Tuesday, August 27, 2024

History – Part I

Part I


„Those who stand too close to the canvas of history while it is being woven will error in their estimate of forces. Minor setbacks will take on the aspects of decisive defeats, minor advances the aspects of major victories. Only in the perspective of all our history - the longest perspective of which any people can boast - shall we be able to estimate the significance of recent events. Today the hearts of the Jews are oppressed by the bitter events in Germany; let them, while they extend help to the victims of a cruel regime, recall that governments and rulers change, the Jewish people remains. In other lands than Germany there smolders still a dangerous threat against Jewish life. Let the Jews be prepared...Let their fears be tempered by an understanding of their long past, and their hopes be rendered sober by an appreciation of the long future before them. Let them measure all tasks, all difficulties, and all prospects by the standard of a world-wide outlook.“ (The Visionary on the Mountain Top).

„He speaks of the War throughout as a German, and gives the impression that Germany ought to have won, and it would have pleased him. He speaks at length of the violation of Belgium, but says not a word of condemnation. He explains the Bolshevist system; he apparently approves of it, as he gives as his own opinion that only the workers ought to have rights, capital is wrong and ought to disappear; means of a living must not depend on work, etc. When you buy a coat, with your money you are buying men’s work, and he condemns it! Money should be allowed to buy only goods. (He does not explain the contradictions).

A work of art is, say, in Rome; a ‘bourgeois’ (capitalist) can go there to see it; his money will command the work of many railway men, etc...to enable him to enjoy the sight of that work or art. Why should a poor worker, to whom it belongs as well as to the bourgeois, not see it? The works of art should be brought to the workers everywhere. Money left with compound interest in a bank will double itself in fourteen years, and yet the capitalist will have remained idle. Money is the power of commandeering other men’s work!

There are in England occult societies which inspire English politics. They know the course of evolution for the next few decades, and are using their knowledge for the material advantage of England. The English will try and keep the people east of the Rhine (Middle Europe and Russia) in a weak state by keeping up socialistic institutions among them, in order to exploit their work as slaves, for the benefit of the British Empire as Masters.

It is the English occultists who have caused the Tzar to be overthrown and Bolshevism to gain power. They are making socialistic experiments at the expense of Russia and Middle Europe. But as the English-speaking people (England and America) will only be able to evolve materialistic occultism which ultimately would destroy their evolution, they will make use for their advantage of the other kinds of occultism which their victims will evolve, the hygienic occultism of the German and the eugenic occultism of the Russian and the Asiatics.

The English occultists are already in possession of knowledge which will soon enable employers to work their machines by some force which will do away with most workmen. The masses of idle workmen will revolt in anger, but the English occultists know of the means which will subdue them. (Steiner does not explain the means!). The cause of the present unrest in Europe is the kind of stuff a ‘lazy’ clergy has been preaching in the churches for a long time, because its preaching has no connection with men and lives. Steiner explains at length what the Bolshies want and what they have done. While he never misses a chance of insulting the churches he is very polite about the Bolshies and is careful even to say that he is not criticizing them. When explaining what they have done with their opponents he does not use the word ‘murder’ or even ‘execution’; he says they have ‘chased them away’ or got rid of them.

About British politics he says they are very powerful, and will succeed in ruling the world because they are essentially selfish; he says that selfishness must not be criticized, as it is part of the evolution, the development of self-consciousness. The French are finished, because their qualities of logic, intellect, reason, etc., are merely the perfecting of the Roman civilization. The only nation in the world that knows right from wrong is the German Nation (1918)! Steiner is apparently so anxious to show that he means what he says, that he adds: ‘The other nations do not understand anything about it at all.’ German politics are always idealistic!

The telephone, wireless, express trains, and other modern conveniences have been placed at our service at the cost of misery to millions of workers. It was very easy for the early English Theosophists in the second half of the nineteenth century to take kindly to the new teaching in their comfortable rooms well-heated with coal extracted in the terrible conditions to which they never gave a thought. Humanity as a collective whole is on the verge of going over the threshold more or less consciously, and this momentous step will be done by the proletariat. If proletariat thinking is still chaotic and wrong, it is because it is still imitating bourgeois mentality.

As far back as 1880 the Anglo-American occult leaders, directing the political leaders, knew about the coming World War and prepared for it. The German leaders knew nothing, and would not take warning, that is why they lost! The physical war was easily won by England, but it will be followed by a spiritual war between East and West (East - India, Russia, and German; West - Anglo-America), which will be much more dangerous for the West. For instance, India, which is half starving (according to Mrs. Besant!), will rebel and be helped by powerful spiritual forces our of her past. Germany must fulfil her mission, otherwise the European civilization will be ruined.“ (Rudolph Steiner, lecture given at Stuttgart in 1918; Light-Bearers of Darkness, by Inquire Within, pp. 78-79).

This will be difficult for many to believe, one can hear them say, what:, England do that to this country? Why they are our greatest ally, we could not do without them. Let us look at the record and see just how much love there is for us in this pretended friendship.

To begin with, when we were at war with Spain, this great Churchill, „Churchill entered British Army 1895, serving with the Spanish forces and fired on the American forces. It was a little embarrassing when the Honorable William Langer of North Dadota made this announcement on the floor of the United States Senate. Mr. Churchill was in this country, because you know, we never hit a man behind his back, he was going to speak in Boston, a little more of the Churchillian propaganda. Learning that this statement had been made by the patriotic Senator Langer, Mr. Churchill was a little upset, he sent a telegram to the Honorable Tom Connally denying the fact. Good Friend, as he was, Senator Connally rose to his feet and read the telegram to the Senate.

Little did they realize that the records were available, that already these facts had been read to the Senate and were in the Congressional Record. Once again Senator Langer read the record to the Senate. Mr. Churchill is a brilliant man, but how stupid to try to deny what he has sanctioned in his biography, for you will find the record in World’s Who’s Who and a very good account in International Who’s Who. The preface to these books states „This volume contains an authentic record of notable men and women throughout the world, page 114, 1940 edition: ‘Winston Churchill...He entered the British Army 1895, serving with the Spanish forces against the American forces in Cuba.“

International Who’s Who, page 158, published by Europe Publications Ltd. London, 39 Belford Square, W.C. 1 the 13th edition, states: „Churchill entered the army in 1895, served in Cuba with Spanish forces against the Americans. The preface in this book states, ‘We wish to express our thanks to all those who, by completing questionnaires or by correcting proofs sent to them have enabled us to bring information up to date and to remind others that unless proofs are returned, no responsibility can be accepted for the accuracy of their biographical records.“

In 1946, the Biographical Encyclopedia of the World repeats: „Churchill entered the British Army 1895, serving with the Spanish forces in Cuba.“

Webster’s Biographical Dictionary, 1st edition by G. & C Merriam, publishers, Springfield, Mass., also states that „Churchill served in Cuba with the Spanish forces.“

Current Biography, 1940 edition, published by H.W. Wilson Co., 950 University Avenue, New York City also states: „Churchill: He was with the Spanish forces in Cuba.“ It was repeated in 1942. It is here that we find Churchill quoted: „He had always thought it a pity that it all had to be so make believe, and that the age of wars between civilized nations had come to an end forever, now he, at least had an opportunity to join civilized Spain in a war against uncivilized Cuba.“

Robert’s account of Winston Churchill, 1928, Robert H. McBride, publishers, page 32, through Sir Henry Drummond, ambassador at Madrid, (Spain) Churchill: He joined the Spanish forces in Cuba in 1895. Spain conferred the ‘Order of Military Merit, 1st class.’„

While the New York Times, which prints „all the news that is fit to print,“ in their issue of September 19, 1945 states: „Churchill fought with Spain in Cuba.“ (And Men Wept, by Catherine Palfrey Baldwin)

A report from Europe carried the following speech of Rabbi Emmanuel Rabinovich before a special meeting of the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary, January 12, 1952: „Greetings, my children; You have been called her to recapitulate the principal steps of our new program. As you know, we had hoped to have twenty years between wars to consolidate the great gains which we made from World War II, but our increasing numbers in certain vital areas is arousing opposition to us, and we must now work with every means at our disposal to precipitate World War III within five years [They did not precipitate World War III but they did instigate the Korean War when on June 25, 1950 they ordered the North Korean army to launch a surprise attack on South Korea. On June 26, the U.N. Security Council condemned the invasion as aggression and ordered withdrawal of the invading forces. Then on June 27, 1950, our Jewish American President Truman ordered air and naval units into action to enforce the U.N. order. Not achieving their full goals, they then instigated the overthrow of South Vietnam Ngo Dinh Diem, Premier under Bao Dai, who deposed the monarch in 1955 and established a republic with himself as President. Diem used strong U.S. backing to create an authoritarian regime, which soon grew into a full-scale war, with Jewish pressure escalating U.S. involvement].

The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach, and because its fulfillment is so apparent, it behooves us to increase our efforts and our caution tenfold. I can safely promise you that before ten years have passed, our race will take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew a king and every Gentile a slave (Applause from the gathering). You remember the success of our propaganda campaign during the 1930’s, which aroused anti-American passions in Germany at the same time we were arousing anti-German passions in America, a campaign which culminated in the Second World War. A similar propaganda campaign is now being waged intensively throughout the world. A war fever is being worked up in Russia by an incessant anti-American barrage while a nation-wide anti-Communist scare is sweeping America. This campaign is forcing all the smaller nations to choose between the partnership of Russia or an alliance with the United States. Our most pressing problem at the moment is to inflame the lagging militaristic spirit of the Americans. The failure of the Universal Military Training Act was a great setback to our plans, but we are assured that a suitable measure will be rushed through Congress immediately after the 1952 elections. The Russians, as well as the Asiatic peoples, are well under control and offer no objections to war, but we must wait to secure the Americans. This we hope to do with the issue of Anti-Semitism, which worked so well in uniting the Americans against Germany. We are counting heavily on reports of anti-Semitic outrages in Russia to whip up indignation in the United States and produce a front of solidarity against the Soviet power. Simultaneously, to demonstrate to Americans the reality of anti-Semitism, we will advance through new sources large sums of money to outspokenly anti-Semitic elements in America to increase their effectiveness, and we shall stage Anti-Semitic outbreaks in several of their largest cities. This will serve the double purpose of exposing reactionary sectors in America, which then can be silenced, and of welding the United States into a devoted anti-Russian unit. (Note: -- Protocol of Zion No. 9, para. 2, states that anti-Semitism is controlled by them. At the time of this speech they had already commenced their campaign of anti-Semitism in Czechoslovakia). Within five years, this program will achieve its objective, the Third World War, which will surpass in destruction all previous contests. Israeli, of course, will remain neutral, and when both sides are devastated and exhausted, we will arbitrate, sending our Control Commissions into all wrecked countries. This war will end for all time our struggle against the Gentiles.

We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our Control Commissions will, in the interests of peace and wiping out inter- racial tensions.

Forbid the Whites to mate with Whites. The White Women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the White Men with black women. Thus the White Race will disappear, for the mixing of the dark with the White means the end of the White Man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples.

Question from the gathering: Rabbi Rabinovich, what about the various religions after the Third World War?

Rabinovich: There will be no more religions. Not only would the existence of a priest class remain a constant danger to our rule, but belief in an after-life would give spiritual strength to irreconcilable elements in many countries, and enable them to resist us. We will, however, retain the rituals and customs of Judaism as the mark of our hereditary ruling caste, strengthening our racial laws so that no Jew will be allowed to marry outside our race, nor will any stranger be accepted by us. (Note: Protocol of Zion No. 17 para. 2, states: ‘Now that freedom of conscience has been declared everywhere (as a result of their efforts they have previously stated) only years divide us from the moment of the complete wrecking of that [Hated] Christian Religion. As to other religions, we shall have still less difficulty with them.’)

We may have to repeat the grim days of World War II, when we were forced to let the Hitlerite bandits sacrifice some of our people, in order that we may have adequate documentation and witnesses to legally justify our trial and execution of the leaders of America and Russia as war criminals, after we have dictated the peace. I am sure you will need little preparation for such a duty, for sacrifice has always been the watchword of our people, and the death of a few thousand lesser Jews in exchange for world leadership is indeed a small price to pay. To convince you of the certainty of that leadership, let me point out to you how we have turned all of the inventions of the White Man into weapons against him. His printing presses and Radios are the mouthpieces of our desires, and his heavy industry manufactures the instruments which he sends out to arm Asia and Africa against him.

Our interests in Washington are greatly extending the Point Four Program (viz. Colombo Plan) for developing industry in backward areas of the world, so that after the industrial plants and cities of Europe and America are destroyed by atomic warfare, the Whites can offer no resistance against the large masses of the dark races, who will maintain an unchallenged technological superiority. And so, with the vision of world victory before you, go back to your countries and intensify your good work, until that approaching day when Israeli will reveal herself in all her glorious destiny as the Light of the World.“ (Note: Every statement made by Rabinovich is based on agenda contained in the „Protocols of Zion.“)

Another famous betrayal of a country bit its Jews took place in Spain. In his History of the Jews, Vol. III, p. 109, Professor Graetz relates: „The Jews of Africa, who at various times had emigrated thither from Spain, and their unlucky co-religionists of the Peninsula, made common cause with the Mahometan conqueror, Tarik, who brought over from Africa into Andalusia an army eager for the fray. After the battle of Xeres (July, 711 A.D.), and the death of Frederic, the last of the Visigothic kings, the victorious Arabs pushed onward, and were everywhere supported by the Jews. In every city that they conquered, the Moslem generals were able to leave but a small garrison of their own troops, as they had need of every man for the subjection of the country; they therefore confided them to the safekeeping of the Jews. In this manner the Jews, who but lately had been serfs, now became the masters of the towns of Cordova, Granada, Malaga, and many others. When Tarik appeared before the capital, Toledo, he found it occupied by a small garrison only, the nobles and clergy having found safety in flight. While the Christians were in church, praying for the safety of their country and religion, the Jews flung open the gates to the victorious Arabs (Palm Sunday, 712 A.D.), receiving them with acclamations, and thus avenged themselves for the many miseries which had befallen them in the course of a century since the time of Reccared (The ‘miseries’ which the Jews claimed prompted them to treason was explained by Professor Graetz. King Reccard ‘the most oppressive of all was the restraint touching the possession of slaves. Henceforward the Jews were neither to purchase Christian slaves nor to accept them as presents.’ (History of the Jews, Vol. III, p. 46)) and Sisebut (The ‘miseries’ of King Sisebut was that he was annoyingly determined to convert them to Christianity. History of the Jews, Vol. III, p. 46)). The capital also was entrusted by Tarik to the custody of the Jews, while he pushed on in pursuit of the cowardly Visigoths, who had sought safety in flight, for the purpose of recovering from them the treasure which they had carried off.

Finally when Musa Ibn-Nosair, the Governor of Africa, brought a second army into Spain and conquered other cities, he also delivered them into the custody of the Jews.“ (History of the Jews, Professor Graetz, Vol. III, p. 109; The Iron Curtain Over America, John Beaty, pp. 194-195).

„Meanwhile our Christian? Government unites with the British-Jewish Empire, in a plot to starve not merely German women and children (that has had our active support since the war started), but also the women and children of France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Hungary, Italy; in fact, all of Europe except Britain until, by provoked revolution, it is hoped general chaos will come. Germany will be destroyed, and the British-Jewish Empire once more put in control of Europe.

The starvation of men, women and children has been the most approved English method of warfare since the Jews became dominant there - Ireland, China, India, the Boers, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy and now France, Holland, Belgium, Norway and Spain. England and the Jews, with our help, in the name of civilization and Christianity, have illegally made food contraband against friendly peaceable nations and call it economic warfare - viz: Jewish warfare - the Four Horsemen.“ (War! War! War!, Cincinnatus, p. 242).

„To the Jews, Rome constituted the quintessence of all that was odious and should be swept away from off the face of the earth. They hated Rome and her device, arma et leges, with an inhuman hatred. True, Rome had leges, laws, like the Jews. But in their very resemblance lay their difference; for the Roman laws were merely the practical application of the arma, the arms...but without the arms, the leges were empty formulae.“ (Josef Kastein, History of the Jews, p. 192).

„...it is self-evident that the higher aspirations of Pan-Slavists would meet with decided opposition on the part of our Empire.The famous expression, Constantinople c’est l’empire du monde, appears to us practical Germans of course as a Napoleonic phrase, but all the same the Bosphorus remains a highly important strategic position. To subjugate that natural heritage of the Greeks to the Russian Empire would be tantamount to substituting a new foreign domination for the Turkish; it would be tantamount to transferring the center of gravity of Moscovite power from territories where it has healthy natural roots, thus creating morbid conditions which wold be no less pernicious to Russian than to us.“ (Heinrich von Treitschke, „Germany, France, Russia and Islam,“ English Ed., G.P. Putnam’s Sons, p. 88, New York, 1915. The same views were expressed in the notorious book of Dr. Karl Jentsch, „Neither Communism nor Capitalism,“ published at Leipsic in 1893, which became the real gospel of the Pan-German League. Therein the fact was admitted that „In the East, quite naturally, lies the war danger, not because Russia wants the Golden Horn, but because Germany wants Russia’s land.“ Also in a later Pan-German volume, „Problems of Germany as a Great and World Power,“ by Otto Delffs (1900), it is specifically stated that the „high mission“ of „Germanizing the terrestrial globe“ must have the Meciterranean for its starting point and that this mission must bd accomplished „before Russia becomes stronger.“

„Constantinople must belong to Western European Christendom and not remain under the Turks or go to the Russians. May Austria act as supreme arbitrator between the Balkan States, for which position she is especially fitted. May it have the glory of planting again the Catholic Cross on St. Sophia! It truly deserves this glory after its centruy-old strife against Islamic culture. Good luck to you Austria! Don’t let yourself be disturbed! England is afraid of us. Russia is rent by revolution. France has spoiled powder, and has not invented new powder, and Germany stands behind thee. Now or never Russia’s game may be spoiled.“ (Das Katholische Deutschland, October 6, 1912; The Inside Story of Austro-German Intrigue, by Joseph Goricar and Lyman Beecher Stowe, p. 96, Double day, Page & Company, New York 1920).

Saturday, August 24, 2024

What is the Faurisson Effect?


Source: https://www.renegadetribune.com/what-is-the-faurisson-effect/


by Karl Radl


Sometime ago on X (formerly Twitter) I talked about something that I called the ‘Faurisson Effect’ and since it is concept, I have formulated and observed for quite some time now it deserves to be written and explained. The ‘Faurisson Effect’ is named after the French academic and famous critic of the official ‘Holocaust’ narrative Robert Faurisson and refers to the way that a well-meaning critic will make a well-meaning and specific criticism of jews, Judaism and/Israel or some kind of jewish shibboleth like the ‘Holocaust’ and have no anti-Semitic/anti-jewish feelings whatsoever.


However the resultant sustained jewish response to that – both institutional and personal – is so extreme and disproportional – usually being typified by allegations of being a ‘Nazi’, an ‘anti-Semite’, ‘wanting to exterminate jews’ and ‘Holocaust denial’ as well as the rather ridiculous claim that jews haven’t done anything wrong (ever) that is sometimes paired with the ridiculous assertion that jews have ‘built the modern world’ and are the ‘core of civilization’ – that the originally neutral individual begins over time to see that the problem isn’t limited to one issue – for example ‘Zionism’ or the ‘Holocaust Industry’ – and instead is actually the jews themselves as a people.


This effect is simple to explain with three stages of recognition being gone through.


The First Stage


Well-meaning and specific criticism of jews, Judaism and/Israel or some kind of jewish shibboleth like the ‘Holocaust’ and the individual has no anti-Semitic/anti-jewish feelings whatsoever. Indeed, they may often have jewish friends/sexual partners/business associates and will usually mention that in their responses to criticism.


The Second Stage


The change on the part of the critic to the effect that they have recognized that there is a paradigm shift required on the part of the jews, because they are unable to understand that the critic’s criticisms are well-meaning and honest not rooted in ‘anti-Semitism’ which they explicitly reject. They will often at this point refer to the fact that the problem is related to jewish and/or Zionist groups not jewish people individually or as a whole.


The Third Stage


Further change on the part of critic to the effect that they now recognize that the problem is the jews as a people themselves not just ‘Zionism’ and/or specific jews or lobbying/pressure groups. This last stage is often the hardest and may be accomplished in stages as the critic divests themselves of jewish friends and/or associates – intentionally or otherwise – and begins to see anti-Semitism as the natural response to jewish behaviour.


This process can both happen quickly or over an extended period time with the particularly ideological and personal situation – as well as how much they engage with jewish responses to their criticism/points/views – defining the pace at which the effect is seen.


Good recent examples of this transition from Stage 1 to near Stage 3 are Jake Shields – who originally run afoul of jews over his criticism of Israeli actions in Gaza – and Candace Owens, who got into trouble over airing issues to do with Israel dropping bombs on Palestinian Christians.


Both started out are well-meaning neutral (and even pro-Israeli/pro-jewish) critics of jews, Judaism and Israel and have morphed to varying degrees to Stage 2 and are both now well on the way to Stage 3: anti-Semitism.


The point is simple in that in theory of anti-Semitism jewish theories invariably remove jewish behaviour from consideration, but if we note that the Faurisson Effect is patently both observable and qualifiable. It demonstrates nicely that anti-Semitism must be related – at least in part – to jewish behaviour not as some kind of ‘disease of the mind’ that has been inexplicably transmitted across generations, civilizations and religions for no explicable reason whatsoever other than vague claims of ‘jealousy’ and ‘religious prejudice’.


via Karl Radl’s Substack

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Conditioning for Death

by Dr. William Luther Pierce


Are people – let’s be more specific – are White Americans less intelligent today than they were a century ago?


An impartial observer – someone from Mars, say – might sample the sort of television entertainment that keeps most White Americans occupied in their leisure time these days and then compare that with the penny romances the masses read in 1900 for relaxation and conclude that the IQ level has indeed gone down a bit. He might take a look at the nonstop circus of the current presidential election, and he would be even more inclined to think that we aren’t quite as smart as we used to be.


The real clincher for the Martian observer, however, would be an examination of the way American public policy, as manifested in our laws and our public behavior, has changed. I mean, we did some stupid things and had some really dumb habits in the latter half of the 19th century, but they were nothing compared to the inexcusable foolishness which characterizes our behavior today. In the 19th century we decided that slavery wasn’t a good policy, and so we put an end to it, and that was a smart thing to do, because we never should let ourselves become dependent on another race. But then we just turned four million former Black slaves loose in our society. We didn’t send them back to Africa or otherwise get rid of them. We didn’t even sterilize them. We just turned them loose. That was a really stupid and irresponsible thing to do. But at least we didn’t let them vote. There were a few criminally insane people in Washington who thought they should be permitted to vote and even managed to change our Constitution to that effect, but as a practical matter we didn’t let our former slaves meddle in the business of choosing our legislators and judges and other public officials to any substantial degree. And of course, we didn’t let Blacks get near our women. We had laws against miscegenation nearly everywhere, and the laws were enforced, either by the authorities or by our people.


Today we have more than 30 million Blacks running loose in our society, and we not only let them vote and copulate with our women, but we encourage them in this behavior. We have welfare programs that allow them to breed faster than we do. We give them food stamps and free medical care. We give those of them who are willing to work preferential treatment in hiring and promotion. We bus their children to the schools attended by our children. Our colleges and universities have special recruitment programs to entice more Blacks into becoming students, and we bend our admissions requirements to get them into college and lower our academic standards to keep them in.


In magazine advertisements, on television news programs, in professional sports, and in half the movies coming out of Hollywood, Blacks are held up as role models for our children and as objects of romantic fantasy for our women, and we don’t even speak out against it. Black faces on our television screens advise us about our health, analyze the news of the day for us, and tell us how we should invest our money, and we act as if everything is as it should be. All of that is not only more stupid than anything we did in the 19th century, it’s insane.


So are we dumber than we used to be? The Martian probably would think so, but I’m inclined to believe that it’s not just a lower average intelligence that causes us to behave so stupidly today. What has happened is that the way White Americans are conditioned to think and behave has changed. Let us remember that most people don’t think and behave the way they do, don’t have the opinions and attitudes they do, as the result of any rational process. They don’t examine the world around them, independently analyze the data, and then decide what attitude to have about what they have observed. Instead in nearly every case they let themselves be told what to think; they let themselves be told what their attitudes and opinions should be.


That’s nothing new, of course. That’s the way the bulk of the population always has been, in good times and in bad times. The really important thing in determining what most people think and how they behave is the sort of conditioning they receive. Children are conditioned in the home by their parents when they are small. Later they are conditioned by their playmates and then by their schools. As adults they are conditioned by the marketplace, the public square, the church, the village store. They absorb the attitudes and opinions of their peers and of their betters.


At least, that’s the way it used to be in past centuries. The new element in this lifelong conditioning process is the influence of the mass media: first and foremost of television, but also the cinema, radio, magazines and newspapers and comic books and popular music. Well, I’ve talked before, more than once, about the role of the mass media in conditioning the public, in shaping their attitudes and opinions. I’ve talked about how the Jews infiltrated and then dominated and controlled the mass media of news and entertainment during the past century, and how they used their control of the media and of public opinion to transform our whole society in order to suit their own interests and schemes.


Today I want to talk with you about another element in the conditioning of our people which makes them behave in the self-destructive manner we see all around us. I want to talk with you about the role of the schools. It’s not an independent role, of course. The way in which our schools, from kindergarten all the way up through the universities, condition our children and young people is determined by the way in which the teachers and professors themselves have been conditioned. And in a centralized, bureaucratic society such as we have in the United States today, there is a high degree of centralized control over the way in which schools condition students. It’s not just the conditioning of the teachers and professors; it’s also the program that they are required to follow, regardless of their own beliefs and attitudes.


Now I’ll jump ahead a bit and tell you what the purpose of that program is; then I’ll back up and fill in some of the details. To the extent that there is a single program governing public education in America today, a single purpose behind education in America, it is to condition White children and young people to accept without resistance a multicultural society, a multiracial society, in which they have no more important or dominant role than the descendants of their Black slaves, or mestizos who have recently come across the border from Mexico, or Hmong tribesmen fresh off the boat from Southeast Asia. And it also is to condition heterosexual White males to embrace a society in which the rules are as likely to be made by homosexuals or by women wearing trousers as by men, a society in which White men are neither expected nor permitted to protect White women, in which men no longer are the heads of their households or the decision-makers for their nation.


Now, I’ve tried to state the governing principle behind education in America today objectively, even though I know there are listeners who will think I’ve soft-pedaled it because they are familiar with many aspects of our present educational system which are blatantly anti-White or anti-male. In response to this objection I assert again that the governing principle is egalitarianism. It is not to put women above men or homosexuals above heterosexuals or Blacks above Whites, but rather to condition everyone into accepting a society in which neither race nor sex nor sexual orientation is important. That’s the theory – but because heterosexual White males have had the leading role in building and governing our society in the past, they are seen as the enemy by many of the egalitarian enthusiasts. They are seen as the people who have to be put down before we can have a truly egalitarian society.


Anyway, an egalitarian society is the ideal, and of course, that is absolutely crazy. It is nuts. It is suicidally insane.


The aim of our educational system is to produce citizens who have been conditioned to believe – or to act as if they believe – that men and women are interchangeable, essentially the same except for the configuration of their genitalia, and should be treated exactly the same by society and have similar roles. And this means suppressing the old belief that men and women are fundamentally different – physically, intellectually, and emotionally – that their natural roles in society and in the family are not the same but instead are complementary, and that they should be treated accordingly – which means differently.


The aim of our educational system is to produce citizens who have been conditioned to believe – or to act as if they believe – that homosexuality is as natural a condition as heterosexuality, that homosexuality is in no way undesirable or reprehensible, that the only difference between homosexuals and heterosexuals is in their choice of sexual partners, and that homosexuals and heterosexuals should be treated exactly the same by society.


And the aim of our educational system is to produce citizens who have been conditioned to believe – or to act as if they believe – that racial differences are the most unimportant, superficial, and inconsequential thing in the world; that the only real differences are in pigmentation; that Blacks and Whites and Australian Aborigines and Chinamen have the same way of viewing the world, the same intrinsic values and behavioral patterns, the same capacity for self-discipline, the same type and degree of intelligence, the same problem-solving ability, the same aptitude for building civilizations and maintaining them; and that to believe otherwise is not only wrong but sinful and shameful. In fact, the gravest possible sin, the most shameful possible error, is racism, and the severest means should be used to exorcise it and the severest penalties imposed to punish those who adhere to it.


That, I think, is a fair and objective statement of current American educational policy. I believe that even those who think it is a good policy will agree with my statement. But as you know, I do not think it is a good policy, and certainly a Martian observer can be excused for thinking that we are either stupid or crazy to have such a policy, because it will lead us to our extinction.


A minute ago I said that the theory of current American educational policy is egalitarianism; that the purpose is to produce Politically Correct citizens. Actually, that’s a bit naïve. The people


most responsible for the current policy, the people behind the scenes who use egalitarianism as a nation-destroying and a race-destroying weapon to serve their own ends are not egalitarians at all. They believe not only that they are superior to all the nations of the world – to all the Gentiles of the world – but also that they are more deserving. They believe that it is right and proper for them to deceive and demoralize the Gentiles, to destroy the Gentiles’ sense of racial identity and racial pride, to feminize Gentile men and masculinize Gentile women, in order to make easier prey of the Gentiles.


And so they go beyond egalitarianism in the schools. They teach our children and our university students about their special status, about why they deserve more than others. „Holocaust“ studies, they call it. It’s already mandatory in the public schools of many states, and they’re pushing hard to make it mandatory everywhere. The reason for requiring the teaching of the „Holocaust“ story to Gentile children, they say, is to warn them what terrible things may happen if people are permitted to be racists or anti-Semites. The „Holocaust,“ they say, was the most terrible thing which ever has happened, and it was perpetrated by racists and anti-Semites.


Actually, that’s not the reason for „Holocaust“ studies at all. The „Holocaust“ may be the worst thing that’s happened to the Jews, but what the communists did to our people – to Gentiles – in Russia and Ukraine and Poland and the Baltic countries and Germany was far worse. The communists murdered at least 30 million of our people in those countries alone. The communist movement which committed those murders was inspired by the Jew Karl Marx and was heavily staffed by Jews. The death camp commissars in the Soviet Union during the 1920s and 1930s, the brutal commissars of the „gulag“ about which Alexander Solzhenitsyn has written, were mostly Jews. Jews were vastly over-represented among the Soviet secret police and elsewhere in the Soviet bureaucracy. A Jew headed the murder squad that butchered the czar of Russia and his family. It was a Jew, Lazar Kaganovich, who supervised the murder of millions of Ukrainians.


Jews headed the communist parties in many European countries outside of the Soviet Union in the time between the two world wars, and when they were given the opportunity they committed horrible atrocities against the populations of those countries, selectively murdering the best and the brightest people. That’s what they did in the Baltic countries and in Poland, for example.


So if the aim is to teach children about the terrible things which can happen when the wrong sort of people acquire power, why not teach them about what the Jewish communists did? Why is there practically no teaching at all in the schools about these things?


Well, you already know the answer: it’s because Jews weren’t the victims but were to a large degree the perpetrators. It’s because if the kiddies learn about what the Jews did to the peoples of eastern and central Europe before the Second World War, they might begin to think that it was quite reasonable for the Germans to want the Jews out of Germany, so that the Jews couldn’t do in Germany what they had done elsewhere. That would put the so-called „Holocaust“ in quite a different light, wouldn’t it?


My point is that egalitarianism is the theory behind education in America today, but in fact the schools are used to a growing extent to brainwash students in whatever manner best serves the people who control the educational system. It’s not just the Jews who are responsible for the conditioning going on in our schools. It’s also feminists and homosexuals and egalitarians of all sorts. And just as they lie about the „Holocaust“ – just as they conceal the crimes of the communists – in order to serve the purpose of the Jews, they also lie about other things to serve other purposes. They lie about the nature of homosexuality, for example, because that serves the purpose of the homosexuals. They lie about the differences between men and women, because that serves the purpose of the feminists.


And they lie about race because they do want to encourage more miscegenation, and they do want to deceive and disarm Whites who might otherwise put up a resistance to racial mixing and miscegenation. They tell the public school students that we’re really all the same and that to think otherwise is wicked, and they try to convince university students that the concept of race is meaningless, that it has no scientific basis. They teach them that there has been so much genetic mixing among the races in the past that there is no such thing as a pure race today, and so the whole idea of trying to preserve one’s race is pointless: just give up; it’s too late.


Using the schools to condition as well as to educate is not new, of course. In the 19th century it was assumed that everyone in school was at least a nominal Christian, for example, and it also was assumed that it would be a good thing to condition everyone to be even more Christian in his beliefs. This was true in most of the universities as well as in the public schools. If you take a close look at the most widely used instructional materials – at the McGuffey’s Readers, for example – you’ll recognize these built-in assumptions. Christianity was not treated simply as one religion among many; it was treated as the religion.


In the first half of the 20th century, students were conditioned politically to believe that democracy was the best possible form of government, and that the United States was the ideal embodiment of democracy. American history and the functioning of the American political system were idealized for the students.


Now I personally am neither a Christian nor a democrat. But let me tell you, the Christian conditioning and the democratic conditioning of the past were nothing compared to the egalitarian-feminist-Jewish conditioning in today’s schools. The old conditioning may not have been the sort of thing of which all of us would approve, but it was relatively harmless. Most of the people who formulated the old conditioning at least meant well. They weren’t trying to destroy us. That cannot be said of the people behind today’s conditioning. Today’s conditioning is aimed at making Politically Correct lemmings out of everyone who passes through the schools: lemmings who will not question or oppose any of the policies of the conditioners, lemmings who will not put up a fight against those who deliberately are destroying our country, our civilization, and our race.


And the conditioning, unfortunately, is doing the job it was intended to do. It is recruiting a substantial portion of our young people in the universities today into the camp of our enemies and using them to help with the destruction of our race. More than a decade ago I gave a talk to a mostly White group of students at the University of Maryland. After the talk a pretty girl about 19 or 20 years old came up to me and asked me if I thought that the present conflict between the races might develop into a shooting war. I told her that if the government continued its policy of trying to forcefully integrate the races, I thought a race war likely. She told me, „Well, if the


shooting starts I’ll be with the Blacks shooting at you.“ And she looked really proud of herself when she told me that. She knew that she had said the Politically Correct thing.


A few days ago a computer vandal managed to break into the natvan.com web site which hosts my programs. He trashed the site, and he left a message saying that he had done it because the site encourages White supremacy. He spouted a lot of the pseudoscientific nonsense I mentioned a moment ago about there being no such thing as separate races – the sort of nonsense the egalitarians are conditioning students with in the universities – and he summarized it all with the statement:


No matter if you’re black/white/asian/whatever, you are related to every other human on the face of the earth. This means, of course, that no race can be deemed ‘superior’ to another, as we are all a mixture of each other.


How’s that for logic? Really, that is exactly the sort of fuzzy thinking which passes muster at our universities these days, so desperately eager are the egalitarians to support their insupportable position.


Well, it’s going to be a long and bloody war, a very painful and destructive war. Meanwhile, it might behoove you to pay more attention to the sort of conditioning your kids are getting at school. Do whatever you have to do to make sure that they are on the right side of the war.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Rudolf Reder versus Kurt Gerstein - Two False Testimonies on the Bełżec Camp Analyzed


2nd edition


Source: https://holocausthandbooks.com/index.php?page_id=43


by Carlo Mattogno




Until the late 1980s, most of what the world knew about the infamous Auschwitz Camp came from witness testimony. But witnesses can be wrong for multiple intentional and accidental reasons. So how can we reach solid ground about the history of Auschwitz, if we cannot rely on witnesses?


In the 1980s, French hobby historian Jean-Claude Pressac addressed this challenge by trying to prove only with documents that the many testimonies about mass-extermination events at the Auschwitz Camp are essentially true. In 1989, he published a 564-page book in oversize landscape format featuring reproductions of hundreds of original German wartime documents on Auschwitz that were thoroughly annotated by Pressac. With this trail-blazing book titled Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers, Auschwitz research, for the first time, obtained a solid foundation supported by documents.


Of course, research has not stood still since then. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, a lot of previously classified archival material was made accessible. This material was subsequently analyzed by a number of independent researchers. The main text of the present book gives an overview of these research results while frequently referring to Pressac’s 1989 book, which, although no longer in print, can be viewed free of charge online. Unfortunately, however, the low-resolution images of Pressac’s many documents posted online are rather unsatisfactory. Hence, a reprint of Pressac’s magnum opus was desirable, but because it has become partly obsolete due to more recent research, it would be irresponsible to offer Pressac’s statements from 1989 as the final word on the topic. This booklet therefore aims at bringing owners of an original copy, readers of a library copy or the online version of Pressac’s book, or anyone else, up to speed with the current knowledge on document research into Auschwitz. The text of this book is also included in the reprint slated to appear sometime in 2019.

Monday, August 12, 2024

British Casualties of Jewish Terrorism

Source: https://codoh.com/library/document/british-casualties-of-jewish-terrorism/


Few people remember it, but in the summer of 1947, a terrible heat wave swept across Europe, not quite as intense as that of 2003, but spread over a substantially longer period.


This photo does not show a shop window in Berlin, Leipzig or Treuchtlingen after the night of November 9, 1938, but was taken in Liverpool in August 1947.


But it’s not the only event that’s been almost completely forgotten about this summer, or, when it’s mentioned again, we are presented with a rather suspicious introduction, already heard elsewhere, every time it comes to excuse or exonerate the same old “international community”, in this case, that’s what we get:[1]


In 1947 a washed-out summer had followed a harsh winter, and Britain was in the grip of recession as it struggled to restart its economy after the Second World War. On the August bank holiday weekend, the weather in Manchester had turned hot and stuffy. Trade in the shops was poor, rationing was in full swing and many workers had opted to stay in the city for the long weekend.


The only original aspect of this introduction is to add a meteorological touch to explain anti-Semitism. Only then, having skewed our reading, do we begin to broach the subject:


In cinema queues and on street corners, one topic dominated the conversation: the murder of two British army sergeants by Irgun paramilitaries in Mandate Palestine. The Irgun was one of several Zionist groups fighting a guerrilla war to force British troops out of the territory and establish the state of Israel. It had kidnapped the two sergeants in retaliation for death sentences passed on three of its own fighters. The three men were executed by British forces on 29 July, and two days later the bodies of the soldiers were discovered amid the trees of a eucalyptus grove near Netanya. They had been hanged and the ground beneath them booby-trapped with a landmine.


As the front page of this newspaper shows, it’s not the far right that’s turning up the heat against a backdrop of economic crisis and rationing. Also noteworthy on the right is the reference to the heatwave and drought in Europe.


It was just one incident of many in a vicious conflict. Militants had bombed the King David Hotel in Jerusalem a year previously, and even set off small bombs in London. But the “sergeants affair”, as it came to be known, caused public outrage in mainland Britain.


On 1 August, a Friday, the Daily Express reported the story on its front page, prominently displaying a photograph of the bodies which, it promised its readers, would be a “picture that will shock the world”. British Jewish leaders condemned the killings, but more lurid details followed in the next day’s papers. That weekend, as Walter Lever, a working-class Jewish resident of Manchester recalled: “There was nothing to do but walk the streets… discussing the newspaper,” the story of the hanged sergeants “taking precedence over the week’s murders and rapes”.


There were already signs that a backlash was imminent. In Birkenhead, near Liverpool, slaughterhouse workers had refused to process any more meat for Jewish consumption until the attacks on British soldiers in Palestine stopped. Around Merseyside, the anger was starting to spill on to the streets as crowds of angry young men gathered in Jewish areas.


On Sunday afternoon the trouble reached Manchester. Small groups of men began breaking the windows of shops in Cheetham Hill, an area just north of the city center which had been home to a Jewish community since the early 19th century. The pubs closed early that day because there was a shortage of beer, and by the evening the mob’s numbers had swelled to several hundred. Most were on foot but others drove through the area, throwing bricks from moving cars.


Soon the streets were covered in broken glass and stones and the crowd moved on to bigger targets, tearing down the canopy of the Great Synagogue on Cheetham Hill Road and surrounding a Jewish wedding party at the Assembly Hall. They shouted abuse at the terrified guests until one in the morning.


The next day, Lever said:


“Cheetham Hill Road looked much as it had looked seven years before, when the German bombers had pounded the city for 12 hours. All premises belonging to Jews for the length of a mile down the street had gaping windows and the pavements were littered with glass.”


By the end of the bank holiday weekend, anti-Jewish riots had also taken place in Glasgow and Liverpool. There were minor disturbances, too, in Bristol, Hull, London and Warrington, as well as scores of attacks on Jewish property across the country. A solicitor in Liverpool and a Glasgow shopkeeper were beaten up. Nobody was killed, but this was the most widespread anti-Jewish violence the UK had ever seen. In Salford, the day after a crowd of several thousand had thrown stones at shop windows, signs appeared that read:


“Hold your fire. These premises are British.”


Arsonists in West Derby set fire to a wooden synagogue; workers at Canada Dock in Liverpool returned from the holidays to find “Death to all Jews” painted above the entrance. And in Eccles, a former sergeant major named John Regan was fined £15 for telling a crowd of 700:


“Hitler was right. Exterminate every Jew – every man, woman and child. What are you afraid of? There’s only a handful of police.”


As for the events in Palestine in 1947, some might argue that a people oppressed on a land from which it has been robbed has a legitimate right to resort to armed struggle, including terrorism, to oust the colonial power, but more likely, nothing will be uttered, I guess it would be deemed more suitable to forget this period altogether and avoid unfortunate parallels with the present situation in the region. (Yet, the startling Bristol Mirror headline Jewish terrorists urge total war on Britain could be seen as still relevant today – only, adding the US).


To conclude, the outbreak of simultaneous unrest in several British cities in 1947 shows that it’s not necessary for the political regime in power to organize, instigate or condone it. Clearly, Clement Attlee’s government had nothing to do with it, but on the contrary, it also shows that the direct responsibility of the National Socialist hierarchy at the highest level is not automatically evident in the Kristallnacht of 1938 either. It has to be proven.


The 1947 riots are well known among British nationalists. We reproduce below an article by Francis Carr Begbie, “Commemorating British Casualties of Jewish Terrorism, 1944–1948,” The Occidental Observer, August 6, 2015 (https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2015/08/06/british-palestine-mandate/).

Normally, a gathering of British nationalists in central London, proudly bearing English banners and Union Flags, would be met with a horde of screaming demonstrators bussed in from far and wide. But no disturbance took place last weekend when such a group of patriots assembled near Trafalgar Square and the reason is not hard to discern. For such interference would have meant drawing attention to a historic episode the British government and the Jewish community leaders would most likely wish forgotten – the killing of 784 British police officers, servicemen, Crown servants and civilian staff by Jewish terrorists in the Palestine Mandate crisis between 1944–48.


So that is why, although every broadcast and print outlet and every political party was circulated with a press release, there was a total media blackout. It was a far cry from the anti-Shomrim demonstration against the establishment of a sectarian Jewish police force a month ago.[2]


All par for the course. The British government’s attempt to “forget” the sacrifice of these servicemen and dump them down the memory hole is very reminiscent of another similarly embarrassing episode, the murderous Israeli attack on the USS Liberty in 1967.[3]


The British servicemen and police were a peacekeeping force serving in what was known as the British Palestine Mandate enclave just after the war. This Mandate was agreed as part of the Balfour Declaration and it was due to elapse in May, 1948.


It was a time of great tension. The Arabs were beginning to realize that the promises and assurances they had been given at Balfour counted for nothing and their homeland was being given away. The Jewish settlers were being reinforced by the illegal immigration of thousands of Jews from war-devastated Europe and reinforced by armaments from the Soviet Union and financial support from the USA.


Holding the line between them were young British servicemen and police, many of whom had come straight from the war in Europe and had taken part in the liberation of such camps as Bergen-Belsen, only to find themselves shot at and blown up by Jewish terrorists. Their deaths left a lasting bitterness among the veterans and their families.


The deaths included the hanging by piano wire of two 20-year-old British Army sergeants, Mervyn Paice and Clifford Martin, who in 1947 were kidnapped by Irgun and held hostage for three weeks. Their bodies were left hanging in a eucalyptus grove and were booby trapped with land mines.


Also the 100 British Army personnel, Crown servants and civilians who were murdered by means of a huge bomb planted by the Irgun in the basement of the King David Hotel, Jerusalem in July 1946. Another 28 British soldiers died in the bombing of the Haifa Cairo train.


It is not widely known that the terrorism spread to Britain. Last weekend’s wreath-laying ceremony near Trafalgar Square took place at the site of the British Colonies Club, which was bombed by members of the Irgun terrorist group on 7th March 1947 when numerous people were injured and maimed.


In Britain, another victim was Rex Farran, brother of the intended target, Captain Roy Farran DSO, MC – an SAS anti-terrorism specialist.[4] Rex opened a parcel bomb addressed to “R. Farran” at the Farran family home in Staffordshire. A total of 20 letter bombs were sent in mainland Britain.


Many attacks took place while the war was still going. These include the murder of Lord Moyne, Secretary of State for the Colonies, and his British Army driver, Corporal Fuller, on 6th November 1944 while British forces were still fighting in France. The hand-gun assassinations were carried out in Cairo by the Stern Gang.


It was the same terrorists, from the Irgun and Stern Gang, who collaborated on a massacre of at least 100 Arab civilian villagers at the village of Deir Yassin, on 10th April 1948.


As with the murder of the two young sergeants, the Deir Yassin operation was organised by Menachem Begin, later a prime minister of Israel. He also received a Nobel Peace Prize.


On May 19, 1947 the British government protested to the United States against American fund-raising drives for Palestine terrorist groups. The complaint referred to a “Letter to the Terrorists of Palestine” by playwright and screenwriter Ben Hecht, American League for a Free Palestine co-chairman, first published in the New York Post on May 15.[5] The ad said, “We are out to raise millions for you.” This letter included the infamous phrase that every time British soldiers were shot or blown up “the Jews of America make a little holiday in their hearts.” During that period Hecht wrote under a pseudonym to avoid the British boycott of his work in effect until the early 1950s.[6]


Hecht also wrote a Broadway play to raise money. In A Flag is Born, the role of a Holocaust survivor was played by Marlon Brando. The London Evening Standard called it “the most virulent anti-British play ever staged in the United States.” However, Jewish syndicated columnist Walter Winchell, whose column appeared in over 2000 newspapers worldwide, said it was “worth seeing, worth hearing, and worth remembering. … It will wring your heart and eyes dry. … Bring at least 11 handkerchiefs.”


The deaths of British servicemen and the murderous ingratitude of the Jewish community caused a huge shock in post-war Britain. It is not widely known that the two young sergeants affair led to the last widespread anti-Jewish riots in Britain.1 Shop windows were smashed across Britain but especially in Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester.


Despite the anger among the British, up until 2001 there was no memorial and it was only after 60 years that the Ministry of Defence agreed that the conflict merited its own campaign medal.


The Forgotten British Heroes meeting at Trafalgar Square heard a demand from Peter Rushton of Heritage & Destiny Magazine that one of the men responsible for the London bombing be brought to justice.


Today Robert Misrahi is one of those peculiarly French creations – the popular TV philosopher.[7] The Sorbonne-trained academic enjoys a


reputation as a media figure and a professor of ethical philosophy. But back in 1947 he was part of the Irgun gang which planted the bomb in the Colonies Club. He has never even been questioned over his part in the bombing.


Another of the culprits responsible for the King David Hotel went onto to enjoy a long life in Britain and boasted freely about her exploits without fear of any legal impediment.


Miriam Abramoff lived openly in the London suburbs and was giving interviews about her infamous past as recently as 2012.[8] She died last year at the age of 88. She frequently returned to Israel and always took tea at the King David Hotel “It is so beautiful there now” she said.


Veteran nationalist Martin Webster was one of the organizers of the Forgotten British Heroes campaign. He was scathing about how they are not even allowed to take their place among all the other units of the British armed services to lay their wreaths at The Cenotaph in Whitehall on Remembrance Sunday[9]:


No explanation for this exceptional ban on brave men and women at the national ceremony of remembrance has ever been given by official sources – but all know the ban has been imposed at the behest of the Jewish community’s sundry lobby organizations and their billionaire backers who donated millions of pounds every year to the main political parties.


The Establishment and the Jews can’t wait until the remnant of these brave men who served in Palestine (and their Old Comrades Associations) have died-off and no longer represent an ‘embarrassment’!


After the commemoration, the Israeli Ambassador in London, Daniel Taub, received a letter from the Campaign recollecting the details of the above Zionist atrocities. It makes several rather pointed demands given the highly successful history of Jewish post-WWII activism: that Israel pay compensation to the victims of Zionist terrorism and their families, build a ‘Museum of Zionist Terrorism’ in Jerusalem and institute courses about Zionist terrorism in Israel’s schools as a warning to future generations.


The letter is signed by Martin Webster, Richard Edmonds, Jeremy Turner, Lady Michèle Renouf, and Peter Rushton.


[1] Daniel Trilling, “Britain’s last anti-Jewish riots: Why have the 1947 riots been forgotten?,” The New Stateman, 22 Dec. 2022; https://www.newstatesman.com/long-reads/2012/05/britains-last-anti-jewish-riots.

[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7-8v1cp-Wg

[3] See Jim W. Dean, Gordon Duff, “Israel’s Attack on USS Liberty – The Full Story”, reposted on May 4, 2021; https://veteranstoday.com/2021/05/04/israels-attack-on-uss-liberty-the-full-story/

[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Air_Service

[5] https://www.politicsforum.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=74300

[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Hecht

[7] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msqhmO1kN58

[8] “My part in the attack on the King David Hotel,” The Jewish Chronicle, https://www.thejc.com/life-and-culture/my-part-in-the-attack-on-the-king-david-hotel-n2w59gkf.

[9] Francis Carr Begbie; “The Holocaust Industry in the UK,” The Occidental Observer, Oct. 5, 2013; https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2013/10/05/the-holocaust-industry-in-the-u-k/.