Year 1940 – Part 10
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Monday, January 6, 2025
The Creators of the World’s Misfortunes
Germany is the first nation in the world that is entirely free of the jew. That is the prime cause of its political and economic balance. Since their expulsion from the German national body has made it impossible for them to shake this balance from within, they lead the nations they have deceived in battle against us from without.
Background: In this article dated 21 January 1945, Goebbels makes his last lengthy published attack on the Jew, whom he clearly and rightfully states are responsible for the misery of this war started by them.
The source: “Die Urheber des Unglücks der Welt,” Das Reich, 21 January 1945, pp. 1, 3.
The Creators of the World’s Misfortunes
By Dr. Joseph Goebbels
One could not understand this war if one did not always keep in mind the fact that international jewry stands behind all the unnatural forces that our united enemies use to attempt to deceive the world and keep humanity in the dark. It is, so to speak, the mortar that holds the enemy coalition firmly together, despite its differences of class, ideology, and interests.
Capitalism and Bolshevism have the same jewish roots, two branches of the same tree that in the end bear the same fruit. International jewry uses both in its own way to suppress the nations and keep them in its service. How deep its influence on public opinion is in all the enemy countries and many neutral nations is plain to see that it may never be mentioned in newspapers, speeches, and radio broadcasts.
There is a law in the Soviet Union that punishes anti-semitism – or in plain English, public education about the ‘Jewish Question’ – by death. The expert in these matters is in no way surprised that a leading spokesman for the Kremlin said over the New Year that the Soviet Union would not rest until this law was valid throughout the world. In other words, the enemy clearly says that its goal in this war is to put the total domination of jewry over the nations of the earth under legal protection, and to threaten even a discussion of this shameful attempt with the death penalty.
It is little different in the plutocratic nations. There the struggle against the impudent usurpation of the jewish race is not punished by the executioner, but rather by death through economic and social boycott and by intellectual terror. This has the same effect in the end. Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt were made by jewry. They enjoy its full support and reward it with their full protection. They present themselves in their speeches as upright men of civil courage, yet one never hears even a word against the jew, even though there is growing hatred among their people as a result of this war, a hatred that is fully justified.
Jewry is a taboo theme in the enemy countries. It stands outside every legal boundary and thus becomes the tyrant of its host peoples. While enemy soldiers fight, bleed, and die at the front, the jews make money from their sacrifice on the stock exchanges and black markets. If a brave man dares to step forward and accuse the jew of their crimes, he will be mocked and spat on by their press, chased from his job or otherwise impoverished, and be brought into public contempt.
Even that is apparently not enough for the jews. They want to bring Soviet conditions to the whole world, giving jewry absolute power and freedom from prosecution. He who objects or even debates the matter gets a bullet in the back of his head or an axe through his neck. There is no worse tyranny than this. This is the epitome of the public and secret disgrace that jewry inflicts on the nations that deserve freedom.
That is all long behind us. Yet it still threatens us in the distance. We have, it is true, entirely broken the power of the jew in the Reich, but they have not given up. They did not rest until they had mobilized the whole world against us. Since they could no longer conquer Germany from within, they want to try it from without. Every Russian, English, and American soldier is a mercenary of this world conspiracy of a parasitic race. Given the current state of the war, who could still believe that they are fighting and dying at the front for the national interests of their countries!
The nations want a decent peace, but the jew is against it. They know that the end of the war would mean the dawning humanity’s knowledge of the unhealthy role that international jewry played in preparing for and carrying out this war. They fear being unmasked, which has in fact become unavoidable and must inevitably come, just as the day follows the night. That explains their raging bursts of hatred against us, which are only the result of their fear and their feelings of inferiority. They are too eager, and that makes them suspicious. International jewry will not succeed in turning this war to its advantage. Things are already too far along. The hour will come in which all the peoples of the earth will awake, and the jew will be the victim. Here, too, things can only go so far.
It is an old, often-used method of International jewry to discredit education and knowledge about its corrupting nature and drives, thereby depending on the weaknesses of those people who easily confuse cause with effect. The jew are also masters at manipulating public opinion, which they dominate through their network of news agencies and press concerns that reaches throughout the world. The pitiful illusion of a free press is one of the methods they use to stupefy the publics of enemy lands. If the enemy press is as free as it pretends to be, let it take an open position, for or against, on the ‘Jewish Question.’
It will not do that because it cannot and may not do so. The jew loves to mock and criticize everything except themselves, although everyone knows that they are most in need of public criticism. This is where the so-called freedom of the press in enemy countries ends. Newspapers, parliaments, statesmen, and church leaders must be silent here. Crimes and vices, filth and corruption are covered by the blanket of love. The jew has total control of public opinion in enemy countries, and he who has that is also master of all of public life. Only the nations that have to accept such a condition are to be pitied. The jew misleads them into believing that the German nation is backward.
Our alleged backwardness is actually proof of our progress. We have recognized the jew as a national and international danger, and from this knowledge have drawn compelling conclusions. This German knowledge will become the knowledge of the world at the end of this war. We think it our primary duty to do everything in our power to make that happen.
Humanity would sink into eternal darkness, it would fall into a dull and primitive state, were the jews to win this war. They are the incarnation of that destructive force that in these terrible years has guided the enemy war leadership in a fight against all that we see as noble, beautiful, and worth keeping. For that reason alone the jew hates us. They despise our culture and learning, which they perceive as towering over their nomadic worldview. They fear our economic and social standards, which leave no room for their parasitic drives. They are the enemy of our domestic order, which has excluded their anarchistic tendencies.
Germany is the first nation in the world that is entirely free of the jew. That is the prime cause of its political and economic balance. Since their expulsion from the German national body has made it impossible for them to shake this balance from within, they lead the nations they have deceived in battle against us from without. It is fine with them, in fact it is part of their plan, that Europe in the process will lose a large part of its cultural values. The jew had no part in their creation. They do not understand them.
A deep racial instinct tells them that since these heights of human creative activity are forever beyond their reach, they must attack them today with hatred. The day is not distant when the nations of Europe, yes, even those of the whole world, will shout: The jew is guilty for all our misfortunes! They must be called to account, soon and thoroughly!
International jewry is ready with its alibi. Just as during the great reckoning in Germany, they will attempt to look innocent and say that one needs a scapegoat, and they are it. But that will no longer help them, just as it did not help them during the National Socialist revolution. The proof of their historical guilt, in details large and small, is so plain that it can no longer be denied even with the most clever lies and hypocrisy.
Who is it that drives the Russians, the English, and the Americans into battle and sacrifices huge numbers of human lives in a hopeless struggle against the German people? The jew! Their newspapers and radio broadcasts spread the songs of war while the nations they have deceived are led to the slaughter. Who is it that invents new plans of hatred and destruction against us every day, making this war into a dreadful case of self-mutilation and self-destruction of European life and its economy, education, and culture? The jew! Who devised the unnatural marriage between England and the USA on one side and Bolshevism on the other, building it up and jealously ensuring its continuance? Who covers the most perverse political situations with cynical hypocrisy from a trembling fear that a new way could lead the nations to realize the true causes of this terrible human catastrophe? The jew, only the jew!
They are named Morgenthau and Lehmann and stand behind Roosevelt as a so-called brain trust. They are named Mechett and Sasoon and serve as Churchill’s moneybags and order givers. They are named Kaganovitsch and Ehrenburg and are Stalin’s pacesetters and intellectual spokesmen. Wherever you look, you see the jew. They march as political commissars behind the Red army and organize murder and terror in the areas conquered by the Soviets. They sit behind the lines in Paris and Brussels, Rome and Athens, and fashion their reins from the skin of the unhappy nations that have fallen under their power.
That is the truth. It can no longer be denied, particularly since in their drunken joy of power and victory the jew has forgotten their ordinarily so carefully maintained reserve and now stand in the spotlight of public opinion. They no longer bother, apparently believing that it is no longer necessary, that their hour has come. And this is their mistake, which they always make when think themselves near their great goal of anonymous world domination.
Throughout the history of the nations, whenever this tragic situation developed, a good providence saw to it that the jew themselves became the gravediggers of their own hopes. They did not destroy the healthy peoples, but rather the sting of their parasitic effects brought the realization of the looming danger to the forefront and led to the greatest sacrifices to overcome it. At a certain point, they become that power that always wants evil but creates good. It will be that way this time, too.
The fact that the German nation was the first on earth to recognize this danger and expel it from its organism is proof of its healthy instincts. It therefore became the leader of a world struggle whose results will determine the fate and the future of international jewry. We view with complete calm the wild Old Testament tirades of hatred and revenge of jewry throughout the world against us. They are only proof that we are on the right path. They cannot unsettle us. We gaze on them with sovereign contempt and remember that these outbursts of hate and revenge were everyday events for us in Germany until that fateful day for international jewry, 30 January 1933, when the world revolution against the jew that threatened them not only Germany, but all the other nations, began.
It will not cease before it has reached its goal. The truth cannot be stopped by lies or force. It will get through. The jew will meet their Cannae at the end of this war. Not Europe, but rather they will lose. They may laugh at this prophecy today, but they have laughed so often in the past, and almost as often they stopped laughing sooner or later. Not only do we know precisely what we want, we also know precisely what we do not want.
The deceived nations of the Earth may still lack the knowledge they need, but we will bring it to them. How will the jew stop that in the long run? They believe their power rests on sure foundations, but it stands on feet of clay. One hard blow and it will collapse, burying the creators of the misfortunes of the world in its ruins.
Friday, January 3, 2025
The Holocaust as an Open Borders Propaganda Weapon
By Karl Radl
In his famous work ‘The Holocaust Industry’ Norman Finkelstein argued that the ‘Holocaust’ had become an emotional and rhetorical tool for the Israel Lobbies around the world – and particularly that in the United States – to silence their opponents and garner funds for their own projects. He documented the fact that jewish organizations have over the years blackmailed nearly every European country (including of all places Switzerland) in addition of companies (like BASF, Thyssen-Krupp, SNCF etc) into providing them with large amounts of money.
This behaviour isn’t limited to jewish organizations however. The state of Israel also engages in similar conduct when it has repeatedly demanded that Germany pay more and more money to fund both the IDF and ‘pensions for Holocaust survivors’ (even though jews have themselves spent or stolen all of the previous money without heed to the future). (1)
There is however another aspect to this which Kevin MacDonald mentions in his ‘The Culture of Critique’. He argues that the jewish community has consistently utilized the ‘Holocaust’ as a tool to promote mass immigration into Western Europe and North America, while simultaneously claiming that it is evidence why this same policy cannot be instituted in Israel (i.e., it endangers its ‘jewish character’). (2)
He correctly pointed out that the root of this otherwise inexplicable belief is related to the unique lens by which jews view themselves and the world around them. In other words: they have a strong sense of their jewish identity, which is primarily rooted in the belief in the idea of the eternal and irrational persecution of the jewish people by non-jews (particularly Christians of European origin).
This in turn reinforces the sense of exclusivity among the jews and drives them – as a minority – to seek ways of countering current and future persecution. The sense that jews are eternally walking upon a knife edge while non-jews cannot wait to re-open Auschwitz is something that is almost de rigueur in jewish works on the subject of anti-Semitism as Finkelstein has pointed in his ‘Beyond Chutzpah’.
The product of this rampant paranoia is the belief that anti-Semites are both everywhere and actively conspiring to once again launch pogroms against the jews. This leads to the almost ubiquitous assertions that such and such a person and/or statement is anti-Semitic, because jews tend to read persecution into any criticism of anything that they have been or are currently associated with.
For example when Donald Trump spoke out in 2016 against ‘globalists’ and ‘international bankers’: he was immediately assailed from the left and right by jews screaming that this is anti-Semitic and that he really meant jews. They argued that Trump necessarily meant jews by such an assertion, which is not strictly speaking true: ‘globalists’ is a common catch-all designation for an enemy on the American right and does not necessarily equate jews (although many prominent globalists are in fact jewish).
Similarly with ‘international bankers’; it has been applied many different ways by different people. Many on the political left and right are opposed to – and have spoken against – ‘international bankers’, but few would immediately equate ‘international bankers’ with jews more broadly. This is despite the fact that many prominent individuals who would be labelled ‘international bankers’ also happen to be jewish.
Could Trump’s assertion be taken as an anti-Semitic dog whistle to his supporters?
Certainly, but the fact that jews loudly identified it as being an ‘anti-Semitic’ statement only drew to public attention why mentioning two relatively common and innocuous generalized enemies (i.e., ‘globalists’ and ‘international bankers’) might be considered ‘anti-Semitic’ in the first place.
This follows a similar pattern to the ‘Holocaust’ being used as a political weapon against anti-Zionists. There is only so long that you can go before investigating the veracity of the ‘Holocaust’ itself when it is being consistently used as a rhetorical weapon against your arguments.
Therefore as jews have overused the ‘Holocaust’ as Israel’s reason for existence and the justification for why it is above criticism. It has caused a proportional reaction among the political left, which has seen expression in the increasing numbers of this same individuals who are sceptical of the orthodox narrative about the ‘Holocaust’.
Similarly jewish individuals and organizations have repeatedly invoked the ‘Holocaust’ as the reason why – for example – that no right-thinking American can allow Donald Trump to be elected as President of the United States.
Rahm Emmanuel, the Mayor of Chicago, stated in March 2016 at a speech at the Illinois Holocaust Musuem that:
‘We have a moral obligation to not only support these institutions, but when we see the language of hatred, the language of isolation, the language of using immigrants or Muslims to score political points, we should not allow that debate to exist in this country.We cannot allow as a country — and we as a city where we have over 140 languages spoken in our school system — allow a group of people, based on their faith, based on color or based on their geography, to be isolated from the mainstream of who we are. Our values are inclusion.’ (3)
Emmauel’s statement can only be read as a confirmation of MacDonald’s contention that jews are want to encourage multiculturalism in the West via the medium of open borders (he has consistently supported mass immigration into the United States), (4) but yet also happens to be a die-hard supporter of Israel’s maintenance of its ethnic homogeneity (i.e., jewishness). (5)
However what this statement also is: is the utilization of the ‘Holocaust’ as a weapon to push ‘open borders’. Since Emmanuel gave it at a Illinois Holocaust Museum fundraiser and argued in the speech itself that the ‘Holocaust’ means that Americans must ‘take a stand against hatred and bigotry’ (i.e., anti-immigration sentiment) and thus support ‘open borders’ in order to build a projected multiracial democratic utopia.
Indeed Emmanuel is not the only jew to be making this argument. If you do an internet search for ‘Holocaust Survivor’ combined with terms like ‘Tolerance’, ‘Hatred’, ‘Bigotry’, ‘Immigration’, ‘Muslim’ etc. Then you will invariably come up with a large number of results of ‘Holocaust Survivors’ and associated individuals making that exact argument.
For example Gene Klein writes in the Huffington Post that:
‘As a Holocaust survivor, I spend a great deal of my time speaking to audiences about my experiences. I do this because if we want “Never Again” to be a reality, then people need to learn about the Nazi concentration camps. They need to know what should never happen again, and they need to know about the slow process that took my world from secure to terrifying.
I share this story here not for the benefit of the supporters of the two leading Republican candidates, either of whom could lead this country into a very dangerous era of racism and hatred, a time when being a Muslim or a Mexican—or whoever the next target group is—means that you can be berated, mistreated and excluded. I am speaking to everyone else. It is everyone else who can lead us forward as a country of compassion and equality. I want the Democrats, the Independents and the moderate Republicans to listen. Because if we all take part in the political process, if we all speak out, if we all vote, then these few months can be an aberration in our history rather then the beginning of a disaster.
It is the silent, the inactive, who allow tyrants to have their way. Looking back, I am not really surprised that a hateful leader came to my school and spouted racist dogma. What shocks me now is the complicity of my teachers. How is it possible that they did not stand up and shout the speaker down? That they did not insist that he leave the building? That, afterward, they did not show concern and care to those of us who had been attacked? The speaker did not have official power over the school or our teachers, yet he was allowed to harm us.’ (6)
Similarly we read that:
‘Inge Auerbacher was in a concentration camp where one percent of the 15,000 children survived.
Also speaking was Sonja DuBois, who was barely two years old when her parents left her to protect her from Nazi persecution.
“It’s important to meet an actual person, touch that person, talk to that person and to install in them to become better people,” Auerbacher said.
“Racism is something they have the opportunity to stop. They cannot be silent bystanders, they have to speak up when they see something that is not right,” DuBois said.
Dubois said Holocaust survivors are getting older, so she wants children to hear them speak while she’s still able to.’ (7)
While Holocaust Survivor Lorie Meyer has opined that:
‘Since opening, the museum — with a stated mission to inspire action against bigotry, hatred, and violence — has expanded twice, now employing a staff of seven. Besides displaying artifacts to tell the individual stories within the larger history and producing educational programs and activities, the nonprofit also presents general public programs that highlight elements of its collection and stories related to the Holocaust and other genocides.’ (8)
Similarly we read that:
‘A Holocaust survivor, Manasse felt that something he created to recall history’s greatest “hate crime” could contain a valuable lesson in an election year where issues of race and religion have played a central role.
“This history seems to now have been transformed into hating Muslims, Hispanics and other groups as well,” Manasse said in a statement read by School Superintendent Mary Gormley during a vigil at the cemetery Thursday night.’ (9)
While in Canada one Belle Jarniewski – chairwoman of the Freeman Family Foundation Holocaust Education Centre – has stated that:
‘Our mandate is to raise awareness and understanding of the history of the Shoah through education. We address the fact that society continues to witness genocide due to continuing racism and hatred and that we must all be vigilant in opposing racism, anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry.’ (10)
You get the picture.
The ‘Holocaust’ is – and has long been – wielded as a rhetorical weapon against patriots, nationalists and anyone who wants to control the flow of non-European migrants into European countries and the United States. It is also not just cynical politicians or jewish organizations that don’t represent anyone but themselves doing so: it is the state of the Israel and the ‘Holocaust Survivors’ themselves as well.
If we are ever to get control of our borders back and keep it then we are going to have to directly address the ‘Holocaust’. Since it is a potential psychological weapon that has been, and continues to be, widely used to bludgeon critics of mass immigration and globalism into the ground.
It is time that we too loudly proclaim the leitmotiv of the Holocaust Industry: Never Again!
2. Kevin MacDonald, 2002, ‘The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth Century Intellectual and Political Movements’, 2nd Edition, 1st Books: Long Beach, pp. 240-303
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Adolf Hitler - New Year’s Proclamations January 1, 1945
Adolf Hitler - New Year’s Proclamation to the National Socialists
and Party Comrades
Fuhrer Headquarters, January 1, 1945
German Volk! National Socialists! My Volksgenossen!
Only the turn of the year causes me to speak to you today, my German Volksgenossen. The times had demanded more than speeches from me. The events of the past twelve months, in particular the incident on July 20, forced me to devote my attention and my capacity for work to a single task, for which I had lived for many years: the fateful struggle of my Volk. Although our enemies had proclaimed our collapse every New Year, they placed particular hopes on the year 1944. Never before did victory seem so close to them, as in those days of August of last year when one catastrophe had followed another.
Now that we have managed, as so many times before, to bring about a turn of events, credit is due not only to the struggle and work of all my Volksgenossen in the homeland and at the front, but also to my own work and my own commitment. By so doing, I have only acted in the spirit of a statement that I made at the memorable Reichstag session of September 1, 1939, declaring that Germany would never be defeated by the force of arms or time, and that a day like November 9 would never repeat itself in the German Reich.
Whoever knew Germany only from this time of decline could perhaps hope that this state would not be granted a resurrection nor the strength to hold its own against a world of enemies.
That is how the Jewish-international conspiracy has lived on hopes from the first day. Every time when the nations began to become suspicious, these hopes were transformed into prophecies. With a certain rabble-rousing audacity, they were portrayed to the masses as certainties, as matters of course.
This propaganda used two methods, even though it has short wings as all lies do. On the one hand, it set dates by which the German collapse was certainly to be expected, in order to calm the impatient masses. On the other hand, it dealt with questions whose solution would become necessary for the Allies following this collapse. Before the war ever started, the first English statement was already published, declaring that the joint Anglo-French declaration of war would lead within seven to eight days, at the latest, to an internal revolution and thereby to the collapse of the German Reich. With nearly astronomical regularity, this was followed by ever new assurances every winter, spring, autumn, and sometimes even between the seasons [sic], that the unconditional German collapse and surrender-both would mean the same thing-was imminent. Already in the autumn of 1939, one such assurance followed hot on the heels of the other. One minute it was “General Mud,” the next “General Hunger,” and then again “General Winter” who were supposed to defeat us.
Particularly the beginning of 1940 witnessed such Allied declarations galore.
After the campaign in France, new prophecies were made, namely that if Germany was not be able to end the war in two months, by September at the latest, then the German collapse would inevitably come in the spring of 1941.
Spring had barely passed when new goals were set for the summer, and new deadlines for our certain destruction were finally set for the winter of 1941.
Since this time, the game has repeated itself every year. At one time it was said that the war would be over before the leaves fall; another time that Germany would be ready to capitulate before the next winter. With the assuredness of a sleepwalker, they called August 1944 the deadline for the unconditional surrender and, shortly afterwards, they planned to arrange a joint meeting of the leading [Allied] statesmen in Berlin just before Christmas. Not long ago, it was rescheduled for January and then March 1945. Right now, they are cautiously declaring that, in view of the rapidly approaching two months, it would be August. In July, they will surely talk about the winter of 1946, provided that the war does not actually end in the meantime, not with a German capitulation, which will never come, but with a German victory! Parallel to these prophecies-in order to stress the correctness of these assumptions psychologically-followed the theoretical appointment of ever new commissions for the treatment of European questions after the war, the foundation of societies for the regulation of food supplies after the German collapse, in other words the resurrection of those profiteer institutions (Schieberinstitutionen) that we know from the World War, the proclamation of economic agreements, the setting up of traffic networks and air bases, as well as the drafting and promulgation of sometimes truly idiotic laws on the treatment of the German Volk. They always acted as though they had already won the war, as though they could now already consider at their leisure all the measures necessary for ruling Europe for those who have themselves set a sorry example of how not to rule people. Of course, you can practice this propagandistic maneuver with the unenlightened masses in the democratic states for a surprisingly long time, but even there it will one day become obvious that this is nothing other than the usual swindle in these countries. Should one or the other of the leading men in these western democratic states nevertheless truly believe all that is told the people, then there are only three possible explanations for this:
1. They do not know the German Volk at all. Above all, they do not realize that the past three hundred years of German history did not give an accurate picture of the essence of the German Volk, but reflected only the consequences of its inner conflicts at home. Since this German Volk made its appearance in history, it has not only been one of the decisive factors in European and world history but even the most decisive one. It remains so today and will continue to be so even more in the future.
2. They are ignorant about the National Socialist state. They do not have an inkling of the essence of this Volksidee. The accomplishments that the National Socialist regime secured under the most difficult conditions have remained concealed from most of the people in the countries surrounding us.
Perhaps they had to be concealed from them because public life and opinion there is informed by the Jews, that is, everything is distorted and reported wrongly. They are apparently not yet aware that neither Bolshevism nor the democratic-plutocratic world of ideas-insofar as you can speak of one-can replace the National Socialist state, since both have proved themselves to be unfit for Germany in terms of their achievements, and the results of their activities in their own countries serve only as the most deterrent example.
3. In these countries they have known something that the majority of the masses of the healthy German Volk are not aware of, namely a small coterie of drawing-room politicians and drawing-room generals who, in complete ignorance of their own mental, political, and military insignificance, have tried to convince the world that they will one day seize power in a coup and will then be in a position to offer capitulation without further notice, much as in Italy, Finland, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria. The less our enemies were familiar with the German Volk, the less they were aware of the essence of the National Socialist state, the more readily they placed their hopes in the assurances of these spineless characters, believed their fantastic chains of reasoning and outpourings to be true, and rewarded them not only with a strong faith but also with ready cash.
In opposition to that, at the turn of a year which has given us ample opportunity to prove that this Volk, this state, and its leading men are unshakable in their will and staunch in their fanatical determination to fight this war out under any circumstances, even putting up with setbacks imposed on us by the fickleness of fate, I would like to state again what arises for us from the past and present, and what is necessary for the world to know in the future.
1. We know the objectives of our enemies from the past and the present.
We are aware of what the Anglo-American statesmen plan to do with the German Reich, what measures the Bolshevik rulers and the international Jews, who in the end are behind them, plan to take against the German Volk. Their successful implementation would not only lead to the German Reich’s being torn to pieces, the transport of fifteen to twenty million Germans to foreign countries, the enslavement of the remnants of our Volk, the corruption of our German youth, but it would also and above all bring with it the starvation of our masses of millions. Aside from this, you either live in freedom or die in slavery.
In opposition to that, we are determined to do anything necessary. The world should realize that this state will therefore never capitulate. The present German Reich, like all great states of the past, may meet with setbacks on its path, but it will never stray from this path. The world should realize that the present leadership of the state shares the worries and sufferings of its people, but it will never capitulate under these worries and sufferings. On the contrary, it is determined to make the utmost effort to face every crisis, make up for what was lost through carelessness with reinforced eagerness to work, so that it will be able not only to express its great appreciation to every individual German who does his duty, but also to assure him that his contribution to the existence of our Volk will one day be rewarded. On the other hand, it will destroy anybody who tries to escape making his contribution or lowers himself to becoming a tool of foreign powers. Since we know the objectives of our enemies-because they themselves offer the necessary enlightenment thanks to their propagandistic garrulousness from the mouths of their statesmen and journalists-the entire German Volk knows what its fate would be if it lost this war. It will therefore not lose this war. It must and will win it. After all, what our enemies are fighting for, they do not know themselves, aside from their Jews. Yet what we are fighting for is clear to all of us. It is the preservation of the German human being, it is our homeland, it is our two-thousand-year-old culture, it is the children and grandchildren of our Volk. It is, in short, everything that makes life worth living for us. For this reason, the Volk has developed the spirit and attitude that justify its belief in its own future and its request for a merciful appreciation of its struggle by Providence.
That this struggle is so endlessly difficult is the result of the essence of the abovementioned objectives of our enemies. After all, since they intend to exterminate our Volk, they are already applying this method in the war by means that civilized mankind has not known hitherto. By wrecking our cities, they hope not only to kill German women and children but also and above all to eliminate the documents of our thousand-year-old culture, to which they have nothing to compare of equal quality. That was also the idea behind the war of annihilation against the cultural sites in Italy, the actual intention behind the continuation of the present fight in France, Belgium, and the Netherlands.
Alas, like a phoenix from the ashes, so the strong German will all the more rise up anew from the ruins of our cities. It has taken hold not only of millions of our soldiers, but also of millions of male and female workers, of women, even of children. The suffering inflicted on them individually is immeasurable, but equally immeasurable is the greatness of their attitude. Once this time of suffering is over, every German will be incredibly proud of being allowed to be a member of such a Volk. Likewise, the day will come when our enemies will regard the defilement of culture, which they are presently undertaking and which will continue to burn in our memories, as shameful.
I know, my dear Volksgenossen, the demands this war makes on you.
There may be no man in any large country of the world who knows his people and their homeland better than I know Germany. Not only did I become infinitely close to all the German cities that are now being wrecked in whatever concerns their life and their history but also in whatever concerns my personal life. For decades I was tied to them not only by the love of their history and culture and of their human feelings, but I was also the most strongly involved in the fate of their future development. This alone makes this suffering somewhat easier for me to bear, because I know better than anybody else that, with its will, the German Volk as such not only always rose up from the most profound misery, but also that this time will end with the German cities again rising up from the debris as new sites attesting to the magnificence of our German cities.
Within a few years, the National Socialist state with its energy and initiative will rebuild all that is being destroyed today. The outward appearance of our cities will be mightier and more beautiful than ever before. Healthier homes for the German human beings will take the place of the destroyed tenement barracks. Our social and cultural demands will then receive greater consideration than was possible before.
However, we will neither possess many of the unfading documents of art and culture nor be able to restore them. More importantly, we cannot replace the sacrifice of countless precious human beings and the loss of their collected souvenirs which became dear to them in the course of a long life. All these great treasures and small remembrances will in the end be compensated for-even if they cannot be replaced-by our Volk’s shared memory of a time of the hardest fateful struggle that a nation ever had to bear and one that it bore with so much heroism.
The year 1944 was the year of the greatest burdens in this mighty struggle.
It was a year that again proved conclusively that the bourgeois social order is no longer capable of braving the storms of the present or of the coming age.
State after state that does not find its way to a truly social reorganization will go down the path to chaos. The liberal age is a thing of the past. The belief that you can counter this invasion of the people by parliamentary-democratic half-measures is childish and just as naive as Metternich’s methods when the national drives for unification were making their way through the nineteenth century. The lack of a truly social, new form of life results in the lack of the mental will to resist not only in the nations but also in the lack of the moral power of resistance of their leaders. In all countries we see that the attempted renaissance of a democracy has proved fruitless. The confused tangle of political dilettantes and military politicians of a bygone bourgeois world who order each other around is, with deadly certainty, preparing for a plunge into chaos and, insofar as Europe is concerned, into an economic and ethnic catastrophe. And, after all, one thing has already been proved: this most densely populated continent in the world will either have to live with an order that gives the greatest consideration to individual abilities, guarantees the greatest accomplishments, and, by taming all egotistical drives, prevents their excesses, or states such as we have in central and western Europe will prove unfit for life, which means that their nations are thereby doomed to perish! In this manner-following the example of royal Italy-Finland, Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary collapsed during this year. This collapse is primarily the result of the cowardice and lack of resolve of their leaders. They and their actions can be understood only in light of the corrupt and socially amoral atmosphere of the bourgeois world. The hatred which many statesmen, especially in these countries, express for the present German Reich is nothing other than the voice of a guilty conscience, an expression of an inferiority complex in view of our organization of a human community that is suspicious to them because we successfully pursue goals that again do not correspond to their own narrow economic egotism and their resulting political shortsightedness.
For us, my German Volksgenossen, this, however, represents a new obligation to recognize ever more clearly that the existence or nonexistence of a German future depends on the uncompromising organization of our Volksstaat, that all the sacrifices which our Volk must make are conceivable only under the condition of a social order which clears away all privileges and thereby makes the entire Volk not only bear the same duties but also possess the same vital rights. Above all, it must mercilessly destroy the social phantoms of a bygone era. In their stead, it must place the most valuable reality there is, namely the Volk, the masses which, tied together by the same blood, essence, and experiences of a long history, owe their origin as an individual existence not to an earthly arbitrariness but to the inscrutable will of the Almighty. The insight into the moral value of our conviction and the resulting objectives of our struggle for life give us and, above all, give me the strength to continue to wage this fight in the most difficult hours with the strongest faith and with an unshakable confidence. In such hours, this conviction also ties the Volk to its leadership. It assured the unanimous approval of the appeal that I was forced to direct to the German Volk in a particularly urgent way this year.
Millions of Germans of all professions and ranks, men and women, boys and girls, even children, took up the spade and the shovel. Thousands of Volkssturm battalions were created or are in the process of being created.
Divisions were newly formed; Volk artillery corps, mortar brigades, selfpropelled assault-gun brigades, as well as fighter groups were conjured up out of nothing and provided with new equipment. Above all, our German factories showed singular achievements with the help of both male and female German workers. They, I may say so today, are being joined by more and more thoughtful people from other nations who, as workers in Germany, understand the essence of our social community. And so what our enemies shattered was rebuilt with superhuman diligence and unequaled heroism. This rebuilding will continue until what our enemies began will end one day. The German spirit and the German will shall bring this about by force! This, my Volksgenossen, will one day go down in history as the miracle of the twentieth century! A Volk that accomplishes, suffers, and endures so many incredible things at the front and in the homeland can therefore never perish.
On the contrary: it will emerge from this furnace of trials stronger and firmer than ever before in its history. However, the power to which we owe all this- the Jewish-international enemy of the world-will not only fail in this attempt to destroy Europe and exterminate its nations but will also end by annihilating itself.
At the end of this year, as the spokesman of the nation and, at this moment, also as the Fuhrer of its fate, I would like to thank the countless millions of my Volksgenossen with an overflowing heart for all they have suffered, endured, done, and accomplished, men and women, down to the level of our children in the Hitler Youth, in the cities and small market towns, in the villages and in the countryside. I would like to ask them not to let up in the future either, to trust the leadership of the movement, and to fight this most difficult struggle for the future of our Volk with the greatest fanaticism. What I can do to promote this success, I will do in the future as I did in the past. I am speaking less these days, not because I do not wish to or cannot speak, but because my work leaves me little time for speaking, and because I believe that I am now obliged every hour to think about and seek to increase the power of resistance of our armies, introduce better weapons, form new units, and assemble whatever forces can be mobilized from among my Volk. My enemies are perhaps now seeing the light already and are realizing that I have not been asleep all this time! For the rest, I wish to assure you, my Volksgenossen, again today, as in the many years of the struggle for power, that my faith in the future of our Volk is unshakable. Whomever Providence subjects to so many trials, it has destined for the greatest things! It is therefore my only concern to do my utmost to lead the German Volk through this time of misery and open the gate for it to that future in which we all believe, for which we fight and work.
I cannot close this appeal without thanking the Lord for the help that He always allowed the leadership and the Volk to find, as well as for the power He gave us to be stronger than misery and danger. If I also thank Him for my rescue, then I do so only because through it I am happy to be able to continue dedicating my life to the service of the Volk. In this hour, as the spokesman of Greater Germany, I therefore wish to make the solemn avowal before the Almighty that we will loyally and unshakably fulfill our duty also in the new year, in the firm belief that the hour will come when the victory will favor for good the one who is most worthy of it, the Greater German Reich!
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler – address to the Wehrmacht:
January 1, 1945
The decisive significance for the world of the war that we are fighting today is clear to the German Volk: a merciless struggle for existence or nonexistence, that is, a struggle for life or death! Because the goal of the Jewish-international world conspiracy opposing us is the extermination of our Volk.
As I pronounced this realization in the year 1939, some among you may have thought it was an exaggeration. Because of its constant repetition in the course of the following years, it may have appeared to be “noisy propaganda.” Today, nobody can doubt the intention of our enemies. It is not only proved by the activities of subordinate organs, the public media, but also confirmed by the enemy statesmen opposing us. It is further evidenced by the way the war has been waged, as well as by the political preparations which our enemies are making for the postwar period. The Jewish-eastern Bolshevism reflects in its exterminationist tendencies the goals of Jewish-western capitalism. In any event, the plan is to enslave all free nations. Mr. Churchill declares that all of eastern Germany shall be ceded at least to Poland-in truth, that means to the Soviet Union-namely, not only East Prussia and Danzig but even Pomerania and Silesia. He dismisses the potential population problems by expressing the hope that he will be able to kill another six or more million Germans, that is, women and children, through bomb warfare. His protege de Gaulle again demands that western Germany be placed under French control and the remainder of Germany dissolved. This exactly corresponds to the program and statements of the Stalinist house Jew (Hausjude) Ehrenburg, who goes further and announces that the German Volk must be smashed and exterminated. And this again is the same goal that is being pursued in the plans for the future by the American cabinet member and Jew Morgenthau. These thoughts do not come as a surprise for me. They always existed with our enemies. Only in order to prevent their implementation did I strive to make the German Volk strong and resistant. Internally and externally, it should have the strength that is necessary to defend its life. We have been fighting this struggle of life and death for over five years now. Perhaps it will even be harsher in its demands in the sixth year of war. It has, however, passed its zenith.
Up to the present day, the German Volk and its Wehrmacht have successfully resisted our enemies’ attempts to strangle us, despite numerous crises and many setbacks. In the coming year also, we will succeed in parrying the enemy’s offensive operations and in finally breaking them through counterblows. If we have not been spared great setbacks in this mighty struggle, which is not only being fought for Germany but also for the future of all of Europe, then the reason for that does not lie with the German Volk and its Wehrmacht but on the side of our European allies. Starting with the collapse of the Romanian-Italian-Hungarian front at the Don River and their later complete dissolution, to the sabotage of the joint conduct of the war by the Italian royal house and the putsch against the Duce’s Fascist Italy, which was on our side, there is a straight line of treason. It has found its prolongation in the pitiful capitulation of the Finnish state leadership, the breach of faith of the Romanian king and his entourage, the giving up of Bulgaria, as well as in the disgraceful behavior of the former Hungarian regent. The consequences for the political and military conduct of the war were grave.
In addition, there was the perfidious attack at home in the last year, committed by dishonorable criminals who were however defeated within a few hours and, since that time, have been relentlessly dealt with. Although July 20 had especially depressing military consequences at the fronts and, regrettably, helped to shake the faith in the German power of resistance with friend and enemy, it must be seen as a turning point of the German fate. After all, this attempt to destroy the social German Volksstaat at the time of its most bitter fight through a plot at home and to surrender Germany to the international conspiracy has failed once and for all. I can assure you that this was the last attempt of its kind. Thereby, however, my declaration of September 1, 1939, is reconfirmed, namely, that the German Volk cannot be defeated by force of arms or time in this war, and that, above all, a November 1918 will never be repeated.
This resolve, my soldiers, means heavy sacrifices for the entire German Volk and, in the first place, for you. It alone will save the nation in the future! A nation would surely be doomed by the misery that Germany has to endure today, if it gives itself up for lost, because this giving up means at the same time a renunciation of any claim to life in the future.
My soldiers! I know your sufferings and your sacrifices. I know what I had to ask of you and what is being asked of you. Fate has set me-who at one time wanted to build up Germany as a first-rate social and cultural state-the most difficult task conceivable for a human being. I bear my fate and realize that I owe gratitude to Providence, which has found me worthy enough to take on such hard work in the history of our Volk, a work which will decide its future. All the more after July 20, I lived only for the preparations which would sooner or later allow us to go from the purely defensive to the offensive. We are aware that the fortress of Europe cannot be defended by German forces alone to the extent that this was possible earlier. We were therefore forced, as the victims of the treason of our allies, to pull in entire fronts and shorten others. However, I did not take any step backward without putting up the fiercest resistance. Our enemies must know that every kilometer in the direction of Germany will demand more blood of them and that they cannot ever count on a relaxation or giving up of this resistance. What you, my soldiers, accomplished on so many fronts, on the ground, above or below water, and in the air, is superhuman. The sacrifices made by the German homeland, especially its women, old men, and children, are no less so. Finally, what we owe to the German male and female worker, to the German male peasant and especially to the German female peasant, is for all of us all the more a sacred obligation to do as soldiers everything possible, so that these joint sacrifices are not in vain.
In this spirit, I have gone through endless worries for years, worked, tortured myself with decisions, and am today more than ever convinced that at the end of this struggle will stand a glorious success, unique in our history.
Whoever gained such victories as you, my soldiers, who was not broken by such terrible setbacks, who so heroically endured and suffered as our homeland did, who worked so diligently as our entire Volk, cannot be preordained to perish, but is destined to live! Therefore, my confidence is today stronger than ever before. In the end, we survived with success this worst year of setbacks in which we were virtually abandoned by all our allies in Europe. World powers have been trying for years now to bring about the collapse of the German Reich. In the formerly allied, yet today betrayed countries, people are beginning to realize that this struggle is a conflict of life and death and that no nation can avoid a clear decision. Everywhere the hollowness and meaninglessness of the assurances of our enemies reveal themselves. As soon as they occupy a territory, order collapses and chaos ensues. Democracy is unfit to solve even the smallest task on this continent. Its political anarchy is followed by economic chaos, and with these two comes misery. The “liberated” areas of Europe at most lose their German order and gain instead international unemployment with the usual hunger and need. After all, this most densely populated continent in the world can live only through a planned utilization of all its individual energies, and at the same time through a strict taming of its egotistical drives. Only two leaderships in Europe have honestly tried to deal with this problem: the National Socialist one in Germany and the Fascist one in Italy. To what extent the solution of these questions succeeded in particular in Germany is best proved by the discipline that we still have even in spite of the heaviest burdens in the sixth year of the war. I will try to see to it, my soldiers, that, at home, the leadership and initiative of the party supports your fight, that the nation is provided with life’s necessities, and that all destructive forces, no matter who they are and what posts they occupy, will be destroyed.
However, I also expect of you, more than ever before, that you will do your duty especially in this sixth year of the fight of life and death; that the officers and men of the entire Wehrmacht, army, navy, Luftwaffe, and Waffen SS realize that the existence or nonexistence of our Volk depends on their deployment; that all the other organizations-at their head the newly-born Volkssturm-the Reich labor service, and all the other formations of our movement in the Wehrmacht’s service, as well as the women and girls at the fighting or defending front, will follow your example. The year 1945 will demand of us the utmost in courage and initiative. At the same time, it will be the year of the historic turn of events. The soldiers of the allied European governments and nations who march on our side represent the cells for a rebuilding of this continent, which is our shared homeland, in which our ancestors lived, in which they struggled with fate throughout the millennia, and which today they defend unto death.
The Almighty, who has led our Volk in its previous fight for life and weighed, rewarded, and judged it in accordance with its merits, will this time encounter a generation worthy of His blessings. You were the unfading witnesses for this in the past years, my German soldiers, and you will be that all the more in the coming year!
Adolf Hitler