Sunday, March 24, 2024

Jews in the USA




England is ruled by jewry; the same is true for the USA; the English-North American world conquest plans serve judah’s goal of subjecting all Aryan peoples to exploitation, racial corruption, and gradual destruction.


Background: One of the naturally recurring National Socialist anti-semitic campaigns began in May 1943. Goebbels introduced it with a lead article in Das Reich titled “The War and the Jews.” Soon after, this remarkable document appeared. The Deutscher Wochendienst was a weekly publication aimed at magazine editors, providing more in-depth treatment than the Zeitschriften-Dienst (also intended for magazine editors). Both came from the same office.


The source: Deutscher Wochendienst, 21 May 1943



Supporting material:




The mass migration of jews from England to the USA began in the middle of the nineteenth century. – jews in the USA (either in jewish districts [ghettos] and living among gentiles of other races; outside the ghetto, he often does not belong to a religious organization, mostly concealing himself). – From the beginning, the jews held together, to their advantage and to the disadvantage of Gentile USA citizens, working together in faith, morals, outlook, business, commerce, and industry in ways serving their jewish goals. They often conceal their efforts as “humanitarian,” appealing to the human feelings of Gentiles as they undertook their harmful, expletive, and destructive campaigns.– jews also succeeded in exploiting workers in the USA, along with peasants, farmers, craftsmen, and richer gentiles. – The jew also used Freemasonry in the USA to influence and train a number of gentiles – mostly those in important positions – turning them into his submissive tools. – The influence of the jews grows from year to year in the USA.


The jews as warmongers:


Especially in the USA, the jews have twice been warmongers against Germany. – When England faced the loss of the war in 1916, its government worked to draw the USA into the war, but received a negative answer; the jews in England (Dr. Chaim Weizmann, Solokov, Chief Rabbi Dr. Hertz, the Rothschilds, etc.) joined together and won over the Jesuit-trained Lieutenant Colonel Mark Sykes for the great Zionist plan: drawing the USA into the war. – President Wilson followed the demands of American Zionist Leader Brandeis (justice of the Supreme Court with a secret telephone line to the White House) and joined the side of judah, the warmongers. – The jews in England and especially in the USA used all their strength to get the USA to enter the war against Germany, and as a reward from the British government demanded Palestine for their pan-jewish purposes – The jews in the USA won on 6 April 1917: the government declared war on Germany. – The comment by former New York mayor Hylan regarding the forced entrance of the USA into the war against Germany is significant: “Wall Street (judah) is the breeding round for political and financial schemes and intrigues that have the goal of bringing everything under its control. Wall Street appoints party leaders, determines candidates for public offices, and ruthlessly uses the army and navy of the USA for its own purposes.”


The second warmongering campaign by USA jews against Germany: In 1936 Churchill told USA General Wood: “Germany is becoming too strong; we (that is, England and the USA) must destroy it!” After that, the half-jew Bullitt (owner of huge numbers of shares in armaments concerns) was named USA ambassador in Paris. – In 1937 he used Freemasonry to incite the obedient jewish-influenced Roosevelt (in whose veins jewish blood flows) to publicly attack Germany. – By 1937 the President of the USA already had the right “to determine if and when there was to be war between two countries.” – Bullitt “persuaded” the Polish ambassador in Paris to reject every German proposal. – In 1938 the French magazine Je suis partout wrote: Roosevelt has understood that war is the only means that will enable his small Hebraic brain trust to take revenge and reconquer central Europe. It would naturally not be a war in which the United States would take the initiative, no, rather a war that British sailors and French soldiers would wage for the Chosen People. The main goal is to make the peoples obedient and lead them with fine words to the slaughterhouse!” – Since 1938, the jewish press used radio and film advertising to flood the USA with warmongering favoring the goals of the jews: publicly it was for democracy, humanity, world peace, and so on, but actually it was aimed at Germany’s destruction since it was exposing the jews, and beyond that to gain enormous war profits, to weaken or destroy all Gentile peoples, and ultimately to establish a jewish dictatorship over the entire world.


The jews and the President of the USA:


Roosevelt’s ancestor Johanna Samuels was apparently of jewish descent: a demonstrable infiltration of jewish blood into the Roosevelt family occurred in the second generation with Nicholas Roosevelt, born in Esopus in 1685; in the seventh generation the mother of the current president, Sarah Delano (“Delano” is Roosevelt’s middle name) of jewish descent. – The president received a “medal” from the American Hebrew, the highest honor “American” jewry can bestow: Roosevelt is especially proud of that jewish recognition. – Roosevelt is a Freemason (member of Holland Lodge Nr. 8 in New York and honorary member of “Architect’s Lodge 519” and member of the “Great Lodge of Georgia”; he holds the 32nd degree (the highest degree is 33): all of the president’s three sons are also high level Freemasons.


The president won reelection by promising absolutely to keep the USA out of European conflicts; immediately after the election he let the mask fall and incited war against Germany.


Roosevelt’s friends and advisors:


The chief advisor of the President of the USA is the jew Bernard M. Baruch, who carried through the declaration of war against Germany in 1917 and later promoted the Dawes Plan, in order to make German workers the slaves of international jewish-plutocratic high finance. – In 1937 Baruch offered to pay for filling gaps in USA military supplies out of his own pocket ($3.3 million); the offer was not accepted, but the proposal was approved and Baruch could do enormous business. – Before the outbreak of war, Baruch consulted regularly with Churchill and Eden. – The jewish Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau is related by marriage to the governor of New York, Herbert Lehmann, who is an Orthodox jew. – The half-jew Laguardia is a well known enemy of Germany. – The jew Professor Felix Frankfurter (born in Vienna), judge of the Supreme Court of the USA, whose main activity is sneaking his particularly suitable jewish pupils into high positions in the States, particularly places near the president. – One of the jews that Frankfurter advanced is Benjamin Cohen, who is in the “White House” and occupies himself primarily with “lawmaking.” – The jew Samuel Rosenmann [sic] of the New York Supreme Court is also the president’s personal attorney. – Secretary of State Hull (married to a jew): Hull’s chief aide is the jew Leo Pavolski; most members of the State Department are jews; the president of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives, Bloom, is a jew.


Organization of jewry in the USA:


1.      The “American Jewish Committee” and the “Kehillah” (the activity of the latter is secret; it has great influence on American life; it is almost unknown to gentiles. Both groups were established as a protest against the factual conclusion by the police commissioner of New York General Bingham, according to which 50% of all crimes in New York were committed by jews [1906]: Bingham also provided revelations about jewish pimps, and was fired; the “Kehillah” is the largest and most powerful jewish association in the world; jewish capitalists, Bolshevists, rabbis, union leaders, etc., all belong to the “Kehillah” and each helps the other).


2.      “American Jewish Congress”: and


3.      “American Labour Committee” (huge jewish association). These three organizations are a parallel government for the USA that has all power in its hands. – The publicly announced goal of the three associations: Aid for Palestine and support for needy jews; the real goal is to make the USA into a jewish state, a step on the way to the final goal of a world jewish dictatorship.


4.      “Zionist Organization of America ” (ZOA): Official goal: Building a jewish state in Palestine along the lines of Th. Herzl; 80,000 members in the USA; including affiliated organizations 250,000 members; President: Salomon Goldmann.


5.      “Union of American Hebrew Congregations” over 2,000,000 members.


6.      “Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations”: 400,000 members.


7.      “Anti-Nazi League”, New York; promotes agitation against Germany; carried out the whole boycott effort against Germany; LaGuardia is a member; the organization destroyed several hundred thousand bales of cotton to implement the boycott against Germany: 5,000,000 members, including affiliated organizations.


8.      Women’s organization “Hadassah”: 60,000 members in the USA; affiliated with the “World Organization of Zionist Women” (Wizo).


9.      “National Conference of Christians and Jews”: Based in New York; effort to establish jewish world domination; unites about 250 other Christian-Jewish organizations.


There are also others organizations, some Christian, that support the goal of a Zionist state. – Jewish leadership of Freemasonic lodges in the USA.


Themes and Suggestions:



The young American style that modeled itself politically after England was subverted by the jews in the USA; Aeschylus, Euripides, Irish ballads and popular music, Shakespeare disappeared; The jews Jake, Lee, Skubert [sic], Ziegfield, Harries produced jewish-Oriental plays (Mecca, The Garden of Allah [nude dancing], leading to the “Shimmy”).– The jew introduced “Nigger songs” everywhere, promoted “writers” like the author of “Yes, We Have No Bananas”; he founded magazines to promote “sex appeal”, demoralized the American population through corresponding books, films (film king jew Laemmle), revues, etc. – The jews have understood how to give all forms of art a tone: jewish “artists” led the gentile people to moral and spiritual decline.




From the start of its emigration, jewry in the USA went into commerce, business, and finance, avoiding any form of physical, value-creating labor and rapidly gained almost unlimited influence on domestic and foreign commerce.




Since the beginning of his industrial activity, the jew in the USA has produced worthless things lacking quality, workmanship, endurance, and taste. – The jew despises craftsmanship and is only interested in producing as much as possible from his raw materials, while keeping pay at the lowest level, bribing jewish union leaders, encouraging strikes against competitors, etc.




The agricultural population of the USA is about 30,000,000, among whom are almost no jews (according to the American Jewish Yearbook only 130,000 of the 4.85 million jews in the USA live in small towns, villages, or on farms). – In the countryside, the jew is known only as a traveling salesman, peddler, or as an dealer in poultry, fruits, and vegetables; his business methods have everywhere earned him the title of “crook.”




There is hardly a jew in the USA working underground in mining. – In mining districts, the jew is found only as a trader or deal maker. – If a new supply of metal, oil, and so on is discovered in the USA, a mass of jews immediately shows up and take over trade in the district.




The jew in the USA is particularly active in transportation as owner of moving companies, etc.; now and again also as a taxi owner in profitable cities. – The jew is never a railroad worker, professional driver, etc.




The jew in the USA is unknown in forestry; however, if a settlement develops he appears as a merchant. The rape of North American forests is a dark chapter in the history of jewish exploitation of the country’s natural treasures.




The jew shows up only occasionally and temporarily as a worker, since he shies away from physical labor. – The jew in the USA as building contractor saw his jobs only as an opportunity for exploitation; he built tasteless buildings since he lacks any architectural sense. – The jew Strauss was appointed head of the administrative department in charge of housing.


Legal system:


The danger of jewish shysters and their treasonous cunning is known in the USA. – A “well-known” jewish lawyer is mistrusted by gentile Americans (frequent deposit swindles, etc.). – jewish attorneys represent on a “contingency” basis, including those whose injuries are the result of fraud. – Plots in divorce cases, bribery of witnesses, perjury, etc., are only “little” crimes of jewish attorneys in New York. The gentile citizen of New York knows that he will not receive justice in financial matters from a jewish attorney. – Gentiles have a chance of success only in, for example, cases involving debts on the other side of the river, where Mayor Hague excluded the jews. – The jews sit on the Supreme Court and maintain close relations with their racial comrades in all subordinate offices.


Financial system:


Since the collapse of the fraudulent jewish “Bank of the United States” (over 50 branches in the city of New York alone), the public has had great mistrust toward jewish banks (further example of fraudulent jewish banks: “Strauss Banking Comp., Sam. Insull). – Later the jews used treacherous stock maneuvers to retake control of the banking system. – The behavior of jewish loan companies in the USA (in each city) made government intervention necessary. – Countless cases in which jews made loans with interest that totaled 2-3 times the amount loaned. – On the mortgage market, the jews in the USA demanded discounts that were “nothing but a way of getting around the usury law.” – jewish firms involved in real estate can be called fraudulent enterprises almost without exception (Example Florida: during the height of the property boom the jewish Binder brothers sold property that was under water).




The jew here is primarily a bungler, abortionist, dealer in patent medicines that bring very high profits.


Labor movement:


The “little” jew in the USA is always an enemy of the state; the rich jew is an exploiter “from above,” who works with the relevant labor leader, who is usually a jew as well, and increases social misery to a degree that must appear incomprehensible especially to the German who thinks about the rich natural resources with which the USA is blessed.




New York (Nearly 3 million of its 11 million inhabitants are jews) has the highest crime rate in the USA. – The first large criminal gang in the city (1825) was founded in the business of the jew Rosanna Peers (Perles); that was also the headquarters of “Captain” Coellmann (jew); the leader was the jew “Bowery-Moses,” his successor was Samson (jew). – The second big criminal gang met in the grain dealership of the jew Elias Hart; its leader was Judson (jew). – The leader of the notorious “River Pirates” was the jew Saul. – The worst criminal in the city in the middle of the 19th century was the jew “Italian David.” – The center of crooked gambling in New York was the gambling hell of the jew Sam Suydam, whose best customers were the jew John Jacob Astor and the later U.S. Marshall Captain Isaiah Rynders (jew). – The later owners of the countless gambling hells were almost without exception jews. – In 1888 the jews began the first organization of pimps and prostitution, which soon spread to the whole country. –  The widespread fencing system was introduced in the USA by the jew Joe Erich and built up through a large number of his racial comrades. – The jewess Mandelbaum taught courses in bank robbery and extortion. – For a long time bank robbers were mostly jews (Red Lyons, Bill Mosher, Shinburn, etc.). – The king of burglars in the USA was the jew J. D. Gradys. – Among the worst gangster leaders in the USA were, among others, the jews Danny Lyons, “Bucklige Jackson (Jakobsohn), Ignaz Lupo, and Monk Eastman (Edward Ostermann), who headed the organizations for drugs, pick pocketing, burglary, and prostitution. – The rate of serious crimes has climbed rapidly since 1900 (crime statistics for New York and the whole of the USA show that the jewish percentage of crime was the greatest, and increased from year to year). – jews as Public Enemy #1 (1938 the jew Jacob Gurrah Schapiro; then the jew Lepke). – New York is typical of the whole United States.


Current position of the jews in the USA:


The jews in the USA have power in their hands, suck the people dry and enslave them; they have greatly increased the national debt, corrupted and undermined everything; they have power in a few hands of jews or jewish lackeys; they have encouraged the worst conditions as well opposition to the law, produced a wave of crime and violence; they have waged war (boycotts. etc.) against everything social (also the social state). – They have introduced the absolute rule of gold (money), and they have brought farmers into great debt, and in part completely destroyed them. The jews in the USA treated gentiles just as prescribed for the jews in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.


Population policy:


There are 4.85 million jews in the USA, about 3.7% of the population. – jewish immigration in the USA is encouraged by the “Hebrew Immigrant Society” in New York which on request helps any jew outside the USA to immigrate, even when it is not permissible under immigration regulations; the society “cares for” the jews, securing all necessary papers, documents, and money, and provides all necessary advice. – Cities are the centers for jews in the USA (jewish percentage of the population is about 3.7%, in New York state 17%, in New York City 25%, two-thirds of all jews in the USA live in seven industrial cities on the East Coast, while in the agriculturally-oriented states of the union the percentage of jews in the population is well under 1%).

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