Tuesday, December 27, 2022

High Finance - Part I

Part I

„Under the pressure of international finance the atmosphere in Europe became very congested. Instead of using the huge money resources for cultural purposes, the international banking houses urged unlimited armaments of European States, and sometime deliberately precipitated military adventures. In this connection it is of interest to recall a statement of Israel Zangwill, the well-known Zionist leader, to the effect that it was Mr. Jacob Schiff who financed ‘the Japanese War against Russia,’ (See Israel Zangwill’s „The Problems of the Jewish Race,“ p. 14, The Judaic Publishing Company, New York). as well as another statement, that of Mr. George Kennan, revealing the fact that it was the same banker who financed the revolution among Russian war prisoners in Japan (Compare the report on a Socialist meeting held in Carnegie Hall on March 23, 1917, to celebrate the Russian Revolution, as recorded in the New York Times, March 24, 1917). Immense munition plants, such as Krupp and Szkoda, Poutiloff, and Manfred Weiss, Deutsch & Son, and Schneider, were all controlled directly or indirectly by high finance, forming part of the interlocking system. Nor should it be forgotten that the same group of cosmopolitan bankers invariably have given their support to varioius enterprises which helped the Central Powers to further their imperialistic plans. Thus, soon after the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, when the Dual Monarchy began her war preparations against Italy, it was this bankers’ group which loaned 300 million kronen for the expansion of the Austrian navy, with the result that the new battleships were christened by one part of the European press as „Rothschild dreadnaughts.“ (The World at the Cross Roads, Boris Brasol, pp. 11- 12).

„Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews’ Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet.“ (Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869, Henry Ford also noted that:It was a Jew who said, ‘Wars are the Jews’ harvest’; but no harvest is so rich as civil wars.’ The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem, Vol. III, p. 180).

„I fear the Jewish banks with their craftiness and tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America. And use it to systematically corrupt modern civilization. The Jews will not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos that the earth should become their inheritance.“ (Bismarck)

„...the main purveyors of funds for the revolution, however, were neither the crackpot Russian millionaires nor the armed bandits of Lenin. The ‘real’ money primarily came from certain British and American circles which for a long time past had lent their support to the Russian revolutionary cause...The important part played by the wealthy American Jewish Banker, Jacob Schiff, in the events in Russia...is no longer a secret.“ (Red Symphony, p. 252)

„Mr. Lawton, in one remark, throws a sidelight on the moving forces behind the revolution, which might suggest to him further investigation as to the origin of what has become a world movement. That movement cannot any longer be shrouded by superficial talk of the severity of the Russian regime, which is so favorite an excuse among our Socialists for the most atrocious action, of the Bolsheviks, who did not come into power till six months after Tsardom was ended: I wish to emphasize the paramount role which the power of money played in bringing about the Revolution. And here it may not be out of place to mention that well documented works have recently been published in France proving that neither Robespiere nor Danton were isolated figures upon the revolutionary stage, but that both were puppets of financial backers...

When the first revolution broke out Lenin was in Zurich, where he was financially helped by an old Swiss merchant, who later went to Russia to live as a permanent guest of the Revolution, and some time afterwards disappeared. If Lenin had not obeyed the orders of his pay-masters how long would he have remained in the land of the living?“ (The Patriot; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Léon De Poncins, pp. 168-169).

The influence of the Jews at the present time is more noticeable than ever. That they are at the head of European capitalism, we are all aware...In politics many of the Jews are in the front rank...That their excessive wealth, used as it has been, acts as a solvent influence in modern society cannot be questioned...But while on the one hand the Jews are thus beyond dispute the leaders of the plutocracy of Europe...another section of the same race (people) from the leaders of that revolutionary propaganda which is making way against that very capitalist class, representing their own fellow Jews. Jews, more than any other men...are acting as the leaders in the revolutionary movement which I have endeavored to trace.“ (Nineteenth Century, January, 1881, pp. 10-11, art. by H.M. Hyndman, entitled The Dawn of a Revolutionary Epoch).

„Some years ago a Jewish financier was reproached for pouring millions of dollars into Soviet Russia. ‘Have you,’ he tersely retorted, ‘ever visualized in your mind what would happen to our brethren in Russia should - God forbid - the Soviet regime collapse? the retaliatory measures would be terrible, apart form the outbursts of the avengeful populace.’ The fact remains that in Russia anti-Semitism obtains now in the same degree as in the Czarist days with the sole difference that now it is driven underground, which aggravates the malady.“ (The Patriot).

The constant wars which followed William’s accession had compelled the king to borrow large sums from the London merchants (Jews). Out of these loans sprang, first the National Debt, which was destined to grow, eventually by leaps and bounds, from less than a million of pounds up to so many hundred millions, that all thought of ever paying it is now given up. The second result was the organization of a company for the management of this colossal debt, the Bank of England.“ (D.H. Montgomery, The Leading Facts of English History, (1893) 2nd Edition, p. 288).

„The financial career of the Rothchilds is the key to the history of the Jewish Banking in the nineteenth century...The plan adopted by him of establishing branches in the more important European capitals, over which he placed his sons, was followed by other Jewish banking-houses...the influence of Jews on Banking...was due to the preliminary advantage given to them by their international position.“ (The Jewish Encyclopedia (1902), Vol. II, p. 492-93) {The other Jewish families that adopted the Rothschild plan of establishing local banking branches in European cities include: The Lazards, Sterns, Speyers, Seligmans, Warburgs and Leob families}.

„It was the Jews who first permitted kings to maintain costly armies of mercenaries. In Spain, it was largely the part of Jewish finance that allowed the king to defeat the Arabs.“ (Abram Leon, The Jewish Question, p. 166)

„Give me control of the money of a country and I care not who makes her laws.“ (Meyer Rothschild).

„The Rothschilds introduced the rule of money into European politics. The Rothschilds were the servants of money who undertook the reconstruction of the world as an image of money and its functions. Money and the employment of wealth have become the law of European life; we no longer have nations, but economic provinces.“ (New York Times, Professor Wilhelm, a German historian, July 8, 1937).

„Dear Sirs: A. Mr. John Sherman has written us from a town in Ohio, U.S.A., as to the profits that may be made in the National Banking business under a recent act of your Congress (National Bank Act of 1863), a copy of which act accompanied his letter. Apparently this act has been drawn upon the plan formulated here last summer by the British Bankers Association and by that Association recommended to our American friends as one that if enacted into law, would prove highly profitable to the banking fraternity throughout the world. Mr. Sherman declares that there has never before been such an opportunity for capitalists to accumulate money, as that presented by this act and that the old plan, of State Banks is so unpopular, that the new scheme will, by contrast, be most favorably regarded, notwithstanding the fact that it gives the national Banks an almost absolute control of the National finance. ‘The few who can understand the system,’ he says ‘will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.’ Please advise us fully as to this matter and also state whether or not you will be of assistance to us, if we conclude to establish a National Bank in the City of New York...Awaiting your reply, we are.“ (Rothschild Brothers. London, June 25, 1863. Famous Quotes On Money).

In reply to the above letter Messrs. Ikelheimer, Morton and Vandergould replied: Dear Sirs: ‘We beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of June 25th, in which you refer to a communication received from Honorable John Sherman, of Ohio, with reference to the advantages, and profits, of an American investment under the provisions of the National Banking Act.

Mr. Sherman possesses, in a marked degree, the distinguishing characteristics of a successful financier. His temperament is such that whatever his feelings may be they never cause him to lose sight of the main chance. He is young, shrewd and ambitious. He has fixed his eyes upon the Presidency of the United States and already is a member of Congress (he has financial ambitions too). He rightfully thinks he has everything to gain by being friendly with men, and institutions, having large financial resources, and which at times are not too particular in their methods, either of obtaining government aid, or protecting themselves against unfriendly legislation...Requesting that you will regard this as strictly confidential, Most respectfully yours, Ikelheimer, Morton and Vandergould.“ (Pawns In The Game, William Guy Carr, pp. 55-57).

„If you will look back at every war in Europe during the nineteenth century, you will see that they always ended with the establishment of a ‘balance of power.’ With every re-shuffling there was a balance of power in a new grouping around the House of Rothschild in England, France, or Austria. They grouped nations so that if any king got out of line, a war would break out and the war would be decided by which way the financing went. Researching the debt positions of the warring nations will usually indicate who was to be punished.“ (Economist Sturat Crane).

„The Jews...are at the root of regicide, they own the periodical press, they have in their hands the financial markets, the people as a whole fall into financial slavery to them...“ (The Siege, p. 38)

„For the last one hundred and fifty years, the history of the House of Rothschild has been to an amazing degree the backstage history of Western Europe...Because of their success in making loans not to individuals but to nations, they reaped huge profits...Someone once said that the wealth of Rothschild consists of the bankruptcy of nations.“ (Frederic Morton, The Rothschilds)

„The fact that: The house of Rothschild made its money in the great crashes of history and the great wars of history, the very periods when others lost their money, is beyond question.“ (E.C. Knuth, The Empire of the City)

„Under this roof are the heads of the family of Rothschild -- a name famous in every capital of Europe and every division of the globe. If you like, we shall divide the United States into two parts, one for you, James [Rothschild], and one for you, Lionel [Rothschild]. Napoleon will do exactly and all that I shall advise him.“ (Reported to have been the comments of Disraeli at the marriage of Lionel Rothschild’s daughter, Leonora, to her cousin, Alphonse, son of James Rothschild of Paris).

„Slavery is likely to be abolished by the war power and chattel slavery destroyed. This, I and my [Jewish] European friends are glad of, for slavery is but the owning of labor and carries with it the care of the laborers, while the European plan, led by England, is that capital shall control labor by controlling wages. This can be done by controlling the money. The great debt that capitalists will see to it is made out of the war, must be used as a means to control the volume of money. To accomplish this, the bonds must be used as a banking basis. We are now awaiting for the Secretary of the Treasury to make his recommendation to Congress. It will not do to allow the greenback, as it is called, to circulate as money any length of time, as we cannot control that.“ (Hazard Circular, issued by the Rothschild controlled Bank of England, 1862).

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Self-Discipline and Moral Health

Source: Free Speech magazine, September 2001, Volume VII, Number 9


by Dr. William L. Pierce


Well, the murder of White farmers and the gang-rape of White women by AIDS-infected Blacks continues apace in South Africa, as does the seizure and trashing of White farms in Rhodesia. Rhodesia’s Black dictator, Robert Mugabe, is boasting openly now of his intent to run all Whites out of Rhodesia. He understands now that no other country will come to the aid of the White Rhodesians, and he can do anything he wants to them. The British government of Tony Blair talks about not letting Britain’s cricket team play in Rhodesia, and the U.S. government of George Bush talks about imposing visa restrictions on Mugabe and members of his government if he doesn’t behave himself, and so Mugabe is laughing at them and proceeding with his plan to ethnically cleanse Rhodesia.


I could talk more about these things happening to our kinsmen in southern Africa and about the failure of our corrupt and treasonous governments to do anything to stop what is happening. I could talk more about the way in which the Jew-controlled news media in America consistently ignore these things: the same media that spearheaded the effort to persuade Americans only a decade ago to apply economic and diplomatic pressure to White South Africans until they turned their country over to Blacks.


I also could talk about more horrible Black-on-White crimes that have been committed in America recently and about the refusal of the controlled media to report these crimes. There’s certainly plenty of that happening, and it’s important to publicize it, as I often have done in earlier broadcasts.


Today, however, perhaps you will bear with me while I talk about a much more prosaic matter: less blood-stirring than the murder and rape of our kinsmen in southern Africa and less provocative than crimes against our people in America. What I want to talk about today is what’s happening to the character and the spirit of our people. That’s important, and in a sense it’s as much at the root of our other problems as is the control of our news and entertainment media by the Jews or the corruption of our political process and of our governmental and social institutions resulting from that control.


Actually, I’ve talked about this before, but I’ll try to deal with different aspects of it today. In discussing the changing character and moral quality of our people, it’s important for us to have some fixed standards to which we can refer. I don’t want to sound like some old geezer complaining about how much tougher he had it as a kid than today’s kids do. So I’ve collected input from a number of other observers: teachers, parents, employers. I’ve tried to get balanced and reasonably accurate views of the state of morals in America today and that of 50 years ago, and to examine the differences and to try to understand what caused the differences.


I’ve also examined statistics where they were available. It’s difficult to quantify some moral elements numerically, but others can be quantified or at least, correlated in a reasonable way with things that can be quantified. For example, I believe that it is reasonable to correlate the level of personal debt with the ability to postpone gratification: the greater the level of personal debt – typically mortgage debt and credit card debt – the less the ability to postpone gratification. In the last 30 years, the average personal debt in America, measured as a percentage of income, has increased 70 per cent. People are much more likely today to spend money they don’t have than they were 30 years ago. And there is, of course, a penalty for that. People end up spending a great deal more for the things they want if they borrow money to buy them, and so they end up being able to buy less than the person who earns his money before he buys and therefore pays no interest.


Without beating around the bush, I’ll tell you now what I have concluded about the change in the moral quality of our people during the past half century. American men and women today are softer, weaker, less reliable, less willing to accept responsibility, less patriotic, less able to endure discomfort or hardship, less willing to postpone gratification, and more willing to tolerate weakness and corruption in others than they were 50 years ago. And White American men are less masculine than they were 50 years ago.


I haven’t studied the matter enough to decide whether women are less feminine than they were. Certainly, there still are many very feminine women in America, but there also are more than enough unfeminine women running around today, and these un-feminine women, these feminists, certainly have more influence and are doing much more damage than they were permitted to do in the past. Whether American women as a whole are less feminine than in the past, however, I can’t say. But it definitely is the case that American men are less manly on the average than they used to be. And by “less manly” I don’t mean less sexually active; I mean less dignified, less self-reliant, less dependable, less self-confident, less courageous. Today they talk more and whine more, are less inclined to keep their commitments, and are more inclined to wait for someone to tell them what to do. They aren’t as tough as they used to be.


Our people are less disciplined than they used to be. More specifically, they have less self-discipline, less ability to use will power, to make themselves do what they believe they ought to do. There is in each of us a combination of infantile urges and more mature desires and needs. The infant seeks only to gratify himself and to avoid pain. The well-developed man or woman has a more inclusive concept of “self” than the infant. He is concerned not only about his own needs but also about the needs of his family, his community, his clan, his nation, and his race.


And the well-developed man or woman has longer-range needs than the infant. The infant wants instant gratification, instant relief from discomfort. That’s all that is of concern to the infant; nothing else matters. The well-developed adult, on the other hand, thinks about future needs and future dangers and is able to balance these against present feelings: against present desires and fears and pain. He subordinates the present to the future. If he decides that a future need is important, he will suppress present desires, endure present discomfort, and face present dangers, in order to achieve his future goal. The ability to do this is a function of a person’s degree of self-discipline. The person without self-discipline remains infantile in his behavior, and often in his attitudes as well. The person with a high degree of self-discipline is able to keep his infantile urges under firm control and to marshal all of his resources, all of his strength and intelligence, to accomplish what he believes is most important.


This undoubtedly is an over-simplification, but I believe that it is nevertheless useful to look at all of the aspects of moral decline that I mentioned earlier: the greater softness, the lesser dependability, the lesser self-reliance, the lesser ability to postpone gratification, and the lesser degree of patriotism, as consequences of lesser self-discipline. By lumping all of these aspects of moral decline together as a decline in self-discipline, we only need to ask ourselves: what has caused our decline in self-discipline, by and large? Why does the average American man or woman today have less self-discipline than the average American of 1940 or 1950?


I believe that there’s more than one answer, more than one reason for the lesser degree of self-discipline today. In the first place, self-discipline develops as a result of the application of external discipline, especially when we are young. There is, of course, a genetically determined component of self-discipline, the innate self-discipline of the race as a whole, which evolved with us over millions of years and enabled us to survive. Because our temperate-zone environment was less forgiving and imposed a harsher external discipline on us, and on other races that also evolved in the North, than the tropical-zone environment imposed on the races that evolved in the Tropics, we and the North Asian peoples, the Japanese and the Chinese, for example, have greater innate self-discipline than Blacks do. But self-discipline also is the consequence of training, of the deliberate application of external discipline, when we are young. And it is clear that there is much less of that today than 50 years ago.


The raising of children in America has been feminized, softened. Spankings and other forms of corporal punishment are out. In fact, the prevailing attitude among White parents today is that any sort of punishment or denial is a bad thing. Disobedience no longer merits a whipping or the withdrawal of an allowance. Disrespect to a parent no longer earns a hard slap across the face and being confined to one’s room for a few days. Self-indulgence in children actually is encouraged today.


Daily chores, which used to be the norm for children, no longer are required. The number of children who are trained on a musical instrument or who are trained in any way at all has declined drastically. In America’s feminized child-raising environment, to require a ten-year-old child to practice for two hours every day on the piano or the violin is considered cruel and unusual. To require a 12-year-old to spend four hours a day studying Latin or mathematics after school is equally abhorrent to television-bred parents.


So the lack of external discipline for children today definitely is a big part of the problem. And why is external discipline no longer imposed? Well, for one thing, we live in a less demanding world or so it seems to most Americans at the moment. We are fat and soft and spoiled. Technological advances have given the average family so many labor-saving appliances in the laundry room, in the kitchen, and in the yard that less labor is needed. The tendency today is not to repair things or to clean things and reuse them, but to throw them out and buy new ones. So chores for the kids aren’t really the economic necessity they used to be. And with both parents working outside the home, with the day-care center replacing the parents, the enforcement of proper standards of behavior becomes more difficult. Most parents don’t even try. They just let their kids absorb their morals from television and then run with the pack.


But there are other reasons for why external discipline no longer is imposed on children: propaganda against it. We experience propaganda that makes discipline a bad word, propaganda that makes the whole concept of discipline suspect and Politically Incorrect. Discipline is “fascist.” Disciplined is what the German Nazis were, with their heel clicking and saluting and their“Jawohl, mein Führer!” The disciplined Germans were evil and racist. We’ve seen that in a thousand Hollywood films and a thousand TV serials. Much better to be relaxed and informal and insubordinate. That’s the American way. Take the Black man as a model in this regard. Discipline leads to the gas chambers and to guilt, guilt, guilt! To discipline a child is to warp him and make a little Nazi out of him. That’s the party line that has been pumped into us by television and by Hollywood for the past 50 years.


For the most part, the party line that the Jews have fed us from Hollywood has been implicit rather than explicit. Implicit propaganda is generally more effective, because it’s less obvious and more difficult to counter. When they launched the “counterculture revolution” on America’s college and university campuses 40 years ago, however, they came out of the closet. They denounced any sort of discipline or self-restraint in quite explicit terms. The assault on discipline was just one front in a Jewish war against everything traditional. The aim was not only to turn Gentile students against authority and to get them to abandon their own standard of conduct: it was to turn the whole Gentile world upside down.


At the same time that discipline was denounced explicitly as “Nazi,” there were assaults on so-called “racism” and “sexism” and traditional morality and traditional standards of civility and decorum and grooming. There were demands for more Black students to be recruited and more Black professors to be hired, regardless of qualifications; for women to be treated like men; for coed dormitories; for an end to the emphasis on Western, that is, on White civilization, which was denounced as racist and sexist. It was the beginning of Political Correctness: Whites are bad, Blacks are good; heterosexual men are suspect, women and gay men are okay; discipline and self-restraint are stuffy and old-fashioned whereas licentiousness, incontinence, and wantonness are “cool.” Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Ho Chi Minh, Eldridge Cleaver, and Malcolm X became campus heroes and role models.


The amazing thing is that the Jews were able to persuade not only homosexuals and feminists and non-Whites to go along with their crusade against traditional Gentile society; they also were able to persuade heterosexual White men and women. Clearly, there already was a good deal of softness in our society, especially at our universities.


Many groups were behind the crusade against discipline, but no one expressed its spirit better than the two Jewish youth activists, Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman, leaders of the Youth International Party, or “yippies” for short. These two Jews probably got as much media publicity as all the other counterculture revolutionaries together. Rubin’s book, Do It!, was published in 1970 by the Jewish publisher Simon and Schuster, which is owned by multibillionaire Jewish media boss Sumner Redstone, who also owns MTV and CBS, among other media. You can find Rubin’s book in nearly every public and university library, and it would do you good to read it, but I’ll read you just a few excerpts now, in which Rubin explains what the Jewish counterculture revolution is all about. And I apologize ahead of time for the obscene language. Part of the Jewish strategy was to break down all the traditional standards of behavior and discourse and to make civility and polite language seem old-fashioned.


Puritanism leads us to Vietnam. Sexual insecurity results in a supermasculinity trip called imperialism. Amerikan foreign policy, especially in Vietnam, makes no sense except sexually. Amerika has a frustrated penis, trying to drive itself into Vietnam’s tiny slit to prove it is The Man. The revolution declares war on Original Sin, the dictatorship of parents over their kids, Christian morality, capitalism, and supermasculinity trips.…Our tactic is to send niggers and longhair scum invading white middle-class homes, fucking on the living room floor, crashing on the chandeliers, spewing sperm on the Jesus pictures, breaking the furniture, and smashing Sunday school napalm-blood Amerika forever.


We will do whatever is forbidden. We will outrage Amerika until the bourgeoisie dies of apoplexy. We will turn Amerika’s colleges into nudist camps.


Rubin says much more for example, he tells his young readers that they should kill their parents because parents are repressive and keep the kids from doing what they want to do, and he always spells “America” and “American” with a “k” instead of a “c” in order to suggest a German and therefore a Nazi flavor. He ends his book with the counterculture manifesto:


At community meetings all over the land, Bob Dylan will replace the National Anthem. There will be no more jails, courts, or police. The White House will become a crash pad for anybody without a place to stay in Washington. The world will become one big commune with free food and housing, everything shared. All watches and clocks will be destroyed. Barbers will go to rehabilitation camps, where they will grow their hair long. There will be no such crime as “stealing” because everything will be free. The Pentagon will be replaced by an LSD experimental farm. There will be no more schools or churches because the entire world will become one church and school. People will farm in the morning, make music in the afternoon, and fuck whenever they want to.


Again, I apologize for the language, but I really wanted you to get the flavor of what the Jews were pushing on our university campuses. I was there at the time, as a professor. The kids were absorbing the Jews’ propaganda, and most of the parents were too busy with their own affairs to pay attention. Books such as Do It! were very widely read, and despite the childish phrasing and shock-effect style were taken seriously by millions of young, White Americans, just as was the Jewish singer Bob Zimmerman, who used the name Bob Dylan.


Although Rubin and Hoffman and the other Jews on our campuses went further and expressed things more brazenly and more crudely than the mainstream media, the mainstream media supported them, as witnessed, for example, by Simon and Schuster’s publication and distribution of Rubin’s book. All of the Jews in the media were peddling the same poison, just packaged differently for different segments of our population. And very few people who knew better were willing to speak out against what was happening, from fear of being denounced as “anti-Semitic” or “racist.” The people who knew better also had become too soft and too lacking in self-discipline.


Certainly, we ourselves are to be blamed for failing to structure our society in a way to keep ourselves disciplined as our technological advances freed us from natural disciplinary pressures. The attitude in America during the past few generations has been, “I want my children to have an easier life than I had, a softer life.” The attitude instead should have been, “It is my responsibility to ensure that my children grow up to be strong, self-disciplined men and women.” And we should have structured our schools and other institutions, and our child-raising practices, accordingly. But we didn’t. And because we didn’t, we have a generation of White Americans who are softer and flabbier mentally, morally, and physically than we had two generations ago.


In addition to this huge mistake on our part, however, we made the even bigger mistake of permitting Jews to infiltrate our society and to take over virtually all of our mass media of news and entertainment, which in the television age are able to determine what most of our people think. And the Jews have used their control of the media to exacerbate the indiscipline resulting from our own laxity. They have done everything they could to make us even softer and flabbier and therefore less willing and less able to resist their further encroachments.


Nature does not for long tolerate softness and indiscipline in man or in beast. Either we will free ourselves from Jewish influence and then restructure our society so as to make our race fit once again, or we will cease to exist as a race. This is a fact of life, and it is a fact that justifies whatever means are necessary, even the bloodiest and most radical means, to bring our people once again to moral health.


* * *

Saturday, December 17, 2022

The Dachau Gas Chamber – Documents, Testimonies, Material Evidence


Source: https://holocausthandbooks.com/index.php?page_id=49


by Carlo Mattogno




Ever since the occupation of the Dachau Camp by the U.S. Army in late April 1945, the homicidal gas chamber claimed to have existed in the camp’s crematorium has been one of the hot spots of Allied atrocity propaganda, and later a mainstay of the orthodox Holocaust narratives. The accusations followed the pattern created by the Soviets after their occupation of the Majdanek and Auschwitz camps in Poland. Both the Soviets and the Americans exaggerated victim numbers and attributed features to these gas chambers which are demonstrably impossible.


While initial witness statements and U.S. reports maintained that poison gas was fed into the chamber through shower heads, the narrative soon changed, and it was alleged that Zyklon B was thrown through openings in the outside wall instead. A third claim states that ampules of an unknown liquid gas were meant to be thrown in through a chute in an inside wall.


This study looks at the available evidence and tries to make sense of it all. Assessing the evidence is very difficult, not only because there are few and contradictory witness and expert reports. There are also problems involving the physical evidence. The equipment alleged to perform these operations makes absolutely no sense if the purpose was indeed to exterminate prisoners.


While SS physician Dr. Siegmund Rascher wrote a letter in 1942 that a facility was being built at Dachau Camp as it existed already in Linz, historians insist that the conversion of a room inside the Dachau Crematorium for the purpose of exterminating human beings only took place in 1944. Rascher’s reference to a facility in Linz points at Hartheim Castle, though victims there are said to have been killed with bottled carbon monoxide, not Zyklon B.


In addition, the heating and ventilation equipment of the Dachau facility was very cumbersome and costly, and yet, it would have been utterly ineffective. Moreover, the currently claimed means of introducing poison gas by simply dumping Zyklon-B pellets irrecoverably on the floor is so primitive that it would have turned any mass gassing into a nightmare for the operators as well. These claims by historians fly in the face of how the Degesch Zyklon-B delousing facilities in the same building were operated. Finally, the room under scrutiny had six massive, fully operable floor drains designed to drain massive amounts of water. But where was that water supposed to come from, if not from real showerheads?


This study attempts to assess these contradictions and show what was realistically possible. It does not deny the injustice of imprisonment and the mistreatment of millions of people during World War Two. However, acknowledging this injustice is possible without exaggerations and the creation of false myths.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Jewish Involvement in the Bolshevik Revolution

Source: https://codoh.com/library/document/jewish-involvement-bolshevik-revolution/en/


by John Wear

Published: 2022-12-05


The Bolshevik Revolution in the Soviet Union was not primarily a Russian Revolution. Instead, it was primarily led by a non-Russian, Jewish ethnic minority that hated Russians and the Czar for their alleged anti-Semitism.[1] This article documents some of the evidence indicating that Jews were the driving force behind Communism and the Bolshevik Revolution.


Jewish Sources


Many Jews and Jewish publications have confirmed the predominately Jewish nature of Communism and the Bolshevik Revolution. For example, according to the Encyclopedia Judaica:


The Communist movement and ideology played an important part in Jewish life, particularly in the 1920s, 1930s, and during and after World War II…Individual Jews played an important role in the early stages of Bolshevism and the Soviet regime…The great attraction of Communism among Russian, and later also Western, Jewry emerged only with the establishment of the Soviet regime in Russia…Communist trends became widespread in virtually all Jewish communities.[2]


Leon Trotsky’s book Stalin, written in exile, attempted to show that Stalin had played only an insignificant role in the early days of the Communist takeover. To illustrate his point, Trotsky reproduced a postcard depicting the six leaders of the revolution. These leaders were: 1) Vladimir Lenin (who was at least one-quarter Jewish, spoke Yiddish in his home, and was married to a Jewess); 2) Trotsky (real Jewish name: Lev Bronstein); Zinoviev (real Jewish name: Hirsch Apfelbaum); Lunacharsky (a Gentile); Kamenov (real Jewish name: Rosenfeld); and Sverdlov (Jewish). Thus, according to Trotsky, five of the six leaders of the Communist takeover of the Soviet Union were Jewish.[3]



Israeli historian Louis Rapoport, in his book Stalin’s War Against the Jews, wrote:


Immediately after the Revolution, many Jews were euphoric over their high representation in the new government. Lenin’s first Politburo was dominated by men of Jewish origins

…Under Lenin, Jews became involved in all aspects of the Revolution, including its dirtiest work. Despite the Communists’ vows to eradicate anti-Semitism, it spread rapidly after the Revolution – partly because of the prominence of so many Jews in the Soviet administration, as well as in the traumatic, inhuman Sovietization drives that followed. Historian Salo Baron has noted that an immensely disproportionate number of Jews joined the new Bolshevik police, the Cheka, “perhaps in subconscious retaliation for the many years of suffering at the hands of the Russian police.” And many of those who fell afoul of the Cheka would be shot by Jewish investigators.[4]

Jewish historian Dr. Angelo Solomon Rappoport wrote: “The Jews in Russia, in their total mass, were responsible for the Revolution.”[5]

A number of Jewish publications, such as The Jewish Chronicle, have also disclosed Vladimir Lenin’s Jewish heritage.[6]

The Jewish magazine The American Hebrew in 1920 stated that the Bolshevik revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains and planning. It wrote: “The Bolshevik movement is neither polite nor tolerant; in its initial phase it was purely destructive…What Jewish idealism and Jewish discontent have so powerfully contributed to accomplish in Russia, the same historic qualities of the Jewish mind and heart are tending to promote in other countries.”[7]


The predominately Jewish nature of the Bolshevik Revolution was confirmed by the Jew, M. Cohen, on April 12, 1919 in The Communist Charkov. Cohen stated: “Without exaggeration, it may be said that the great Russian Revolution was indeed accomplished by the hands of the Jews.”[8]


American Military Intelligence


Many officers in the Military Intelligence Division (MID) of the U.S. Army reported that most Bolsheviki leaders were Jews. MID’s New York office reported “that there is now definite evidence that Bolshevism is an international movement controlled by Jews.” In Bern, an American agent reported that 90% of those attending secret Bolshevik meetings were Jews. The British Government also obtained evidence that the Bolshevik movement throughout the world is an international conspiracy of Jews. The official MID viewpoint was that “Jewish intellectuals have had the leading and commanding part everywhere,” and because of “the growing power of the Jews,” they practically controlled the Soviet government.[9]


International Jewish intrigues began to surface within MID during the summer of 1918. An agent linked the Joint Distribution Committee of Jewish War Relief, the Federal Reserve Board, New York Jewish bankers, and the American Jewish Committee with Jewish financiers and centers of propaganda and spying in Germany. The agent also said that the Jewish Bolsheviks who had seized control of Russia now conspired to overthrow other governments. Almost all of the top leaders in the Soviet government were identified as being Jews.[10]


U.S. Gen. Amos A. Fries told MID’s chief in 1926 that Polish officers believed that Jewish leaders, most disguised behind Russian names, really controlled the Soviet Union. Fries wrote: “[O]f the Russian Congress some 70% were Jews and the remaining 30% were largely figure-heads…real power…was entirely in the hands of the Jews who were in it…for what they could get out of it, and very few members…really believe in the doctrines which they preach.”[11]


Gen. Fries and Eli A. Helmick, inspector general of the army (1919-1927), viewed Bolshevism as the continuation of an international conspiracy that originated with the Illuminati in the 18th century. They told audiences that the Illuminati incited the great French Revolution of 1789 and “were the influence which led to the bloodshed during the reign of terror.” The Communist International of Lenin and Trotsky was the modern form of this conspiracy, from which more bloody destruction could be expected.[12]


MID argued that both Jewish Bolsheviks and Jews in general in the Soviet Union profited at the expense of real Russians. Jews monopolized the privileged government offices and easy “graft jobs,” while confiscating the old regime’s most valuable riches and smuggling them out of the country. Jews encouraged bribery and were behind “all speculation in foodstuffs.” Despite the revolutionary zeal with which Jews dispatched the Red Army against enemies, one MID informant complained that he never saw a Jew anywhere close to the front.[13]


Col. William Godson, one of the American Army’s most valued intelligence officers, wrote from Poland: “The connection between the Jews and the Bolsheviki at Vilna seems to be proven without a shadow of a doubt. When the Bolsheviki entered the city, they were taken to the houses of the wealthy by the Jews and apparently had this matter arranged beforehand.” Godson wrote two years later: “I am so thoroughly convinced of the reality of a Jewish movement to dominate the world that I hate to leave a stone unturned.”[14]


Other American Sources


David R. Francis, the American Ambassador to Russia at the time of the Russian Revolution, sent a cable to the U.S. government in January 1918: “The Bolshevik leaders here, most of whom are Jews and 90% of whom are returned exiles, care little for Russia or any other country but are internationalists and they are trying to start a worldwide social revolution.”[15]


Capt. Montgomery Schuyler, an American army intelligence officer in Russia during the Russian Revolution, wrote in an official report: “It is probably unwise to say this loudly in the United States, but the Bolshevik movement is and has been since its beginning, guided and controlled by Russian Jews of the greasiest types…”[16] Schuyler returned to the United States in early 1920. In a speech at the Church of St. John the Evangelist in New York, Schuyler stated:


The government of Russia is almost entirely Jewish, and our United States Army in Siberia was full of Bolshevist Jews straight from Moscow. They had entered the United States and enlisted in the U.S. Army going to Siberia. Gen. Graves, the commander, had a staff that was almost entirely Jewish…Owing to the Bolshevist Jews in our army, all information that should have reached Kolchak went straight to Moscow.[17] 


U.S. Congressman Louis McFadden documented the Jewish control of Soviet communism. In a speech to Congress on June 15, 1934, McFadden said that the Soviet government in 1917 was composed of 565 persons as follows: 32 Russians, two Poles, one Czech, 34 Letts, three Finns, 10 Armenians, three Georgians, one Hungarian, 10 Germans and 469 Jews. McFadden said that the Jews in the Russian government did not represent the thoughts and ideals of the 150 million Russian citizens. Instead, he described Jews in the Soviet government as aliens and usurpers who were not concerned with the welfare of the Russian people.[18]


John Beaty, in his book The Iron Curtain Over America, wrote that the first Soviet commissariats were largely staffed with Jews. Under Lenin’s and Trotsky’s leadership, a small number of highly-trained Jews from abroad, along with Russian Jews and non-Jewish followers of Marxist ideology, were able to make themselves masters of Russia. The Jewish control of the Communist movement was well understood in Russia.[19]


Henry Ford, the revolutionary automaker, knew that Jews were behind the Bolshevik Revolution. Ford wrote:


Russian Bolshevism came out of the East Side of New York where it was fostered by the encouragement – the religious, moral and financial encouragement – of Jewish leaders.


Leon Trotsky (Bronstein) was an East Sider. The forces which fostered what he stood for centered in the Kehillah and the American Jewish Committee. Both were interested in the work he set out to do – the overthrow of an established government, one of the allies of the United States in World War One. Russian Bolshevism was helped to its objective by Jewish gold from the United States – and by the ignorance and indolence of the Gentile citizens of the United States whose crimes of omission are almost as grave as those of Bolshevik commission.[20]


American historian Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson writes that the USSR was largely Jewish, based far more on Jewish ethnic identity than Marxism. Josef Stalin continued this trend and backed Jewish ethnic interests indirectly throughout his entire life. Jews remained in control of the Stalinist system even through the purges. Dr. Johnson also writes that Stalin had three wives, all of them Jews, and that Vyacheslav Molotov was married to a Jew.[21]

Ernest Elmhurst confirmed the predominately Jewish nature of the Bolshevik Revolution. He wrote:


During 1920, the Council of Commissaries consisted of 20 members, of which 17 were Jews and only three Russians. The Commissariat of War then consisted of 43 members, of which 34 were Jews. In the Commissariat for Foreign Affairs, out of 17 members 14 were Jews, while in the Commissariat of the Provinces, 21 out of 23 were of the same race, as were 45 out of the 55 members of the Commissariat of the Interior. In the Department of the “Fourth Estate,” the Press, out of 42 members 41 were Jewish, the only exception being the “shabes goy” – Gentile front – Maxim Gorky.[22] 


Other Sources


British Intelligence reports stated that Jews controlled the Communist revolution in the Soviet Union. The first sentence in a lengthy British Intelligence report dated July 16, 1919, stated: “There is now definite evidence that Bolshevism is an international movement controlled by Jews.”[23] 



Winston Churchill, in an article appearing in the Illustrated Sunday Herald on February 8, 1920, wrote: “There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews....” Churchill described Communism as a “sinister confederacy” of “International Jews” who “have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.”


Churchill said of Communism:


It is not only a creed; it is a plan of campaign. A Communist is not only the holder of certain opinions, he is the pledge adept of a well-thought-out means of enforcing them. The anatomy of discontent and revolution has been studied in every phase and aspect, and a veritable drill book prepared in a scientific spirit of sabotaging all existing institutions. No faith need be kept with non-Communists. Every act of goodwill, or tolerance or conciliation or mercy or magnanimity on the part of governments or statesmen is to be utilized for their ruin. Then, when the time is ripe and the moment opportune, every form of lethal violence, from revolt to private assassination, must be used without stint or compunction. The citadel will be stormed under the banners of liberty and democracy, and once the apparatus of power is in the hands of the Brotherhood, all opposition, all contrary opinions must be extinguished by death. Democracy is but a tool to be used and afterwards broken.[24]


Jews dominated the Communist secret police, which underwent many name changes, including Cheka, OGPU, GPU, NKVD, NKGB, MGB, and KGB. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, in his book Gulag Archipelago, lists the leading administrators of the Communist secret police: Aron Solts, Yakov Rappoport, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Genrikh Yagoda, and Naftaly Frenkel. All six are Jews.[25] In fact, every head of the secret police under Josef Stalin was a Jew.[26] Moisei Solomonovich Uritzky, a Jew, was also the Cheka’s first chief.[27]



According to a statement made by researcher Michael Mills, an official of the government of Australia at Canberra: “It is legitimate to adopt a critical attitude toward the relatively large number of Jews who, particularly in the first decade after the Bolshevik revolution, collaborated with the Soviet Government in the persecution of other peoples.”[28]



British author Nesta Webster said that Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky were instrumental in the success of the Bolshevik Revolution. She wrote about Lenin’s sealed train, which traveled from Switzerland to the Russian border: “Out of a list of 165 names published, 23 are Russian, three Georgian, four Armenian, one German, and 128 Jewish.”[29] Webster also wrote: “At about the same time, Trotsky arrived from the United States, followed by over 300 Jews from the East End of New York and joined up with the Bolshevik Party.”[30]



Dr. Joseph Goebbels stated in a speech at Nuremberg on September 10, 1936:


What is called Bolshevism has nothing whatsoever to do with what we understand by “ideas” and an “outlook on life” (Weltanschauung) in general. It is nothing but a pathological and criminal kind of madness, devised by Jews, as can well be proved, and led by Jews who aim at destroying the civilized nations of Europe and at founding a Jewish-international world regime that would subject all nations to their power...Lenin, the Father of the Bolshevist Revolution, stated frankly that falsehoods are not only justified but have proved to be the most effective tools in Bolshevist struggle.[31]




Communism and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia have clearly been led by a Jewish ethnic minority. When chess genius Bobby Fischer was asked at a press conference in 1992 about his views on Communism, Fisher said, “Soviet Communism is basically a mask for Bolshevism which is a mask for Judaism.”[32] Fischer correctly understood the overwhelming Jewish involvement in Communism and the Bolshevik Revolution.



[1] Duke, David, The Secret Behind Communism, Mandeville, LA: Free Speech Press, 2017, p. 12.

[2] Encyclopedia Judaica, Jerusalem, Israel: Keter Publishing House Ltd., 1971, Vol. 5, pp. 792-793. 

[3] Trotsky, Leon, Stalin: An Appraisal of the Man and His Influence, translated by Charles Malamuth, London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1968.

[4] Rapoport, Louis, Stalin’s War Against the Jews: The Doctors’ Plot and the Soviet Solution, New York: The Free Press, 1990, pp. 30-31.

[5] Rappoport, Angelo S., The Pioneers of the Russian Revolution, London: Stanley, Paul and Co., 1918, p. 250.

[6] Ben-Shlomo, B. Z., “Reporting on Lenin’s Jewish Roots,” Jewish Chronicle, July 26, 1991, p. 2.

[7] The American Hebrew

, Sept. 10, 1920, pp. 434, 507.

[8] Elmhurst, Ernest F., The World Hoax, 1938, p. 41.

[9] Bendersky, Joseph W., The “Jewish Threat”: Anti-Semitic Politics of the U.S. Army, New York: Basic Books, 2000, pp. 60, 69, 116, 118.

[10] Ibid., pp. 55-58.

[11] Ibid., p. 199.

[12] Ibid., p. 14.

[13] Ibid., p. 118.

[14] Ibid., pp. xii-xiii.

[15] Francis, David R., Russia from the American Embassy, New York: C. Scribner’s & Sons, 1921, p. 214.

[16] U.S. National Archives, Record Group 120: Records of the American Expeditionary Forces, June 9, 1919.

[17] Elmhurst, Ernest F., The World Hoax, 1938, p. 36.

[18] Fighting the Federal Reserve: The Controversial Life and Works of Congressman Louis Thomas McFadden: New Brunswick, NJ: Global Communications, 2011, pp. 511-512.

[19] Beaty, John, The Iron Curtain Over America, Dallas, TX: Wilkinson Publishing Company, 1955, p. 28.

[20] Ford, Henry, The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem, Boring, OR: CPA Book Publisher, 128.

[21] Johnson, Matthew Raphael, The Soviet Experiment: Challenging the Apologists for Communist Tyranny, Upper Marlboro, MD: The Barnes Review, 2019, pp. 72-73.

[22] Elmhurst, Ernest F., The World Hoax, 1938, p. 40. 

[23] National Archives, Dept. of State Decimal File, 1910-1929, file 861.00/5067.

[24] Fish, Hamilton, FDR The Other Side of the Coin: How We Were Tricked into World War II, New York: Vantage Press, 1976, p. 51.

[25] Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, The Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956, New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1975, p. 79.

[26] Greife, Hermann, Jewish-Run Concentration Camps in the Soviet Union, p. 1.

[27] Duke, David, The Secret Behind Communism, Mandeville, LA: Free Speech Press, 2017, p. 91.

[28] The Forward, March 10, 2000.

[29] Webster, Nesta H., The Surrender of an Empire, London: Boswell Printing and Publishing, 1931, p. 77.

[30] Ibid., p. 73.

[31] Goebbels, Joseph, Communism with the Mask Off and Bolshevism in Theory and Practice, Ostara Publications, 2013, pp. 31, 33.

[32] Brady, Frank, Endgame: Bobby Fischer’s Remarkable Rise and Fall – from America’s Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness, New York: Crown Publishers, 2011, p. 249.