Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Perfidious Putin’s Plans to Flood Russia with ‘Refugees’




Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Russian President Vladimir Putin


Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Russian President Vladimir Putin


Renegade Editor’s Note: Check the link below for the full story.


from Bob in DC


Mudsharking Russia:  The Putin Plans


In 2023 at the Valdai Club* there was a proposal to attract as many refugees from Africa as possible to Russia. This was proposed by Dmitry Poletaev, an employee of the Institute of National Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He even spoke about the fact that specifically for the future import of refugees from Africa, it is necessary to change the legislation of Russia.


It seems that the authorities want to change the racial and national composition of the inhabitants of Russia in every possible way, and turn the Russians into a minority in general.


*If you don’t know, Valdai is sort of the Rossiyan Bilderberg or Davos equivalent for Putin and his cabal of oligarchs and spooks and psychos. They invite weirdos from all over the world to participate and spend colossal sums at these events. Most of the money goes to hookers and coke, as Riley has reported before. Valdai report:


“By 2035 the African population could reach 1.9 billion people, and in 2050 — 2.5 billion people. Because of the increasing competition for resources on this continent and growing risks of economic and political instability, forced migration flows from Africa to Russia may become a new component of the migration situation already in the medium term, and it is worthwhile to prepare for this in advance.


It is necessary to develop and improve migration legislation; improve statistical accounting and the comprehensive analysis of data on migration; to develop a system of integration and adaptation for migrants who do not know the language, culture, and life arrangements in Russia well; support the work of non-governmental organisations in the field of migration; as well as expand and develop migration policy programmes in the Russian Federation.”


They are planning to subsidize the invasion!




P.S. Putin calls for “full-scale implementation” of digital ruble

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