Sunday, September 24, 2023

Tips on Debunking the Holohoax During Debates




-Debates are usually controlled.  There are usually traps set and sly psychological intimidation tactics utilized.  Make sure you set the debate agenda with this in mind and don’t be made to look like a fool.


-Believers in the Holohoax tend to talk and talk and go on and on about nonsense during debates.  They might really believe in the Holohoax because they believe in what they have been told by their Jewry-aligned government.  They usually don’t even know much about the topic of their so-called “Holocaust”.  They can’t prove it!  Don’t put up with their nonsense.  Only deal with facts, figures, logic and science, such as the science behind cremation or the science behind capital punishment via gassing, that can be proven.  All of which debunk the Holohoax.  Stay on those topics!


-Get yes or no answers from Holohoax believers in a debate, and just ask simple questions from them.  Keep them on topic!  Be cool and confident, don’t let them frustrate you with their intimidation tactics that are a distraction.  Don’t do three hours long debates.  Do not let them convolute the Holohoax debate with nonsense, intellectual garbage, word salads and fluff, which Jewry is known for.  Don’t allow them 10 minutes or more of reply time.  Get their answers upfront, right off the bat, straight and simple.  Don’t let them tire you out with nonsense and lull everybody to sleep.  That is their strategy!


-Eyewitness testimony is useless when there is no science to back it.  Hammer the fact that there is no science to prove the existence of deadly “Gas Chambers”.  If there were no gas Chambers, then all the extra stuff that Holohoax believers are saying in debates is irrelevant.  Holohoax survivors lie!  Some really believe the hoax.  They saw something, but they didn’t see a deadly gas chamber.  Science is proof of that!


-Holohoax believers rely heavily on German “documents”.  These “documents” from the Third Reich can and have been faked & forged by the Jewish-aligned Allies and their Bolshevik counterparts, the Soviets.  After they took over Germany, at the end of World War 2, they took control of all the typewriters, paper stationaries, seals of notary, etc.  Also, there were traitors from the aristocracy within the Third Reich who were more than happy to tell lies to justify their treachery against Germany.  History was rewritten by the victors!  You can’t believe anything that comes out of the mouths of Jewry or its puppet Russia, the Jewish so-called “eye-witnesses” and the German traitors of the Third Reich.


-When you have a debate with somebody, it can be very challenging.  It’s hard to remember everything.  Stick to your basic key debunking questions and drive them home.  If you are going to discuss concentration camps, stick to one camp at a time and nail home all of the key debate points associated with them.


-Never trust historical sources written by Jewry and their Jewish Mask.


-Nuremberg trials were a show trial, a kangaroo court.  The Germans on trial were tortured and the court failed to provide forensic evidence of a “Holocaust”.  The Germans were not able to cross examine, and they were not allowed to apply any defense measures to prove their innocence.


-It’s not up to us to prove, the Holohoax didn’t happen.  It’s up to Jewry to prove that Holohoax is not a hoax.  Let’s say that again… It’s not up to us to prove, the Holohoax didn’t happen.  It’s up to Jewry to prove that Holohoax is not a hoax.

-To prepare for debates, read (listen) and understand…

“The Myth of German Villainy” by Benton L. Bradberry


“The Bad War: The truth never told about World War 2” by Mike King


“The Holocaust Handbooks” (series) presented by CODOH


Note: Know the basics of National Socialism to understand why Jewry was determined to destroy Germany…


Note: Review the basics of the Holohoax…

 Update: Banned on Rumble and LinkTree!

Be sure to check out The Noble Protagonist’s 1,100 page E-book, “The Battle to preserve Western Civilization (European Folk Soul vs. Jewish Supremacy).  

Free E-Book available at:

National Socialism Fundamentals (E-Book):

National Socialist Archive (BitChute):

Battle for the West (Website) [site down temporarily]:

Battle for the West (BitChute):

PS: Watch the biggest cover-up in history… Hellstorm: The real genocide of National Socialist Germany

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