the strength of a nation, yes, obtains its prerequisites.
Appeal for the election of
July 31, 1932
On the day when both ideas
(nationalism and socialism) merge into a single one, they are invincible.
Appeal for the election of
July 31, 1932
So, May 1-st can in the life
of folks only be a glorification of the national, creative will as opposed to
the international idea of decomposition, of the liberation of the national
spirit and also the economic removal of international contamination. That is in
the final analysis the question of the rejuvenation of folks.
Speech of May 1, 1923 in
We National Socialists (have)
in long work...created in our factory cell institution the organizational
prerequisite in order to not allow the armies of German workers, through the
smashing of the old, to fall into a leaderless, disorganized confusion, rather
to lead them determined with a firm hand into the world of the new facts.
Speech of January 30, 1934 in
If we win the German worker
for the state, then we will also keep him as an indestructible fundament for
the new Germany. I am hence of the conviction that our „Work Front” will one
day be a pillar of the new Reich.
Speech of May 16, 1934 in
The „German Work Front” must secure
work peace in that understanding is created among the factory managers for the
justified claims of their following and among the followers understanding is
created for the situation and possibilities of their factory.
Decree concerning the „German Work
Front” of October 24, 1934
I wish to the great
„German Work Front” that its leadership and all its members never lose faith,
come what may.
Speech of May 16, 1934 in
They must learn to respect
each other again, the worker of the mind the worker of the fist and vice versa.
Both belong together and from the both of them must a new man crystalize - the
man of the coming German Reich.
Speech of April 24, 1923 in
It is necessary to teach each
stratum the important of the other.
Speech of May 1, 1933 in
The productive people,
however, regardless whether worker of the mind or of the fist, are the noble
folk of our state, that is the German folk!
Speech of April 12, 1922 in
Especially the trained German worker
is surpassed by no other force in the world.
Speech of May 1, 1934 in
There are many tens of
thousands among us, who want to make the respect for the individual dependent
on the kind of work he performs. No, not what he does, rather how he does it,
must be decisive.
Speech of May 1, 1933 in
What we want is not a state of
drones, rather a state, which gives to each that to which he has a right on the
basis of his activity. Whoever does not honestly work, should not be a state
Speech of April 24, 1923 in
The German folk of the future
should give no citizen pensions for doing nothing, but give each the
possibility to earn his own bread through honest work and thus help and
contribute to the raising of the living standard of all.
Speech of March 21, 1934 in
Furthermore, it is clear to
the national government that the final elimination of the distress of both the
agricultural as well as the urban economy depends on the integration of the
army of unemployed into the production process. Herein lies the...greatest
economic task. It can only be solved through a gradual satisfaction amid
execution of healthy, natural, economic principles and all measures, which are
necessary, even if they, seen from the moment, cannot reckon with any
popularity. Creating employment and work service obligation are hereby only
individual measures within the framework of the overall attack.
Speech of March 23. 1933 in
We take here (for the
elimination of unemployment) paths, for which there is hardly a historical
Proclamation of September 1,
1933 in Nuremberg
In a quarter of the time I
allotted myself before the March election, one third of the unemployed have
again been given useful work; the attack proceeded concentric from all sides
and only thus enabled success.
Speech of January 30, 1934 in
A certain percentage of
unemployed will always remain in a folk of sixty-five million. Even before the
war, we had unemployment of about 800,000 people. If we manage to reduce the
number of unemployed to about a million, then we can view the problem of
unemployment as solved. Our whole work is initially directed fully toward this
Speech of April 17, 1934 in
A certain load is supposed to
be intentionally placed on a portion of the folk, so that it thereby helps to
make the distress of the other part more bearable.
Proclamation of the Winter
Help Work 1934/1935 on October 6, 1934
The success of the „Winter
Help Work” is not only to be observed domestically, rather also discernible in
foreign countries. It is difficult to say how many thousands of foreigners have
precisely through this social relief work become directly convinced of the
value of the new order in Germany... A large part of the mood shift in the
world can be traced to the successes of the National Socialist revolution, but
especially to the „Winter Help Work”. For from it grew the realization of the
towering social significance of the National Socialist idea in our fatherland.
Speech of April 17, 1934 in
Our task is: work, work and
still more work! From the success of the creation of employment we will obtain
the strongest authority.
Speech of March 20, 1934 in
If in a state only the person
who works honesty is a state citizen, then each also the right to demand that
in his old age care and need are kept far away from him. Then the greatest
social deed is accomplished.
Speech of April 24, 1923 in
The national
government...recognizes as its historical task to support and promote the
millions of German workers in the struggle for the rights of their existence.
As Chancellor and National Socialist I feel bound to them as the former
companions of my youth. The increase of the purchasing power of these masses
will be an essential means for the economic recovery. Under preservation of our
social legislation, the first step in its reform will be undertaken.
Fundamentally, however, the utilization of the whole work force in the service
of the entirety should follow. The idleness of millions of human work hours is
an insanity and a crime, which must lead to the impoverishment of all.
Regardless what assets would be created through a utilization of our surplus
labor force, they would be able to represent indispensable life goods for
millions of people, who today subsist in need and misery. The organizational
ability of our folk must and will succeed in solving this question.
Speech of March 23, 1933 in
We have given ourselves above
all a gigantic task: to lead back the German worker into the German nation. If
in the future the question is put to us: „What do you deem to be your greatest
accomplishment?”, then I can only say, that we managed to again integrate the
German worker into the German nation and to make clear to him: The nation is
not a concept in which you have no share, rather you yourself are the bearer of
the nation, you belong to it, you cannot separate yourself from it, your life
is bound to the life of your whole folk, which is not just the root for your
strength as well, rather also the root for your life!
Speech of October 24, 1933 in
That makes us proud that we
again led into the folk, and hence made bearers of the national idea, countless
millions of people, who went off to the side, in part full of envy, in part
looking with hatred at the portion designating itself „national”.
Speech of October 24, 1933 in
Friday, May 24, 2019
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Monday, May 20, 2019
Music of Rebellion
by Dr. William Pierce
Last year I
got into the business of producing and distributing music. I had a couple of
reasons for doing so. A general reason is that I want to continue to build my
capability for communicating with the public through every medium that can be
used effectively for that purpose, and music can be a very effective medium. A
specific reason is that I wanted a medium for communicating with alienated
young Americans who listen to a type of music known as „resistance music.“
These young Americans have grown up in multiculturalized America.
They’ve been weaned on Jewish
television programming. They’ve gone to racially mixed schools and been lied to
by Politically Correct teachers about how everyone is „equal,“ about how we
must all learn to get along with one another, that more and more „diversity“
and multiculturalism are the irresistible wave of the future, and that no
normal person should want to resist this wave anyway because it’s good and, oh,
so wonderful! The music these kids have heard while growing up has been very
heavy on rock, and the media bosses are now phasing them into rap.
Instead of adapting to
multiculturalism like good, little lemmings should, however, these young people
have rebelled. The multicultural planners, the media bosses, have succeeded in
alienating them, in cutting them loose from their roots, but the media bosses
have not succeeded in making them like being uprooted; the Jews in Hollywood
and New York have not succeeded in making the kids like or accept
multiculturalism. The kids have rebelled in various ways that the planners of
America’s destruction simply didn’t count on.
The healthiest elements among these
young people have responded to their tribal instinct and have sought to
reestablish their racial roots in one way or another. Resistance music has
played an important role in this quest for roots and community and meaning.
Some of the music expresses very explicit defiance of those who have attempted
to force the kids into a multicultural life-style. It expresses anger against the
government. It expresses resentment against the Jewish planners behind the
government’s multicultural programs. It expresses hostility against non-Whites
and against everyone who is allied to the non-Whites; it is fighting music. All
of this music that expresses anger and resentment and rebelliousness is
properly called „resistance“ music, and most – though not all – of it belongs
to the „rock“ genre.
Back in the mid-1950s the Jews began
inaugurating many of their programs to multiculturalize America. One of these
programs involved moving young Whites away from traditionally White musical
forms and replacing these White musical forms with Black music. The most
notable aspect of this program was the use of singer Elvis Presley to
popularize rock’ n’ roll among young White people. Before Elvis, rock ‘n’ roll
was essentially a Black musical form, with Black roots, Black performers, and
Black listeners. With their control of the popular-music industry and
broadcasting, the Jews were successful in their effort to drag rock ‘n’ roll
across the color line, just as they are succeeding now in popularizing another
Black musical form – rap – among young Whites.
The Jews were so successful in
popularizing rock among young Whites, in fact, that the kids eventually began
to think of it as their music: as White music. Then young White musicians
turned the tables on the Jews by writing their own rock lyrics, and their
lyrics were rebellious lyrics, angry lyrics, defiant lyrics, lyrics which told
the Jews, in effect, to go to hell, that young Whites would not permit the Jews
any longer to force Whites to multiculturalize. The Jews responded by labeling
the music with these defiant lyrics „hate music.“
Despite the label, and despite the
efforts of the Jews to suppress it by denying it access to the mass media,
resistance music continued to attract new fans among young Whites. And the
music evolved. The genre broadened. Resistance lyrics were written for some
country music. My company, Resistance Records, sells this country music under
the label „Johnny Rebel.“ Resistance music also incorporated other music from
the past which had nothing to do with rock. Resistance Records, for example,
also sells march music and other patriotic music from the very racially
conscious Third Reich. On the Internet you can see a listing of all of the
resistance music I distribute at
And all of this music, whether rock
or country or German march music, is denounced by the mass media as „hate
music“ so long as it shows any trace of racial consciousness or resistance to
multiculturalism. But as I said a moment ago it was the healthiest elements
among our young people who gave expression to their tribal feeling in their
music. Others have expressed their alienation in different ways – in less
healthy ways. Some have rebelled against the unnatural environment of
multiculturalism without really understanding fully what they are rebelling
against. Instead of having a positive alternative to the Jews’ programs, they
have simply rejected everything – or at least, everything traditional. They
have become nihilists.
Some have turned to Satanism as a
way of expressing their anger against the traditional world they feel has let
them down, a multicultural world in which they feel they have no place. Their
music is full of Satanic imagery and mumbo-jumbo. There are pentagrams and
goat’s heads and cabalistic characters from the Hebrew alphabet in the graphics
accompanying their music.
Satanism is almost a parody of
traditional Judaeo-Christianity, with chanting and rituals and priestly
hocus-pocus and so on.
Satanic music should not be mistaken
for pagan music. Pagan music is much more serious music, and its purpose is not
so much to express resentment against Christianity as it is to give expression
to the healthy religious feelings of pre-Christian Europe and to express an
awareness of blood and soil and very deep racial roots. It is not nihilistic,
and it really belongs with the other positive forms of resistance music: that
is, with what the Jews denounce as „hate music.“
The nihilistic music, on the other
hand, is fine with the Jews. They would prefer, I believe, for everyone to be a
good, little multicultural lemming, but if one must rebel against that, then
the rebellion should take a nihilistic form. And of course, Satanism isn’t the
only form of nihilism. For example, there’s a whole category of rock music
which is called „Death Metal,“ and let me tell you, it is very sick stuff. It
is totally hedonistic, like Satanic music – you know, everything goes; if it
feels good do it; you have no responsibility to anyone or anything but
yourself; nothing is sacred; nothing is worthy of respect; nothing matters but
your own personal pleasure. But Death Metal goes beyond hedonism: far beyond
it. It is music that glories in perversity, music that seeks to defile, music
that exalts sickness and unnaturalness and pain and decay and destruction and
death. Its lyrics deal with cannibalism, with necrophilia, with bestiality, and
with every other perversion imaginable. Torture and mutilation are very common
themes. It’s morbid, twisted stuff.
The concerts put on by these
nihilist musical groups are quite extreme. They may involve people urinating or
defecating on each other on stage. Sexual intercourse of various types may take
place in the background. And real or simulated genital torture and mutilation
may be part of the show. I know a fellow who plays in a rock band called
„Genitorturers.“ And that’s what they do: genital torture, live and on stage.
Now, you might wonder why I’m
telling you about these things. First, I want you to know that I don’t
distribute such music and have no intention of doing so. Everything produced or
distributed by my company, Resistance Records, is positive, healthy, racially
oriented resistance music: what the Jews call „hate music.“ If the Jews hate
it, I produce it and distribute it; if the Jews like it, I have nothing to do
with it. But I do have two interests in nihilist music. My first interest is
why this sick music, this Satanic and Death Metal music, is increasingly
popular among young White people in America and in Europe. Why is it attractive
to so many young people? I have some ideas about that, and I’ll share them with
you in a moment.
My second interest in this sick
music is the Jewish connection. I mentioned that I know a fellow who plays in a
Death Metal band. He sent me a CD he had produced, complete with Satanist
symbols in the accompanying graphics for the jewel case. I was surprised to
note that the CD had a Time Warner copyright. Marilyn Manson is probably the
best-known performer in the Satanist music genre. His records are distributed
by Interscope, which is a property of Universal Studios, which is owned by
Jewish liquor-and-media billionaire Edgar Bronfman, Jr. One obvious reason the
Jews produce and promote and distribute this sick music is simply greed. They
pay to have it produced, they put their labels on it, and they sell it in their
big record stores in New York and Los Angeles and San Francisco because they
make money on it. An appallingly large number of White teenagers are attracted
to the stuff.
Well, greed is just one reason. It
is not surprising that where there is a market for something, the Jews will
come crowding in and elbow everyone else aside in their eagerness to grab the
profit for themselves. But why not try to make money from real resistance music
also? There’s a big, largely undeveloped market for that music too. Why do they
leave that market to me and focus their own efforts on the necrophilia and
Satanism and genital torture? They never permit any real resistance music to be
sold in the big record stores where they sell their sick music.
You see, both resistance music and
nihilist music, Death Metal music, are in a sense rebel music, music which
expresses a rejection of what we might call the „mainstream“ world. Resistance
music fans reject the mainstream world because it has been multiculturalized,
because it no longer is a White world, and they want to make it White again.
Death Metal fans reject the mainstream world simply because they have become
alienated and no longer have an attachment to anything but themselves. The Jews
attempt to suppress the former music and promote the latter. And that fits
right in with the general Jewish tendency: always promote that which is
destructive and destroy that which is healthy.
And if you doubt that Death Metal
music is really destructive, then you just haven’t been exposed to it. You’ve
led too sheltered a life to understand how much really nasty stuff is out
there. Go to a Death Metal concert sometime. Read the lyrics to a few Death
Metal songs. In fact, listen; I’ll read to you a few lines from one of the more
popular Satanist bands, Deicide. This is from a Deicide song called
„Sacrificial Suicide“:
Lust into reality
Satan angel of the
black abyss, Satan lord I hail
Insane blasphemous –
Satan Sacrificial suicide,
Ritual to end my life
Behemoth incess my
fate – Satan Damned to tell, end of my life Wrath of God – Satan
Sin my soul, blesses
with fire Throne of stone – Satan
I must die, in my wake
Seventh gate – Satan Suicide, end my life
I must die – Satan
Suicide sacrifice, thrust of evil
deep inside Lucifer never lies, take away thee mortal life Demigod, Satan son,
commend to body to the ground Father Satan, I’ll find peace when I am God.
Well, of course, much of that is
simply gibberish and non-words, but the flavor is quite clear. The Jews
understandably are a little shy about publicizing their involvement in this
stuff where middle-class parents might find out about it and become alarmed.
They’d just as soon you not ponder too much on the involvement of Time Warner’s
boss Gerald Levin or Universal Studios boss Edgar Bronfman in the production
and promotion of Satanic music. But they’re certainly not shy about rubbing
your kids’ noses in it. The Jews peddle this filth to confused White teenagers
as shamelessly as any Black crack dealer selling his poisonous wares on a
school playground.
I want to stress this point: the
people promoting this filth are not just sleazy, marginal Jews in trenchcoats
fresh off the boat from Russia. They are filthy-rich, billionaire Jewish media
bosses, respectable Jews, the leaders of the Jewish community, Jews who own
Hollywood film studios and arrive in long limousines at the White House for
state dinners and have every politician in the Congress in their pockets. They
are the Jews behind the multiculturalizing of America, the Jews who planned
forced racial integration and open borders and Affirmative Action. They are the
Jews whose programs have uprooted and alienated millions of young, White
They are the Jews who, in response
to the alienation and anger they themselves have caused, now sell Satanic and
Death Metal music to American teenagers. That’s an example of what they proudly
call chutzpah.
And now the other question: why do
any White kids tolerate this filth? Why is there a market for it? Why do
15-year-old White boys and girls from good families listen to lyrics with very
explicit descriptions of sex with corpses? Why do they pay to go to concerts
where they watch a woman on stage having her genitalia sewed shut with a needle
and thread, to the screeching and thumping accompaniment of a rock band?
Part of the answer is obvious. Kids
will do anything – and I mean absolutely anything – which is fashionable. They
will put safety pins through their nipples or studs through their tongues
without having a clue as to what it’s all about, except that other kids in
their peer group are doing the same thing. If the Jewish media bosses promote
it, a substantial portion of the kids will do it without a second thought. And
really, Death Metal is no worse than the rap music that the Jews also are
promoting among young Whites. The young White lemmings, who are more or less
acclimated to multiculturalism, go for the rap. Alienated young Whites without
a clue tend toward the Death Metal. One advantage the latter music has is that
it will shock their parents, even liberal parents, whereas liberal parents
hardly can be shocked by rap without running the risk of seeming to be racists.
There’s more than cluelessness and a
desire to shock parents involved in the growing popularity of Death Metal,
however. The music reflects a growing morbidity in the outlook of young White
people. The growing suicide rate among young Whites also reflects this.
Alienation is not a normal, healthy condition. When a large number of young
people are uprooted and no longer have a clear sense of identity or a clear
sense of belonging to a natural community, to a racial community, one should not
be surprised at the development of various pathologies, such as hedonism and
the fascination with death.
One also should not be surprised at
the various forms of destructive behavior – especially self- destructive
behavior – which are becoming much more common among young White people.
One should not make the mistake of
blaming bad behavior on the music, however. The kids who listen to this music
already had problems. The music is a symptom of their pathology, not the cause
of it. The Jews have destroyed their world, have cut them off from their roots,
and that is what the kids are reacting badly to, not the music. When a kid who
listens to Satanic or Death Metal music carves up a neighbor’s pet – or his own
little sister – in some sort of Satanic ritual, the music didn’t make him do
it; the Jewish media bosses and the politicians in the government who destroyed
his world with their multicultural programs made him do it. And exactly the
same thing can be said about White teenagers who plan and carry out massacres
at their schools. The Columbine High School killers were Marilyn Manson fans,
but Marilyn Manson didn’t make them slaughter 13 people. Edgar Bronfman, Jr.,
who sells Marilyn Manson’s music, made them do it: Edgar Bronfman, Jr., and his
fellow filthy-rich Jews, who consciously and deliberately, with malice
aforethought, planned the destruction of the White world we used to have in
America, where White teenagers could grow up with roots in a healthy and
natural way.
Perhaps you can understand now why I
thought it worthwhile to talk with you about the rather distasteful subject of
Satanic and Death Metal music. It’s not an obscure, underground little
phenomenon. It’s big business for the Jews who are pushing it. Time Warner and
Universal Studios don’t waste their time with little, underground phenomena.
And it is about as clear and unambiguous an indicator as you can find of what
is happening to our people, of the sickness that is overtaking us. I want to
rub your noses in it. I want you to smell the stink of death that is in it. And
I want you to understand who is behind it and why they’re behind it.
You know, there are a lot of
mainstream Christian preachers who have railed against Satanic music from time
to time, but not one of them has breathed a word about the Jewish connection.
Oh, my goodness, no! That would be anti-Semitic! They would have you believe
that this sickness just sprang up of its own accord, out of nowhere, for no
good reason. And of course, if you approach it that way, it just doesn’t make
sense. It doesn’t seem real. You have to understand the Jewish connection
before you can take this sickness seriously.
I’m telling you that you’d better
take it seriously. I’m telling you that you’d better understand what it’s all
about and how it fits in with everything else that is happening these days.
And I want to give you some positive
news too. The number of people who listen to real resistance music – the
positive, healthy kind of resistance music that I produce and distribute – the
kind the Jews call „hate music,“ is growing fast. One of these days soon there
will be enough of us to make some changes in this world. And by God, when that
day comes we’re going to have very little patience with the soft, pampered
middle-class folks who didn’t pay attention to what was happening because they
were too busy at the shopping mall or too busy watching the ball game or too
afraid of being labeled „haters“ by the Jews and their allies. The anger is
building, the rage is building, and it’s going to break loose.