Friday, August 30, 2019
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Adolf Hitler About the Trade and Transportation
While we built roads, dig canals, dry swamps, erect
dams and locks, we perform a constructive work, which can indeed claim our
whole energy.
Interview of
April 3, 1934 in Berlin
have begun to increase commerce. A huge road network will be built in Germany,
conceived for coming decades and centuries. The water ways are also being
expanded exactly the same, and the previous road network will likewise be put
in order.
Speech of
October 24, 1933 in Berlin
put together a program, which we do not want to leave to posterity: the program
of our new road construction, a gigantic task, which requires billions. We will
sweep the resistance against it from the path and begin the task big. We will
thus introduce a series of public works, which help to reduce the number of
unemployed more and more.
Speech of May
1, 1933 in Berlin
order to generously ensure the prerequisites for the future development of
transportation, the huge work of the new German Reich Autobahn was projected
and started.
Speech of
March 21, 1934 in Unterhaching
our roads are in part insufficient, in part also decayed, a network of 6
500-kilometer automobile roads will be built and already in this winter started
with the greatest energy. The financing comes through our automobile/fuel tax
as well as usage fees to be imposed.
Interview of
October 18, 1933 in Berlin
have assembled here at the construction site of one of the gigantic new
roadways, which are designed to give the German economy new and most modern
transportation routes. Mighty is this plan and symbolic for the greatness of
the task placed on us.
Speech of
March 21, 1934 in Unterhaching
order to guide the promotion of transportation to a reasonable settlement of
all interested transportation parties, the first step will be taken already at
the beginning of the coming year through a reform of the motor vehicle tax. The
preservation of the Reich railway and its swiftest possible return to the
Reich’s power is a task, which obligates us not just economically, rather also
Speech of
March 23, 1933 in Berlin
measures will, in their full significance, only find their appreciation in the
future, in particular the promotion of the motorization of German
transportation in connection to the construction of the Reich Autobahn. The old
rivalry between Reich railway and motor vehicle has here found a solution,
which will one day be of the highest use for the whole German folk.
Speech of
January 30, 1934 in Berlin
Reich will - next to the construction of the mighty Autobahn roads - now also
turn its practical interest with determination to the improvement of the former
main roads.
Speech of
March 8, 1934 in Berlin
development of air transportation as a means for the peaceful connection of
folks among each other will be vigorously nurtured by the national government.
Speech of
March 23, 1933 in Berlin
numbers of our transportation - on the rails, by motor vehicle and in the air -
experienced enormous increases.
of September 5, 1934 in Nuremberg
Saturday, August 24, 2019
How Zionists Divide and Conquer
by Dr. David Duke
This is a
fresh look at why the same powerful Jews who support Israel as a "Jewish
State" do everything they can to create a fractured society in nations
they live in outside of Israel.
Why Zionists preach one thing for
Jews and the direct opposite for Gentiles. Mass immigration, multiculturalism
and diversity makes any society vulnerable to the most organized, aggressive,
ethnic people on earth. Their leaders know that that their team effort gives a huge
advantage over a fractured, atomized society. Diversity is a weapon.
In this video, I give direct
evidence of the Zionist technique for dominating a society.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith
by Dr. William Pierce
10 October 1998
Last week I mentioned a recent attack on me by a Jewish organization, the
Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. I gave this as an example of the way
the Jews are able to use the mass media in America to serve their purposes. The
specific point I made was that it is not necessary for all of the newspaper
owners and editors and all of the local television station owners to be Jews in
order for all of them to slavishly follow the Anti-Defamation League’s party
line. This is a very important point, a point essential for us to understand if
we want to have a free society, and I’ll elaborate on it now.
I mentioned last week that when the Anti-Defamation League – or ADL for
short – handed out press releases on September 24 to newspapers and other media
in which they said that the organization I head, the National Alliance, is „the
single most dangerous organized hate group in America,“ and that we are „linked“
to bank robberies, bombings, and murders all over the country, virtually all of
the media simply printed these wild charges without checking them for accuracy.
Of all the hundreds of newspapers which printed the ADL’s charges, only one –
West Virginia’s Charleston Gazette – even bothered to call me first and
ask for my comments. Some of the newspapers, in paraphrasing the ADL’s press
release, even managed to exaggerate the ADL’s lies. For example, the Tampa
Tribune began its news story on September 25 with the line: „A domestic
terrorist group with a following in Tampa poses an ongoing threat of violence,
the Anti-Defamation League said in a report issued Thursday.“ The ADL’s words „most
dangerous organized hate group“ have been transformed by the Tampa Tribune into
„domestic terrorist group.“ That’s a significant change. „Hate group“ is an
ill-defined term which you can apply to any organization with whose policies or
doctrines you disagree. Groups opposed to abortion, for example, have been
called „hate groups“ by feminists and their supporters. „Terrorist group,“ on
the other hand, really suggests a group which actually engages in terrorist
activity, such as bombings, assassinations, and the like.
Then there’s the Los Angeles Times, which in its September 25 story
based on the ADL’s press release stated: „The group’s activities [that is the
National Alliance’s activities] – including violent crimes such as robberies
and bombings – have been uncovered in at least 26 states.“ I’ll repeat that: „the
group’s activities – including violent crimes such as robberies and bombings.“
The Los Angeles Times certainly makes it sound as if I’m the head of an
organization which actually commits violent crimes such as robberies and
bombings as a matter of course, doesn’t it? That was the Los Angeles Times’ interpretation
of the ADL’s list of „criminal incidents linked to the National Alliance and
its propaganda.“ What the ADL’s list actually suggests is that the perpetrators
of various bombings and murders may be „linked“ to the National Alliance by
having read a book or a pamphlet published by the National Alliance or perhaps
by having listened to one of my broadcasts. For example, one of the „incidents“
in the ADL’s list of „criminal incidents linked to the National Alliance“
reads: „December 1995, Fayetteville, North Carolina: Two soldiers stationed at
Fort Bragg, who were avowed neo-Nazis and reportedly read National Alliance
propaganda, murdered an African-American couple.“ As I pointed out last week,
neither I nor anyone else in the National Alliance had ever heard of James
Burmeister before he shot a convicted Black drug dealer and the dealer’s
girlfriend to death in Fayetteville in December 1995. But it certainly is
possible that Burmeister listened to an American Dissident Voices broadcast
or read some publication of the National Alliance. There are a lot of our
publications in circulation. Burmeister also may have read Reader’s Digest or
the Bible or Newsweek magazine, for all I know; there’s certainly a lot
of criminal activity described in those publications. Anyway, the Los
Angeles Times’ interpretation of the ADL’s claim that the National Alliance
is linked through its publications to various criminal acts is that we did it:
we committed the criminal acts ourselves. The paper said flatly that our
activities include „violent crimes such as robberies and bombings.“ And nobody
from the Los Angeles Times even bothered to check with me first!
So what am I supposed to do: hire a bunch of lawyers and sue all of these
newspapers and perhaps the ADL too? Perhaps I will – but I doubt that anyone
who has actually been involved in a libel suit would suggest such a course. The
civil litigation system in the United States has been designed for the sole
purpose of enriching lawyers, and because of that the system gives an
overwhelming advantage to the litigant who has the most money to spend on
lawyers. Perhaps some experienced civil-litigation lawyer who believes this is
a worthy cause will contact me and offer his services.
But while I’m waiting for that, let me draw a few conclusions from this
nasty business. First, I’ll mention that I’m not especially peeved at the ADL
about this new report labeling me as the most dangerous man in America. That
doesn’t mean I won’t sue them, but at least I know where they’re coming from.
The ADL is a professional hate organization. They are hate merchants. That’s
the way they earn their living: selling hate. Along with a handful of other
Jewish organizations – the Simon Wiesenthal Center and Morris Dees’s Southern
Poverty Law Center, for example – the ADL makes its money by persuading Jews
and wannabee Jews around the country that they are in great danger from people
like me – but if everyone will just send them a nice, fat check today, the ADL
will protect these Jews and wannabees from me. And so the ADL – and these other
hate merchants – put out deliberately scary press releases to drum up
donations. If the newspapers exaggerate things a bit, why so much the better.
That’s why the press releases tend to be a little deceptive, why they are
written in a way calculated to lead to misinterpretation.
The ADL is the oldest and most powerful of these Jewish hate groups in the
United States. It was founded in 1913, after a Jewish factory owner in Atlanta,
Leo Frank, was convicted of raping and killing a 14-year-old White girl, Mary
Phagan, who worked in his factory. The killer was sentenced to death by the
court, and there was a great deal of publicity about the case at the time.
Powerful Jewish organizations came to Frank’s defense, and in behind-the-scenes
maneuvering they were able to persuade Georgia’s governor to commute Frank’s
death sentence. This blatantly corrupt act by the governor working in cahoots
with his rich Jewish supporters so enraged the populace that a vigilante group
of citizens took Frank out of jail and hanged him themselves. The Jews,
realizing that they had bungled the Frank affair, organized the ADL for the
purpose of handling such matters more skillfully in the future. In the past 85
years the ADL has grown to become the most powerful Jewish pressure group and
lobbying organization in America.
Recent ADL lobbying projects have been the promotion of gun control laws
and of state laws banning military-style training by patriotic groups. The ADL’s
biggest project for this decade, however, has been so-called „hate crime“
legislation. Hate crime laws attempt to punish a person for what he was
thinking before or during the commission of an offense against a member or a
group of members of an officially favored minority. For example, if you set
fire to a synagogue because you don’t like Jews, you’re liable for a much more
severe punishment than you would be if you were hired by the rabbi to set fire
to a synagogue so the congregation could collect the insurance. Arson is no
longer simply arson. Now there’s arson, and there’s „hate arson.“ And to decide
which it is, the government may look into your personal taste in reading
material, check into the type of music you listen to, investigate your political
and religious affiliations, ask your friends about any expressions of
Politically Incorrect opinions you may have made – and then present all of this
information in court as evidence against you. The whole concept of „hate crime“
is Orwellian. It turns traditional American concepts of law and individual
freedom on their heads. But because the noisiest group of people pushing for „hate
crime“ legislation are Jews, no politician dares speak against it. Bill Clinton
is the Jews’ current point man on Federal „hate crime“ legislation.
One category of „hate crime“ is „hate speech.“ In fact, the outlawing of
what the ADL people call „hate speech“ is their ultimate aim. „Hate speech,“ of
course, is whatever they find offensive or dangerous to their interests. I find
a lot of the films coming out of Hollywood these days offensive, and a lot of
television programming, but you can be sure that’s not what the ADL has in mind
when it campaigns for laws against „hate speech.“ The ADL is especially
concerned about the propagation of what they consider dangerous ideas over the
Internet and has been working with software developers to develop censorship
programs which can be installed on any computer, so that computer users cannot
find any Politically Incorrect material on the Internet.
Lobbying to stamp out the Bill of Rights isn’t the ADL’s only activity.
They’re also the largest and most effective private espionage organization in
America. They have their spies in every community in America where there are
Jews or wannabees. Reports go from their regional offices around the country to
massive data banks in New York and in Israel, where the ADL maintains dossiers
on hundreds of thousands of Americans. For example, if a state legislator
somewhere in America makes a speech which a Jewish listener considers
unfriendly to Israel, a report goes into the ADL data bank. If a businessman at
a Chamber of Commerce meeting makes a joke which might indicate a
less-than-worshipful attitude toward Jews, and a wannabee informs the ADL of
the joke, that businessman will henceforth have a dossier in the ADL’s files.
Then if that state legislator or that businessman ever runs for Congress, say,
the ADL will search its files for his name, find his record, and launch a
campaign against him as an „enemy of Israel“ or as an „anti-Semite.“
And the ADL has not hesitated to break the law in its spying activity. In
April 1993 police obtained search warrants and raided the offices of the ADL in
San Francisco and Los Angeles, where they found hundreds of stolen confidential
police files. Some of these police files were on anti-apartheid activists in
the United States, and the ADL had passed copies on to the South African
government in return for South African police files on pro-Palestinian groups
in South Africa. This caused a stink even in liberal circles, which ordinarily
are pro-ADL. And this business of the ADL’s stolen police files is still in the
courts in California.
So as I said, I understand where the ADL is coming from. I’m not surprised
that they consider my broadcasts dangerous. I’m not surprised that they want to
shut me up and are trying to do that with their current smear campaign,
claiming that I am „linked“ to bombings and murders. I expect that sort of
behavior – I expect lies of that sort – from the ADL. What’s really
disappointing is the enthusiastic collaboration the ADL receives from the
politicians and the media. The two newspapers I cited a minute ago, the Tampa
Tribune and the Los Angeles Times, for example, are essentially
Gentile newspapers, as far as I have been able to determine. I may be mistaken,
but I believe that the editors and publishers of these two newspapers are not
Jews. So why do they go out of their way to exaggerate the ADL’s lies about me?
Why does the Tampa Tribune call the National Alliance a „domestic
terrorist group“? Why does the Los Angeles Times say that the activities
of the National Alliance include „violent crimes such as robberies and bombings“?
Why did neither of these newspapers contact someone in my office and ask about
the ADL’s claims before printing them? Why didn’t any of the newspapers which
carried the ADL’s attack on me mention the ADL’s history of illegal activity?
Let me tell you what I think about that. I believe that in general there
are two factors at work here. I’ll call them the corruption factor and the
lemming factor. Let’s look at the corruption factor first. It’s the factor
which motivates virtually all of the non-Jewish politicians, but also many
non-Jews in the media. It’s the factor which has led Bill Clinton to pack his
cabinet with Jews and to promote every Jewish policy they have presented him
with. It’s the factor which has led New York’s Senator Alphonse D’Amato to
serve as front man for the Jews’ huge extortion effort against the Swiss. These
politicians don’t work for the Jews because they love Jews. Nobody loves Jews.
They do it because they’re corrupt, because they’re willing to sacrifice the
interests of their own people in order to serve the Jews if they believe that
they can advance their careers by doing that. And many businessmen are just as
corrupt as the politicians. They will do whatever they think is good for their
business, whatever will give them the biggest profit. And some businessmen are
in the media business. They understand that Jews buy more advertising than any
other group. They understand that Jews own a bigger chunk of the media than any
other group. They understand which side their bread is buttered on.
And so when the ADL attacks me these media businessmen are ready to fall on
me like a pack of starved Dobermans in order to curry favor with the Jews. But
you know, the interesting thing about these corrupt people, whether they’re in
politics or in the media business, as soon as they believe that the balance of
power is shifting, they’ll jump. They’d as soon tear apart the Jews as they
would the enemies of the Jews. That’s something to keep in mind as our struggle
Now, the lemmings in the media are more interesting than the corrupt businessmen.
I’ve dealt with a lot of media people over the years, and one of the
observations I’ve made is that they are the trendiest single occupational group
in our society – even trendier than people in police work. I don’t think I’ve
ever met a journalist who had an original idea or who didn’t follow the Jewish
party line with a truly religious devotion. They all march in ideological
I think it wasn’t always this way. Back before the Second World War there
were a few journalists in America who could think for themselves. H.L. Mencken
is one who comes to mind. Nowadays, of course, the party-line journalists
shrink in horror and embarrassment from the mention of Mencken’s name. Mencken –
gasp! – didn’t like Jews and occasionally said so.
I can’t say that I really understand why journalists today are such
lemmings, but I am sure that it’s more than the fact that Jews are so powerful
in the media: I’m sure that it’s more than corruption, as in the case of the
politicians and businessmen. I suspect that today’s journalists are people who
have been more intensely socialized than most of the rest of the population.
They are people who have been subjected to stronger group pressures to conform
and have been selected according to how well they adapted to these pressures.
Perhaps the journalism departments at our universities don’t accept students
who don’t fit the lemming mold. Anyway, journalists certainly do have a very
strong tendency to stick close to the herd and to regard with suspicion and
hostility anyone who has strayed very far from the herd.
Now, this is an oversimplification, but I believe that the reason so many
media people fell in love with Bill Clinton as soon as he appeared on the
political scene back in 1991 or so is that they saw him as one of their crowd,
their herd. „Bill marched with us for the Viet Cong,“ they thought. „Bill
partied and smoked dope with us. He’s one of us.“
And they look at me and they think: „This guy Pierce is from the other side
of the tracks. Instead of helping us trash the dean’s office, he joined the
John Birch Society. He doesn’t belong to our crowd, so let’s trash him too.“
Anyway, I believe that there’s an element of that sort of thinking in the
average journalist’s mentality.
Now, the bright side of this picture is that people who think like lemmings
and have been conditioned by group pressure to have certain views can very
easily be conditioned to have quite different views by the simple application
of group pressure in a new direction. You won’t be able to change an
independent thinker’s opinions this way, but if you put 100,000 typical
journalists in a labor re-education camp and then select out 1,000 of them with
leadership potential, straighten out the thinking of this 1,000 with
two-by-fours, then put them in charge of the others, and put all except the
1,000 reoriented commissars on a diet of 300 calories a day, in a year every
journalist in the camp will be reoriented: skinny, but sincerely reoriented.
You can turn them loose with complete confidence that they’ll follow the new
party line just as slavishly as they followed the old party line, even after
they’ve regained their former weight. That’s the way lemmings are.
There’s one other aspect of the ADL’s operation which merits scrutiny, and
that is its program of corrupting police departments around the country. At the
press conferences they held in their regional offices last month when they
promoted me to „most dangerous man“ they had a number of local police officials
with them. The appearance of these police officials on the platform along with
the ADL’s Jews tended to give the press conferences a sort of quasi-official or
quasi-governmental atmosphere, and that undoubtedly encouraged the reporters
present to accept the ADL’s lies without question.
Some of the police officials were there because they have political
ambitions. They’re planning on running for the state legislature some day, and
they want the Jews’ backing. Others were there because the ADL has assiduously
been cultivating its relationships with police agencies for many years. The ADL
offers „anti-terrorist“ seminars to police departments and indoctrinates
policemen with its hate propaganda under the guise of teaching them how to
recognize and combat „domestic terrorists“ – such as William Pierce. The ADL
gets away with this despite its own record of criminal activity. The ADL has
been able to persuade the cops to overlook its having been caught with stolen
police files. That’s a little frightening. If we had a government with
integrity, the ADL would be dangerous enough. But with a government like we
have in the United States today, every decent citizen must regard with horror
the subversion of our police agencies by the ADL.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Have Mossad – Will Travel
Are you a
very, very wealthy, high-profile individual who wants to maintain personal
and/or business dealings on the down low? Or, are you and your friends part of
a high-end business where secret dealings, worth billions, must be kept under
wraps? Maybe you fall within one or more of these categories and some outside
party has been working to undercut your business and/or reputation. Maybe you
are part of a wealthy (demographic group) that feels threatened and endangered
by outside extremists. You or your group has the money to pay for special
protection from or for intelligence on your enemies, but where do you go to
purchase such services? It should be obvious, you look no further than former
members of Israel’s Mossad. You know, those guys whose motto is: “By way
of deception thou shalt wage war.” Do these people actually have businesses you
can contact? Well, yes they do, and they can make sure that when you are
stressed, for the right amount of money, you too can have your own private
At least that is what this 7 August
2019 The Times Of Israel article by Shoshanna Solomon titled, “A ‘private Mossad for civilians’
goes world wide to make its clients secure” is talking about. The article continues, “Sabra
Intelligence Solutions brings expertise acquired in Israel’s security services to the general
population with, it says, a focus on operating ethically.”
By the way, the definition of the
Hebrew word ‘Sabra’ means ‘a Jew born in Israel.’ It is in reference to the
thorny desert plant, known as the prickly pear, with a thick skin that conceals
a sweet, softer interior. It is compared to Israeli Jews, who are supposedly
tough on the outside but delicate and sweet on the inside. I’m sure that’s how
everyone always thinks about Israeli Jews, or Jews in general, for that matter.
The two year old Sabra Intelligence
Solutions, based out of Haifa, was set up by Eran Bachar and his childhood
friend Shay Chervinsky. Bachar’s background includes a stint in the military as
a paratrooper, as an officer in an Israel Police surveillance unit, and
experience with the Shin Bet (Shin Bet’s motto is “Defender that shall not
be seen”) and Israel’s domestic security service. During his service he held a
variety of classified operational positions. Ultra-Orthodox Chervinsky, who is
the company’s CEO, has worked in high-tech and low-tech and brings business
skills to the joint venture. The company’s staff is made up of people with
extensive experience in operations and training who served in classified
intelligence units in the Israeli army, the Israel Police and other Israeli
intelligence organizations. Field teams “…often include cyber professionals,
lawyers, economists, and in-house psychologists…”
Who generally hires Sabra?
The civilians Chervinsky referred to include
not only Jewish communities around the world but also “billionaires” – people
who need security services for all kinds of reasons and who are drawn by
Israel’s strong security image, as its elite IDF units and Mossad and Shin Bet
operations make headlines around the world…These high net-worth individuals –
including Russian oligarchs – come to Sabra with their “problems” and are
looking to resolve them discreetly and with “creative solutions,” Chervinsky
“The teams track and gather
information – using, for example, artificial intelligence technologies on
security cameras – analyze it to suggest steps that should be taken…The Sabra
teams are also employed to find flaws in the security details of known and
high-net-worth individuals, following them undercover to spot weak links. The
teams operate on the dark web, creating fake personas, to discover plots
against clients. They also have undercover agents who contact and develop
relationships with targets via so-called “random encounters” to get information
needed for clients…”
Sabra goes out of its way to
emphasize that they act ethically and above-board in their operations. “The
firm employs a legal adviser who checks each operation; its board approves all
operations it takes on and a rabbi is called when doubts arise regarding the
ethics of a mission…”
There is a very good reason why
Sabra emphasizes its ethical behavior, because it is not the only such Israeli
security company providing such services. Two other players are Black Cube
and the cybersecurity firm NSO Group, and they both have raised
questions about the type of operations they have carried out or the type of
clients they have taken on in past operations. (See also SYGNIA)
Black Cube, created by former Israeli intelligence
agents, has drawn international attention for allegedly working to discredit
Obama administration officials who helped negotiate the Iran nuclear agreement,
as well as to protect the reputation of disgraced #MeToo Hollywood mogul Harvey
Herzliya-based spyware firm NSO, founded in 2010 by Israelis Shalev Hulio and
Omri Lavie, has developed Pegasus, a highly invasive tool that can reportedly
switch on a target’s cellphone camera and microphone and access data on it,
effectively turning the device into a pocket spy.
International dissidents,
journalists (including Israeli journalists) and other opposition figures have
complained that repressive governments have used NSO technologies to spy on
them. This has led to the filing of lawsuits against the company.
It appears now that the Israeli
government, like the US government, has opened a kind of “Pandora’s box” for
itself by allowing highly trained government intelligence individuals to enter
the private civilian market. Jewish and Shabbos goy lust for money and power
always trumps national loyalty with these types of people and they have no qualms
in carrying out operations against their own governments as well as operations
against the perceived enemies of their own governments. Forgive me if I do not
shed any tears over Israeli kvetching about their former intelligence agents
turning on Israeli government officials, reporters, etc. What goes around,
comes around.
Please watch this very informative,
short video interview with German-based news reporter and author of the book
The Privatisation of Israeli Security, Shir Hever.
After reading about these private
security intelligence companies and watching the video, I have to wonder if at
least some of the so-called world “terrorist” events could be being carried out
by such companies and privately funded by individuals and organizations with
deep pockets.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Monday, August 12, 2019
The Rape of Germany after World War II
By Films About Germany
Published: 2019-08-05
A topic that
many historians avoid but that needs to be truly studied that happened in
Germany not only during but after WWII.
Friday, August 9, 2019
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Khazars – Turco-Mongolians Converted to Jehovah Worship
By Douglas Reed
From The Controversy of Zion
The Talmudic
government set out to prepare its second encounter with the West from a new
headquarters, planted among an Asiatic people, the Khazars, converted to
Jehovah worship many centuries before. The ruling sect was thenceforward to
operate through this different body of people; they were wild folk who had not
known the cautionary experience in Spain.
In 1951 a New York publisher who
contemplated issuing one of the present writer’s books was strongly advised not
to do this by the head of a Jewish political bureau, and was told, “Mr. Reed
invented the Khazars”.
However, the Judaist
authorities agree about their existence and conversion, and the
historical atlases show the development of the Khazar kingdom, which at its
greatest extent reached from the Black Sea to the Caspian (around 600 AD).
They are described as a Tartar
or Turco-Mongolian people and the Jewish Encyclopaedia says
that their chagan, or chieftain, “with his grandees and a large number of his
heathen people embraced Judaism, probably about 679 AD”.
The fact is attested by
correspondence between Hasdai ibn Shapnet, Foreign Minister to Abdel Rahman,
Sultan of Cordova, and King Joseph of the Khazars, exchanged about 960 AD.
The Jewish Encyclopaedia says
that the Judaist scholars had no doubts as to the genuineness
of this correspondence, in which the word Ashkenazi first
occurs as denoting this sharply-outlined, hitherto unknown group of “Eastern
Jews” and as indicating Slav associations.
This community of Turco-Mongolian
Ashkenazim, then, was distinct in every element save that of the creed from the
Jews previously known to the Western world, the Sephardim.
The hold of the Talmudic government,
in the centuries that followed, became looser over the scattered communities of
the West; but it ruled this new compact community in the East with a rod of
The Jew of Semitic physiognomy
became ever rarer (today the typical countenance of the Jew has Mongolian
traits, as is natural).
No Gentile will ever know why this
one mass-conversion of a numerous “heathen” people to Talmudic Judaism was
permitted, thirteen hundred years ago. Was it chance, or were these elders able
to foresee every mortal possibility?
At all events, when the Sephardim
were scattered and the destructive idea received, in Spain, its sharpest
setback, this reserve force lay ready to hand and for the purpose of the
destructive mission it was the best possible material.
Long before their conversion to
Judaism the Khazars were hostile to the immigrant Russ from the north who
eventually conquered them, established the Russian monarchy and accepted
When the Khazars became converted
the Talmud was complete, and after the collapse of their kingdom (in about 1000
AD) they remained the political subjects of the Talmudic government, all their
resistance to Russia being governed by the Talmudic, anti-Christian Law.
Thereafter they moved about in
Russia, particularly to Kieff (the traditional “holy city” of Russian Christianity),
elsewhere in the Ukraine, and to Poland and Lithuania.
Though they had no Judahite blood,
they became under this Talmudic direction the typical nation-within-the-nation
in Russia. The areas where they congregated, under Talmudic direction, became
the centres of that anti-Russian revolution which was to become “the
world revolution”; in these parts, and through these people, new instruments of
destruction were forged, specifically for the destruction of Christianity and
the West.
These savage people from the inmost
recesses of Asia lived within the Talmud like any Babylonian or Cordovan Jew
and for centuries “observed the Law” in order that they might “return” to a
“promised land” of which their ancestors probably never heard, there to rule the
In the Twentieth Century, when the
politicians of the West were all agog with this project of the return, none of
them had ever heard of the Khazars. Only the Arabs, whose lives and lands were
directly at stake, knew of them, and vainly tried to inform the Peace
Conference of 1919 and the United Nations in 1947.
After 1500, therefore, the Jews fell
into two distinct groups: the scattered communities of the West, who were
Sephardic in origin, and this closely corralled mass of Talmudic, Slav “Jews”
in the East.
Time had to show if the Talmudic
centre would be able to make out of the Ashkenazim a destructive force as
potent in the future as the earlier one in the past, and whether it could keep
its hold over the communities in the West, with their different tradition
and their memory of the Iberian expulsion.
About the year 1500, then, the
Talmudic government moved from Spain to Poland, establishing itself among a
body of “Jews” hitherto unknown to the West and relaxing its hold on the
Sephardic Jews, who began to dwindle in numbers and to disintegrate as a
cohesive force (in the judgment of the Judaic elders).
Only about 450 years separate that
event and that point in time from our present day, when the effects of the
removal of the Talmudists to Poland have shown themselves, and have answered
the two questions raised in the last paragraph.
Saturday, August 3, 2019
Israel’s Role in 9/11
By Philip Giraldi
The tale of
9/11 will just not go away, largely because it is clear to anyone who reads the
lengthy 9/11 Commission Report that many issues that should have been subject
to inquiry were ignored for what would appear to be political reasons. The
George W. Bush Administration quite obviously did not want to assume any blame
for what had happened and that bias also extended to providing cover for U.S.
“allies,” most particularly Saudi Arabia and Israel. Those who have sought the
truth about 9/11 have been persistent in their attempts to find out information
that was suppressed but they have been blocked repeatedly in spite of numerous
FOIA requests.
Now, eighteen years after the event,
there has been something like a breakthrough, penetrating the wall of silence
erected by the government. FBI reports on the possible Israeli role in 9/11 were
released on May 7th and they serve to support speculation by myself and
other former intelligence officers that Israel, at a minimum, had detailed
prior knowledge of what was to take place. More than that, Israeli intelligence
officers working in the United States might well have enabled certain aspects
of the conspiracy.
To recount some of what is already known and suspected, one should first examine the 2016
release of a heavily edited and redacted 28 pages long annex to the 9/11 Commission Report
that explored the Saudi Arabian role in the terrorist attack . The section
concluded that the Saudi government may have played a direct role in 9/11 by
assisting two of the hijackers, including a dry run exercise intended to learn
how to get into a plane’s cockpit. There was also considerable evidence
suggesting that wealthy Saudis and even members of the Royal Family had been
supporting and funding al-Qaeda.
But far exceeding the Saudi role is
the involvement of the Israeli intelligence service Mossad, which was not
subject to any serious inquiry or investigation by U.S. intelligence or police
agencies. Israel, in spite of obvious involvement in 9/11, was not included in
the 9/11 Commission Report despite the existence of an enormous Israeli
intelligence operation freely working in the United States that was known to
the FBI. Some of those Mossad officers were notably filmed celebrating as the
Twin Towers were burning and collapsing.
In the year 2001 Israel was running
a massive spying operation through a number of cover companies in New Jersey,
Florida and also on the west coast that served as spying mechanisms for Mossad
officers. The effort was supported by the Mossad Station in Washington D.C. and
included a large number of volunteers, the so-called “art students” who
traveled around the U.S. selling various products at malls and outdoor markets.
The FBI was aware of the numerous Israeli students who were routinely
overstaying their visas and some in the Bureau certainly believed that they
were assisting their country’s intelligence service in some way, but it proved
difficult to actually link the students to undercover operations, so they were
regarded as a minor nuisance and were normally left to the tender mercies of
the inspectors at the Bureau of Customs and Immigration.
American law enforcement was also
painfully aware that the Israelis were running more sophisticated intelligence
operations inside the United States, many of which were focused on Washington’s
military capabilities and intentions. Some specialized intelligence units
concentrated on obtaining military and dual use technology. It was also known
that Israeli spies had penetrated the phone systems of the U.S. government, to
include those at the White House.
In its annual classified
counterespionage review, the FBI invariably places Israel at the top for
“friendly” countries that spy on the U.S. In fact, the pre-9/11 Bureau did its
best to stay on top of the problem, but it rarely received any political
support from the Justice Department and White House if an espionage case
involved Israelis. By one estimate, more than 100 such cases were not
prosecuted for political reasons. Any Israeli caught in flagrante would most
often be quietly deported and most Americans who were helping Israel were let
off with a slap on the wrist.
But the hands-off attitude towards
Israel shifted dramatically when, on September 11, 2001, a New Jersey housewife
saw something from the window of her apartment building, which overlooked the
World Trade Center. She watched as the buildings burned and crumbled but also
noted something strange. Three young men were kneeling on the roof of a white
transit van parked by the water’s edge, making a movie in which they featured
themselves high fiving and laughing in front of the catastrophic scene unfolding
behind them. The woman wrote down the license plate number of the van and
called the police, who responded quickly and soon both the local force and the
FBI began looking for the vehicle, which was subsequently seen by other
witnesses in various locations along the New Jersey waterfront, its occupants
“celebrating and filming.”
The license plate number revealed
that the van belonged to a New Jersey registered company called Urban Moving
Systems. At 4 p.m. the vehicle was spotted and pulled over. Five men between
the ages of 22 and 27 years old emerged and were detained at gunpoint and
handcuffed. They were all Israelis. One of them had $4,700 in cash hidden in
his sock and another had two foreign passports. Bomb sniffing dogs reacted to
the smell of explosives in the van, which had very little actual moving
equipment inside.
According to the initial police
report, the driver identified as Sivan Kurzberg, stated “We are Israeli. We are
not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the
problem.” The four other passengers were Sivan’s brother Paul, Yaron Shmuel,
Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari. The men were detained at the Bergen County jail
in New Jersey before being transferred the FBI’s Foreign Counterintelligence
Section, which handles allegations of spying.
After the arrest, the FBI obtained a
warrant to search Urban Moving System’s Weehawken, N.J., offices. Papers and
computers were seized. The company owner Dominick Suter, also an Israeli,
answered FBI questions but when a follow-up interview was set up a few days
later it was learned that he had fled the country for Israel, putting both his
business and home up for sale. The office space and warehouse were abandoned.
It was later learned that Suter has been associated with at least fourteen
businesses in the United States, mostly in New Jersey and New York but also in
Florida. Suter and his wife Omit Levinson Suter were the owners of 1 Stop
Cleaner located in Wellington Florida and Dominick was also associated with
Basia McDonnell, described as a Polish “holocaust survivor,” as a business
partner in yet another business called Value Ad. Florida was a main focus for
the Israeli intelligence operation in the U.S. that was directed against Arabs.
The five Israelis were among 140
Israelis arrested after 9/11, most of whom had military backgrounds, including
some who were trained in “intelligence.” The five were held in Brooklyn,
initially on charges relating to visa fraud. FBI interrogators questioned them
for more than two months. Several were held in solitary confinement so they
could not communicate with each other and two of them were given repeated
polygraph exams, which they failed when claiming that they were nothing more
than students working summer jobs. The two men that the FBI focused on most
intensively were believed to be Mossad staff officers and the other three were
volunteers helping with surveillance.
The Israelis were not exactly
cooperative, but the FBI concluded from documents obtained at their office in
Weehawken that they were targeting Arabs in New York and New Jersey, most
particularly in the Paterson N.J. area, which has the second largest Muslim
population in the U.S. They were particularly interested in local groups
possibly linked to Hamas and Hezbollah as well as in charities that might be
used for fund raising. The FBI also concluded that the Israelis had actually
monitored the activities of at least two of the 9/11 hijackers.
To be sure, working on an
intelligence operation does not necessarily imply participation in either the
planning or execution of something like 9/11, but there are Israeli
fingerprints all over the place, with cover companies and intelligence
personnel often intersecting with locations frequented by the hijackers.
Apart from the interrogations of the
five men from Weehawken, the U.S. government has apparently never sought to
find out what else the Israelis might have known or were up to in September
2011. There are a lot of dots that might well have been connected once upon a
time, but the trail has grown cold. Police records in New Jersey and New York
where the men were held have disappeared and FBI interrogation reports have
been inaccessible. Media coverage of the case also died, though the five were
referred to in the press as the “dancing Israelis” and by some, more
disparagingly, as the “dancing Shlomos.”
Inevitably, the George W. Bush White
House intervened. After 71 days in detention, the five Israelis were released
from prison by Attorney General John Ashcroft, put on a plane, and deported.
Two of the men later spoke about their unpleasant experience in America on an
Israeli talk show, one explaining that their filming the fall of the Twin
Towers was to “document the event.” In 2004 the five men sued the United States
government for damages, alleging “that their detention was illegal and that
their civil rights were violated, suffering racial slurs, physical violence,
religious discrimination, rough interrogations, deprivation of sleep, and many
other offenses.” They were represented by Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, who in the
previous year had founded the Shurat HaDin Israel Law Center which seeks to
bankrupt groups that Israel considers to be “terrorists.” Shurat HaDin is
closely tied to the Israeli government.
Now it is just possible that the
Urban Moving Israelis were indeed uninvolved in 9/11 but nevertheless working
for Mossad, which the Israeli government even subsequently admitted, but the new evidence suggests that the Israelis almost
certainly had considerable prior knowledge and were likely involved in what
developed. The new information reveals that minutes after the first plane
struck the World Trade Center, five Israelis had taken up position in the
parking lot of the Doric Apartment Complex in Union City, New Jersey, where
they took pictures and filmed the attacks while also celebrating the fall of
the towers and “high fiving.” One eyewitness interviewed by the Bureau had
seen the Israelis’ van circling the building parking at 8:00 a.m. that day,
more than 40 minutes prior to the attack, indicating prior knowledge of what
was about to happen.
The eyewitness testimony is
supported by copies of photos taken by the men
that the FBI seized.
The photo reproductions were obtained via a FOIA request made by a private citizen and are of poor quality, deliberately made so by the FBI to
conceal faces and other details. They constitute only 14 of over seventy photos
taken by the Israelis. Nevertheless, they clearly demonstrate that a celebration
was going on. One photo, intriguingly, shows Sivan Kurzberg holding a lit
lighter in front of the Manhattan Skyline on September 10th, one day before
9/11. It was apparently taken at the Doric Complex on a reconnoitering visit
made on that day and suggests that Kurzberg was simulating the attack on the
towers on the following day.
Why would the Israelis do it?
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described 9/11 initially as “a good
thing.” He was later quoted as saying somewhat more expansively “We are
benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and
Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq.” To be sure, 9/11 was a gift to
Israel and it is a gift that keeps on giving. America is at war in a number of
Muslim countries and its troops blanket the Middle East, to include a base in
Israel dedicated to the defense of that country. It is all a result of the
Global War on Terror and the GWOT started with 9/11. And just maybe it was a
fire that was ignited by Israel.
This article was originally
published on UNZ Review. Via American Herald Tribune.
Philip M. Giraldi is
a former CIA counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer who
served nineteen years overseas in Turkey, Italy, Germany, and Spain. He was the
CIA Chief of Base for the Barcelona Olympics in 1992 and was one of the first
Americans to enter Afghanistan in December 2001. Phil is Executive Director of
the Council for the National Interest, a Washington-based advocacy group that
seeks to encourage and promote a U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East that is
consistent with American values and interests.