Monday, June 27, 2022

Anti-Semitism - Part I

Part I


“Already the pitch has been reached in Great Britain where it is considered bigoted or reactionary to do other than praise the Jews for their industry and ability. Few papers will risk any attack on the Jews, however well-founded, for fear of appearing even distantly anti-Semitic.” (This is more than true in America where it is dangerous to mention any through derogatory to the Jews, and in New York it has been made a crime). (Propaganda in the Next War, Sidney Robertson, p. 92; War! War! War!, Cincinnatus, p, 192).

“The Greeks had had vast experience in this world, their imagination had been fertile and they had created much...that, in these circumstances, they should fall in with a people imbued with a calm and sometimes stolid and bucolic certainty where its spiritual possessions were concerned, barbarians with no sculpture or breeding, necessarily tinged their contempt with impotent wrath. The inevitably logical result of this attitude on the part of the Greeks was the growth of anti-Semitism, of hatred of the Jews.” (Josef Kastein, History of the Jews, p. 92).

“Those other lands were Christian, and they boiled with bigotry. The rulers themselves were more or less tolerant, for they depended upon Jews as their financiers. But the lower classes had no use for them, and butchered them whenever a righteous excuse could be found.

And righteous excuses were not wanting. If a plague broke out, of course the Jews had poisoned the wells. If a war was lost, of course the Jews had aided the enemy. If a boy mysteriously disappeared, of course the Jews had murdered him to procure blood for their Passover drink...” (Rabbi Lewis Browne, Stranger than Fiction, p. 217).

“So against both the Albigenses and the Jews this pope now directed all his fury...The beautiful city of Beziers was razed to the ground. ‘We spared neither dignity, nor six nor age’ writes the monk, Arnold, to his Holy Father, the pope. ‘Nearly twenty thousand human beings perished by the sword. And after the massacre the town was plundered and burnt, and the revenge of God seemed to rage over it in a wonderful manner.” (Rabbi Lewis Browne, Stranger than Fiction, p. 224).

“And finally it came Spain’s turn. Persecution had occurred there on and off for over a century, and, after 1391, became almost incessant. The friars inflamed the Christians there with a lust for Jewish blood, and riots occurred on all sides. For the Jews it was simply a choice between baptism and death, and many of them submitted to baptism.

But almost always conversion on the terms was only outward and false. Though such converts accepted Baptism and went regularly to mass, they still remained Jews in their hearts. They were called Marrano, ‘Accursed Ones,’ and there were perhaps a hundred thousand of them. Often they possessed enormous wealth. Their daughters married into the noblest families, even into the blood royal, and their sons sometimes entered the Church and rose to the highest offices. It is said that even one of the popes was of this Marrano stock.” (Rabbi Lewis Browne, Stranger than Fiction, p. 234-235).

“The day when the Jew was first admitted to civil rights, the Christian state was in danger...the entrance of the Jew into (White) society marked the destruction of the State, meaning by State, the Christian State.” (Benard Lazare, Antisemitism: Its History and Causes, P. 162).

“As Christians learn how self-styled Jews have spent millions of dollars to manufacture the ‘Jewish myth’ for Christian consumption and that they have done this for economic and political advantage, you will see a tremendous explosion against the Jews. Right thinking Jewish leaders are worried about this, since they see it coming.” (Facts are Facts by Benjamin Freedman)

“To national anti-Semitism, produced by the recent genius of peoples, is opposed the age-old genius of the race (nationalities and a race identical in itself)...To intellectual anti-Semitism, produced by the claims of reason, constructed on the solid basis of logic, is opposed a form of thought, troubled, incoherent, passional. To social anti-Semitism, produced by the exigencies of the most conservative principles - sustained by the force of order and hierarchism - opposed by a spirit of innate indiscipline, revolt and unitarism. To economic anti- Semitism produced by the existence and dominance of the right of property, a conception resists and attacks which refuses to that right all necessity and virtue...” (Nomades, Kadmi Cohen).

“The Jewish question exists wherever the Jews live, however small their number. Where it does not exist it is imported by Jew immigrants. We naturally go where we are not persecuted, and, still persecution is the result of our appearance...By persecution we cannot be exterminated...the strong Jews turn proudly to their race when persecution bursts out. Entire branches of Judaism may disappear, break away; the tree lives.” (Israël aux mystérieux destins, A. Cavalier and P. d’Halterive; The Jewish State, Theodore Herzl)

“I believe I understand anti-Semitism which is a very complex movement. I see it as a Jew, but without hatred or fear. I recognize what is anti-Semitism is rude jesting, vulgar jealousy of métier, hereditary prejudice; but also what can be considered as in fact legitimate defence.” (Israël aux mystérieux destins, A. Cavalier and P. d’Halterive; The Jewish State, Theodore Herzl)

“We incessantly produce average intelligences who remain without outlet, and who, because of that, constitute a social danger...The cultivated Jews without fortune naturally all tend today towards Socialism...Aiming the peoples anti-Semitism grows from day to day, from hour to hour, and must continue to grow, for the causes continue to exist and cannot be suppressed...At the bottom we become revolutionaries by proletarising ourselves, and we form the inferior officers of all subversive parties. At the top, at the same time, grows our formidable financial power.” (Israël aux mystérieux destins, A. Cavalier and P. d’Halterive; The Jewish State, Theodore Herzl)

“We look at it objectively with documents and proofs in hand, giving conclusions authorized by fifty years of an attentive life, lived with open eyes in this North Africa, which is, indeed, the most marvelous laboratory and the best ground on which to follow the evolution of the Jew...We live in France under the law of a taboo; that is, of the Jew...Who will say I this Algeria where there is no longer a single journal in which the word Jew can be written with a capital J...Atheist in the religion of others, international in the country of others, revolutionaries in the society of others, but prodigiously jealous and fiercely conservative in what is their own, their originality, spirit and race, such during half a century have the Jews revealed themselves to my attentive eyes...It is not so much through himself and his deleterious action that the Jew is dangerous, it is by the examples he gives, the contagion he exercises, and the spirit he teaches to the unchained masses deprived of direction and too much inclined to imitate...Our anti-Semitism, therefore, is not of violence, disorder or recrimination, but of clairvoyance, of methodical protection; our anti-Semitism is of the State, regulations, and laws.” (Le Péril Juif, Charles Hagel).

“In a general way, if one cannot attribute to the Jew the whole responsibility of the situation, economic, political, and social, by which Algeria is being strangled, it is no exaggeration to recognize him as morally guilty, for the great part of his rìle here, still more than elsewhere, has consisted in corrupting, degrading, and disintegrating.” (Le Péril Juif, Charles Hagel).

“The fact that anti-Semitism was made a criminal offense in Bolshevia does not prove philo-Semitism; on the contrary, one might reason logically thus: Jew-hatred is so rampant in the country that the authorities were compelled to put the offense in the same category as counter-revolution, which is the most severely punished crime in Soviet Russia, for otherwise they would be unable to suppress the tendency.” (The Patriot).

“It is quite evident that the key of the solution of this hoary problem lies in finding ways how to overcome the obstacles of the formidable, both numerically and energetically, revolutionary section of Jewry.” (The Patriot).

“Give order to all the conductors on the road that no Jews are to be permitted to travel on the railroad from any point. They may go north and be encouraged in it; but they are such an intolerable nuisance that the department must be purged of them.” (Grant writing to General Webster at Jackson, on November 10, 1862).

“Refuse all permits to come south of Jackson for the present. The Israelites (Jews) especially should be kept out...” (Series One, Vol. XVII, Part II, of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, from Major General U.S. Grant to Major General Hurlburt, then stationed at Jackson, Tennessee. Writing at La Grange, Tennessee, November 9, 1862, p. 330).

“It was (is) the instinctive policy with the mass of the Jewish nation, a deliberate policy with most of its leaders, not only to use ridicule against anti-Semitism but to label as ‘anti-Semitic’ any discussion of the Jewish problem at all, or, for that matter, any information even on the Jewish problem...If a man alluded to the presence of a Jewish financial power in any region, for instance, in India, he was an anti-Semite. If he interested himself in the peculiar character of Jewish philosophical discussions, especially in matters concerning religion, he was an anti-Semite. If the emigrations of the Jewish masses from country to country, the vast modern invasion of the United States, for instance (which has been organized and controlled like an army on the march), interested him as an historian, he could not speak of it under pain of being called an anti-Semite. If he exposed a financial swindler who happened to be a Jew, he was an anti-Semite. If he exposed a group of Parliamentarians taking money from the Jews, he was called an anti-Semite. If he did no more than call a Jew a Jew, he was an anti- Semite. You cannot long confuse interest with hatred, the statement of plain and important truths with mania, the discussion of fundamental questions with silly enthusiasm, for the same reason that you cannot long confuse truth with falsehood. Sooner or later people are bound to remark that the defendant seems curiously anxious to avoid all investigation of his case...I say it was a fatal policy; but it was deliberately undertaken by the Jews.” (Hilaire Belloc, The Jews, pp. 160-161).

“Ever since the Jews invented the libel charge of ‘anti-Semitism’ in the 1880s (The word ‘anti- Semitism’ was first printed in 1880.’ The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. I (1901), p. 641), it has been built up with Jewish money, organizations, propaganda, and lies (such as the Holocaust- Holohoax), so that now the word is like snake venom which paralyzes one’s nervous system. Even the mention of the word ‘Jew’ is shunned unless used in a most favorable and positive context.” (Charles A. Weisman, Who is Esau-Edom?, p. 63).

“Anti-Semitism is so instinctive that it may quite simply be called one of the primal instincts of mankind, one of the important instincts by which the race helps to preserve itself against total destruction. I cannot emphasize the matter too strongly. Anti-Semitism is not, as Jews have tried to make the world believe, an active prejudice. It is a deeply hidden instinct with which every man is born. He remains unconscious of it, as of all other instincts of self-preservation, until something happens to awaken it. Just as when something flies in the direction of your eyes, the eyelids close instantly and of their own accord. So swiftly and surely is the instinct of anti-Semitism awakened in a man...there is not a single instance when the Jews have not fully deserved the bitter fury of their persecutors.” (Samuel Roth, Jews Must Live, (1934), p. 64).

Friday, June 24, 2022

Protocols of Zion: Protocol XVI – Brainwashing






Protocol No. 16 – Brainwashing




2. We shall exclude from the course of instruction State Law as also all that concerns the political question. These subjects will be taught to a few dozen of persons chosen for their preeminent capacities from among the number of the initiated. THE UNIVERSITIES MUST NO LONGER SEND OUT FROM THEIR HALLS MILK SOPS CONCOCTING PLANS FOR A CONSTITUTION, LIKE A COMEDY OR A TRAGEDY, BUSYING THEMSELVES WITH QUESTIONS OF POLICY IN WHICH EVEN THEIR OWN FATHERS NEVER HAD ANY POWER OF THOUGHT.


3. The ill-guided acquaintance of a large number of persons with questions of polity creates utopian dreamers and bad subjects, as you can see for yourselves from the example of the universal education in this direction of the GOYIM. We must introduce into their education all those principles which have so brilliantly broken up their order. But when we are in power we shall remove every kind of disturbing subject from the course of education and shall make out of the youth obedient children of authority, loving him who rules as the support and hope of peace and quiet.




4. Classicism as also any form of study of ancient history, in which there are more bad than good examples, we shall replace with the study of the program of the future. We shall erase from the memory of men all facts of previous centuries which are undesirable to us, and leave only those which depict all the errors of the government of the GOYIM. The study of practical life, of the obligations of order, of the relations of people one to another, of avoiding bad and selfish examples, which spread the infection of evil, and similar questions of an educative nature, will stand in the forefront of the teaching program, which will be drawn up on a separate plan for each calling or state of life, in no wise generalizing the teaching. This treatment of the question has special importance.




6. In order that he who rules may be seated firmly in the hearts and minds of his subjects it is necessary for the time of his activity to instruct the whole nation in the schools and on the market places about this meaning and his acts and all his beneficent initiatives.


7. We shall abolish every kind of freedom of instruction. Learners of all ages have the right to assemble together with their parents in the educational establishments as it were in a club: during these assemblies, on holidays, teachers will read what will pass as free lectures on questions of human relations, of the laws of examples, of the philosophy of new theories not yet declared to the world. These theories will be raised by us to the stage of a dogma of faith as a traditional stage towards our faith. On the completion of this exposition of our program of action in the present and the future I will read you the principles of these theories.


8. In a word, knowing by the experience of many centuries that people live and are guided by ideas, that these ideas are imbibed by people only by the aid of education provided with equal success for all ages of growth, but of course by varying methods, we shall swallow up and confiscate to our own use the last scintilla of independence of thought, which we have for long past been directing towards subjects and ideas useful for us. The system of bridling thought is already at work in the so-called system of teaching by OBJECT LESSONS, the purpose of which is to turn the GOYIM into unthinking submissive brutes waiting for things to be presented before their eyes in order to form an idea of them …. In France, one of our best agents, Bourgeois, has already made public a new program of teaching by object lessons.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Allen Ginsberg - Media Model for America’s Youth

by Dr. William L. Pierce


Three weeks ago a man named Allen Ginsberg died, at the age of 70. If you were a university student in the 1960s or 1970s, his name will be very familiar to you. He was the person chosen by the media to be the number-one guru for America’s youth during that period. He’s been a sort of secondary guru ever since, and if you studied literature even in the 1980s or 1990s you got a dose of him. He always was treated in a worshipful sort of way by the media, in order to make the more gullible young people believe that he was some sort of genius who was to be taken very seriously. We could see this same worshipful attitude again when the media people reported his death earlier this month. I listened to NBC’s Tom Brokaw talk about Ginsberg on the evening television news. Brokaw behaved as if he were reporting the death of George Washington or Thomas Jefferson. He spoke of Ginsberg as if he had been a talented and sensitive poet, a great soul who had passed away, leaving us all sadder and poorer for the loss. He even read the first line of one of Ginsberg’s so-called “poems,” Howl. And he did it all with a straight face. There was no hint in his facial expression or tone of voice that he wasn’t completely serious. I didn’t see the way the other TV-news anchor-people dealt with Ginsberg’s death, but I presume it was similar to the way Brokaw did it. Certainly, the tone of all of the print media that I saw also was worshipful.


Let me tell you about Allen Ginsberg, this great and sensitive soul who contributed so much to America and whose passing we all should mourn. Ginsberg was a drug-crazed, homosexual, Communist Jew. I do not use any of those terms lightly. He was very homosexual, very Communist, and very Jewish, and he was a big promoter of drug use by young people back during the 1950s and 1960s. He was not a guru, if we intend the normal meaning for that word, which is “spiritual teacher.” Judging from what he said and wrote during his life, he never had a spiritual impulse. Nor was he a poet, if we have any reasonable definition of what constitutes poetry. Of course, he pretended to be both a guru and a poet, and the media vigorously supported his pretensions. He was simply a degenerate piece of filth. His mind was a sewer. He was a con man, who made a good living from his pretensions.


To realize the full truth of this you need to read – actually read for yourself – what Ginsberg wrote, which his media promoters call “poetry” – in fact, “great poetry.” I intended to quote a few samples myself, but I couldn’t find anything that I’m willing to repeat. His writing is almost indescribably filthy and perverted. I am not a prude, I am not sexually repressed, and I’m sure that I often say or write things which are offensive to many people. So when I tell you that there’s nothing Ginsberg wrote that I’m willing to quote, believe me, it’s pretty sick stuff.


The best I can do is to paraphrase a couple of his poems to give you an idea of their content. His best-known poem is Howl. That’s the one that attracted the attention of the big media Jews back in 1956 and resulted in their decision to promote him as a “guru” and a cultural icon for young Americans. I repeat, Tom Brokaw read the first line of Howl with a sober expression on the NBC Evening News – and without mentioning that Ginsberg was a homosexual or a Communist. The poem begins like this: “I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed . . . .” That’s as far as Brokaw went, giving the average listener a very limited impression of what Ginsberg had in


mind when he wrote Howl. A few lines later the poem describes homosexual couplings with motorcyclists and sailors in the most graphic possible language.


Another of Ginsberg’s better-known writings is Kaddish, which he wrote in 1961 about his mother, who had died five years earlier. He describes in revolting anatomical detail his fat, aging mother lying naked on a bed while he contemplates having sex with her, thinking maybe that’s what she wants. He also describes, in the same revolting detail, his mother vomiting into a toilet and having a bowel movement on the bathroom floor.


In 1995 Ginsberg had a collection of his poems published under the title Cosmopolitan Greetings: Poems 1986-1992. One of the poems in this collection is titled Sphincter. It’s a poem about his anus – that’s right, his anus – and the various uses it’s been put to in his homosexual activities. Very graphic. This collection was in the finals for the Pulitzer Prize in 1995.


I won’t cite any more of Ginsberg’s so-called “poetry.” But I want you to understand what it’s really like. The examples I’ve mentioned are by no means exceptional. They are typical of the sort of filthy scribbling that Ginsberg called “poetry.” They are representative. They display the infantile, narcissistic attitude that underlies liberalism. They are the barely coherent expressions of a child playing with his own feces and his own genitalia, looking for new ways to gratify himself. And that’s all that Ginsberg wrote: nothing serious, nothing except drugs, homosexual activity, degeneracy. If there is any idea that characterizes Ginsberg’s writing, it is the liberal idea that everything is relative, nothing is evil, no attitude or life-style or sexual orientation is better than any other, and the purpose of life is self-gratification.


Ginsberg is said to have launched the hippie movement of the 1960s, not to mention the “beat” movement of the preceding decade. I don’t know about that, although certainly the hippies shared a similarly infantile outlook. Ginsberg has, however, had a substantial influence on many people who grew up during the 1960s and 1970s – not as a consequence of his own efforts, but because the Jewish media establishment made the conscious decision to make him influential, to hold him up as a cultural icon. Because of this conscious effort of the Jewish media bosses, books of Ginsberg’s scatological, homosexual, drug-induced ravings are found in nearly every public and school library in the country. Ginsberg received all sorts of academic and literary awards. One book of his scribblings was given the National Book Award in 1974. He was nominated to the American Academy and the Institute of Arts and Letters. He was given a faculty position at Brooklyn College, which he still held at the time of his death. He was a favored speaker at hundreds of colleges around the country. And the media were always praising him, always taking him seriously, always holding him up as a model for young, impressionable students. Reviewers in Jewish papers like the New York Times referred to him as “America’s greatest living poet” and called his poetry “brilliant.” They used the same sort of meaningless double-talk to make fools take him seriously that the art critics use to make other fools take the hideous daubings of modern “artists” seriously. One reviewer wrote of Ginsberg’s poetry: “The Judeo-Christian dualism    of good versus evil is obliterated by an oriental relativism that neatly does away with the consequences of the spiritual pride that has bloodied the pages of Western ecclesiastical history.” Another wrote that Ginsberg’s poetry is “in one of the oldest traditions, that of Hosea or the other angry minor prophets of the Bible.” Some of the literary critics claimed to see parallels between


Ginsberg’s literary efforts and the mission of Jesus to redeem the world. This sort of nonsense impresses many people, unfortunately.


Even when Ginsberg bragged in public about his pederasty or his illegal drug use, he continued to be held up as a great, creative genius, and he continued to be given awards. In 1995, just two years ago, he bragged to a newspaper interviewer, “I sleep with young boys,” but that didn’t discourage Stanford University from setting up a Ginsberg Center and buying all of Ginsberg’s personal papers, manuscripts, and so on to preserve them for posterity.


You know, Ginsberg was just a filthy, little, perverted, drug-crazed, Communist Jew. The world would be a lot cleaner place if all of his kind were swept up and buried in a deep hole somewhere. But Ginsberg, by himself, was not especially dangerous. The things he wrote were not likely to influence any healthy person. They were attractive only to sick creatures like himself.


Ginsberg, for all of his depravity, must take second place to the truly evil and destructive creatures who promoted him, who decided to make an icon of him, and who still praise him. Ginsberg became dangerous only after the big Jews, the media bosses, decided to use him as a weapon against White society and began promoting him. But even the Jewish media bosses are what they are. Everything they do is destructive to us. It is in their nature.


The ones we ought to save our anger for are the traitors among our own people who collaborated with the media bosses in promoting Ginsberg. I would sooner shoot the president of Stanford University for going along with the idea of a Ginsberg Center, or shoot Tom Brokaw for collaborating in the postmortem elevation of Ginsberg to sainthood, than I would shoot Ginsberg himself. Every newspaper writer who praised Ginsberg’s trash, every newspaper editor who allowed the praise to be published in his paper, every university librarian who eagerly recommended Ginsberg’s filth, every literary reviewer who treated Ginsberg seriously – every one of them has done inestimable damage to our people.


For 40 years university students have been told by Jewish literature professors – and by trendy, collaborating professors from our own people – that Ginsberg was a genius, that his poetry was “brilliant” and showed great “sensitivity,” that Ginsberg had great literary creativity. The students not only heard this from their professors, they read the same thing from the literary reviewers, and they heard various Hollywood figures refer adoringly to Ginsberg. And you know, a lot of our university students may have high IQs, but they really aren’t very smart, if you understand what I mean. They haven’t learned to look beneath the surface for truth. They believed their Jewish professors. They believed the reviewers.


So we’ve had two generations of literature students graduating from our universities who believe that Kaddish and Sphincter and Howl are great poetry, that Ginsberg had a great, creative soul, and that his filth is something to be imitated. And that’s what our people have been trying to do: not only to imitate Ginsberg’s scribblings, believing them to be art, but also trying to imitate his life-style, believing it to belong to a nobler and more saintly way of life than that of our own people. How many thousands of our young men and women have had their lives destroyed by these false beliefs! This is the way the Jews destroy a culture, destroy a society, destroy a people.


I’ve talked about these things before, and I guess that too often they sounded theoretical, and I’m sure that many of you didn’t really take it to heart when I told you that it is in the nature of the Jew to try to destroy any non-Jewish people with whom he is in contact.


Allen Ginsberg is a splendid illustration of the truth of what I have been telling you. Go to any large library and do two things. Sit down and read for yourself what Ginsberg wrote. Read his so-called poetry for yourself, since I do not want to quote it. Then, read what the reviewers have had to say about Ginsberg. There’s a lot of that in the periodicals in connection with his death.

And every large library has not only books by Ginsberg but also books about him. Read how he has been praised and is still being praised. And think about the fact that this is the image of Ginsberg presented to American university students today.


Ginsberg’s filth is what is presented to our young people as a sublime example of literary creativity. Ginsberg is presented as a sensitive genius. Think about it. Perhaps then you will share my view about what ought to be done to Tom Brokaw and the president of Stanford University. Perhaps then you will understand the urgency of our task to take the mass media away from the Jews.


I’ve also talked before about the nature of liberalism and about the roots of this spiritual disease. I’ve told you that liberalism is narcissistic and infantile, that it is an arrested state of emotional and spiritual development. And perhaps my words seemed too theoretical, not concrete enough. Allen Ginsberg is a wonderfully concrete example. Read Ginsberg and you will understand the meaning of narcissism. And contemplate the way in which liberals have responded to Ginsberg. A liberal is a person who when he or she was very young was oriented toward making mud-pies with his own feces and playing with his genitalia and never developed emotionally beyond this stage when he grew up. Now, that is a very crude and simplistic statement, and in the case of many individual liberals it may not even be literally true. But there is a sense in which it is generally true for all liberals, a sense in which it expresses the essence of liberalism. Allen Ginsberg and his relationship with the liberal establishment are the proof of that.


Occasionally I’ve talked about homosexuality on these broadcasts, but I haven’t gotten into the subject in depth because it’s such an unpleasant one. And more than that, it’s difficult to convey my full meaning when I say that homosexuality is something which should be abhorrent to every spiritually healthy person. There is a tendency on the part of many well-meaning persons – not liberals, but persons who are a bit naive and a bit too trusting – to be taken in by the campaign of the Jewish media and our current government and the liberal establishment to portray homosexuals as essentially normal people who just happen to have a different sexual orientation. The fact is that homosexuality is a disease of the soul. There is no such thing as a “normal” homosexual. Homosexuality colors a person’s entire outlook, his entire attitude toward life, toward himself and the world around him. Many homosexuals are pretty skillful at covering this up, at pretending to be just like everyone else except in the privacy of their bedrooms. But they aren’t like healthy people at all, either in the bedroom or out of the bedroom. They are sick and tortured souls. They are truly depraved. If you want to understand what I mean by that, read Ginsberg.


Read Ginsberg and you will understand why homosexuals should not be in our armed forces. You will understand why they always have been regarded as security risks – and, believe me, it’s not just because they can be blackmailed. Ginsberg’s poetry will help you to understand why homosexuals should not be tolerated in our society, why they should not be permitted to teach or to have any position of influence over others.


I feel a bit sheepish in telling you to read Ginsberg. I don’t want to be seen as a promoter of his filth. And I don’t tell you to read him because I want to titillate you, as if I were telling you, “Hey, look at this really raunchy inscription I found on the men’s room wall.” The reason you need to know about Ginsberg and about his promoters is so that you will understand that there is evil in our midst. Too many of us, in our sheltered, middle-class lives, don’t understand that. But indeed, there are evil men among us, men who intend to destroy us and everything that we have created. We must not try to hide from these men and hope that they will go away if we don’t provoke them. When we send our sons and daughters off to college, we send them into the arms of these evil men. When we let our children watch television, we hand them over to these evil men.


We must not try to hide from them. We must stand up and oppose them. We must understand that if we do not destroy them, they will destroy everything that is noble and decent and beautiful and good on this earth, because that is their nature.