Saturday, October 12, 2024

Holocaust Encyclopedia: Amazon Reviews



Academic Research Media Review Education Group Ltd (ed.), Holocaust Encyclopedia: Uncensored and unconstrained, Armreg Ltd. London 2023, 634 pages, 8.5”×11” hardback, index, bibliography, b&w or color illustrated, ISBN: 978-1-911733-05-8 (color), 978-1-911733-06-5 (b&w).


The Pinnacle of Holocaust Research!


Roberts (5-star review), June 23, 2024


This Holocaust Encyclopedia is hands down, the most amazing, meticulously well-researched, and exhaustive collection of historical Holocaust information printed to date. There is not one issue, not one point of controversy, not one corner of taboo narrative left unaddressed. No stone is left unturned. We all know that historically the victors typically write the history, and we all know that in war atrocity propaganda has long been a tactic to demonize the enemy. This encyclopedia carves through all of the myths and propaganda noise about the Holocaust to deliver the unvarnished Truth about the most well-financed historical narrative in history.


As you read, the mythic tall tales get taken down one by one while the tragic reality of what happened shines through, supported by impeccable research, backed by primary sources, empirical data, scientific findings and original documentation. The sources for this Holocaust Encyclopedia aren’t just limited to the very tunnel-visioned filter of a well-financed narrative of the victors of war, but rather span the globe from the US, across the UK and Europe, and into Russia, gathered together over the past seven decades.


Without a doubt, this Holocaust Encyclopedia is priceless and an invaluable source for anyone wanting to learn about, or teach, the reality of the events surrounding WWII and the Holocaust. It’s especially interesting that the critics of this vast work never actually soundly debunk anything in it – not one thing – but simply use slanderous terms, accusations, and the “nuh-uh” rebuttal. All void of any substance. But that’s because the only way to attack truth is through lies and vitriol – but that ultimately fails. We all need to mature in our filtering of info, and stop being so gullible for the stories and narratives of the victors of war. History is never that clean and neatly packaged. This Holocaust Encyclopedia will undoubtedly help you to view this piece of history with a more critical and discerning eye, and you will be richly rewarded with truth and new understanding, and what was once a droned historical narrative will come to life anew. This book is worth every penny. And as a bonus, the publishers made an interactive, usable version online so that you can try-before-you-buy. Can’t beat that!


Armreg’s Holocaust Encyclopedia. Note that the printed book is available only with hard-cover binding (b&w or color). The paperback version has been discontinued, as its binding was not sturdy enough for this heavy book.


A Welcome Return to Objective Analysis over Polemicism


Jacob Tyler (5-star review) June 24, 2024


One would think that as important as an understanding of World War 2, and the actual factual history of that period is to understanding our world in its present state that the number of choices of scholarly works to immerse ourselves in would be overwhelming if anything.


Instead, what we find is that most works of this nature do not focus on providing the reader and student of history with an encyclopedic frame of reference for what happened to whom, when, where, and why… but rather (usually less than encyclopedic in actuality) litany of talking points and accounts.


If the work in question was a work of classic literature, that would be all well and good. But those who do not wish to repeat the mistakes of the past and rather, wish to learn from them, will likely be frustrated by this approach, as it renders most so-called Holocaust Encyclopedias more a strange sort of catechism, than a canonical study aid.


If “Never Again” is to be our mantra, than we can and must do better. This new Holocaust Encyclopedia seeks to correct this appalling lack of utility in its predecessors by focusing not on indoctrinating the reader, but on arming and equipping them with the actual facts and data about all of the locales and the people involved.


Incredible though it may seem, this encyclopedia is making history all over again, but dedicating itself to being an actual compendium of all of the relevant information, the candid truth seeker will need to know beyond a shadow of reasonable doubt what happened to whom and when.


As such, I can wholeheartedly say that EVERYONE needs to own a copy of this work, no matter how many Holocaust Encyclopedias they might already have in their library.


Holocaust Denialism Masquerading as Academic Research


Dan OH (1-star review) May 14, 2024


Be wary of publications like this one and websites that masquerade as legitimate academic publications. They have bought the domain which if you did not know any better, you would think that this is a trusted resource. The website uses conspiratorial language such as “Our project is special, unique, irreplaceable, and at the very top of what irritates the politically correct and kosher establishment.” It labels it as a voice in the wilderness crying out against the wishes of the “Powers that be.”


The encyclopedia ignores the testimony of thousands and tries to mask denial in the veneer of scientific and historical methods of research. It also fails to identify the various so-called scholars and academics behind this encyclopedia. Not to mention it is sponsored by the committee for open debate on the holocaust which the SPLC has labeled as an antisemitic and revisionist organization promoting conspiracy theories about the Holocaust.


Editor’s Comments


What is conspiratorial about the sentence: “Our project is special, unique, irreplaceable, and at the very top of what irritates the politically correct and kosher establishment”??? Amazon banning this book PROOFS this very point to be true.


Our encyclopedia contains more then 270 entries summarizing and discussing witness statements – in contrast to the mother of all mainstream encyclopedias, Gutman’s 1990 Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, which contains ZERO entries on witness accounts, and neither summarizes nor discusses any. So, which “encyclopedia ignores the testimony of thousands”?


This review is a typical hatchet job of a denier of reality and obfuscator of truth, turning black into white and up into down.


Excellent Debunking of Myths, so You Can Focus on the Truth.


Fred (5-star review) June 8, 2024


One of the reasons the Holocaust narrative comes in for a lot of criticism (aside from the fact that in many places you aren’t allowed to criticize it, unlike just about any other historical event), are the parts that have accreted since WW2 and have been found to be false. e.g. the lampshades of human skin.


So, a book which handily debunks the actual bunkum is very useful to allow scholars and the historically interested concentrate on the undoubtedly true parts.


It is unfortunate that some choose to see that as holocaust denial rather than be thankful that there is a source to prevent the propagation of gross lies that, when revealed, cause people to doubt everything and turn into deniers, and be skeptical of actual facts.


Given that the research seems impeccable and footnoted, if there are problems with it; perhaps a source is not as reliable as it appears? It seems that the authors should be informed so that subsequent editions will be corrected or annotated. Like most large projects it is likely that there are some innocent errors, but to err is human.


It also behooves critics to be specific and honest, and not paint with a broad brush.


After all, just because some accounts of the holocaust have been admitted to be 100% made up, doesn’t mean that they all are, but those that are false should be called out in the interest of historical truth.




Excellent Academic Research, with Hundreds of Witness Statements and Sources Clearly Referenced


Francis Meyrick (5-star review) May 30, 2024


I cannot recommend this Holocaust encyclopedia enough. I would give it ten stars if I could.


It details everything most thoroughly with literally hundreds of witness statements. It extensively and clearly quotes multiple irrefutable sources & supporting publications. For many of them, free online resources are given, so everyone can fact-check the claims made. Thus, no one has to take anything at face value.


There are 579 entries, of which over 300 deal with ‘witness accounts’. The honest searcher will soon have good reason to suspect that many of these ‘witnesses’ were coerced, tortured, stage-managed, repeating hearsay, or simply downright mendacious. Making absurd stuff up. Often in defiance of basic physics & chemistry.


The hard copy, which I have lying here, open on my desk, is truly beautifully produced. A veritable treasure trove to the serious historian.


I am especially impressed with the depth of knowledge on display, the scientific details, and the compassionate & respectful tone throughout.


I have studied the so-called Holocaust for many years now, and I have a collection of some fifty books on the subject. I can say without hesitation, that this encyclopedia fully justifies its description.


Well-Researched Book


John Wear (5-star review) June 23, 2024


I found the Holocaust Encyclopedia to be an excellent source of information concerning the Holocaust. I recommend this well-researched book to anyone who wants to learn more about the Holocaust.


Conscientious Study of Controversies Concerning the Holocaust


C (5-star review), May 30, 2024


A sincere effort to make an objective assessment of evidence concerning the treatment of Jews, and others, during the Third Reich. The contributors exhibit understanding and empathy for the suffering of that class of civilians caught up in the system of arrest and detention in the prison system operating in German-occupied territory before and during World War II. This study counters many unsubstantiated assertions made years after the end of the war of testimonies by individuals which conflict with the hard evidence available to researchers.

Monday, October 7, 2024

They Don’t Know When to Stop




Renegade Editor’s Note: I took a comment on an article about Israel’s attacks against Hezbollah, edited it slightly, and turned it into an article.


by EternalNonJew


Israel- and jews in general- are so stupid doing such a provocation when they can’t even beat the rag-tag band of teenage boys and pensioners that is Hamas in Palestine. Hezbollah is far more sophisticated and well-armed than the bunch of kids popping out of tunnels with AKs in Gaza. When Israel fought Hezbollah in 2006, they were defeated (of course, they tried to claim it was a “draw”). It was that war where Israel began giving diapers to its soldiers because they were literally defecating and urinating in their uniforms. Hezbollah is also far more ruthless than Hamas. Some kid in Hamas will pop out of a tunnel, spray a bunch of Israelis, and flee back into the tunnels to come out another one on another bunch of soldiers. Hezbollah, on the other hand, is far more likely to use an injured Israeli soldier as “bait,” with snipers covering them to shoot the medics or evac teams.


It is typical of jews to provoke a war when public sympathy for them has worn thin in other countries and when their own soldiers are exhausted from murdering women and children without rest. They are now provoking a much more efficient and ruthless enemy so that the remaining public sympathy they have in the West will evaporate. We’ve seen the photographs of the ten-year-old girl’s funeral now. We’ve seen the video of the teenage boy working in a grocery store being thrown against a wall and breaking his neck because some inbred jew in the safety of an army base detonated the pager of the jihadist whose groceries he was packing.


Jews just don’t know when to stop. We see it with their “dear fellow white people” nonsense in the West, where they could have stopped while they were ahead in the 2000s and nobody cared about politics, and everybody with White skin said, “I don’t see race,” and therefore, were complacent to our own genocide. However, they just HAD to push it and make us all wake up to White genocide with “We must eradicate whiteness, or we will not survive.” We see it with Gaza, where they could have killed Sinwar and launched special forces raids, killing other Hamas jihadists but keeping civilian casualties to a minimum, and very few people in the West, except the eternal protestors, would have cared. Instead, they had to commit open genocide with tanks blowing up children at point blank range and machine gunners shooting pensioners in the knee caps and then shooting off their limbs one by one. There’s something seriously wrong with jews. They just don’t seem able to take the win and stop. They are such a weird race of savages.


I’m reminded of a quote that a jew can’t accept a mutually beneficial deal because if you’re happy with the agreement you and the jew make, then the jew knows it could have extorted more from you so it will keep on until you aren’t happy because the it knows it got the most it can. I can’t remember whose quote it was, but watching Israel completely destroy what little remaining credibility it has among everyone except Protestant fundamentalists in order to get a small “victory” is reminiscent of that.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Israel Confirms Its Ground Invasion of Lebanon Has Begun




by Dave DeCamp


The US says it was informed of the Israeli plans ahead of the invasion.


The Israeli military announced early Tuesday morning that its ground invasion of Lebanon has started, confirming earlier reports that Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers were operating on the ground inside Lebanon.


The IDF said its troops are conducting “limited, localized, and targeted ground raids” against Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon as Israeli airstrikes continue across the country. The ground raid comes after a week of heavy Israeli airstrikes that have killed over 1,000 people, including many civilians.


While the Biden administration has claimed it wants a ceasefire in Lebanon, it is supportive of the Israeli invasion and said it was informed of the plan. A US official told The Times of Israel that the administration has accepted Israel’s goal of removing Hezbollah positions from near its northern border but is concerned Israeli forces could get bogged down in Lebanon.


Some US officials are unhappy with President Biden’s backing for Israel’s escalations, with one telling HuffPost that the US was permitting “a nihilistic regional murder spree.”


A second US official speaking to HuffPost was asked about the claim that the ground invasion will be limited and said, “It will be big. Everyone who says it’s going to be ‘limited’ is a white man who thinks a million dead brown people is ‘limited.’”


While Hezbollah has been hit hard and its leadership has been decimated, the group says it’s ready to fight invading Israeli troops. “We are quite ready, if the Israelis want a ground incursion, the resistance forces are ready for that,” Hezbollah’s deputy, Sheikh Naim Qassem, said in a video message.


“Israel is committing massacres in all areas of Lebanon until there is no house left without traces of Israeli aggression in it. Israel attacks civilians, ambulances, children and the elderly. It does not fight fighters, but rather commits massacres,” he added.


Qassem also took aim at the US, calling it “a partner with Israel, through unlimited military support – culturally, politically, financially.”


The US officials speaking to HuffPost said it was extremely unlikely that President Biden would veto Israel’s invasion of Lebanon by leveraging military aid. The US is seen as the only party that has the power to stop Israel’s attack on Lebanon and its genocidal war in the Gaza Strip.