Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Jews in America - Part II

Part II

„Mossad can go to any distinguished American Jew and ask for help.“ (ex-CIA official, 9/3/1979, Newsweek)

„A U.S. Senator should have the same right as a member of the disagree with any government when its actions may not be in the United States’ interest.“ (Senator Percy, Wall Street Journal, 2/26/85)

„...the [Jewish] underground will strike targets that will make Americans gasp.“ [Victor Vancier, Village Voice Statements of New York City Jewish Defense League Commander, April, 1986)

1957: Jewish rabbi attacks the Lord’s Prayer in the schools. (NJO, Feb. 8, 1957).

„This means war! and organized Jewry, such as the B’nai B’rith, which swung their weight into the fight to defeat Taft. The Jewish ex-President ‘Teddy’ Roosevelt helped, in no small way, by organizing and running on a third Party ticket [the Bull-Moose Party], which split the conservative Republican vote and allowed Woodrow Wilson [A Marrino Jew] to become President.“ (The Great Conspiracy, by Lt. Col. Gordon „Jack“ Mohr)

„I knew Otto Kahn [According to the Figaro, Mr. Kahn on first going to America was a clerk in the firm of Speyer and Company, and married a grand-daughter of Mr. Wolf, one of the founders of Kuhn, Loeb & Company], the multi-millionaire, for many years. I knew him when he was a patriotic German. I knew him when he was a patriotic American. Naturally, when he wanted to enter the House of Commons, he joined the ‘patriotic party.’“ (All These Things, A.N. Field, pp. 56-57; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, p. 34)

From: Adam and Cain, p. 178, by Wm. N. Murray, former Governor of Oklahoma (1951): „Mr. W. Smith, who was for many years private secretary to Billy (William Ashley) Sunday, the Evangelist, makes a statement on oath before a Notary Public of Wayne, Michigan. The statement is to the following effect: President Coolidge shortly before his term of office expired, said publicly that he did not choose to compete again for the Presidency of the United States. Shortly afterwards, Billy Sunday interviewed him. Coolidge told him that after taking office, he found himself unable to carry out his election promises or to make the slightest move towards clean government. He was forced and driven by threats, even murder-threats, to carry out the orders of the Jews. Billy Sunday made public this statement of Coolidge. There followed a general attack upon the Evangelist. Then his son was framed and committed suicide, whilst the father’s death was hastened in sorrow for the loss.“

1957: American Jewish Congress brought suit to have a nativity scene of Christ removed from public school property in Ossining, N.Y. The Jews obtained an injunction and planned to take the case before the U.S. Supreme Court. (Jewish Voice, Dec. 20, 1957).

1954: ADL attorney Leonard Schroeter, is instrumental in preparing desegregation briefs for the NAACP for hearings before the U.S. Supreme court. He said „The ADL was working throughout the South to make integration possible as quickly as possible.“ (Oregon Journal, December 9, 1954).

1957: New Jersey Region of the American Jewish Congress urges the legislature to defeat a bill that would allow prayer in the schools. (American Examiner, Sep. 26, 1957).

Have you ever thought about it: if the Jews god is the same one as the Christian’s God, then why do they object to prayer to God in the schools? The answer is given in a 1960 Court Case by a Jewess Lois N. Milman, if Christians would only listen and observe!

1960: Jewish pupil objects to prayer in schools. Jewess Lois N. Milman, objected to discussing God in the Miami schools because the talk was about „A God that is not my god.“ (How true this is] In a court suit she also objected to „having to listen to Christmas carols in the schools.“ (L.A. Times, July 20, 1960).

1962: The American Jewish Congress has called the Philadelphia decision against Bible reading in the public schools a „major victory for freedom. A special three judge federal court in Philadelphia voided as unconstitutional Pennsylvania’s law requiring the reading of ten verses of the Bible in public schools each day. [Remember the Jews claim that the first five books of the Bible is also their Bible. Do you begin to see what liars they are?]. The Bible was read without comment and objectors were excused upon request from parents...The Jewish Congress is a major force in supporting challenges to traditional [Christian] practices in the public schools.“ (Los Angeles Times, Feb. 2, 1962).

1963: Jews Bernard Roseman and Bernard Copley arrested smuggling in a large quantity of LSD-25 from Israel. The drug was manufactured at the Wiseman Institute in Israel. [Do you see now why the government cannot stop the drug traffic?] Jews repay Christian Americans for their hospitality and aid by making drug addicts out of their children. (Los Angeles Times, April 4, 1963).

1972: The Jewish Committee Against Religious Encroachment in Schools filed in Federal Court to have the Yule Pageant in Westfield, N.J. banned. The suit charged, „the pageant favor belief in religion over non-religion and favors the Christian Religion over others [Jews].“ (New York Daily News, Nov. 15, 1972).

1973: Jewish State Senator Anthony Beilenson (representing Beverly Hills) brought pressure on state officials and had the nativity scene removed from the Capitol grounds because it offended the Jews from his district. (Sacramento Union, December 22, 1973).

1977: President Jimmy Carter forced to apologize to the Jews living in America for telling his Bible class the truth, that The Jews Killed Christ. (Jewish Press, May 13, 1977)

1977: Russian Jews arriving in the U.S. given Medicaid by New York States as they claim being uncircumcised ruins their love life. They complain Jewish girls will not date them on RELIGIOUS grounds if they are not circumcised [I wonder if a Jew boy has to show the Jewish girls his privy member before he asks her for a date?] Despite Constitutional separation of Church & State, New York and Federal authorities give these foreign Jews taxpayer money to be circumcised so the Jew girls will date them. (Jewish Press, Nov. 25, 1977)

1977: Jews Urge Removal of Bible Toting Judge. The Anti-Defamation League sent a letter to the state Committee on Judicial Performance [California] to have Judge Hugh W. Godwin removed from the bench because „his Christian religious beliefs color the manner in which he dispenses justice.“ (L.A. Herald Examiner, June 24, 1977).

1977: Lutheran Church leaders are calling for the deletion of the hymn „Reproaches“ from Lutheran hymnals because the „hymn has a danger of fermenting anti-Semitism.“ The ADL sent a letter commending the president of the American Lutheran Church for the action.

1977: The American Jewish Committee was responsible for the Episcopal Church removing two hymns „Reproaches“ and „Improperia“ from the Book of Common Prayer because they [truthfully] accused the Jews of the Crucifixion of Christ. Rabbi Marc Tannenbaum congratulated Episcopal Bishop Allin for „his historic act of respect for Judaism and friendship for the Jewish people.“ (Jewish Press).

1977: The National Jewish Commission of Law and Public Affairs is now forcing cemeteries to bury Jews on legal holidays. Cemeteries were normally closed to burials on legal holidays. However, since the Jews bury their dead quickly after death they are now forcing cemeteries to make special rules for them. Jews have been instrumental in having Christian Crosses removed from graves in veterans cemeteries because the crosses „Offend Them.“ (Jewish Press, November 25, 1977).

1977: The Anti-Defamation League has succeeded in getting 11 major U.S. firms to cancel their adds in the „Christian Yellow Pages.“ To advertise in the CYP, people have to declare they believe in Jesus Christ. The Jews claim they are offended by the idea of having to say they believe in Jesus Christ and yet want to force their way into the Christian Directories.

The Jews whom he attempted to oust merely applied to their fellow Jews in Holland, and the order came back from the Company countermanding the expulsion. (For a similar situation during the Civil War, see ULYSSES GRANT). Among the reasons given by „their worships“ for over-ruling their governor, one stands out rather glaringly, in view of the usual Jewish contention that their people were ‘poor and persecuted:’ „ ...and also because of the large amount of capital which they have invested in shares of this Company.“ (Harry Golden and Martin Rywell, THE JEWS IN AMERICAN HISTORY)

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Protocols of Zion: Protocol XIX – Rulers and People






Protocol No. 19 – Rulers and People


1. If we do not permit any independent dabbling in the political we shall on the other hand encourage every kind of report or petition with proposals for the government to examine into all kinds of projects for the amelioration of the condition of the people; this will reveal to us the defects or else the fantasies of our subjects, to which we shall respond either by accomplishing them or by a wise rebuttment to prove the shortsightedness of one who judges wrongly.


2. Sedition-mongering is nothing more than the yapping of a lap- dog at an elephant. For a government well organized, not from the police but from the public point of view, the lap-dog yaps at the elephant in complete unconsciousness of its strength and importance. It needs no more than to take a good example to show the relative importance of both and the lap-dogs will cease to yap and will wag their tails the moment they set eyes on an elephant.


3. In order to destroy the prestige of heroism for political crime we shall send it for trial in the category of thieving, murder, and every kind of abominable and filthy crime. Public opinion will then confuse its conception of this category of crime with the disgrace attached to every other and will brand it with the same contempt.


4. We have done our best, and I hope we have succeeded to obtain that the GOYIM should not arrive at this means of contending with sedition. It was for this reason that through the Press and in speeches, indirectly – in cleverly compiled schoolbooks on history, we have advertised the martyrdom alleged to have been accredited by sedition-mongers for the idea of the commonweal. This advertisement has increased the contingent of liberals and has brought thousands of GOYIM into the ranks of our livestock cattle.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

The Destructive Media

Jewish Control of the American Mass Media Has Real Consequences for the United States and the World


by Dr. William Pierce


One of the subjects we’ve covered a number of times in this newsletter is the Jewish control of the news and entertainment media and the enormous damage this control is doing to America and to our people. We write about this so much because there’s hardly anything in the world more important, hardly anything which demands our attention more urgently.


The evidence of the damage being done is quite obvious, but somehow many people manage to not notice that evidence. I had a newspaper reporter in my office a few weeks ago, and he asked me, “Why do you object to the Jews controlling the media? Aren’t they running things about the same way anyone else would?”


I told him, “No, they’re running things to fit their Jewish agenda, and that agenda is not good for us.”


Then he asked me for specific examples: “What are the Jews doing with their control of the media that’s harmful to us?”


Now, I really don’t believe that the reporter wanted an answer to that question, because this was a man who knew which side his bread was buttered on. He couldn’t afford to be thinking bad thoughts about the people on whom his career depended, but I gave him an answer anyway. I gave him some specific, concrete examples of the way in which the Jewish control of our news and entertainment media was damaging us as a people. Perhaps you’ll be interested in hearing some of those examples too, and so I’ll share them with you.


The first example I gave the reporter involved the largest media conglomerate in America, the Walt Disney Company. I reminded the reporter that Walt Disney, who was a Gentile – who was one of us – had been a pioneer in the motion picture industry. He was one of the men who built Hollywood. He built it by giving us films like Snow White and Fantasia and Cinderella. These were not just healthy, wholesome films: they were films, which struck a deeply responsive chord in us, because Walt Disney shared our roots.


While Disney was winning a place in the hearts of people of European descent all over the world, the rest of Hollywood was being taken over by Jews. By the late 1920s it was apparent that not only was there money to be made in motion pictures, but motion pictures could become a very influential medium, and so Jews began taking over.


By the time Disney died he was about the only major non-Jewish film maker left in Hollywood. After his death Jews took control of the Disney company, and today it is controlled by Michael Eisner. Eisner immediately began making propaganda films designed to encourage degeneracy in viewers.


I gave to the reporter as an example of Eisner’s films one that came out a couple of years ago and received all sorts of acclaim and awards from Jewish reviewers in the New York Times and other Jewish newspapers: it was The Crying Game, which was made by the Miramax division of Disney, a division headed by the Weinstein brothers. The Crying Game was a film about homosexuality and transvestitism and interracial sex. The message of the film was that these things are all right: that homosexuals and transvestites are people just like us, and that we should love them, and that it’s all right for us to share their life-style.


Racial and sexual roles deliberately were made ambiguous in the film: a British soldier who just happens to be a Negro, an Irishman’s mulatto girl friend who just happens to be a man wearing a dress. I doubt that I’ve ever seen a film with a sicker, more destructive message. And this film was held up by the Jewish media as wonderfully “sensitive,” as wonderfully artistic. Nor was The Crying Game any sort of fluke or exception to the rule. Mr. Eisner has produced many other films with a similarly destructive message.


I also gave the reporter to whom I was speaking examples about the destructive way in which the Jews use their control of the news media. Do you remember the enormous hullabaloo in the news media a few months ago when two White soldiers at Fort Bragg, in North Carolina, got drunk and shot a convicted Black crack dealer and his female companion? It was on the television news and in the big newspapers day after day after day. “Racism in the Army!” the headlines were screaming. News commentators wrung their hands and agonized over “White supremacy” at Fort Bragg. “What can we do about White supremacy in the military?” they moaned. And, of course, the politicians, who certainly know which side their bread is buttered on, had to get into the act. The White House issued statements. The secretary of the Army announced that an investigation would be launched to find out about White racists in the Army and then to boot them out when it found them. We were treated to tearful television interviews with the relatives of the slain Black crack dealer. We’re still hearing about the killing of this convicted Black criminal by two drunken White soldiers, as Jewish groups continue to use it as an example in their media campaign for new laws against what they call “hate crimes” and “hate speech.” Just two weeks ago there was yet another big article about it headed “Extremism in the Ranks” in Newsweek magazine, which is owned by the Jewish Washington Post. Everybody has heard about this shooting at Fort Bragg.


Now I’ll tell you about a shooting you haven’t heard about – unless you happen to live in the immediate vicinity of Camp Pendleton, the big Marine base in southern California. Last month, on March 5, 1996, a 28-year-old Marine sergeant who was stationed at Camp Pendleton hid a .45-caliber pistol under his jacket, walked into the office of the executive officer of his unit, Lt. Colonel Daniel Kidd, and shot Kidd twice in the back, killing him. He then turned his pistol on the commanding officer, Lt. Col. Thomas Heffner, and shot Heffner in the chest, critically wounding him.


Both Lt. Colonel Kidd and Lt. Colonel Heffner are White. The murderer, Sergeant Jessie Quintanilla, is a dark-skinned Pacific Islander from Guam. When Quintanilla ran out of the office after shooting the two White officers, he shouted that he had done it “for the Brown side” and that the killings of Whites would continue until all non-Whites are released from prison.


Amazingly, not even the San Diego-area newspapers, which could hardly avoid at least reporting the bare facts of the shootings, suggested that race was a motive or that the killing of Lt. Colonel Kidd was a “hate crime.” They ignored the race factor. The national media, so far as I am aware, have scrupulously avoided the whole story. No statements from the White House, no call for investigations of Brown racism in the Marines, no headlines anywhere about “extremism,” no calls from Jewish organizations for new laws to control “haters” in the military.


Now, what is the difference between the shootings at Fort Bragg and the shootings at Camp Pendleton which could have justified the glaring difference in the way they were treated by the controlled news media? Was it that the Fort Bragg shootings were a more serious crime than the Camp Pendleton shootings? Was the killing of a convicted Black drug dealer by two drunken White soldiers more newsworthy than the cold-blooded murder of a White Marine Corps officer with an outstanding service record by a non-White sergeant with a hatred of White people? Was the Fort Bragg shooting more cause for concern on the part of ordinary Americans than the Camp Pendleton shooting?


I don’t think so.


Let me suggest that the difference in the way in which the shootings were treated by the news media stems from the fact that the Jewish bosses of the media have an agenda of their own, and they slant the news accordingly. They make the news fit their agenda. The Jews who control the news media have a program to “sensitize” White Americans about racial matters, and by that I mean that they want to instill in White Americans a sense of White racial guilt, to make White Americans feel that any sense of White racial solidarity is reprehensible, to persuade them that any White resistance to demands by non-Whites is “racist” and therefore wicked.


And so they deliberately – I say deliberately, knowingly, calculatingly – create the impression with their biased and selective reporting of the news that White attacks on non-Whites are a far bigger problem than non-White attacks on Whites, whereas exactly the opposite is true. The shooting at Fort Bragg suited the Jews’ purpose, and so they gave it enormous publicity and drummed it into everyone’s consciousness. The shooting at Camp Pendleton didn’t suit their purpose, and so they gave it minimal coverage in the news media they control. That’s the sort of thing I have in mind when I say that the Jewish control of the media is doing enormous damage to our people. It’s giving the average American a grossly distorted view of the world.


I’ll give you another example, one which most of us probably have heard about. In Chicago earlier this year a White mother and her two young children were murdered by Blacks in an especially horrible manner. The White woman was slashed open with a butcher knife, and an unborn infant was ripped from her womb by Blacks who wanted the baby. The woman’s children, a ten-year-old daughter and an eight-year-old son, were stabbed to death. These were racial killings, but because the victims were White and the murderers were Black most of the media would have preferred to ignore them. The unusually atrocious nature of the crime caught the attention of the tabloids, however, and so the rest of the news media were obliged to give it minimal and grudging coverage. But there were no demands from Jewish organizations, like the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center, for new “hate crime” laws because of these hate-inspired murders. There were no hand-wringing editorials about the murders in the New York Times or the Washington Post. The television networks wasted no tears on the victims. The whole attitude of the media was: the less said about these murders the better.


Can you imagine how different the treatment by the media would have been if the races of the victims and the murderers had been interchanged? Imagine that a gang of neo-Nazi skinheads had grabbed a pregnant Black woman and her two Black children, had stabbed the Black children to death and then killed the Black woman by ripping her open with a knife and tearing her unborn child from her body and running off with it. That would have been on the front page and the editorial page of the New York Times, the Washington Post, and every other Jewish newspaper in the country for weeks. Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather would still be telling us about it every evening. Every television screen in the country would still be full of politicians, priests, and rabbis telling us what we must do to eliminate “White racism.” They would be telling us what kind of “racist” books and “racist” radio programs and “racist” music the skinheads were exposed to which led them to kill the Black family. And of course, spokesmen for the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League would be given non-stop media coverage as they clamored for laws to make Politically Incorrect speech illegal. You know that’s the way it would be handled.


And that sort of slanted news is damaging, because tens of millions of White Americans actually believe what they see on television and read in the newspapers. They cannot distinguish between the real world and the slanted world portrayed by the media masters. They assume that real people behave the way the actors in Mr. Eisner’s The Crying Game behaved; moreover, they assume that’s approved behavior. They assume that the news stories selected for the evening television news programs are truly representative of what is happening in the world. Their opinions and attitudes are shaped by the slanted world of the media rather than by the real world. In the long run this Jewish media control is not just damaging: it is lethal. It will destroy us. And that, of course, is just what it is intended to do.


Here’s another specific example of the way in which the Jewish control of our media is used to damage us as a people. Do you remember the Republic of South Africa? Do you remember what the media did to that country? Let me remind you. For years the mass media in America maintained a solid wall of hostility against South Africa. The Whites there were unspeakably wicked, according to the media, because they practiced a system they called “apartheid,” which simply means apartness, or separation of the races.


Now, it is true that we always have had a busybody element among our own people – egalitarians and other foolish or malicious types who always are looking for an opportunity to force others to conform to their ideas – but without the support of the Jewish media the busybody element would not have been able to do much damage. It was the controlled media which made “apartheid” a dirty word; it was the controlled media which made the attitude toward South Africa a major political issue in this country; it was the controlled media which made a government enforced boycott of trade with South Africa politically popular; it was the controlled media which viciously attacked anyone who had a good word to say about South Africa; it was the controlled media over here which provided a forum for the handful of South African traitors and terrorists who were trying to destabilize their own society.


And ultimately it was the controlled media which destroyed South Africa. As the economic damage to South Africa from the trade boycott mounted, White South Africans found themselves under increasing pressure. Furthermore, they were being subjected to the same anti-White hate propaganda that we were. The films they saw, the television programs they watched in South Africa came from Hollywood and New York. And eventually the South Africans became so demoralized that they foolishly turned their country over to Black rule, hoping that somehow that would make the world love them and their economy would improve.


What actually has happened, of course, is that crime and mismanagement have skyrocketed and standards have fallen, and now the White South Africans who are able to go some place else are leaving. What has happened to every other country in sub-Saharan Africa after the Whites turned the government over to the Blacks is now happening to South Africa. It is slipping back toward the jungle. And the controlled media in America played the largest single role in bringing this result about.


And this result was deliberate. It was calculated. It was planned. It was not because of any fuzzy-minded, do-gooder sentiment on the part of the media bosses. They knew exactly what they were doing. It was cold-blooded. Compare this media concern with equality for Blacks in South Africa with the attitude of the media toward the behavior of the Jewish government in Israel. That government practices what is known as collective punishment. If a Palestinian is suspected of being a freedom fighter – suspected, not convicted – the Jewish government punishes his whole family. His wife, his parents, his children will be arrested and tortured. The house they live in will be blown up. Have you ever heard the controlled media criticize this sort of behavior?


Now, patriots have various concerns, various priorities. Some of them believe that we should concern ourselves first and foremost with the way the U.S. government handles its finances, with ruinous taxation and scandalous welfare programs. Some of them believe that our out-of-control immigration situation is our most pressing problem. Others are concerned primarily with the government’s failure to deal effectively with street crime. And some have focused on the breakdown of our educational system under the impact of forced equality, or on the decay of our morals.


But I tell you that we can solve none of these problems until we regain control of our news and entertainment media. So long as the Jews control our mass media they will control our politicians, and so long as they control our politicians they will control the policies of the government. We will not be able to shut down the welfare system or control our borders or make our cities safe or restore our standards and values so long as the controlled mass media are able to make a majority of our people feel guilty for wanting to do these things, so long as the media are able to make people believe that keeping Mexicans and Haitians out of the country or shutting off the flow of welfare is racist, and that racism is the worst of all sins.


So long as the Jews control our mass media they will be able to keep enough of our people confused and misled and divided so that we cannot regain control of our government by peaceful, democratic means.


If we are to regain control of our destiny and survive as a people, then we have only two choices: violent revolution to take the control of the mass media back by force, or gentle but effective persuasion to lead more and more of our people from confusion into understanding.


I personally believe that violent revolution is not feasible at this time, and as long as the course of gentle persuasion remains open to us, that is the course we must choose. I believe that the only proper thing for us to do now is to continue building our own media and making them more effective – media like our series of radio broadcasts and our World Wide Web sites on the Internet and the books and magazines published by National Vanguard Books.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Special Treatment in Auschwitz


by Carlo Mattogno






Appearing in German wartime documents in the context of the “Holocaust,” terms like “special treatment,” “special action,” and others have usually been interpreted as code words that signify homicides. While certainly the term “special treatment” in many such documents meant at times execution, the term need not always have had that meaning in German records. This is especially true when it comes to the infamous Auschwitz camp.


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In Special Treatment in Auschwitz, Carlo Mattogno has provided the most thorough study of this textual problem to date. By publishing and interpreting numerous such documents about Auschwitz – many of them hitherto unknown – Mattogno is able to show that, while “special” had many different meanings in these documents, not a single one meant “execution.”


Keying off the German root word “sonder,” an adjective signifying any of a wide range of distinctive qualities, the study examines a group of related terms such as gesonderte Unterkunft, which translates roughly to “separate accommodations.” The entire work highlights the potency of a traditional tool of the unscrupulous propagandist: (mis-)translation, a perfidious practice of which Marie Antoinette (“Let them eat cake.”) is perhaps but the most-famous and most-unfortunate example.


This important study demonstrates also the insidious allegation of the use of a “code language” by the National Socialists of Germany, imputing homicidal meanings to completely harmless documents.


2nd, corrected and updated edition of 2016.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

New World Order – Communism by the Backdoor – Part 1 – The New World Order

By Denis Wise


The origins of the New World Order and the infiltration of the free world.



Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Protocols of Zion: Protocol XVIII – Arrest of Opponents






Protocol No. 18 – Arrest of Opponents


1. When it becomes necessary for us to strengthen the strict measures of secret defense (the most fatal poison for the prestige of authority) we shall arrange a simulation of disorders or some manifestation of discontents finding expression through the co- operation of good speakers. Round these speakers will assemble all who are sympathetic to his utterances. This will give us the pretext for domiciliary prerequisitions and surveillance on the part of our servants from among the number of the GOYIM police….


2. As the majority of conspirators act of love for the game, for the sake of talking, so, until they commit some overt act we shall not lay a finger on them but only introduce into their midst observation elements …. It must be remembered that the prestige of authority is lessened if it frequently discovers conspiracies against itself: this implies a presumption of consciousness of weakness, or, what is still worse, of injustice. You are aware that we have broken the prestige of the GOY kings by frequent attempts upon their lives through our agents, blind sheep of our flock, who are easily moved by a few liberal phrases to crimes provided only they be painted in political colors. WE HAVE COMPELLED THE RULERS TO ACKNOWLEDGE THEIR WEAKNESS IN ADVERTISING OVERT MEASURES OF SECRETE DEFENSE AND THEREBY WE SHALL BRING THE PROMISE OF AUTHORITY TO DESTRUCTION.


3. Our ruler will be secretly protected only by the most insignificant guard, because we shall not admit so much as a thought that there could exist against him any sedition with which he is not strong enough to contend and is compelled to hide from it.


4. If we should admit this thought, as the GOYIM have done and are doing, we should IPSO FACTO be signing a death sentence, if not for our ruler, at any rate for his dynasty, at no distant date.




5. According to strictly enforced outward appearances our ruler will employ his power only for the advantage of the nation and in no wise for his own or dynastic profits. Therefore, with the observance of this decorum, his authority will be respected and guarded by the subjects themselves, it will receive an apotheosis in the admission that with it is bound up the well-being of every citizen of the State, for upon it will depend all order in the common life of the pack ….




7. Our ruler will always be among the people and be surrounded by a mob of apparently curious men and women, who will occupy the front ranks about him, to all appearance by chance, and will restrain the ranks of the rest out of respect as it will appear for good order. This will sow an example of restraint also in others. If a petitioner appears among the people trying to hand a petition and forcing his way through the ranks, the first ranks must receive the petition and before the eyes of the petitioner pass it to the ruler, so that all may know that what is handed in reaches its destination, that consequently, there exists a control of the ruler himself. The aureole of power requires for is existence that the people may be able to say: “If the king knew of this,” or: “the king will hear it.”


8. WITH THE ESTABLISHMENT OF OFFICIAL DEFENSE, THE MYSTICAL PRESTIGE OF AUTHORITY DISAPPEARS: given a certain audacity, and everyone counts himself master of it, the sedition- monger is conscious of his strength, and when occasion serves watches for the moment to make an attempt upon authority …. For the GOYIM we have been preaching something else, but by that very fact we are enabled to see what measures of overt defense have brought them to ….


9. CRIMINALS WITH US WILL BE ARRESTED AT THE FIRST, more or less, well-grounded SUSPICION: it cannot be allowed that out of fear of a possible mistake an opportunity should be given of escape to persons suspected of a political lapse of crime, for in these matters we shall be literally merciless. If it is still possible, by stretching a point, to admit a reconsideration of the motive causes in simple crimes, there is no possibility of excuse for persons occupying themselves with questions in which nobody except the government can understand anything …. And it is not all governments that understand true policy.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Protocols of Zion: Protocol XVII – Abuse of Authority






Protocol No. 17 – Abuse of Authority


1. The practice of advocacy produces men cold, cruel, persistent, unprincipled, who in all cases take up an impersonal, purely legal standpoint. They have the inveterate habit to refer everything to its value for the defense and not to the public welfare of its results. They do not usually decline to undertake any defense whatsoever, they strive for an acquittal at all costs, caviling over every petty crux of jurisprudence and thereby they demoralize justice. For this reason we shall set this profession into narrow frames which will keep it inside this sphere of executive public service. Advocates, equally with judges, will be deprived of the right of communication with litigant; they will receive business only from the court and will study it by notes of report and documents, defending their clients after they have been interrogated in court on facts that have appeared. They will receive an honorarium without regard to the quality of the defense. This will render them mere reporters on law-business in the interests of justice and as counterpoise to the proctor who will be the reporter in the interests of prosecution; this will shorten business before the courts. In this way will be established a practice of honest unprejudiced defense conducted not from personal interest but by conviction. This will also, by the way, remove the present practice of corrupt bargain between advocation to agree only to let that side win which pays most.




2. WE HAVE LONG PAST TAKEN CARE TO DISCREDIT THE PRIESTHOOD OF “GOYIM,” and thereby to ruin their mission on earth which in these days might still be a great hindrance to us. Day by day its influence on the peoples of the world is falling lower. FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE HAS BEEN DECLARED EVERYWHERE, SO THAT NOW ONLY YEARS DIVIDE US FROM THE MOMENT OF THE COMPLETE WRECKING OF THAT CHRISTIAN RELIGION: as to other religions we shall have still less difficulty in dealing with them, but it would be premature to speak of this now. We shall act clericalism and clericals into such narrow frames as to make their influence move in retrogressive proportion to its former progress.


3. When the time comes finally to destroy the papal court the finger of an invisible hand will point the nations towards this court. When, however, the nations fling themselves upon it, we shall come forward in the guise of its defenders as if to save excessive bloodshed. By this diversion we shall penetrate to its very bowels and be sure we shall never come out again until we have gnawed through the entire strength of this place.





6. In general, then, our contemporary press will continue to CONVICT State affairs, religions, incapacities of the GOYIM, always using the most unprincipled expressions in order by every means to lower their prestige in the manner which can only be practiced by the genius of our gifted tribe ….


7. Our kingdom will be an apologia of the divinity Vishnu, in whom is found its personification – in our hundred hands will be, one in each, the springs of the machinery of social life. We shall see everything without the aid of official police which, in that scope of its rights which we elaborated for the use of the GOYIM, hinders governments from seeing. In our programs ONE-THIRD OF OUR SUBJECTS WILL KEEP THE REST UNDER OBSERVATION from a sense of duty, on the principle of volunteer service to the State. It will then be no disgrace to be a spy and informer, but a merit: unfounded denunciations, however, will be cruelly punished that there may be development of abuses of this right.


8. Our agents will be taken from the higher as well as the lower ranks of society, from among the administrative class who spend their time in amusements, editors, printers and publishers, booksellers, clerks, and salesmen, workmen, coachmen, lackeys, et cetera. This body, having no rights and not being empowered to take any action on their own account, and consequently a police without any power, will only witness and report: verification of their reports and arrests will depend upon a responsible group of controllers of police affairs, while the actual act of arrest will be performed by the gendarmerie and the municipal police. Any person not denouncing anything seen or heard concerning questions of policy will also be charged with and made responsible for concealment, if it be proved that he is guilty of this crime.




10. Such an organization will extirpate abuses of authority, of force, of bribery, everything in fact which we by our counsels, by our theories of the superhuman rights of man, have introduced into the customs of the GOYIM …. But how else were we to procure that increase of causes predisposing to disorders in the midst of their administration? …. Among the number of those methods one of the most important is – agents for the restoration of order, so placed as to have the opportunity in their disintegrating activity of developing and displaying their evil inclinations – obstinate self-conceit, irresponsible exercise of authority, and, first and foremost, venality.

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Tales of Judeo-Christian Terrorism: Easter, Passover and Parting of the Red Sea


The Story of Easter, The Passover, and the Parting of the Red Sea


by Ben Klassen




In this analysis we are going to review three different bible stories, which, although separate, are inextricably interwoven in one common jewish theme; the commonality of that theme is terrorism.


Every year the gentile christians celebrate the mythical story that three days after being crucified, christ arose from the dead, walked out of  his tomb, and after some further hocus-pocus zoomed upwards back into heaven from whence he had presumably come. At about the same  time of the year, the jews, not to be outdone in a major christian holiday, also have to have a “holy” religious affair to demonstrate that they,  too, have something comparable going at Easter time, just as at Christmas time they trot out their hanukkah, a fairly recent innovation. This is  to seemingly demonstrate to the world that judaism and christianity run parallel, only with a slightly different twist. After all, we are all part of  the same judeo christian ethic, are we not? And the jews and the christians are coming closer and closer together, are they not?


Last easter various articles appeared in the religious sections of our jew owned newspapers, trying to equate easter and the passover as  seasonal religious holidays that have, oh, so much in common. Since the meaning of these two events are really poles apart, nevertheless, the  jewish scribblers without too much trouble can equalize them, more or less, as they can equalize the niggers and the White Race. Here is how  one story ran in The Atlanta Constitution on Good Friday, April 1 (April Fool’s Day) of 1988. it was headed “Christians, Jews observe solemn  days.” The story then starts out with a number of contortions of fictitious history, reflecting back on events that never happened, interrelating  the similarity and common origins of the christian and jewish religions.


“In Rome, Jerusalem and around the world, christians and jews gather today to celebrate one of the most important holidays of their separate  ecclesiastical years. “


“For christians, Good Friday observes the day jesus christ died on the Cross. For jews, Friday is the first night of passover, a time to  celebrate one of the most momentous events in jewish history, the Exodus.”


After much further verbiage about the christians’ easter, the story then goes on to say “Among jews Passover is a week-long holiday marking  the Exodus of jews from Egypt about 3400 years ago. The story, told in Chapter 12 of Exodus, is retold at a Seder, or ritual dinner, traditionally  held on the first night of the Passover. At the climax of the dinner, the jews recite the phrase: “Next year in Jerusalem.”


It all sounds very chummy on the surface, and the jews and the gentile christians seem to have, oh, so much in common. Why didn’t the jews give the christians their god, jehovah, and in fact, their very religion, christianity itself? We dumb gentile goyim should be eternally  grateful to the jews for this magnanimous gift, and we should be indebted to them forever and a day. (We are! We are! Ask the Federal  Reserve.) So, having received so much from the jews, we owe it to them to subsidize these parasites wherever they live, and especially the  state of Israel. After all, they are God’s Chosen and God promised israel to the jews, didn’t he? in fact, didn’t he promise the jews that  everything the gentiles owned was theirs to take? Isn’t that what the Holy Scriptures say?


That is the jewish point of view, and we goyim have this version drummed into us daily. In the news media, on TV, in the movies, and yes,  from the pulpits of the christian churches. Now let us look at it from the White Man’s point of view, as we Creators specifically insist we do on  all matters, and we clearly spell it out in Creative Credo No. 2 of the White Man’s Bible. Let us also look at the three stories of Easter, the  Passover and the Exodus from the viewpoint of reality, authentic history, and with a modicum of common sense.


When we do, the first overwhelming fact to confront us is that there is not a shred of historical evidence that any of these “momentous” events  ever happened. It all originates from the pens of jewish scribblers concocting a fictitious history for themselves and a slave-mentality religion  designed for the destruction of the goyim.


Starting with easter, that holy of holy days for the christians, when christ supposedly rose from the dead and catapulted back into heaven to  be with his “father”, we find this story not only unsubstantiated by any historical records and facts, but we find so many contradictions and  absurdities in the story itself that even a six year old would have to wonder about the sanity of the story teller. Here are a few of the absurdities.


1. If he (christ) was in heaven before he came to earth (“He always was,” the jewish book says) then doesn’t that make a mockery out of the  story of him emerging from Mary’s womb? Of Joseph becoming his father and tracing his ancestry back to the “seed of David”? You can’t have  it both ways.


2. Supposedly, he (christ) was sent “down to earth” to save us poor sinners from hell. In order to do so, God (the father) sent his “only  begotten son” down to earth (ugh! what a let down!) and had to have him humiliated, tortured and nailed to the cross in order to achieve this  objective (saving us sinners.) Was all this hocus-pocus really necessary? if so, didn’t he (christ) go through a sort of pre-written movie script in  which he played a part already decided in advance? So why blame his crucifiers? Weren’t they, too, merely playing their part as scripted by the  Almighty? Again, I repeat, was all this nonsense really necessary in order to save us sinners?


3. Since the Father and Son (who are really one, along with the Holy Ghost) thought it was necessary to put on this farce, this super drama,  this “Passion Play” that is now being reenacted in several parts of the world, the question we raise is this: Why didn’t the gimmick work? With  supposedly the best brains in the universe to plan the spectacle, with two thousand years of hoopla and super promotion, why was it all a  miserable failure? Why, after all this time are there more sinners running loose than ever? Why are 99 percent of the people alive today  doomed to go to hell? Why are the enemies of christ, the jews, really in control of the world? Did the Father and Son scheme fall flat on its  face? Was it a major boo-boo? Didn’t they know what in the hell they were doing? What about that, you christian preachers?


4. Examining further the ongoing project of saving all of us miserable sinners, which has become such a major but lucrative racket for such con-  artists as Jimmy and Tammy Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, and a number of electronic evangelists, if the Lord (Father, Son and Holy Ghost) really wanted to save us from the fiery torture of hell, why did he (they) construct that goddamned, miserable booby-trap in the first place? Obviously,  they wanted to put is in there by the millions and see us fry, squirm and sizzle. Obviously, they must be cruel sadists of the most major  magnitude. Why then this pious scam, this phony hypocrisy of wanting to save us from a hell they deliberately constructed? Can you think of  any terrorism more horrible than hell? (Read “Hell”, Creative Credo No. 49 of the White Man’s Bible.)


5. Furthermore, if the devil is the root of all evil in the world today, (as well as the past and the future) why did “the Lord” (he, they) create the  devil in the first place? Or, having made this terrible boo-boo, why, instead of nailing his son to the cross, didn’t he go after the real culprit and  kill the devil? If he can kill his son, surely, he has the power to kill the devil, the real culprit. Why didn’t he do it two thousand years ago? Why  doesn’t he do it today? What is your answer, preacher?


6. The most logical answer to anyone who still has control of their sanity is that all these claims about the crucifixion, the rising from the tomb,  the “ascension” back into heaven and all the other peripheral hocus-pocus, does not have the slightest bearing on reality, nor on the real world  that has existed for billions of years. On the contrary, they are nothing more and nothing less than the fictitious concoctions of lying, jewish  scribblers now long dead, their scribblings being endlessly recycled by gullible and superstitious goyim, much to the latter’s own detriment.


We now come to the jewish passover as described in Exodus, and we now have a story that illuminates another facet of the jewish mentality  and the jewish god, which is neither very pious, nor even humane. In fact, it is racist, brutal, and sadistic, completely prejudiced against our  people, the White Egyptians and their poor innocent babies, who were its real victims, according to this weird, wild and stupid story. Talk about  terrorism supposedly perpetrated by Yasser Arafat and the PLO, it is child’s play compared to the terrorism, horror, misery, destruction,  devastation, death and torture heaped upon the Egyptians by that sadistic super-spook the jews claimed as their tribal God.


If we try to unravel the wild and scrambled story as told in Exodus, we find something like the following: Moses, a jewish baby who is set adrift  in the river, is picked up in the bullrushes by an Egyptian princess, the Pharaoh’s daughter, who raises him. As an adult he murders an  Egyptian guard who he believes has been abusing the jews, to whom he finds kinship. Afraid for his life, he flees to the Midlans, where he  meets up with a fellow by the name of Reuel, who is a sheepherder and who happens to have seven daughters. Moses marries one of his  daughters, name of Zipporah. (In the next chapter, however, it says Jethro is his father-in-law, but then the whole damn story is extremely  contradictory and confusing.)


Anyway, he takes over Jethro’s flock of sheep, and one day as he is tending his flock, he is scared spitless by the sight of a burning bush that  talks to him, and no wonder. The burning bush says it is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Like the jewish super-spook that made all  kinds of lavish and gratuitous promises to these ancestral Kikes, so now this murderer on the run, Moses, is picked to become the next great  hero of the Jews and do great things, so the burning bush says, or so the stupid story goes.


Meanwhile, back in Egypt things are rough and going badly for the jews. These “Nazi” Egyptians are making these poor kikes do honest manual  labor, such as making bricks, and the kikes don’t like it one bit.


The voice in the burning bush apprises Moses of this situation and tells him of his detailed plan to have Moses, and incidentally, his brother  Aaron, do great things for his shifty people, who, it is emphasized again and again, are the Lord’s little darlings, come hell or high water. The  script is all completed and written by the superspook himself. It calls for Moses to now be the great leader and hero, for him to be sent back to  Egypt to play the title role in the historic epic of leading his people out of bondage and out of the land of Egypt.


Nervous, but encouraged and goaded on by Jehovah, Moses goes back to Egypt to play his part, after the superspook has taught him a few  magic tricks to employ in impressing the Pharaoh. One of them is to turn his staff and rod into a serpent and back to a rod again. Another trick  was to put his hand in his bosom and when he took it out it was “leprous as snow” When he put it back into his bosom and took it out again,  why. Presto! it was as good as new. Another trick was to take water out of the river and turn it into blood. This little trick the Lord assured him  would come in real handy in dealing with the Pharaoh. But relax, the super-spook told him, when the time came he would tell him exactly what  to say, what to do, and furthermore, he had a whole bag of additional tricks he could spring on the Pharaoh and those nasty Egyptians.


So equipped, Moses did as he was psyched to do. He went to Egypt to confront the Pharaoh and do his thing. There is much further hocus-pocus we would rather skip, but in essence, the first confrontation was between Moses with his bag of tricks competing with the Pharaoh and  his magicians with their repertoire of magic hocus-pocus. Of course, with the super-spook (and Jewish script-writers) to back him up, Moses  won the competition hands down, and his serpents (or staff) ate the Egyptians’ serpents (or staff.)


But this was only the preliminary. The story keeps repeating again and again that as Moses kept pressing the Pharaoh “to let my people go” (a  famous jewish line ever since) the Lord kept hardening the Pharaoh’s heart and he was exceedingly stubborn. This gave the super-spook  endless pretexts to torture, kill, murder and devastate the people of Egypt, and their cattle, their land, their children, their crops and everything  else that they might own. Here are some of the droll scenarios that the jewish scriptwriters come up with next.


After the preliminary bit about the rods and the serpents, Moses and his spooky sponsor really get down to the hard business of inflicting  plagues and pestilences on the hapless Egyptians.


1. Moses (and/or the spook) turn the water – all the lakes, rivers, ponds, wells, etc., into blood. The fish all die and there is a big stink across the  land, naturally. This didn’t move the Pharaoh, since the Lord again hardened his heart. (If the Lord really wanted to get his pet parasites out of there, why in  the hell did he repeatedly keep hardening the Pharaoh’s heart? After all, he was completely in control and could just as easily have changed  the script and softened it on the first go- round, and solved the problem, couldn’t he?)


2. The next power play to convince the Pharaoh was (so the stupid story goes) for Moses (and/or the Super-Spook) to smite the land with frogs  – frogs – frogs – all over the place, in the rivers, in the houses, in the bed chambers, even into the ovens and in the bread. They gathered all  these damned frogs (as they died) into great big heaps and they too stank to high heaven. What a stinking mess!


But the Pharaoh was still obstinate and wouldn’t comply, because the Lord again hardened his heart.


3. The Mexican stand-off continues. So the Super-Spook trots out his next plague. Every particle of dust is turned into a louse, and the  land, having endured bloody rivers with its dead fish, mounds of stinking dead frogs, is now suddenly thick with layers of lice. (Every dust  particle is now a louse – how do you like that for a lousy story?)


But the Pharaoh was still obdurate. (How could he be anything else, since the Lord repeatedly continued to harden his heart?)


4. Moses and the super-spook go into their next nasty routine. The country is next flooded with swarms of flies, the houses were full of flies and the  ground is covered with them.


Evidently the jewish super-spook was having fun. In fact, a field day, torturing the hell out of the Egyptians (evidently the jews were all segregated in  the Land of Goshen, and strangely, there were no flies, lice or frogs there to stink up the place, only jews). The Super-Spook said all this would teach  the Egyptians a lesson and would go a long ways toward convincing the Yids that “I am the Lord.”


Anyway, the result remained the same – no go – the Lord hardened the Pharaoh’s heart and it gave the Super-Spook a further pretext for his next act of  terrorism and torture.


5. Having set up his pretext to do so, the Super-Spook pulled out his next gambit from out of his bag of nasty tricks – he was never at a loss when it  came to torturing the White Egyptians. He quickly got rid of the flies, and it says there was not a one left, a neat little trick, only to make way for  his next plot to wreak misery and devastation on the Yids’ enemies. His next bright idea? Inflict a plague and pestilence on all the animals in  the land. (What in the hell did the poor cattle have to do with all this to have such injustice heaped upon them?) Anyway, it says in Chapter 9  that the Lord inflicted “a grievous murrain” (pestilence) upon the cattle, the horses, the asses, the camels, the oxen (aren’t they cattle also?)  and the sheep, and “all the cattle of Egypt died: but of the cattle of the children of Israel died not one.” Goddamned fascist, not to mention  being awfully mean to animals.


6. Same story – no go – the Pharaoh’s heart was still hardened, by direction of the Super-Spook So opening for the next meanie -the Super-Spook told Moses  and his buddy Aaron to take a handful of ashes out of the furnace and let Moses sprinkle it towards heaven in the sight of the Pharaoh. This  our faithful hero did, and lo and behold? You would never guess! Boils broke out simultaneously and suddenly on the skin of all the Egyptians,  including the Pharaoh himself and his magicians. But that is not all! The boils also broke out on all the cattle as well! (Poor cattle! They had  already been killed by pestilence in the previous episode, and now they all came down with boils as well.)


7. The Lord wasn’t through yet. His sadistic little mind was having too much fun and he kept hardening the Pharaoh’s heart. Which led the Lord  to his next ingenious act of terrorism. He instructed Moses to “stretch forth thine hand towards heaven that there be hail in all the land of  Egypt.” No sooner said than done and hall, “very grievous, smote throughout all the land of Egypt, all that was in the field both man and beast”,  (I thought the beasties were all dead by now), “and smote every herb, brake and tree.” Not much left in Egypt after that. But again, the Yids  were spared, of course. Of course.


8. The next nasty episode our sadistic yiddish Super-Spook dreamed up was to send a devastating swarm of locusts over the land of Egypt, such as  had never been seen before or since. “They covered the face of the whole earth,” it says (Ex. 10:15) “so that the land was darkened”. They ate  up all the crops that were left (after the devastating hail, fire and pestilence there wasn’t anything left, really, if we should believe this wild  story). Well, that didn’t seem to convince the Pharaoh either (with that damn super-spook again hardening his heart). Having failed with the locusts,  Moses and/or the super-spook quickly got rid of them to the last insect by blowing up a strong west wind and dumping them all into the Red Sea.  Another neat trick. So we go on to the next nasty affliction.


9. Evidently these jewish scriptwriters had no problems dreaming up mean and miserable scenarios they would like to dump on their enemies.  The next plague consisted of three days of total darkness. All Moses had to do was stretch out his filthy hand towards heaven, and the  darkness was so thick nobody moved for three days, but strangely and somehow “all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings”. Where  in the hell was the sun all this time? But again, “the Lord hardened his heart”, and with a hard heart what was the poor Pharaoh to do?  Scenario as before.


10. All this was getting kind of monotonous and the poor Egyptians had by now been thoroughly put through the wringer, their cattle, horses,  asses, etc., not only dead, but full of boils, their crops, herbs, trees, etc., completely demolished by hail and fire, and then thoroughly eaten by  the locusts (even though there was nothing left to eat) and then there were all those stinking mounds of frogs, flies, and lice. But the super-spook was  not through with them yet. He was now going to pull out his final clincher and unharden the Pharaoh’s heart, as we knew he was going to do  from the beginning. He sent out his “Angel of Death” to kill all the first born of the Egyptians, but not only of the people, but also of the poor  animals. Nor was that all. He was going to make short shrift of all the gods of Egypt. (He was a jealous God, and thereby evidently admitted  that he had rivals. After all, he was only the yid’s god).


Again the jews were immunized from this atrocity if they would perform a certain ritual  of hocus-pocus which the super-spook prescribed in extremely minute detail. Being too complicated and too silly for me to repeat, I will leave it to the  reader to look it up in Chapter 12 of Exodus, should he or she be interested. Mainly, it consisted of killing a sheep or a lamb, roasting it a  certain way, and eating it with bitter herbs and unleavened bread. But the main gimmick was to take the blood and paint red the door posts, so  the Angel of Death would know which was which and pass over these lousy parasites. Hence we have the much touted “passover”.


Does it  have much resemblance to the story and substance of the christians’ easter? Hardly. They could hardly be further apart ideologically, and are,  in fact, intensely hostile to each other, especially the jew’s attitude towards the gentiles’ christianity and to the White people as a whole. I  repeat Easter and the Passover are poles apart. Whereas christianity supposedly teaches that you should love your enemies, judaism  teaches fanatic hatred towards their enemies, and to viciously destroy them at every opportunity, to kill them, torture them, rob them blind and  devastate their land. Included among the jews’ enemies is just about everybody that isn’t a jew more than 99 percent of the world’s  population.


We now come to the much touted Exodus itself. After the Super-Spook had had his hatchet man, the Angel of Death, kill every first born in Egypt,  including the son of the Pharaoh and all the animals as well, the Super-Spook softened the Pharaoh’s heart and the Pharaoh relented to let the damn parasites escape, something the super-spook could have arranged right at the beginning, since he was writing and directing the script. Before the jews  left, however, Jehovah strongly advised them each to “borrow from their neighbors”, that is, steal, from the Egyptians (who else?) all the  jewelry of gold and jewelry of silver they possibly could get their filthy hands on and run off with the loot. In fact, throughout the first 1 2 chapters  of Exodus the jewish god keeps reminding these parasites over and over again to steal the Egyptians’ jewelry before they get ready to leave.  How do you like that for a just and moral god? is that the kind of crap you would want to teach your children in Sunday School?


So comes the big day, and this motley crew of thieves, parasites and cutthroats, having stolen all the loot they could and gathered up their  flocks of cattle, goats, sheep and asses, are off, headed for the Red Sea.


At the last moment the Pharaoh’s armies with six hundred chariots pursue them to bring them back, evidently, and the yids panic. But no  problem. Moses just stretches out his arm and the waters of the Red Sea part, forming a wall on each side of a path through the Red Sea, the  path being dry as a bone. Now, isn’t that a neat trick? But then the scriptwriters can and do write anything their crooked little minds can dream  up, and they had no problem with that one. The Egyptian armies follow and the waters close in on them and they all drown. I know all this  happened because I saw it on the movie screen, with Charlton Heston playing Moses, and jew Cecil B. de Mille directing.


The stupid story goes on and on. Having inflicted all this mayhem and misery on their former unwilling hosts, they are to wander aimlessly and  pointlessly in the desert for forty years, with the super-spook subsidizing them with manna from heaven every now and then, before they tackle their  next victims. Their benevolent Super-Spook had promised them a land of milk and honey, which, incidentally, was already developed and occupied by  the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites and the Jebusites. But who cares, they are only so many grasshoppers to  be squashed underfoot and gotten rid of, as Shitsack Shamir is vowing to do to the Palestinians today. The theory is when you have a vicious,  racist, sadist Super Spook on your side, you can do anything, and it will always turn out favorably for the thieving parasites. And “so it came to  pass.” We will end the story there.


Like the Holohoax, Christianity, and numerous other lies the jews peddled for thousands of years, the Exodus story is pure invention and not  based on any actual history. What evidence we have about the ancient jews’ stay in Egypt tells us that, yes, they infested the land for  hundreds of years, and being the eternal parasites and destroyers they are, they gained high power in government and finance. They ravaged  the land and fleeced the populace and became so obnoxious that the Egyptians finally got their act together and drove the cutthroats out en  masse, quite the opposite from the Exodus story which claimed that they would not let these parasites out. The fact is they drove them out and  were damn glad to be rid of them.


There are, however, several lessons we can learn from this bungled story.


1 . The jews as a parasite go far back in history, perhaps more than four thousand years.


2. One of their most fanatic zeals throughout the ages is their insane obsession to destroy the nation or nations into whose vitals they have  bored. They have demonstrated that desire in the story of Exodus, in the story of Esther, in the chapter on Revelation (See Ch. 14, P. 164, in  NER) in which John expounds on the scenario of their vengeance to destroy Rome, and dozens of nations since then whose civilization and  people they actually have destroyed.


3. The jews are innately vicious and cruel, and have amply demonstrated this not only in ancient history, but even more explicitly in recent  times. A few examples are the burning of the South during the Civil War, the fire-bombing of Dresden, their cruel terrorism in Lebanon and  Palestine, and hundreds of other situations too numerous to mention here.


4. They wreak havoc and destruction in any and every host nation they victimize, and this parasitical existence is as natural to them as fleas  being on a dog.


5. The jews are a mean, sadistic people and have concocted not only a contorted history of their race, but also invented a mean, sadistic tribal  god for themselves, who, by any standards of civilized society, is a treacherous, immoral, bloodthirsty monster, one who accurately reflects the  innate nature of the Jews themselves.


6. Anyone (a) who will believe such wild and idiotic stories as told in Exodus must be stupidly gullible beyond belief, and (b) who will worship  such a hideous monster as portrayed in Exodus, must be incurably insane.


7. Before we, the White Race, can regain our senses and regain control of our own destiny, we must first of all purge our mind of this jewish  insanity and replace Jewish Christianity with a sound racial religion beneficial to the best interests of the White Race.


8. We must get the jews off our backs and destroy judaism once and for all. Creativity has the complete and comprehensive creed and  program with which to do the job. DELENDA EST JUDAICA! in short, we must fight a deadly war for the survival of our race, and we must do it  now. RAHOWA!