Monday, December 27, 2021

Terms of „political correctness“ - invented by jews



A term invented by this man, Leon Trotsky (real name Lev Bronstein), a Marxist Jew to justify the destruction of European peoples and weaken their self -protective instincts and identity as a tribe. It is applied ONLY to Europeans. It is used as a method of control when any European dares to see anything from his own point of view or try to protect himself or his people.



The Subversive Jewish writer

Morirz Steinschneider

Invented the term


in 1860

The term is used to Silence those that dare to expose Jewish crimes



 A Jewish lawyer

Raphael Lemkin

Invented the term


in 1944

„It is a case of genocide, of destruction, not of individuals only, but of a culture and a nation.”



The Jewish father

of Communism

Karl Marx

used the term


in 1856

“The classes and the races too weak to master the new conditions of life must give way… They must perish in the revolutionary Holocaust

Marx, People’s Paper, April 16, 1856




A term created by this man, Konrad Heiden, a Marxist Jew, to ridicule the National Socialists in Germany. Today it is used to attack any European who does not hate his race, culture and history and who wishes to protect and preserve his own people and children’s future. Somebody who opposes enforced Mass Immigration of Non-Europeans into his ancestral homeland.

Friday, December 24, 2021

David Duke - The Little Bank that Saved Christmas!

If this video is not available in your country use TOR Browser to watch it – fight the jewish censorship!

Monday, December 20, 2021

The Jewish Mob in America


If this video is not available in your country use TOR Browser to watch it – fight the jewish censorship!


by Dr. William Pierce


I promised last week that I would tell you in more detail about what organized Jewish criminals are doing in the United States, and that’s what I’ll do today. Actually, I’ve discussed this subject with you a few times in the past, especially in my broadcast of May 16, 1998, which was titled „Paying the Organizatsiya.“ There have been many new developments in Jewish organized crime during the past few years, and although the mass media have carefully avoided talking about these developments, never using the word „Jew“ and referring only to „Russian“ organized crime when they do occasionally mention the subject, a new book was published just a few weeks ago by Little, Brown and Company, which provides an up-to-date and reasonably good introduction to the topic of Jewish organized crime. I’ll refer occasionally to the book during today’s broadcast. The title of the book is Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America.


Interestingly enough, the author of the book, Robert Friedman, is a Jew himself, which just goes to show that when there’s money to be made, whether in selling books or pushing drugs, Jews will even turn on each other. Certainly, the Jewish gangsters turn on each other often enough in Friedman’s account. Both in Russia and in the United States, members of the Jewish mobs machine-gun and bomb each other today even more readily than the members of the Italian gangs used to shoot it out in Chicago back in the 1930s. And although Friedman adopts the standard media ploy of referring to the gangsters as „Russians“, he really cannot help revealing that nearly all of them are Jews.


For example, when he comments on the reluctance of the FBI and local and state police to crack down on the so-called „Russian Mafiya“ or even to investigate it, he notes:


. . . [I]n general, state and Federal law enforcement agencies were loath to go after Russian mobsters, instead devoting their energies to bagging Italian wiseguys....And because the Russian mob was mostly Jewish, it was a political hot potato, especially in the New York area.


Friedman even points out that the mainstream, „respectable“ Jewish organizations, such as the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, pressured the police agencies to take it easy on their kinsmen in the Jewish crime gangs, claiming that any publicity associated with investigations or arrests would „foster anti-Semitism“ and lead the Gentile public to protest against the continued influx of Jewish gangsters into the United States from the Soviet Union as „refugees.“ Even after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, however, writes Friedman:


Jewish organizations continued to lobby the Justice Department to downplay the threat posed by the Russian mob. ‘The Russian Mafia has the lowest priority on the criminal pecking order,’ admitted FBI spokesman Joe Valiquette during a 1992 interview.


Well, I’m sure it hasn’t been too difficult lobbying the Clinton Justice Department to be nice to Jewish gangsters, since they have been the source of so much of Clinton’s campaign money.


The Anti-Defamation League, of course, has a long history of cozy associations with Jewish crime bosses and with the FBI, giving the Jewish pressure group a great advantage in pulling the necessary strings to shelter the most important of the Jewish gangsters from prosecution. And it wasn’t just the Anti-Defamation League that sheltered the flood of Jewish thugs, extortionists, murderers, drug dealers, White slavers, and racketeers pouring in from Russia. The Jewish religious establishment in America did everything it could to facilitate the influx. That’s a noteworthy point because the Jewish gangsters are portrayed by apologists for the Jews as being barely Jewish, Jews with no real consciousness of being Jewish, while the Jewish religious establishment is portrayed as being a pious bunch of rabbis, especially the Orthodox Jewish establishment. Actually it was in the Orthodox establishment that the gangsters formed their most useful connections.


Friedman points out that the first of the Jewish mob’s godfathers in the United States, Evsei Agron, owed his crime career to a politically connected Orthodox rabbi, Ronald Greenwald. Rabbi Greenwald had gotten his political connections working for Richard Nixon’s 1972 reelection campaign. He was Nixon’s ambassador to the Jewish community. In the 1980s Rabbi Greenwald became mob boss Agron’s one-Jew think tank and facilitator. Mob insiders report that most of Agron’s rackets were planned in Rabbi Greenwald’s Manhattan office. A leading mob member in Toronto, Joseph Sigalov, is also a leader in Canada’s Orthodox Jewish community and the publisher of an influential Orthodox newspaper.


So, if these Jewish mobsters get invited to Democratic Party fundraisers and serve as advisers to Republican reelection committees and are in tight with the Orthodox Jewish religious establishment, and if the FBI thinks they’re not really as important as the Italian gangsters, maybe we shouldn’t worry about them either. Maybe they’re really not such bad guys. Maybe they’re just nice, Jewish boys who sometimes step over the line and break the law.


Well, the Italian gangsters certainly don’t look at them that way. A member of the John Gotti gang in New York was recorded with a wiretap warning an acquaintance:


We Italians will kill you. But the Russians are crazy - they’ll kill your whole family.


This view also is shared by policemen who have had to deal with the Jews. A New York City policeman told Friedman:


The Russians are ruthless and crazy. It’s a bad combination. They’ll shoot you just to see if their gun works.


One leading Jewish gangster in the United States, Monya Elson, was a hit man, a contract killer, before he became a gang boss. He began by murdering Ukrainians in Kishinev, his home town. Then he went to Moscow and murdered Russians. Then he came to America and began murdering Americans. He boasts that he has more than 100 confirmed kills. And it’s not just that the Jews are more ruthless, vicious, and bloodthirsty than the members of the Italian Mafia. They are smarter, better organized, better protected politically, and much greedier: while the Mafia is stealing a million dollars, the Jews are stealing a billion. Finally, there are many more Jewish gangsters in America than Italian Mafia members. By the early 1990s there already were some 5,000 hard-core Jewish gangsters from the former Soviet Union operating in the New York area alone. That’s more than the members of all of the Italian Mafia families in the United States.


And the Jews are continuing to pour into the country from Russia. The current flood began nearly 30 years ago, when corrupt politicians in the Congress, working with mainstream Jewish organizations and the Jewish media, enacted legislation that opened a sewer line from the Soviet-Jewish underworld to America. The late Washington Democratic Senator Henry Jackson, who never went to the bathroom without getting permission from the Jews, spearheaded the effort to tie trade agreements between the United States and the Soviet Union to an increase in the flow of Jews from the Soviet Union to the United States.


The pretext for giving special status to Jews, for using U.S. economic power to persuade the Soviet government to permit Jews to leave when no one else could leave, for allowing the Jews who left to come to the United States without the usual immigration background checks - even for having American taxpayers foot the bill for flying them over here and then pay for subsidized housing, food stamps, and other special benefits for them - all of this was based on the pretext that Jews were persecuted in the Soviet Union. The mass media over here portrayed the Jews in the Soviet Union as the principal victims of communism, rather than as its originators and its principal beneficiaries. That’s an especially egregious example of the Jews’ „big lie“ technique, in which they brazenly stand the truth on its head, because with their monopoly control of the media there is no one to contradict them.


Friedman interviewed a well-known Jewish gangster in Miami, known to his associates as „Tarzan.“ His real name is Ludwig Fainberg. He came to the United States from Ukraine, a country whose natives have traditionally hated the Jews, for very good reasons. Fainberg is not a religious Jew, but he certainly is very Jewish, the kind of Jew the real Ukrainians instinctively despise. But was Fainberg persecuted in Ukraine? Hardly. Friedman reports:


To . . . [Fainberg] being Jewish simply meant having certain privileges. ‘Jews were the richest people in town,’ he told me. ‘Jews had cars, Jews had money, Jews lived in nice apartments. We were comfortable. My mother had nice clothes and jewelry. We took a vacation once a year to Odessa, a stunning city with a boardwalk and gorgeous beaches. It was filled with mobsters and entertainers. It was a city with a Jewish flavor.


Fainberg is describing his life as a Jew in Ukraine in the 1960s and 1970s at the height of the supposed persecution of Jews by the communist regime. There was persecution, all right, but it was the Ukrainians who were persecuted by the Jews, not the other way around.


The same story is told by other Jewish gangsters. Marat Balagula, the Jewish godfather of organized crime who succeeded Evsei Agron in New York after the latter was assassinated, also came from Ukraine. He told Friedman:


Jews had some of the best positions in the country, They were the big artists, musicians - they had big money.


The Soviet government did crack down on dissidents of all races, of course, and this included those Jews who tried to undermine the government’s policy in the Middle East because they considered it pro-Arab, just as it included Ukrainian nationalists and other ethnic separatist groups. But it did not include members of the Jewish organized crime gangs, who were not dissidents. The Jewish criminals - and the Jews generally - were happy with the situation in the Soviet Union, because it allowed them to exploit the Russians and the Ukrainians. They already were living high on the hog in the Soviet Union when their Jewish kinsmen in the United States opened the border to the Promised Land for them, and they seized the opportunity to live even higher on the hog.


The collapse of communism made things worse for the real Russians and Ukrainians, because it destroyed the order in their countries and allowed the Jews to run wild, plundering and pillaging at will. But it did not dampen the desire of many of them to come to the United States and plunder and pillage even more. Friedman quotes Boris Urov, formerly the chief investigator of major crimes for the Russian attorney general. Urov said:


It’s wonderful that the Iron Curtain is gone, but it was a shield for the West. Now we’ve opened the gates, and this is very dangerous for the world. America is getting Russian criminals. Nobody will have the resources to stop them. You people in the West don’t know our Mafiya yet. You will. You will!


The name of the game in Russia after the breakup of the USSR in 1991 was „privatization.“ It was praised by the bought politicians and the controlled media in the West as a giant step toward a free-enterprise society, with inefficiently managed state-owned enterprises and natural resources being sold to private businessmen, who, spurred by the profit motive, would manage everything much more efficiently, resulting in a great increase in Russian productivity and prosperity. That was the theory. Actually, privatization was a massive looting of Russia’s wealth by the Jews. The Jewish bureaucrats inside the government made „sweetheart“ deals with the Jewish mobsters outside the government, who in any case were the only citizens with the capital to buy anything.


Everything which previously had been owned, in theory, by all the people collectively and managed by the state ended up in the hands of the Jews, and the Russian people had nothing, not even in theory. Instead of becoming more prosperous, the Russian economy has declined every year since the end of communism in 1991. The Russian people have been reduced to a state of beggary. While Russian and Ukrainian peasants kill one another fighting over a few potatoes in the fields, in Moscow and St. Petersburg and Odessa Jews cruise the boulevards in their Mercedes, wearing diamonds and furs, eating in glitzy restaurants where a meal costs more than a real Russian earns in a month, and patronizing sex clubs stocked with beautiful Russian women.


The Jews aren’t even trying to use the stolen wealth of Russia to get the country back on its feet. Like a plague of locusts they have devoured everything they could, and the rest they have moved out of the country. Hundreds of billions of dollars of Russia’s capital is taken out of the country every year by the Jews as the looting continues. It’s not just that they want to be the richest people in a rejuvenated, capitalist Russia. Their greed is purely destructive. It’s a grab-and-run operation. When the U.S. government, through the International Monetary Fund, sends billions of dollars in loans to Russia, it simply disappears. The Jews squirrel it away, and it’s never seen again in Russia. And over here the politicians pretend that they don’t know what’s going on.


But they do know what’s going on. The CIA’s spies send a steady stream of reports back to Washington. They reported that Boris Yeltsin and the crowd around him were all on the take and were controlled by the Organizatsiya.But the Bush administration and then the Clinton administration pretended not to know. All the Bushites and the Clintonistas cared about was that Yeltsin was the candidate being promoted by the Jews in Russia - and of course, by the Jew-controlled media over here - and so they promoted him too.


I don’t know whether or not you remember when Yeltsin was running for reelection in 1996, but I do. All of the Jewish media people over here were sweating it. They were afraid that a real Russian nationalist, a Russian patriot, might win. The Clinton government was holding out the promise of more money for Russia only if Yeltsin won. In fact, Bill Clinton was campaigning as hard for Yeltsin’s reelection as Yeltsin was.


I’ll tell you what would have happened if an honest and intelligent Russian nationalist had won instead of Yeltsin. He would have replaced the key leaders in the Army and the secret police with people he could trust. He would have done this carefully but quickly. And then he would have sealed Russia’s borders and halted communications with the rest of the world for perhaps 48 hours. At the end of that time there would not have been a Jew or a collaborator with the Jews left alive in all of Russia. The Russian Orthodox Church would make him a saint, and the Russian people would remember him with gratitude and affection for as long as the Russian nation lasted. But of course, with all of the Jew-controlled media in Russia pushing hard for Yeltsin, and with plenty of vote-stealing going on, Yeltsin was reelected, and the looting of Russia continued.


And in America the Jewish mob has continued to consolidate its power. The Miami gangster, Ludwig Fainberg, was really gloating when he explained to Friedman the difference between the Jewish situation in Russia and the American situation and what the Jewish gangsters have in mind for America. The Jews of Russia are cunning predators, he explained. That’s the way they have survived the hard conditions there for centuries. But the Americans are soft and trusting, like sheep ready to be fleeced and slaughtered. American laws were made only to be broken by the Jews.


A New York police detective lamented to Friedman:


Why are we being victimized by non-citizens who can run to Israel or Russia and can’t be extradited? The Russian gangsters have told me that they’ve come here to suck our country dry. . . .


How did the Russian mob become so entrenched? They are into Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid fraud. Why is it that every ambulance service in Brooklyn is run by the Russian mob? Why are so many of their doctors practicing without a license? They have invaded Wall Street from boiler-room operations to brokerage houses. Nothing is too small for them to steal. Even the guys with the multimillion-dollar Medicare scam still have to have their food stamps.


I’ll add two comments to Friedman’s report on Jewish organized crime in America. First, it will not be stopped, regardless of whether Al Gore or George Bush wins the White House this year. The FBI has essentially put the Italian Mafia out of business in the United States during the past decade, but it won’t put the Jewish Mafiya out of business, and the reason is that the Jews have vastly more money at their disposal for corrupting the system than the Italians ever did, and America is rapidly becoming as corruptible as Russia.


In fact, I have a strong suspicion that the reason the FBI suddenly made a major effort to cripple the Italian Mafia was to make room for the Jews. The Italians and the Sicilians thought they had the fix in, but the Jews trumped them with a bigger fix. In the sort of country America has become since the Second World War, any criminal organization run by intelligent men with hundreds of billions of dollars at their disposal to corrupt the system - and with the protection of the mass media - can’t be stopped by governmental action. Individual Jewish gangsters will be arrested, and have been arrested in the past, but the sort of decisive action needed to stop Jewish crime cold will not be taken.


My second comment is that the Jewish Mafiya does not operate in a vacuum. It operates within the Jewish community as a whole. It operates with the support of the Jewish establishment, from the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith to Hollywood and the New York Times. It also operates with the support of the Christian establishment, from Billy Graham up to the Pope. These support groups won’t put up a fuss if the FBI arrests a Jewish contract killer or a Jewish extortionist or two now and then, but any realistic effort to stamp out the whole kehillah will have all of the support groups screaming bloody murder. To use other words, what we must deal with is not a criminal problem but a Jewish problem. The problem will be solved only after this fact is generally understood. Meanwhile, the American sheep had better resign themselves to a good fleecing.

Additional reading:


Friedman, Robert I., Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America, Little, Brown and Co., 2000


Simis, Konstantin, USSR: the Corrupt Society (The Secret World of Soviet Capitalism), Simon and Schuster, 1982


Brokhin, Yuri, Hustling on Gorky Street: Sex and Crime in Russia Today,Dial Press, 1975

Friday, December 17, 2021

Bungled: “Denying the Holocaust”


How Deborah Lipstadt Botched Her Attempt to Demonstrate the Growing Assault on Truth and Memory






With her book Denying the Holocaust, Deborah Lipstadt tried to show the flawed methods and extremist motives of “Holocaust deniers,” who, so the book’s description claims, have “no more credibility than the assertion that the earth is flat.”


Backed up with hundreds of references to thoroughly researched studies, the present book demonstrates that Dr. Lipstadt clearly has neither understood what the principles and methods of science and scholarship are, nor has she any clue about the historical topics she is writing about. She misquotes, mistranslates, misrepresents, misinterprets, and makes a plethora of wild claims without backing them up with anything. Among other things, she utterly fails to use generally recognized standards of evidence. Given the way she handles documents and data, it is clear that she has no interest in scholarship or reason. In fact, truth has been the antithesis of her enterprise.


Rather than dealing thoroughly with factual arguments, Lipstadt’s book is full of ad hominem attacks on her opponents. It is an exercise in anti-intellectual pseudo-scientific arguments, an exhibition of ideological radicalism that rejects anything which contradicts its preset conclusions.


Since she admits herself that her opponents’ motives are irrelevant, as an inescapable consequence, so is her book.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Two Faces of Heroism: Wolfgang Fröhlich and Admiral Sir Tom Phillips



by Peter Rushton

Published: 2021-12-01


Wolfgang Fröhlich earlier this year with his 2021 Robert Faurisson International Prize


Ending a sad month for H&D, following the loss of our comrades John Bean and Ian Carser, we learned that the great Austrian revisionist – 70-year-old chemical engineer Wolfgang Fröhlich, who earlier this year was awarded the Robert Faurisson International Prize – has died. His longstanding comrade Franz Radl informs us: “As I was told he had to spend several weeks in the intensive care unit because of his Covid-19-illness.”


This tragic news arrived just as I was writing a historical article for this website about the events of December 1941, and it seems now strangely appropriate to combine the two, and reflect on two different but complementary faces of heroism with regard to the Second World War and its legacy for us in the 21st century.


Wolfgang Fröhlich’s heroism was that of a man who speaks the truth as he sees it, with the benefit of specialist technical knowledge and scholarship, knowing that the personal consequences will be catastrophic. In this respect (though from Catholic Austria) he stood in the tradition of Martin Luther who reputedly said in 1521 when summoned to recant his ‘heresy’: “Here I stand, I can do no other”. There is no reliable record that he actually said those words, but he did defy his inquisitors, and we know that he did say: “I cannot and will not recant anything, since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience.”


Beginning in the 1990s, Wolfgang Fröhlich similarly stood by his seriously researched and thoughtfully expressed views which amount to the most serious ‘heresy’ of our times: challenging historical orthodoxy regarding the purported extermination of six million European Jews in ‘homicidal gas chambers’ on the orders of Adolf Hitler.


Wolfgang Fröhlich appeared as an expert defence witness at the 1998 trial of Jürgen Graf (above left) and was himself arrested five years later. Alongside German-Canadian revisionist Ernst Zündel (above right), Fröhlich became (in the words of Prof. Robert Faurisson) one of the first victims of President George W. Bush and Rudolph Giuliani in their efforts to crush revisionism.


This challenge began when Fröhlich appeared as an expert defence witness during the trial of Swiss revisionist Jürgen Graf and his publisher Gerhard Förster in 1998. By that time he had for a few years been distributing revisionist texts to Austrian politicians, journalists and others. Based on his own expertise as a specialist in the use of poison gas for exterminating vermin, Fröhlich had concluded that the ‘official’ story about ‘homicidal gas chambers’ being used to kill Jews and others with hydrogen cyanide (‘Zyklon B’) in German ‘extermination camps’ was scientifically impossible.


Even after the Graf trial, it took some time before Fröhlich himself was troubled by the authorities. In 2001 he published a 368-page book entitled Die Gaskammer Lüge (‘The Gas Chamber Lie’). This led to a warrant for his arrest, but no immediate proceedings followed.


It was not until June 2003 that Fröhlich was arrested, an event which according to Prof. Robert Faurisson seems to have been linked to a speech in Vienna by President George W. Bush’s special envoy on combatting ‘anti-semitism’, the notorious Rudolph Giuliani, later right-hand-man to President Donald Trump.


Giuliani demanded action against revisionists, writing in the New York Times that “revisionist viewpoints put us at risk of a repetition of race-based genocide”. Washington demanded, and Vienna obeyed. Wolfgang Fröhlich was arrested on 21st June 2003 and spent twelve of the next sixteen years in prison – the rest of the time on trial or awaiting trial. During one of these intervals of semi-liberty, in 2006 Fröhlich attended the Tehran International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust – an event offered uniquely by Iran as being open to all sides of debate on this topic – accompanied by his indefatigable Viennese attorney, Dr Herbert Schaller. He received an ovation from the Iranian audience after simply telling them that he was legally prevented by the Austrian authorities from expressing his views even in Tehran. 


Wolfgang Fröhlich (second right) with fellow speakers at the 2006 Tehran Conference including his attorney Dr Herbert Schaller (centre) and Lady Michèle Renouf (far right).


Even after his release in March 2019, Fröhlich spent the rest of his life as a condemned criminal without normal pension and other citizen’s rights. He was even labelled by prosecutors (in true Stalinist fashion) as a criminal ‘lunatic’ as punishment for the lucid, rational expression of his historical and scientific views. During his last two years, Fröhlich was engaged in a series of legal battles to expose the unprofessional conduct of ‘expert’ psychiatric witnesses who had been prepared to parrot the prosecution’s line.


During one of Fröhlich’s court ordeals in 2015, Prof. Robert Faurisson wrote:
“I know Wolfgang Fröhlich. He masters his subject. He expresses himself with moderation. He is not an excited or fanatical person. On the contrary! He honours his country and historical science.
“His fate is upsetting. We must always remember the degree of ignominy to which the ‘elites’ who rule the German-speaking world have sunk and, in particular, the German or Austrian magistrates capable of sending a man of this quality to prison for thirteen years.”


Wolfgang Fröhlich’s heroic stand for truth and justice is sure to survive his death, and inspire future generations as Europe recovers its dignity, sovereignty and traditions.


Admiral Sir Tom Phillips (1888-1941) died eighty years ago this month in a war that he deeply opposed, seeing it as the consequence of disastrous decisions by British governments.


By contrast another very different hero – Admiral Sir Tom Phillips – was lost in the mists of history until I found a document in the wartime diaries of Hugh Dalton, the minister in Churchill’s wartime government who took charge of the ‘dirty tricks’ department of Britain’s war effort, the Special Operations Executive.


Admiral Phillips was a hero of a type familiar to students of Greek tragedy – where one often finds a man trapped by circumstance, who has no alternative but to confront his fate.


In June 1940, just a month after Churchill had taken over as Prime Minister and taken Britain over the brink into ‘total war’ – Admiral Phillips told Dalton that this war was a disaster for Britain and was the consequence of several appalling decisions that had alienated countries that should have been our allies.


“He does not care anything about the Italians, who are a worthless lot, but the Spaniards are a very different story. To have Spain as an enemy would jeopardise the whole of our control, both of the western Mediterranean and the Atlantic sea routes. It is unthinkable that we should have been brought to such a point. We backed the Bolsheviks in Spain in 1936 and ’37 against the only man who, in modern times, has been able to make Spain strong. The horrors committed by the Bolsheviks in Spain were seen by our sailors and are on record.


“This was the climax of a foreign policy which had first adopted an attitude towards Germany which made war with her inevitable; had then successively alienated Japan, Italy, and now, finally, Spain. The French had not been fighting in these last weeks. This was because they too had become Bolsheviks. Weygand [the French supreme commander from May-June 1940] had said that the only tough troops in France were the Poles, and that if he had had ten more Divisions of them, he would have won the battle.”


Despite his perception that this war was a disaster for his country, Admiral Phillips took command of British naval forces in the Far East in October 1941. Immediately after Pearl Harbor he set out on his flagship HMS Prince of Wales to confront Japanese forces (the very forces whom he believed should have remained British allies – a view also taken by his former colleague, the ex-Director of Naval Intelligence, Admiral Sir Barry Domvile, who by this time had been interned without trial in England for opposing Churchill’s war policy).


On 10th December 1941, the Prince of Wales and her fellow battleship HMS Repulse were sunk by Japanese air attack. Admiral Sir Tom Phillips – who had so strongly opposed the entire war policy – went down with his ship.


Had he the opportunity, no doubt the Admiral – like Wolfgang Fröhlich – would echo Martin Luther: “I cannot and will not recant anything, since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience.”


Piece by piece, their fellow Europeans will recover accurate knowledge of their own history.


George Orwell wrote in 1984: “Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”


Our task, in our present, is to recover that control.

First published at on December 1, 2021

Monday, December 6, 2021

History of Judaism: At War with the Rest of Humanity





Translated by Carlos W. Porter


The history of judaism is that of a people or sect permanently at war with the rest of humanity. The jews have naturally aroused anti-Semitism at all times and in all places. The scenario which then unfolds is always the same: after a few initial riots and violence, the goyim (non-jews) pass laws intended to regain control of the situation and eventually end up simply expelling them en masse. But invariably, after the lapse of a certain time, the jews always succeed in re-infecting the host society by bribing the kings and lords, after which they start all over again with their rackets and their intrigues, having learnt absolutely nothing from the lesson which has just been inflicted upon them. This has been their history for three thousand years…


In judaism, there is a conviction that the coming of the messiah – “the birth of the messiah” – will occur in the midst of dreadful sufferings. Terrible catastrophes, terrifying wars, will destroy a large part of humanity.


Isaac Abravanel, who headed the “Spanish” jewish community at the time of the expulsion from Spain in 1492, wrote : “The times of the messiah will be preceded by a great war, in which two thirds of humanity will perish” (Masmia Jesua, 49a).


… the messianic message integrates all of humanity”… After the great war against the last enemies of israel, the messianic times will be a blessed time for the jews. All the earth will be unified, and the jews will be recognised by all as “god’s chosen people”. The pesachim and sanhedrin treatises of the Babylonian talmud assure us, on the other hand, that, in the times of the messiah, the treasures of the jews will be so immense that “it will take 300 she-asses to carry the keys”…


To succeed in reaching this universal peace (pax Judaica), and “hasten the coming of the messiah”, as they say, the jews must therefore work unceasingly to destroy all the differences between men: nations, races, religions and local particularities. It is this messianic tension which motivates their acts and multiplies their energy. They must, as Heinrich Graetz writes, “work to strike down and pulverize the pompous divinities of Paganism”. At the end of his introduction, the historian expresses – in his own way – the fanaticism of the jew, who, he writes, “does not bow down under fatigue and in no way aspires for the rest of the tomb!”


It is on the ruins of the nations that the long-awaited world government will be erected, which will impose a grandiose definitive peace upon humanity.


All borders must disappear. In this perspective, the liberal model has obviously succeeded where communism so lamentably failed. It is therefore necessary to take all steps to set up democratic regimes all over the world, and impose upon the peoples the model of an mercantile society, open and multicultural, which permits the dissolution of all feelings of belonging. In 1997, the famous philosopher Emmanuel Levinas already spoke explicitly of the “need, in a planetary West, for the coming of the messiah”.[420]


Judaism, as we see, works frenetically for the destruction of the peoples and the nations. All civilizations must be crushed, everything must be torn down, leaving only the human dust which will then coagulate into a vast planetary ensemble. Thus, the very essence of judaism is to destroy everything which is not jewish. Their project naturally makes the jews the “enemies of mankind,” as the Greek and Roman thinkers called them. For 2,000 years, all the great thinkers of the church, through history, have warned Christians against the detestanda secta – the abhorred sect.


The ultra-famous psychotic liar Elie Wiesel admitted that judaism stood in opposition to the rest of humanity: “Drowned in suffering, but anchored in defiance”, he wrote, “the jewish historian describes a permanent conflict between us and the others. Since abraham, we have been on one side and the entire world on the other”.[421]


In the April 2003 edition of Israel Magazine, Dr. Itzhak Attia, Director of the École Internationale de l’Institut Yad Vashem, made the following highly explicit remarks, with a degree of clarity uncommon among jewish intellectuals, probably because he was writing for a magazine reserved exclusively for the jewish community:


“Even if our reason cries out with all its force of the absurdity of this confrontation between a little people as insignificant as the people of Israel and the rest of humanity…no matter how absurd, how incoherent, how monstrous as it may seem, we are indeed engaged in an intimate combat between israel and the Nations, which can only be genocidal and total, because it is a matter of our respective identities”.[422]


Read that again: the combat between the jewish people and the rest of humanity can only be “genocidal and total”.


Judaism, as we see, is a military machine aimed at humanity. Under these conditions, anti-Semitism is a form of humanism: combating jewish nihilism is a duty for all human beings, to free humanity.


It is because historical reality has no real importance in their eyes, for anyone who really wants to think about the fabulous destiny of this “jewish People”, chosen by God to rule the world. What counts for them is the myth that corresponds to the idea which they form of their role and their historical mission based solely on the interests of judaism. Their great thinker Maimonides even considered the study of history a waste of time. Later, in the 16th century, Joseph Caro, author of the Shulkan Aruch (The Dressed Table), major codifier of rabbinical law, prohibited the study of history, not only on the Sabbath but also during the week.


“Properly speaking, the talmud is not concerned with history; in it, reality and dream are all mixed up in a vague cloud; it does not appears to have a real concept of time… Edom, Nebuchadnezzar, Vespasian, Titus, Hadrian – all enemies of the jewish race – are confused in an identical individuality, and are equally exchangeable in the long martryology of History”.


The 600,000 hebrews who crossed the Red Sea with their feet dry are confused with the 6,000 years of the jewish calendar or the “Six Million” during the Second jewish World War. Their whole history is manipulated to fit o the myth which they have built up of the destiny which they have fabricated for themselves. It is useless to attempt to prove to them that they are not the descendants of the hebrews, but the descendants of Khazars, a tribe which converted to judaism in the 9th century; it is useless to attempt to prove to them that they could never have travelled through Canaan, since archaeological diggings have discovered no trace of their passage; it is useless to attempt to prove to them scientifically that the gas chambers can never have existed, or that the figure of six million deaths is very greatly exaggerated, since this new collective tragedy simply corresponds to their manner of envisaging their unique destiny in this nether world.”


…. every misfortune that strikes the jewish community; every cataclysm, is pregnant with new hopes and is assimilated by the rabbis and jewish intellectuals to the “birth pains of the messiah” – the Hevlei Mashiah, in Hebrew.


“The jewish race, which has survived so many peoples who have disappeared from the surface of the earth without leaving any trace, consists, today, for the near totality, of real degenerates who are fundamentally sick. Their moral state is characterised quite especially by an exclusive constant obsession with the same things. The spirit of gain, the desire of domination, drives any other thought, any other affection, from their minds, something which is, as we know, the characteristic sign of an obsessive idea. The resulting secondary problems, like the obscene passion for young christian girls, cruelty towards the poor, the vindictive spirit, are episodic symptoms of this sick condition. The efforts expended with a view to getting their hands on the whole world, of becoming the masters of Europe, originate from this same pit, perfecting the ensemble of moral degeneration”.


“…:A strange thing, the jews have five times more mental cases than the other social classes. The fact of the jewish predisposition to madness is not peculiar to Italy; it is reported in other countries”.


We now have a better understanding of why the jews, who have always aroused universal hatred everywhere they have ever been have also been considered poor sick wretches, throughout history, inspiring not only disgust and hatred but mockery, farces and wisecracks at the same time. The history of this obstinate “people”, if one really wishes to be objective, is in fact as ridiculous as it is tragic.


“At the moment in which the pains are the most intolerable”, rabbi Sittruk tells us, “the child comes into the world!”


But it has been clear for some time that the jews will never succeed in bringing about the advent of the messiah all by themselves: it is the responsibility of the goyim to take matters in hand and ensure the coming of the messiah all by themselves. In the hour of deliverance, humanity will finally be freed from the interminable jeremiads and deafening cries of the “jewish community”, and a great peace will reign in the world…


Hervé Ryssen, Paris, 2010