Thursday, January 30, 2025

Adolf Hitler – Radio Address to the German Folk, 30 January 1945

January 30, 1945


German Volksgenossen! National Socialists!


When, twelve years ago, the now deceased Reich president von Hindenburg entrusted me, as the leader of the strongest party, with the chancellorship, Germany faced the same situation at home as it does today abroad with regard to international politics. Initiated and carried out according to plan through the Treaty of Versailles, the process of the economic destruction and annihilation of the democratic republic led to a situation that was slowly being regarded as permanent: nearly seven million unemployed, seven million part-time workers, ruined peasants, destroyed trade, and a corresponding breakdown of commerce. The German ports were only ship cemeteries. The financial situation of the Reich threatened at any moment to lead to the collapse not only of the nation, but also of the Lander [provinces] and the [local] communities. However, what was decisive was the following: behind this systematic economic destruction of Germany was the spectre of Asian Bolshevism, just as today. And just as on a large scale today, the bourgeois world on a much smaller scale was completely incapable, in the years before our seizure of power, of effectively opposing this development.


Even after the collapse of the year 1918, it was still not recognized that an old world was passing away and a new world was being born. It was not a question of supporting by all means what had become decayed or rotten and artificially preserving it, but a question of the necessity of replacing it with something visibly healthy. A bygone social order had broken down, and any attempt to maintain it was bound to fail. Thus, it was no different from what is happening now on a large scale, when likewise, the bourgeois states are doomed and only Volksgemeinschaften which possess a clear orientation and are ideologically fortified have a chance of surviving this gravest European crisis in many centuries.


We were granted only six years of peace after January 30, 1933. In these six years, we secured so many tremendous accomplishments and planned even greater ones; so many and such great things that we all the more elicited the envy of our democratic, good-for-nothing surrounding world.


What was decisive, however, was that we succeeded with superhuman efforts in these six years in reorganizing the defence of the German Volkskorper, which meant not so much giving it the material military strength as the spiritual power of resistance necessary for self-assertion.


The gruesome fate which is today overwhelming the east and which exterminates tens and hundreds of thousands of human beings in villages and market towns, in the countryside and in the cities, will, with the utmost effort, be parried and overcome by us, despite all setbacks and severe trials. If this is at all possible, then it is because, since the year 1933, an inner change has taken place in the German Volk. If a Germany of the Treaty of Versailles still existed today, Europe would long have been swept away by the Central Asian floods.


There is no need to discuss this with blockheads who will never die out and who are of the opinion that a defenceless Germany would not have become the victim of this Jewish-international world conspiracy because of its impotence.


That is nothing other than turning the laws of nature upside down! Since when does the fox not kill the defenceless goose just because the goose is not aggressive by nature, and since when does a wolf become a pacifist because sheep do not wear armour? That-as I said earlier-there are bourgeois sheep who believe that nonsense in all earnestness just proves how necessary it was to eliminate an era whose educational system was capable of breeding such personalities, sustaining them, and granting them political influence. Long before National Socialism came to power, a merciless fight against this Jewish- Asiatic Bolshevism was already raging. If it did not invade Europe as early as the years 1919–1920, it failed only because it was too weak at the time and too poorly armed. Its attempt to eliminate Poland was not abandoned because of compassion for the Polish, but because of the lost battle of Warsaw. Its intention to destroy Hungary was never realized, not because it reconsidered but because the Bolshevik force could not be sustained militarily. Likewise the attempt to shatter Germany was not abandoned because its success was no longer desired, but because it was not possible to eliminate the rest of our Volk’s natural will to resist. Jewry then immediately started the systematic breakdown of our Volk. By so doing, it found the best allies in those stubborn citizens who did not wish to admit that the age of the bourgeois world was over and would never return, that the epoch of unrestrained economic liberalism belonged to the past and could only lead to collapse, that the great tasks of the present can only be managed by the authoritarian, concentrated strength of the nation based on the law of equal rights for all and resulting equal duties, which, in turn, means that the fulfilment of these equal duties will inevitably lead to equal rights.


Thus, National Socialism, in the midst of a gigantic economic, social, and cultural reconstruction, gave the German Volk an armament, particularly in terms of education, that alone was suited to be transformed into military values.


The power of resistance of our nation has grown so tremendously since January 30, 1933, that it can no longer be compared with the earlier epoch. To maintain this inner power of resistance is therefore the surest guarantor of the final victory! If today Europe is the victim of a serious illness, then the affected states will either have to overcome it by summoning their entire and utmost power of resistance, or they will be doomed. But the convalescent, that is the survivor, overcomes the climaxes of such an illness only in a crisis that greatly weakens him. It is therefore all the more our unchanging will not to shrink from anything in this struggle to rescue our Volk from this most gruesome fate of all time, and to obey steadfastly and loyally the commandment of the preservation of our nation. The Almighty has created our Volk. By defending its existence, we defend His creation. That this defence is connected with nameless misfortune, suffering, and pain without equal, lets us become all the more attached to this Volk. However, it also lets us gain that hardness which is necessary for doing our duty even at the worst crisis points. This means not only our duty toward the decent, eternal Germany, but also our duty toward those few men without honour who divorce themselves from their Volk.


Therefore, there is only one commandment for us in this fateful struggle: Who fights honourably can save his own life and that of his loved ones; who attacks the nation from behind, as a spineless coward, will under any circumstances die a shameful death. That National Socialism has awakened and reinforced this spirit in our German Volk is its greatest accomplishment. Once the bells of peace ringing out after this mighty international drama has subsided, then people will realize what the German Volk owes to this spiritual rebirth: it is no less than its existence in this world.


A few months and weeks ago, the Allied statesmen still spoke openly about Germany’s fate. Then a few papers admonished them that it would be wiser if they would rather make promises, even though there was no intention of keeping these promises. As a relentless National Socialist and fighter for my Volk, I would like to assure these other statesmen once and for all at this hour that any attempt to impress National Socialist Germany with phrases of Wilson’s type assumes a naivete that the present Germany does not know.


However, it is not at all important that in the democracies political activities and lies go hand in hand. What is important is that any promise these statesmen give a nation is completely insignificant today, because they are no longer in a position to follow through on any such assurance. That is no different from one sheep’s assuring another that it will protect it against the tiger. In opposition to that I repeat my prophesy: Not only will England not be in a position to tame Bolshevism, but its own development will follow the inevitable course of this degenerative disease. The democracies can no longer get rid of the spirits they themselves have summoned up from the steppes of Asia.


All the small European nations which capitulated trusting in the Allied assurances are heading for their complete extermination. Whether they meet this fate earlier or later is-in view of its inevitability-completely without significance. The Kremlin Jews are moved exclusively by tactical considerations in their decisions to proceed with brute force in one case and temporary restraint in the other. The end will always be the same.


Germany will never suffer this fate! The victory gained twelve years ago in the interior of our country guarantees this. Whatever our enemies may come up with, whatever suffering they may cause the German cities, the German landscapes, and above all our people, pales in comparison with the incorrigible misery and misfortune that would hit all of us, should the plutocratic-Bolshevik conspiracy win. It is, therefore, all the more necessary on the twelfth anniversary of the seizure of power to make one’s heart stronger than ever before, and to harden oneself in the sacred resolve to take up arms, no matter where, no matter under what circumstances, until victory finally crowns our efforts. On this day, I would like to leave no doubt about one other thing: in spite of a hostile environment, at one time in the past I chose my way in the depth of my being, and I followed this path as an unknown, nameless man, up to the final victory. Often proclaimed dead and always wished dead, at long last I was the victor! My present life is likewise being exclusively determined by the duties incumbent on me.


Together, they amount to only one duty, namely, to work for my Volk and to fight for it. Only He can absolve me from this duty who has called on me to take it on. It was in Providence’s hands to eliminate me through the bomb that went off only one-and-a-half meters away from me on July 20 and, thereby, to end my life’s work. That the Almighty protected me on that day is something I regard as a confirmation of the mission I was assigned. I will therefore continue in the coming years to follow the path of the uncompromising representation of the interests of my Volk, ignoring all need and danger, and filled with the sacred conviction that the Almighty will in the end not abandon him who wanted nothing other all his life than to spare his Volk a fate it never deserved in terms of its numbers and significance.


I therefore appeal in this hour to the entire German Volk, but especially to my old comrades in arms and all soldiers who are at its head, to arm themselves with an even greater, hardened spirit of resistance, until, as once before, we can lay on the grave of the dead of this mighty struggle a wreath with a bow inscribed: But you have triumphed in the end! I expect every German therefore to fulfil his duty to the utmost, and to take on every sacrifice that will be and must be demanded of him. I expect of every healthy man that he risk life and limb in this battle. I expect every ill, infirm, or otherwise indispensable man to work with the utmost effort. I expect the inhabitants of the cities to forge the weapons for this fight, and I expect every farmer to give bread to the soldiers and workers of this fight by limiting his own consumption as much as possible. I expect all women and girls to support this fight with the utmost zeal, as they have done up to now. I turn to the German youth with particular confidence. By forming such a committed community, we have the right to step before the Almighty and ask Him for His mercy and blessings. After all, a nation cannot do more than this: those who can fight, fight; those who can work, work; and all come together to sacrifice with only one thought in mind: to secure freedom, national honour, and a future for life.


No matter how grave the crisis may be at this moment, we will overcome it in the end, in spite of everything, thanks to our unchangeable will, our readiness to sacrifice, and our abilities. We will survive this misery. In this fight, too, it is not Central Asia that will win but Europe! And at its head will be the one nation which, for one-and-a-half millennia, has represented Europe as its hegemonic power against the east and will represent it in the future: our Greater German Reich, the German nation!

Monday, January 27, 2025

The Jewish Religion – Part II

Part II


„The sources of our knowledge of the kabalistic doctrines are the books of Yetzirah and Zohar, the former drawn up in the second century, and the latter a little later; but they contain materials much older than themselves... In them, as in the teachings of Zoroaster, everything that exists emanates from a source of infinite Light.“ (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma).

„Alexandria, newly built, was colonized by the Jews, who came in crowds to people the new town. The result was a mixture of men of different nations and religions, who gave rise to several philosophical and religious associations. Platonism was publicly taught by the Greeks in Alexandria, it was eagerly received by the Alexandrian Jews, who communicated it to the Jews of Judea and Palestine...In Egypt and Judea, before the commencement of Christianity the philosophy of Pythagoras and Plato had thrust deep roots among the Jews, which gave rise to the dogmas of the Essenes, Therapeuts, Sadducees, Carpocratians, Cabalistic-Gnostics, Basilideans, and Manichaeans; all these dogmatists adapted part of the doctrine of the Egyptian Magi and Priests of the above philosophy. They spread in time into Asia, Africa, and Europe. These different Jews preserved the mysteries of the Temple of Solomon with the allegory of the Grand Architect, who was the Jewish Messiah, an idea still preserved by the Jew today.“ (Reghellini de Schio, in 1833).

„Judaism: Judaism denotes the Jewish faith in its extravagant form of blind attachment to rites and traditions, and national exclusiveness. This must have been prevalent in the time of Christ, because of His constant exposure of their formalism and self-assumption, and because in John's Gospel 'the Jews' is used as synonymous with opposers of Christ and His teachings.“ (The Popular and Critical Bible Encyclopedia, Vol. II, (1901), p. 999).

„Judaism was not a religion but a law.“ (Moses Mendeissohn, The Jewish Plato).

„When only Jews are present we admit that Satan is our god.“ (Harold Rosenthal, former administrative aide to Sen. Jacob Javits, in a recorded interview).

„It is the Jew who lies when he swears allegiance to another faith; who becomes a danger to the world.“ (Rabbi Stephen Wise, New York Tribune, March 2, 1920).

„The principal characteristic of the Jewish religion consists in its being alien to the Hereafter, a religion, as it were, solely and essentially worldly. (Werner Sombart, Les Juifs et la vie économique, p. 291).

„Man can only experience good or evil in this world; if God wishes to punish or reward he can only do so during the life of man. it is therefore here below that the just must prosper and the impious suffer.“ (Kadmi Kohen: Nomades, F. Alcan, Paris, 1929 p. 277; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 164).

„To his unsociability the Jew added exclusiveness. Without the Law, without Judaism to practice it, the world would not exist, God would make it return again into a state of nothing; and the world will not know happiness until it is subjected to the universal empire of that [Jewish] law, that is to say, to the Empire of the Jews. In consequence the Jewish people is the people chosen by God as the trustee of his wishes and desires; it is the only one with which the Divinity has made a pact, it is the elected of the Lord...This faith in their predestination, in their election, developed in the Jews an immense pride; They come to look upon non-Jews with contempt and often with hatred, when patriotic reasons were added to theological ones.“ (B. Lazare, L'Antisémitisme, pp. 8-9; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, 184-185).

„Judaism presents a unique phenomenon in the annals of the world, of an indissoluble alliance, of an intimate alloy, of a close combination of the religious and national principles...

There is not only an ethical difference between Judaism and all other contemporary religions, but also a difference in kind and nature, a fundamental contradiction. We are not face to face with a national religion but with a religious nationality.“ (G. Batault, Le problème juif, pp. 65-66; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon de Poncins, 197).

„The idea of God, the image of God, such as it is reflected in the Bible, goes through three distinct phases. The first stage is the Higher Being, thirsty for blood, jealous, terrible, war-like. The intercourse between the Hebrew and his God is that of an inferior with s superior whom he fears and seeks to appease.

The second phase the conditions are becoming more equal. The pact concluded between God and Abraham develops its consequences, and the intercourse becomes, so to speak, according to stipulation. In the Talmudic Hagada, the Patriarchs engage in controversies and judicial arguments with the Lord. The Tora and the Bible enter into these debate and their intervention is preponderant. God pleading against Israel sometimes loses the lawsuit. The equality of the contracting parties is asserted. Finally the third phase the subjectively divine character of God is lost. God becomes a kind of fictitious Being. These very legends, one of which we have just quoted, for those who know the keen minds of the authors, give the impression, that they, like their readers, of their listeners, look upon God in the manner of a fictitious being and divinity, at heart, from the angle of a personification, of a symbol of the race [This religion has a code: The Talmud].“ (Kadmi Cohen, Nomades, p. 138; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon de Poncins, 197-198).

Friday, January 24, 2025

Israel, Iran and Nuclear Weapons




by Karl Radl


Back in 2008 quite a few significant days for Israel Lobby watchers occurred with the AIPAC conference speeches of Bibi and Obama to listen to and watch as well as looking at the relevant opinion pieces. The central theme of that conference was to present Obama as the ‘Candidate for Israel’ (and who says there isn’t an Israel Lobby in the US): in much the same way as in the 1950s Eisenhower branded himself the anti-communist candidate. However the distinction between the two positions – deliberately confused by most pro-Israel authors – is that being say anti-communist is simply a position of ideology: saying you are the best candidate to help a foreign government is something very different. It is effectively an overt form of the Manchurian Candidate: where an enemy agent has been elected the President of the USA.


Now it should be understood that I am not suggesting that Obama was an espionage agent in the pay of the Mossad, but rather that the influence of the Israel Lobby on successive administrations – be they Republican or Democrat – has been effectively the same thing as having an enemy agent in power making all the wrong decisions for your country. The irony is that it isn’t an espionage network that is doing the damage – although we know Israel does have a substantial network of this kind – but rather it is a propaganda and influence network which operates in almost direct parallel to how the Comintern and the GRU operated their innocents committees, secret organisations, intelligence networks and espionage agents during the early twentieth century.


The essential difference between Israel’s position at the start of the twenty first century and the USSR in the early twentieth century is that Israel has been able to somewhat successfully cast itself as the victim and as a non-aggressive entity. While the USSR in comparison was successful in doing this in its first few years, but was always held – particularly after several failed (jewish-led) European revolutions – to be a subversive threat. So in effect the difference is that Western intelligence and politicians regarded the USSR as a threat, while they don’t really regard Israel as one or didn’t until relatively recently: by which time Israel’s friends are in strong enough positions to clamp down on political dissent away from Israeli and towards actual American interests in terms of domestic and foreign policy.


This is more or less the thesis that has been extensively argued by the anti-Israel Lobby position but particularly by Paul Findley, (1) Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer. (2) The whole debate has for some years seemed relatively distant as the only real consequence of the battles between the Israel Lobby and its critics was over the US funding and turning a blind eye to Israeli activities as well as – to a lesser extent – the convergence of pro-Israeli interests with promoting George W. Bush’s ‘revenge war’ in Iraq for which numerous brave men and women have died or been scarred for life.


However as any seasoned Israel observer well knows over the last two to three decades we have heard the steady propagandistic drumbeat from Tel Aviv and its proxies in the United States and Europe about the ‘Iranian Nuclear Threat’. It hasn’t exactly been intense, but for the last two decades for example the Jerusalem Post has even had its own special section on the front page devoted to the ‘Iranian Threat’. However in spite of this lack of intensity it has begun to take hold as a form of ‘Chinese Whispers’ by way of the media consumer being consistently – although not constantly (unless you watch Fox News) – told about the ‘Iranian Threat’ and how Iran is an ‘Islamist state’ seeking nuclear weapons.


The logic behind the propaganda is beautiful in its simplicity as well as its stupidity in that: it suggests that because Iran is an Islamic state which is strongly engaged in promoting its interests in the region: it will launch an invasion or an attack on all those around it as part of an expansionist Islamic program. Thus should Iran gain nuclear weapon capability it would therefore be a threat to American interests in the Middle East, because Iran could play brinkmanship with the US as the Iranian leadership believe they would all receive their houris if it came to nuclear war.


The problem with this position is that is essentially ignores several key issues all at once:


A) The Iranian leadership might be Islamist, but even the most devout Islamist cleric still fundamentally wishes to live. If they did not wish to live or wished to die as Islamic martyrs then it would be rather simple for them to achieve that wish by for example joining Hezbollah in Lebanon or fighting with Shia anti-American militants against the US in Iraq. The fact they do not do so suggests that their motivation is more real politik than religious with the latter being used as a crutch to justify the former. Thus why would they create a Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) scenario if they weren’t attacked first? Iran isn’t strong enough to take on Israel let alone the US in a direct fight precisely because their arms and armour is heavily out-of-date and they are utterly out-gunned in terms of fire power.


B) Iran isn’t expansionist in any obvious sense. To suggest it is Israel Lobby propagandists often cite the role Iran plays as Hezbollah’s ‘sugar daddy’: however this is only regional power politics and nothing different from Israel’s own support of the Lebanese Christian Falangists in the same country. Also pro-Israel propagandists conveniently forget that Iran is heavily en hoc to its Russian neighbour to the north who effectively pull the strings and will not allow Iran to do anything unapproved let alone ignite World War III in an Islamic jihad against the West.


C) Numerous ‘rogue’ states have nuclear weapons such as North Korea and they are yet to use them in spite of actually being expansionist political regimes. There is no evidence to suggest that just because a state wants to expand its geographic borders and/or sphere of influence that it is thus prone to firing off nuclear devices.


D) Israel itself is the only state currently extant that has actually threatened nuclear holocaust on the world as a serious policy option for its own failure in wars that it itself created in the first place. Israel – if Avner Cohen’s estimates are to be believed – (3) holds circa 200 nuclear devices and has at least two ranged forms of delivery: land-based missiles and submarine-based missiles. (4) Iran by contrast has neither nuclear weapons at present nor the ability to send them even as far as Israel let alone beat Israel’s US-built air defence system.


Thus Israel – unlike Iran – actually has nuclear weapons, the ability to deliver them as nuclear strikes on a large portion of the known world and – most importantly – the track record of threatening their use as a viable policy option. None of these Iran has and nor does Iran have the same sense of entitlement and victim hood that have been bred into Israelis both from their jewish heritage (which focuses heavily on this) but also from Israeli Sabra culture which separates them from the Palestinians and thus tends to dehumanize them in jewish eyes leading very quickly to the strong nationalist slant in all Israeli politics apart from in the Arab bloc and the Israeli Communist Party in the Knesset. (5)


So if we then understand this it becomes clear that it isn’t Iran we need be concerned about so much: it is Israel’s attitude to Iran. As if Israel does decide – as seems increasingly likely given its rising paranoia about the ousting of numerous Israeli client kings in the region – to launch a ‘pre-emptive’ strike on Iran then it will provoke Iran – and quite possibly other states – to retaliate against Israel in substantial form. It would not surprise me if Iran began – in retaliation – to massively encourage and underwrite suicide bombings in Israel much as Saddam Hussein did before he was toppled from power or launched anti-Israel missile strikes using Hezbollah as a proxy. Or as another example: Iran could provide Hezbollah with chemical and/or biological weapons to use in strikes against Israel; thus upping the ante even further.


This might not be enough to provoke outright war, but it certainly isn’t going to do the region any favours. In fact if Israel did attack Iran then I tend to think that – although it would certainly get away with it – there would be an increasing polarisation on the right and left against Israel. After all how can you justify attacking countries over nuclear weapons over imagined scenarios when the country doing the attacking is utterly irresponsible at the best of times and outright criminal at worst, but yet has a large nuclear arsenal of its own?


The fact is very simply this: Israel is the threat to peace and stability in the Middle East not Iran. If you remove Israel then a lot of the tension goes away and if you include it – and its very aggressive outlook – then it becomes very clear that it is the proverbial bull in the Middle Eastern china shop.


Thanks for reading Semitic Controversies! This post is public so feel free to share it.



(1) Paul Findley, 1985, ‘They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby’, 1st Edition, Lawrence Hill: Westport


(2) Stephen Walt, John Mearsheimer, 2007, ‘The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy’, 1st Edition, Farrar, Strauss and Giroux: New York


(3) Avner Cohen, 1999, ‘Israel and the Bomb’, 2nd Edition, Columbia University Press: New York; Avner Cohen, 2011, ‘The Worst-Kept Secret: Israel’s Bargain with the Bomb’, 1st Edition, Columbia University Press: New York


(4) Ironically Israel’s ability to launch these missiles from submarines has been created because they demanded that the occupation – sorry ‘German’ – government give them to them free in tribute for not mentioning the ‘Holocaust’ again. Of course within a matter of mere weeks it was being brought up again by the Israeli government and its proxies in North America and Europe.


(5) Summarised excellently in Israel Shahak, Norton Mezvinsky, 1999, ‘Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel’, 1st Edition, Pluto Press: London.


via Karl Radl’s Substack 

Monday, January 20, 2025

The Theft of Our Freedom

Source: American Dissident Voices broadcast, March 21, 1998


by Dr. William L. Pierce


I want to talk with you about freedom today. Freedom! That seems simple enough, but it is a word with profoundly different meanings for different people. Some of the people whom I most despise and whom I consider the greatest threat to freedom have, in fact, represented themselves as champions of freedom. I’m talking about liberals. The name “liberal“ comes, of course, from the Roman word meaning „free.“ How ironic! – although I am sure that most liberals don’t see the irony. It’s just that their concept of freedom is so radically different from mine. (ILLUSTRATION: The Lexington Minuteman (1900), representing militia Captain John Parker)


For me freedom is a fairly simple thing: it is closely tied to my idea of independence. I am free when no man can claim the right to force me to do his will rather than mine. This definition is a definition relative to society, to government, and to the law. I said, „when no man can claim the right...“. Thus, I don’t consider myself unfree when a robber points a gun at me and tells me to give him my wallet. He’s telling me what to do, but he doesn’t claim any right to do so. I consider myself unfree if I am not able to entertain the possibility of drawing my own pistol and contesting his request for my wallet because the government previously has disarmed me with a gun-control law.


I also consider myself unfree when I cannot say whatever I want to say on any subject whatsoever, because the government has forbidden me to speak.


Freedom or lack of freedom is a function of my relationship to society and to the government. It is not a function of how much money I have or how popular I am or how happy I am with my life. A lot of people talk about things like „freedom from hunger“ or „freedom from fear“ or “freedom from want,“ but they’re not using the word „freedom“ the way I use it. Hunger and fear are serious things, important things, and unpleasant things, but they don’t have anything to do with freedom as I’ve defined it here.


Before I go on I should mention that we all make conscious decisions to impose certain limits on our own freedom. When we marry, for example, we consciously give up some of our freedom. When we choose to be a member of any community or any society, we enter into a social contract: in return for receiving the benefits of being a member of the society, we agree to obey the society’s rules. But these things are a matter of choice for us. They are voluntarily accepted limitations. The man with a strong sense of self-worth and independence, the man who loves freedom, will be cautious about accepting such limitations, and he will want to keep them to a minimum. He will be eternally vigilant to prevent other men from changing the terms of his social contract in such a way as to diminish his freedom.


Weaker, more dependent men, on the other hand, may gladly accept more limitations in return for the promise of more social benefits or more security. And that’s all right, so long as we don’t let their weakness encroach on our freedom.


Liberals have an entirely different concept of freedom. For the liberal the idea of freedom is mixed up with the ideas of happiness and comfort. That’s why one always hears liberals talking about things like „freedom from want.“ To liberals, a hungry man is not a free man. And of course, in a certain sense of the word that is true. A hungry man is encouraged by the pain in his belly to do something to get food. His options are more limited – at least temporarily – than those of a man who is not hungry. But that’s not the sense in which we use the word „free.“ Whether a man is hungry or not, whether he is poor or not, he is free as long as he not prevented by the government from seeking food for himself or seeking to alleviate his poverty.


That’s where we and the liberals differ. To us a poor man is unfree only if the government prevents him by law from bettering his condition. To us a man can be poor and hungry and still be free. To the liberals a poor man lacks freedom even if he is poor solely because of his own laziness or stupidity. What counts to the liberals is that he is poor, regardless of the reason, and therefore cannot have everything he wants. So the liberals campaign to free him from his wants, not to free him from laws which prevent him from taking care of his own wants. The liberals in their campaign for „freedom from want“ very often seek solutions in the form of more laws: laws which take away our freedom in order to satisfy the wants of those who have an entirely different concept of freedom.


A big thing with the liberals these days is „freedom from oppression.“ By „oppression“ the liberals mean anything which makes them feel bad or keeps them from having what they want. To the liberals poverty is a form of oppression. So is feeling bad because they are ugly or stupid or awkward or ill-bred or unpopular. The liberals consider a person is “oppressed“ when he is reminded of his inferiority by something another person writes or says. Feminists, in particular, are fond of complaining about this sort of „oppression.“ They believe that they are free from oppression only when they are feeling good about themselves, and this “freedom to feel good,“ as they see it, is threatened by people who say “insensitive“ things. The liberals believe that they are fighting for freedom from oppression when they campaign for laws designed to protect the feelings of people who could be offended by the comments or actions of other people. These laws are often called „hate laws.“ The liberals sometimes speak of „freedom from hate“ and believe that they are achieving that with their „hate laws.“


In fact, to hear a liberal or a Jew talk about it, you would believe that „freedom from hate“ and „freedom to feel good“ were what the Founding Fathers really had in mind when they drafted the Bill of Rights. To the liberals the so-called „freedom“ of a homosexual not to be offended by the remarks of someone who considers him a freak ranks right up there beside freedom of speech and freedom to keep and bear arms – in fact, a bit above freedom of speech and way above the freedom to keep and bear arms.


These new „freedoms“ that the liberals have invented – freedom from oppression, freedom from bad vibes, freedom from hate, freedom from being offended – have been given an enormous promotion during the past decade or so. Several large and well-funded Jewish organizations – Morris Dees’s Southern Poverty Law Center, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, the Simon Wiesenthal Center – have been working together with the Jew-controlled media and bought politicians to push so-called “hate laws“ through state legislatures. These laws attempt to protect people – especially those considered „disadvantaged“ by the liberals, and that means non-male, non-White, non-heterosexual, or non-Gentile people – from being made to feel bad by outlawing „oppressive“ thought and „oppressive“ expression. Some of the laws aim at punishing a person for having „oppressive“ thoughts when he commits a crime. For example, if a homosexual solicits you and you punch him in the nose, it ordinarily would be a misdemeanor assault in most jurisdictions. But if you say, „Take that, you filthy pervert!“ when you punch him, it becomes a felony in those areas where a „hate“ law is in effect. Instead of being fined a few hundred dollars, you can be sent to prison for five years.


Other laws, based on the same „freedom from oppression“ theory, criminalize any speech or other expression which might „oppress“ a “disadvantaged“ person – that is, it criminalizes so-called „hate speech.“ Jewish and liberal groups have succeeded in pushing such speech-limitation laws through several state legislatures. They also have succeeded in convincing a substantial portion of the public that “hate,“ „racism,“ and „discrimination“ are illegal, even in those states where they have not yet succeeded in enacting „hate“ laws. Thus, they have intimidated many people into limiting their own speech, in the belief that to say something Politically Incorrect might result in a prosecution. And, I am sorry to say, in many cases they have gotten away with these infringements on the freedom of other Americans: infringements committed in the name of „freedom from oppression.“


It is infuriating. It is also ironic. It may lead to the shedding of blood. I’ll give you an example of a recent infringement, and I think you’ll agree with me that it is something which justifies the shedding of blood.


Florida is a state with lots of liberals and even more Jews, and in order to protect „disadvantaged“ people in the state from „oppression“ they have enacted several „hate crime“ and „hate speech“ laws. These laws are all unconstitutional, and they clearly are intended primarily for the purpose of intimidating the citizens of Florida into conforming their speech and behavior to liberal norms – although the liberal and Jewish elements in the state certainly would like to see the Constitution actually changed to favor their concept of „freedom“ over ours.


Late last month nine students at Killian High School, in the Miami suburb of Kendall, Florida, were arrested and hauled off to jail after they published a pamphlet satirizing their school’s administration. They were charged under two of Florida’s „hate“ laws, because the principal of Killian High School is Black, and he was treated unkindly in the pamphlet, which even included cartoons depicting the Black principal engaged in sexual intercourse. It was the principal who called the police and requested that the students be arrested. One of the charges against the students carries a penalty of five years imprisonment.


The Jewish Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith joined the Black principal, feminists, eager-beaver politicians and bureaucrats, and others in praising the action against the students, who range in age from 16 to 18 years. One of the more eager members of the lynch mob who praised the arrests was Henry Fraind, deputy superintendent of schools. He told reporters, „Free speech doesn’t give anyone the right to use a word that would inflame. They do not have the right to incite the feelings of outward racism.“


Unfortunately, Henry Fraind is all too typical of the sort of vicious, Politically Correct bigots we have put in charge of the education of America’s children. I don’t know whether or not he really believes that Americans don’t have the right to use words which inflame or which incite feelings of racism, but it’s clear that he would like for the use of such words to be illegal – and I’ll bet he also would like to see people go to prison for using words which incite Politically Incorrect feelings about sex, sexual orientation, religion, and a number of other things.


Even if Mr. Fraind understands that the Bill of Rights is still a bar to the type of „hate speech“ laws he favors, he seems pleased that the laws, unconstitutional though they are, are on the books and serve to stifle the ignorant and the timid. And there are, I’m afraid, far too many other people, who’re not activist bigots like Fraind and not even especially liberal, who would vaguely go along with him. They’ve gradually been persuaded by two generations of television propaganda that people are entitled to „freedom from oppression“ and that there should be some sort of penalty for saying or writing things that “disadvantaged“ people find „oppressive.“ They believe that the government has – or should have – the authority to compel us all to write or say only „nice“ things. Perhaps that shouldn’t be surprising in this feminized age. The feminine spirit gives priority to niceness and getting along with everybody and not hurting anyone’s feelings. The masculine spirit gives priority to freedom and to truth and to saying what needs to be said, offensive or not – but masculine priorities have become Politically Incorrect in this age.


It is interesting to note that of the nine students thrown into jail for producing and distributing their „insensitive“ and „oppressive“ pamphlet, five are girls. One of the students is Asian, and three of them have Hispanic surnames. Most of them are honor students. This “diversity“ didn’t stop the prosecutor from charging them, and it didn’t stop the police from leaving them locked up overnight in the Dade County jail with murderers and rapists. Four days after they were charged and arrested the state reluctantly dropped the charges against them. The feminist prosecutor who was responsible for the arrests, Katherine Fernandez Rundle, told the Associated Press that dropping the charges against the students was „a difficult decision“ for her, even though she knew the laws were unconstitutional and unenforceable. One gets the distinct impression that she and other authorities involved were sorry that they couldn’t prosecute the students and felt that keeping them in jail for a night was letting them off too easy – for exercising their constitutional freedom of speech.


The parents of the arrested students have talked about the possibility of suing, but I have the feeling that a good, old-fashioned necktie party, with the Black principal; deputy superintendent of schools, Henry Fraind; and Kathleen Fernandez Rundle as the guests of honor would be more appropriate. Too much of the blood of our forefathers was spilled securing the freedom which these Politically Correct bigots would like to take away from us – too much to permit them to continue trampling on our Bill of Rights with impunity.


These arrests last month in Florida are a pretty clear-cut case of our freedom – freedom of speech – coming into conflict with freedom as defined by the liberals and Jews: namely „freedom from oppression,“ freedom to feel good. But it is by no means the only such case. This sort of thing is happening more and more frequently these days, and our freedom all too often is subordinated to theirs. Believe me, they really would like to re-write the Bill of Rights, taking away all of our freedoms and substituting theirs instead. And that’s what they actually are doing, step by step.


There are three categories of people responsible for the gradually increasing loss of freedom in America. First, there are the Jews, as represented by groups such as the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the Simon Wiesenthal Center – and of course, by the masters of the mass media. These are cold-blooded, hard-headed people who know exactly what they are doing in trying to take away our freedom. I’ve talked at length about their activities and their motivations on earlier programs, and I’ll talk more about them in the future.


In the second category are the hard-core liberals, the people who grew up in the 1960s and 1970s believing that they were „oppressed“ if mommy or daddy reprimanded them for not picking up their dirty socks and underwear or if the kid next door was better looking or had more toys than they had. They built their ideas about „freedom from oppression“ and „freedom from want“ into a sort of nut-case religion, which has been adopted by a lot of really wacky people, people with serious problems of retarded personality development: the feminists, for example. This religion also has been adopted by a lot of amoral opportunists who don’t care about freedom one way or another, but who find it profitable to go with the flow: who find that it helps them get a good press and more votes.


But it’s the third category of people that we really have to worry about. Those are the people who have been too passive, too selfish, or too cowardly to stop the Jews and the retards and the opportunists: the people who have let them get away with it and have put up virtually no opposition to the theft of our liberty.


I’m talking about us. I’m talking about those who really believe in freedom of speech and freedom of self-defense, but who are so afraid of being called an „anti-Semite“ or a „racist“ that they remain only silent spectators when our freedom is raped the way it was in Florida last month. Too many of us have let ourselves be buffaloed by the very clever Jewish tactic of calling their campaign against our freedom a campaign against „hate.“ Too many of us who see through this tactic are still afraid to stand up and denounce their „hate laws“ – and them – because we are afraid of being thought „haters.“


Let me leave you with this thought. Cowardice and freedom are not and never have been compatible. If we want to be free again, then we must find the courage to deal properly with those who are stealing our freedom.


* * *

Friday, January 17, 2025

Labor Camp Auschwitz-Monowitz – Exposing the Myth of „Extermination through Labor“




by Carlo Mattogno




The Auschwitz-Monowitz Camp was the Third Reich’s largest and arguably most infamous forced-labor camp. After the war, it became the focus of one of the Nuremberg Military Tribunals, the IG-Farben Trial. During that trial, the IG-Farben management was accused of having worked their slave-labor work force systematically to death by subjecting them to horrible living conditions in the camp, and unbearable working conditions at the IG-Farben’s chemical plants near Auschwitz. If we follow claims by witnesses and mainstream historians, the death toll of this camp and its numerous satellite camps allegedly amounted to somewhere between 15,000 and 250,000.


The present study starts with the indictment of the IG-Farben Trial, then analyzes pivotal documents about the Monowitz Camp, such as the camp’s infirmary register, its register of deceased inmates, as well as multiple lists of transfers from the labor camp to the Auschwitz and Birkenau concentration camps a few miles to the west. A detailed analysis of these documents, in conjunction with many more supportive documents, reveals the untenable propaganda nature of „extermination through labor“ claims made by the IG-Farben Trial’s prosecution. For instance, the camp’s death records prove that a total of – not 100,000, not 10,000, but merely 1,651 inmates died during the entire existence of the camp.


The largest part of this tome contains excerpts from 129 witnesses – mostly former civilian employees of IG Farben and its many subcontractors, but also many former camp inmates. They all testified in detail that the living and working conditions were the best among all of the Third Reich’s many camps. Inmates preferred Monowitz over any other camp. This is followed by a description of the Monowitz Camp’s inmate infirmary by two former, highly educated inmates.


The last chapter scrutinizes 14 of the most important witnesses for the prosecution, whose various extermination claims are the sole basis, upon which the prosecution’s case rested. A thorough source criticism of these testimonies reveals that these witnesses lied shamelessly and with impunity.


Mainstream narratives of the Monowitz Camp have been dominated for eight decades by absurd witness claims, which fly in the face of documented facts. With the present study, the history of the Monowitz Camp is finally put on a solid documental basis. It rings in the end of the „extermination through labor“ paradigm.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Holocaust Poseurs



The Ubiquity of False Holocaust Testimony


Recently, I’ve been reading a book published by Yale University Press in 1941, Atrocity Propaganda by James Morgan Read. It’s interesting for not only the exposure of the kind of lying that went on in the First World War, but also the extent to which at least educated people had recovered from that propaganda. They understood that wars are full of lying, all right? So, I want to read you just a little bit of this, a couple of paragraphs from James Read’s book Atrocity Propaganda.


“Not only the newspaper editors and writers were guilty of atrocity mongering. To say only the worst of the enemy was comme il faut [as required]. Norman Hapgood, after returning from a trip to the front in 1915, told of French villagers who, after being rescued from German occupation, asked if it would be all right to say that they were treated well.”


So, the Germans were actually decent to these French peasants, and the French peasants wanted to know if it was okay for them to say that. Continuing:


“Humanitarians and sentimentalists were often responsible for this tendency to invent enormities at the cost of truth. A British general vouches for a pertinent example of this. Certain well-meaning ladies were passing through a British hospital which housed returned prisoners. Good Samaritans, dispensing cigarettes and chocolate, they were also eager to have their worst impressions of the Germans confirmed. Approaching one bedside, the lady in the lead asked, ‘My poor man, you must have been shamefully treated by those vile devils.’ he answer was disappointing. ‘Not so bad, Mom, seeing they was Germans.’ The lady passed on to the next bed, without opening her bag. ‘Oh, you poor creature, how pale and thin you seem to be. I see those brutes have starved you. Now tell me all about it.’ ‘Well, you see, Mom, the way of it was this, Fritz, he didn’t have too much for himself, and we was used to give him a bite now and then from our parcels.’ Once more the lady withdrew, as if personally rebuffed, keeping her bag [of gifts] tightly closed. The next patient, a little Jewish boy who had carefully observed the procedure thus far, knew what she wanted and what he wanted. And when more visitors turned up on the following day, they were able to feast on prison horrors to their heart’s content.”


Concerning the first atrocity stories, well, what he says then is that, at the beginning of the First World War, most people didn’t believe the atrocity stories from the First World War either. But it was the being absolutely barraged with the same lies that convinced the people. That is what he says.


But I wanted to give you that information as an introduction to what I’m going to be discussing today, which is people who lied about their experiences.


A couple of weeks ago, I spoke a little bit about Paul Rassinier, the French Marxist resistance operative who spent some time in Buchenwald and Dora labor camp. And he was an early Holocaust revisionist. He knew firsthand that people who had been in Buchenwald or Dora lied and exaggerated about what happened there. They had claimed that there was a gas chamber in that place. He personally knew that there was no gas chamber in that place.


And by the way, now, mainstream history says that there was no gas chamber in that place. Martin Broszat, who was the director of the Institute for Contemporary History in Munich, Germany, he actually wrote a letter to Die Zeit, which is a big highbrow weekly news publication. He wrote this letter to Die Zeit, published on the 19th of August 1960, stating that there had been “no gassings in Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen or Dachau,” which many people up to that point had believed because of the old war propaganda and because of the kinds of liars that Rassinier called to account in his books.


And I’m going to talk about some similar cases today, which include not only people who embroidered their experience and were actually in a concentration camp, but people who, in some cases, were never in a concentration camp and fabricated the entire thing. It’s hard for many people to imagine that somebody could do this. But, well, they do. They do.


False memoirs have long been a common tool of propaganda. An important foundation of anti-Hitler propaganda, quoted over and over during the war, was Hermann Rauschning’s Conversations with Hitler, which was also published under other titles, which was discredited by a Swiss researcher named Wolfgang Haenel in 1983.


It was this false record of alleged conversations with Adolf Hitler that laid the foundation for Allied propaganda, portraying the German leader as a psychopath bent on world conquest. In particular, you’ll see Rauschning very heavily quoted in Frank Capra’s Why We Fight propaganda films that were made for the War Department. But it also turns up quite a lot in respectable academic histories. J. F. C. Fuller even quotes Rauschning. John Toland quoted Rauschning in his overall rather sympathetic biography of Adolf Hitler. Yet he’s quoting Rauschning, because Rauschning had not yet been debunked when Toland was writing in the 1970s.


Rauschning’s was clearly the most important false memoir used in propaganda during the war, but Holocaust memoirs of course came later. One of the first fake memoirs about what is now called “the Holocaust” was Yankel Wiernik’s A Year in Treblinka, published as war propaganda by a Jewish organization in 1944. Wiernik’s pseudo-memoir claims, among other fantasies, that a naked Jewish woman wrested a rifle away from a guard and leapt over a three-meter fence. That’s a three-meter fence, which would be a world record even today. Wiernik also claimed that Ukrainian guards in Treblinka would frequently snatch children and murder them in front of their mothers, either tearing them in half with their bare hands, which is certainly much more easily said than done, or tossing them still alive into a fire, or swinging them by their legs to dash their brains against a hard surface. All of this, of course, contradicts the premise that the Jews were being tricked into going to their deaths in a gas chamber disguised as a shower.


The accusation of swinging a baby by its legs to dash its brains, by the way, is very ancient. It duplicates the way that Odysseus is supposed to have dashed the brains of Hector’s infant son Astyanax at the end of the Trojan War, in one of the poems of the Homeric Cycle. With so many credulity-destroying elements, this blatantly false memoir A Year in Treblinka was nonetheless used as a source by such eminent scholars as Raul Hilberg and Yitzak Arad.


Once government and Jewish organizations had established this line of propaganda, individuals began spontaneously making their own contributions. Private individuals will make up stories about themselves that conform to the prevailing myth, whatever it may be. The motive may be just to attract attention, or to make money, or, of course, to add to the overall campaign of propaganda. Also, when some accused person seems guilty, but the evidence of guilt is inconclusive, it can always happen that some false witness will come forth to fill the gap. That person thereby makes himself important, and can rationalize in his mind that he is aiding justice by lying.


One of the clearest examples of this kind of “righteous perjury” was in the case of the Polish immigrant and factory worker Frank Walus:


“A former nurse today testified that she saw Frank Walus take a group of children into a building to be executed during World War II. Sarah Leiter told her story during the fifth day of Walus’s trial on charges of having concealed membership in the Nazi Gestapo in order to obtain American citizenship.


Leiter testified that she saw Walus, wearing a uniform with a death’s head insignia, take 10 or 15 children into a building. Then, in her words, their screams reached heaven, and they finished them off. She said there was gunfire, and she never saw the children again.


When asked to identify the man involved in that, Leiter walked to the defense table, raised her arm, and said, ‘Here is the murderer.’ She was pointing at Frank Walus.”


Wow, a former nurse, and she seemed so sure of herself. “Here is the murderer!” That’s WBBM-TV in April 1978. By November 1980, however, everything looked very different.


“As we reported a few nights ago, the Justice Department had decided to withdraw its charges against Frank Walus, the southwest side man who had been accused of being a Nazi war criminal. Wednesday, that decision was made official. Larry Roderick reports:


‘He was happy. He was bitter. But Frank Walus was still an American citizen, and charges that he was a Nazi war criminal had been dropped. It had taken four years out of his life, but Walus finally proved he was on forced-labor farms during the war.’


‘Why did the government not identify the 12 Jewish witnesses?’”


Walus points out that the government had not bothered to verify the identities of the Jewish witnesses.


“‘I checked it out through the Polish government. I sent a list of anyone, and 12 witnesses. So just only three were born in Poland, and three were living in Poland. And nine never were born and never were living in Poland. So, how come they came over and testified, and point me out that, yeah, he killed my brother, he killed my sister. I saw him killing people.


U.S. Attorney Thomas Sullivan Wednesday afternoon read a carefully worded statement in court. The government, he said, had not proven Walus to be a Nazi. Indeed, the evidence showed otherwise, and the government urged that charges be dropped.”


That’s WGN News, the 27th of November 1980. Frank Walus explained that out of 12 Jews who testified against him in that trial, nine of them had never even set foot in Poland where these crimes are supposed to have occurred. That’s a lot of proven lying right there.


The Daily Mail on the 21st of June 2013, carried an essay by novelist and sometime historian Guy Walters that scratched the surface of this phenomenon. The title asked, “Could there be anything more twisted than these Holocaust fantasists?” I was very surprised to see this in the Daily Mail. It says that, “more and more people are making up memoirs about witnessing Nazi crimes.”


Walters names the following as fake memoirs: Towards the Dawn by Joe Corey, published in 2001. Corey claims to be a former member of a “special service unit” during the Second World War.


Walters points out that Corey’s claim to have discovered an “experimental extermination camp in Holland” is impossible. Next title: Fragments: Memoirs of a Wartime Childhood by Benjamin Wilkomirski, published in 1995. Guy Walters says that this author was exposed as a liar in 1998, “by a Swiss journalist who revealed the author had been nowhere near the camps, that he was in fact called Bruno Grosjean and had been raised in an orphanage.” This book, by the way, had won the National Jewish Book Award in the USA and the Prix Memoire de la Shoah in France before Daniel Ganzfried exposed it as a fraud. Daniel Ganzfried, I guess that’s a Jewish guy.


Angel at the Fence is another fraudulent book by Herman Rosenblatt, and it was published in 2008. Rosenblatt had gained notoriety through an appearance on Oprah in 1996. After the book was published, former inmates of the camp where the story was alleged to have taken place said that it was impossible, and within months Penguin withdrew the book from publication.


Next: Mischa, a Memoir of the Holocaust Years by Mischa de Fonseca, published in 1997. This woman claimed to have survived the Warsaw Ghetto and to have been raised by wolves. She explained:


“It’s not the true reality, but it is my reality.”


And now we have The Man Who Broke into Auschwitz by Dennis Avey published in 2011. Guy Walters himself takes credit for exposing this one as a fraud. Another book, Survivor of the Long March: Five Years as a POW, 1940-1945 by Charles Waite, published in 2012. This author claims to have witnessed a Jewish baby being snatched and killed by a guard in front of its mother. Walters notes that such episodes have become a staple of Holocaust literature. He considers them to lack credibility “for the simple reason that killing babies in front of their parents is not the best way to pacify a train full of prisoners.” Walters also suggests that most guards probably did not want to kill babies. Yeah, of course. It’s absolutely absurd.


Another title, Do the Birds Still Sing in Hell? by Horace Greasley, 2013. This author claims to have escaped from a German POW camp more than 200 times. Walters comments:


“Mysteriously, Greasley’s POW record held at the National Archives does not make one mention of these 200 escapes. Working camps for NCOs such as Greasley were not the tightly guarded places conjured up by our collective imagination, which is leaning on images from Cold Dips and The Great Escape. In fact, bunking out of one’s camp to fraternize with local girls was hardly unusual and certainly not escaping in the sense most of us understand it.”


One may infer that Greasley’s reference to his German POW camp as “Hell” is likewise an exercise in histrionics.


I do have, however, some criticisms of Guy Walters’s survey. While presenting information that by its very nature suggests that the Holocaust story in general ought to be questioned, Walters has not gone all the way. On the contrary, Walters has taken preventive measures against being called a Holocaust denier and against being called an anti-Semite. He has compromised his veracity in order to do these things.


In the first place, Guy Walters pretends that lying about the Holocaust is a relatively new phenomenon that only became common in the 1990s. Walters is either shockingly ignorant of the history of disputes in this field or he is putting us on. Yankel Wiernik’s A Year in Treblinka, which I mentioned at the beginning, was published in 1944.


Paul Rassinier, a Marxist who had been an inmate of Buchenwald and Dora, criticized the dishonesty of other former inmates with The Lie of Ulysses, a glance at the literature of concentration-camp inmates as early as 1950. And Rassinier continued to write such books into the 1960s. The observation that many people have lied about what they experienced during the Second World War dates from the war itself.


In his discussion of Joe Corey’s pseudo-memoir, Guy Walters refrains from stating a fact that casts the entire Holocaust story into doubt. Walters does not point out that the Holocaust story has changed drastically since 1945. Mainstream historians today do not claim that there was any extermination camp west of the current border between Poland and Germany. But the propaganda of 1945 claimed more extermination camps spread over a wider area. You will still encounter people who think that there were gassings at Dachau, Bergen-Belsen and Buchenwald, but these are people that haven’t gotten the memo. Joe Corey’s tale of the “experimental extermination camp” might have been treated as credible in 1945, but it is not consistent with the official story that is enshrined today.


Walters avoids mentioning that the Holocaust story has changed, even though the fact that Joe Corey’s fable is consistent with a version of the Holocaust that is no longer believed is an important reason for doubting it. Walters covers himself against accusations of anti-Semitism by quoting a Jew who also complains about the lying. That Jew is one Felix Weinberg.


Based on the briefest perusal of what is available of his book online, I can say that Felix Weinberg seems to be far from rigorously truthful. I noticed some obvious problems. Weinberg says:


“The fact that inmates disappeared exactly six months after their arrival and that the chimneys were spouting smoke conveyed an ominous message.”


Is it really true that inmates consistently disappeared six months after arriving at Auschwitz? It’s very easy to find accounts that contradict that claim. In any case, Weinberg’s assumption that anybody who disappeared had been gassed is nothing more than an assumption and a rumor. But it seems that Weinberg also fabricated aspects of his own story. Weinberg claims that the Germans made inmates waste their valuable labor in purely sadistic exercises like digging holes and refilling them and carrying bricks around in circles. For a highly educated nation at war, which was at the time suffering a severe shortage of labor, this is obvious poppycock.


The most obvious lie in Weinberg’s account, however, is his reference to crematorium stacks belching smoke. Modern crematoria, which is what they had in Auschwitz, they were built by Topf & Sons, do not belch smoke. They are very clean burning. What comes out of the stack is steam and carbon dioxide and that’s it. And, believe it or not, there are Allied reconnaissance photos of Auschwitz-Birkenau, and none of them show smoke. So, that’s a very obvious lie even though Holocaust fiction is full of crematorium stacks ominously belching dark smoke. It’s like a standard feature, but it’s ridiculous.


Weinberg’s warning against Holocaust liars seems to be a diversion. It’s analogous to a thief saying “Watch out for pickpockets!” as he dips his hand into your pocket. Walters does more than just quote Weinberg, however. He concludes his essay with:


“We should all share the repugnance felt by the late Professor Weinberg and read his book instead.”


Really? Guy Walters surely realizes that very few readers of his essay in the Daily Mail will bother to obtain Weinberg’s book. If they do and if they have learned from Walters’ essay to exercise some skepticism, they will realize that Weinberg is hardly better than those authors that Walters himself criticized, and they will realize that Guy Walters himself does not tell the whole truth. I suppose that Walters had to hide behind the apron of some Jew in order to get his essay published in mainstream media without suffering repercussions, such as have been experienced by David Irving. That would make it the last time he could get such exposure.


After all, if it is true that publishing false memoirs damages the credibility of the Holocaust story the key element in that damage is the exposition of the frauds, the exposure of the frauds, and Walters has contributed to that. I hope that Walters at least felt the urge to hold his nose, however, while endorsing Weinberg, using him as a shield.


I cannot know for certain what Walters’ real intention was, but it seems to me that despite his stated intention to save the Holocaust from critics, despite his commendation of some allegedly legitimate Holocaust memoir, the admission in a major news source that much of the writing about the Holocaust is false, something that the general public likely did not know, represented a net plus for historical truth. And I have, in my discussions online, actually linked Guy Walters’s little essay there many times to prove to people that they really should be skeptical about these kinds of claims. You should at least be skeptical.


Now I’m going to look in depth at a case that came to light just a few years ago. It’s interesting not only for the fact that this is somebody who told lies about supposedly having been in a Holocaust concentration camp, but also for what it reveals about how people reacted to this. That was what really interested me. Not so much the fact that somebody would tell such a lie, but how does he get away with it? How are people letting him get away with it? That to me is the important question.


Joseph Bernard Hirt


Joseph Bernard Hirt worked as a school psychologist and psychology-teacher in Chester County, Pennsylvania until his retirement in 1993. It was not long after this that Hirt took up a second career – as a “Holocaust survivor.” In this role Hirt achieved significant regional notoriety.


The early period of Hirt’s career as a Holocaust survivor is described in an adulatory newspaper-article from 2006. The article quotes a friend of Hirt’s, Chester County Court Judge John L. Hall, to the effect that Hirt had begun telling the story of his adventures at Auschwitz “about ten years ago” (roughly 1996).


People were willing to believe Hirt’s tale in spite of the fact that he had passed most of his life without ever mentioning that he had been in Auschwitz:


“’I have been silent so long because I questioned the manner of asking anyone to comprehend’ such torture and degradation, the 81-year-old Holocaust survivor said.


“As a result, many of Hirt’s confidants had no inkling of a past that included multiple arrests, brushes with death, and eight months in a concentration camp infamous for its atrocities.” (K.B. Shea, Philadelphia Enquirer, 17 August 2006)


Immediately, the retired psychologist found that as a Holocaust survivor he was able to have a powerful effect on people, for example on Judge Hall:


“’It was the most stunning conversation I’ve ever had with anyone,’ Hall said.” […]


‘People talk about turning the other cheek; he actually lives it,’ Hall said. ‘That’s a manner of living one’s life to be emulated.’” (K.B. Shea, Philadelphia Enquirer, 17 August 2006)


With the impression that Hirt had made on Judge Hall, Hirt was able to get a part-time job with the court. (Hall was “delighted when Hirt agreed to join his office part time as a tipstaff, whose duties include ushering witnesses and jurors.”) In 2016, the teacher who invited Hirt to speak at Boyertown High gave Hirt $200 out of his own pocket, allegedly to help Hirt with moving expenses (David Mekeel, Reading Eagle, 9 June 2016).


With those instances of generosity appearing in the news, there must be many others that were not reported. Such are the benefits of surviving the Holocaust. If you are a Holocaust survivor, or if you can present yourself as a Holocaust survivor, according to the experience of Joseph Hirt, people will throw money at you and opportunities.


It seems to have been in 2001, however, that Hirt really became a professional Holocaust survivor:


“In 2001, he conducted a 10-week adult night school class about his experiences, which led to other speaking engagements….” (K.B. Shea, Philadelphia Enquirer, 17 August 2006)


Hirt’s activity as a lecturing Holocaust survivor has been not only lengthy but intense. Publicity for a presentation by Hirt several years ago states:


“Hirt frequently speaks to church groups, schools and other organizations throughout Lancaster County and surrounding areas.” (Jennifer Wentz, Lancaster Online, 27 January 2014)


It is reported that Hirt’s presentation over the past two decades continued to have as profound an effect on other audiences as it initially had on Judge Hall:


[Frances] Smith [secretary of the Caernarvon Historical Society] and the historical society’s president, Yvonne Styer, decided to invite Hirt to Caernarvon after witnessing his emotional recounting of his experiences at an event in New Holland several months ago.


“’It’s very moving, and you will have nightmares,’ Smith said of Hirt’s presentation. ‘It’s hard to believe that anything like this happened.'”


Interesting phraseology there.


“Smith hopes that Hirt’s words will not only convince people that the atrocities of the Holocaust did happen, but also encourage them to make sure that they never happen again.” (Jennifer Wentz, Lancaster Online, 27 January 2014)


In August 2014, when he visited Blue Ball, Pennsylvania, Hirt’s story was reported on local television station WGAL. The self-aggrandizement and demand for pity are obvious in Hirt’s statements to WGAL:


“Surviving old age is easy for one Lancaster County man after what he’s been through in his life. The 89-year-old tells his story of survival to News 8’s Meredith Jorgensen.


‘Sometimes good news and sometimes bills.’


This is the scene each morning at the Town Hall restaurant in Blue Ball. Friends sharing stories.


‘That’s right.’


Then there’s this man.


‘Which in Polish means, I am Joseph.’


Joseph Hirt is an 89-year-old former psychologist, but he says he’s meant to serve another purpose.


‘You know, I think of myself as history on two legs.’


Joseph saw Adolf Hitler in person at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin when Jesse Owens won on the track. Five years later, he found himself in one of Hitler’s most notorious concentration camps, Auschwitz.


‘Our conversation topics were, what do you think is the best and easiest way to die, to be killed?’


Befriended by a doctor in the camp, he was given a charge.


‘You have to live. I order you to live so that you can tell the story.’


Eight months dragged by, and then his friend was dead.


‘He was killed, and I decided either it was going to be killed by Nazi or I was going to escape. It was 1942.


‘March 31st, my father’s birthday. Snow was still on the ground.’


He found a hole under an electrified fence.


‘I have nightmares. I still do. I keep running. I keep escaping.’


He’s decided sharing his story is his mission.


‘These people share my burden, you know, and so it becomes lighter. And I’m very grateful for that.’


In Lancaster County, Meredith Jorgensen, News 8.”


“Joseph is hoping to write a book about his escape from Auschwitz.” (WGAL-TV, 22 August 2014 )


“I am so traumatized, but these goyim are sharing my burden, and I am so grateful to these goyim for sharing my burden. Thank you, goyim.” Now, Joseph Hirt is described as an ex-psychologist, but I think he was still making full use of his psychological insights, because he had set up a psychological reward system for these goyim. “I’m so grateful!” And they’re in awe and they’re grateful for the chance to make him grateful. And the next thing you know, they’re giving him money, which indeed did happen.


The self-aggrandizement and demand for pity are obvious in Hirt’s statements to WGAL. “I have nightmares. I still do. I keep running. I keep escaping.” And I just want to point out here, this claim of having been permanently traumatized is an important part of Hirt’s act.


Hirt told WGAL that a physician in the camp had ordered him to live so that he could tell the story of what had happened in the camp.


Thus for twenty years, in eastern Pennsylvania and New York State, retired school psychologist Joseph Hirt has been a highly active and effective dysangelist. You’ve heard of evangelists, the bringers of the good news? Well, Joseph Hirt was a dysangelist, perpetuating and strengthening belief in the bad news of the Jewish Holocaust among what were, to a great extent, Christian audiences.


Hirt was even able to persuade his victims to pay him for inflicting nightmares upon them and distorting their outlook on life. The payment for one of Hirt’s appearances at a school was reported as $250. (David Mekeel, Reading Eagle, 9 June 2016)


On 15 April 2016 at 7 PM Hirt was to give a presentation at Lowville Academy & Central School in Lowville, Pennsylvania, sponsored by the Adirondack Mennonite Heritage Association. Bernardine Schwarzentruber, president of the Mennonite group, had heard about Hirt from her sister, who had witnessed a heavily attended presentation at a church 1½ years earlier.


Mrs. Schwartzentruber opined that the Mennonite group was “privileged” to hear Hirt speak. The Mennonite group was privileged, not only to hear Hirt’s story, but also because of the crowd that he would draw and, apparently, the donations that would follow. “Free will offerings” would be accepted “to cover expenses, with any extra money going to the association.” This was above and beyond a $1000 grant from a nonprofit foundation that presumably covered Hirt’s fee (and that of another speaker, John Ruth, who actually speaks about Mennonite history).


Hirt’s Claims


In 2015 Hirt addressed the Rotary Club of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The Rotary Roundup of 2 March 2015 summarized Hirt’s presentation:


“Dr. Joseph Hirt, 89, of Adamstown, Lancaster County was born in Poland…. As a teenager, while he and his family were foraging for food during World War II in Belgrade, Hirt was kidnapped during a round-up and became a prisoner at the German Nazi concentration camp in Auschwitz. He arrived in Auschwitz in 1941. He escaped Auschwitz after eight months by crawling under an electric fence. He was recaptured but, he said, ‘I was allowed to live by one of the Nazis.’ Hirt came face to face with the so-called Angel of Death, Dr. Josef Mengele, while at Auschwitz. Years before his capture, he had attended the Olympics in 1936 in Berlin with his father where he saw Adolf Hitler refuse to shake hands with American Olympian Jesse Owens. ‘The thing is that made me a witness to history. I was there. I saw it,’ Hirt said.” (Rotary Roundup, 2 March 2015)


Essentially the same story was told in a press-release posted on Mars Hill Network (and with redactions in the Watertown Daily Times) to promote Hirt’s 2016 appearance before the Mennonites in Lowville. It states that Hirt “became a prisoner at the most notorious concentration camp in Auschwitz.” Fear not, however! This is an inspirational story for Christians, because: “His faith in God gave him strength to survive each day.”


“The atrocities he witnessed and experienced at the camp are forever in his memory. He shares his story at the age of over 90 years so that the listeners will never forget the Holocaust. He is writing his life story and expects to have the book available for sale at the April 15 event.” (Mars Hill Network)(S. Virkler, Watertown Daily Times, 9 April 2016)


As it turned out, Hirt’s book, which, putatively, he has been writing for at least ten years, was not yet ready in time for the event in Lowville. It may be that the purpose of claiming to be writing a book all this time was to increase Hirt’s semblance of importance. It turns out, however, according to the president of the Adirondack Mennonite Heritage Association, that Hirt has been taking advance orders for this book (B. Schwartzentruber, Journal & Republican , 30 June 2016). Has he been taking advance orders on this book for ten years?


Creeping Doubts about Hirt’s Story


Now we’re going to look at people who had some doubts about Hirt’s story but, for some reason, went along with it anyway.


On 19 April 2016, Hirt gave a presentation at a local high school that was reported in the Reading Eagle. According to this report, Hirt presented himself as a saint of a man, insofar as he was not vengeful toward the Germans who treated him so badly. (Be thankful for such mercy, you Germans!) He cannot, however, forgive:


“By forgiving, you forget, and that’s something I will not do.”


The climax of Hirt’s story, the escape from Auschwitz was reported as follows:


“Hirt escaped Auschwitz at age 17 after enduring eight months of near starvation. A guard dog dug a hole under an electric fence, so Hirt took his chance. He got past the fence, but was caught by a soldier guarding the perimeter. […]


“’The soldier caught me. He said he was going to take me to the wall to shoot me.’


“Hirt … struck up a conversation with the soldier in German. He asked where the soldier was from and if he had a family. The soldier did, and he had a son about Hirt’s age.


“’I asked him how he would feel if he knew his son was being taken to be shot as I was,’ Hirt said. ‘He was surprised. It had never occurred to him. I was just a human being.’


“Hirt ran as far and fast as he could until he came to a farm, where he hid for three months. (Gabbie O’Grady, Reading Eagle, 20 April 2016)


At least one student at that high school was perplexed at Hirt’s story of escape from Auschwitz, and was quoted in the newspaper:


“’I think it’s strange he was able to get past (the Nazi guard) how he did,’ said Boyertown senior Trey Yarnall.” (Ibid.)


The reporter’s decision to include this quote implies that she too doubted parts of Hirt’s story.


Even Phil Specht, the teacher of English and humanities who had invited Hirt to speak at Boyertown High, says that he disbelieved some details of Hirt’s story, but somehow was willing to overlook those problems and continued to assume that Hirt was fundamentally honest:


“Specht, who first saw Hirt speak at a church in Emmaus about two years ago, said Hirt’s talk was so good he simply had to get him to speak at Boyertown.


“Specht said he was a bit skeptical of some of the things Hirt claimed but didn’t really think that he could be a fraud.


“‘Some of the things he was saying were just out of this world impossible,’ Specht said. “But it was the same routine story every time I heard him speak.”


“Specht was especially skeptical of the photo Hirt said was of him at 70 pounds in the camp.


“‘I had a hard time believing that photo was him, but if it gives him comfort, then I let it go,’ Specht said.” (David Mekeel, Reading Eagle, 9 June 2016)


In retrospect, it seems that many who heard Hirt’s talks saw problems in his story, or even understood that some of what he said could not be true, yet somehow were inhibited from drawing the obvious conclusion that a story containing several impossibilities might simply be a false story, or, what is even more disturbing, felt that Hirt’s falsehoods must be indulged.


It is especially dismaying that teachers, who are responsible for the cultivation of clear thinking, and journalists, who are responsible for discovering and reporting accurate information, allowed Hirt to get away with this act year after year without criticism, even when they had clear indications that something was wrong. Moreover, one of Hirt’s first dupes was a judge.


Andrew Reid’s Skepticism


Finally, there was a man who could see that the emperor had no clothes, and was also willing to say it. Andrew R. Reid, a trained historian and history-teacher at South Lewis Middle School in Turin, New York, attended Hirt’s presentation in Lowville on 15 April 2016, and had encouraged his students to do the same. Reid recognized that several details of Hirt’s narrative could not be true – in particular Hirt’s use of what he claimed was a photograph of himself in Auschwitz, and the claim that he had met Jesse Owens in Lancaster, where Reid was born. Reid felt a professional duty not to let Hirt get away with it. The day after hearing Hirt speak, Reid began collecting information from various reputable sources, even from Hirt’s own nephew Michael, to prove that the most important parts of Joseph Hirt’s story were false.


In a letter dated 8 June 2016 and addressed “Dear Editor” – to the editors of the various news-media that had promoted Hirt – Reid summarizes the most important points of the case against Hirt:


“(1) Mr. Hirt was never at Auschwitz during World War II – the Auschwitz prisoner list is available online at the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museim website and there is no record of a Joseph Hirt. The number he has tattooed on his arm – which he claims was his prison ID – is the real number of another prisoner from 1944. Camp records show only one escape in the months surrounding Mr. Hirt’s alleged date of escape, and that person was not Mr. Hirt.”


Note the fact there that Joseph Hirt had a fake Auschwitz tattoo number on his arm.


“(2) Mr. Hirt claims to have come ‘face-to-face’ with Dr. Josef Mengele while a prisoner at Auschwitz concentration camp before escaping 31 March 1942 – it is well documented that Mengele did not arrive at Auschwitz until May 1943.”


By the way, the obligatory presence of Dr. Mengele in every memoir of Auschwitz is impossible. The ubiquity of Dr. Mengele really just shows how much these writers copy each other, instead of writing what they really remember.


“(3) the picture of an emaciated man on a stretcher that he claims is him right before he escaped is, in fact, one that was taken by a soldier in the U.S. Army, Mickey Martin, a member of the 42nd Infantry ‘Rainbow’ Division of the U.S. Army which liberated the Dachau concentration camp in 1945.”


Which means it’s really not even a Holocaust photo.


The points in Reid’s “Dear Editor” letter, which I just quoted, all relate to Hirt’s claims about Auschwitz, which are the element in Hirt’s story that had the greatest impact on his audiences. Reid says that audiences would gasp when he showed them the photo of a typhus-sufferer from Dachau, claiming that it was a picture of himself as “a skeleton with skin” having been deliberately starved in Auschwitz.


It was in a much longer letter, also dated 8 June 2016 but addressed “To Whom It May Concern,” that Reid went into detail about the points in the “Dear Editor” letter but also debunked several less important lies that Hirt had told.


Hirt’s story includes chance encounters with Adolf Hitler, Josef Mengele, and Jesse Owens, and that he not only met but developed a friendship with Eleanor Roosevelt. Hirt claims that through Eleanor Roosevelt he was able to gain President Franklin Roosevelt’s intervention to allow his family to stay in the United States. Auschwitz of course, where Hirt claims to have been sent, is the most famous name in alleged extermination camps, and that would be the obvious reason why he claims to have been in Auschwitz.


Hirt had also been misrepresenting his religious affiliation, claiming despite Jewish ethnicity that he had been raised Christian (most likely to elicit greater credulity and sympathy from Christian audiences).


And I mentioned recently in my last program that this is not the only instance of lying in order to get Christians to be interested in this Holocaust narrative, because in 2017, Yehuda Bauer told an interviewer for the Jewish Telegraph Agency that the whole claim of 5 million non-Jews supposedly killed in the Holocaust was a lie invented by Simon Wiesenthal in order to get Christians interested in the Jewish Holocaust narrative. So, Joseph Hirt is not new in lying in order to get Christians interested in the story.


Reid determines that all of this is false. (It is entirely possible that Hirt met Eleanor Roosevelt when she visited the Fort Ontario Emergency Refugee Shelter in September 1944, but President Roosevelt had died in April, so that Hirt’s story of the favor that she did for him is impossible.) There is no need to go into great detail about Reid’s proofs, since Hirt has now admitted that all of his claims relating to Auschwitz were false (his other lies being of less importance).


Hirt Resists


Hirt, however, initially resisted. Following Reid’s revelations on 8 June the Reading Eagle contacted Hirt for his reaction:


“Reached by phone Wednesday afternoon, Hirt, after first denying any knowledge of the questions surrounding his story, lashed out at Reid. ‘You tell him to get a life and leave me alone,’ he said. ‘I don’t care for his questions. I’m sick and I’m tired and I’m old and I don’t need this crap.’ Hirt then hung up the phone.


“Reached a second time Wednesday night, Hirt said Reid’s claims against him are untrue. ‘There’s nothing to defend,’ he said. ‘I was there, and I don’t need to defend it. This is like being forced to defend being raped.’


“Hirt’s nephew, Michael Hirt, who lives in Illinois, said that much of what his uncle has been sharing about his life isn’t true. ‘His story is essentially correct until the part where he talks about being kidnapped and being taken to Auschwitz,’ Michael Hirt said in a phone interview Wednesday. ‘That’s where the storytelling begins.'” (D. Mekeel, Reading Eagle, 9 June 2016)


Joseph Hirt’s initial response was to express outrage and to try to bluff his way out of the situation. Perhaps he would have succeeded if his own nephew had not spoken against him.


Hirt’s Reluctant Retreat


In a letter dated 6 June 2016, which (according to a response from Reid to my inquiry) Hirt did not receive until 9 June, Reid appealed to Hirt for a “public repentant response in the near future.” In the absence of such repentance, said Reid, he would petition the district attorneys of Lewis and Lancaster counties to investigate Hirt for “fraud, identity theft, and forgery.”


On 24 June 2016, two weeks after the controversy became public, Joseph Hirt issued a kind of apology that was published by Lancaster Online.


Within the text of that epistle, before Hirt apologizes for anything, he offers six paragraphs summarizing mainstream holocaustography and asserting the importance of remembering the Holocaust. Such a dull and lengthy preface, without any indication at the beginning of what the real point will be, reflects Hirt’s reluctance to confess his dishonesty, and is most likely a deliberate tactic for making sure that many readers will lose interest before seeing the actual confession. In any case Hirt wants everyone to know that the Holocaust itself is not a lie, even though he lied to perpetuate it.


When Hirt finally does get to the point, it is an equivocal apology loaded with self-justification. The self-justification consists mainly in Hirt’s insistence that his lying was motivated by idealism. Sacred Truth needed Joseph Hirt’s help, in the form of lying! Of course, Hirt’s intentions were good:


“Both young listeners and adults responded to my presentations with feeling and often with a desire to share in the task of never forgetting and bearing witness. It wasn’t about me. I was wrong in using an untruth (my presence) in an attempt to enhance the important truth of the suffering and death of so many…. I used poor judgment and faulty reasoning, risking a sullying of the truth I was trying to share.”


Thus, Hirt maintains that he was not doing actual harm by lying to his audiences; it was a holy lie. Regardless of the money that he made from posing as a formerly starved Auschwitz survivor, it wasn’t about him. According to Hirt’s logic, the harm in his well-intentioned ruse was strictly potential, in the risk of being found out.


Another way to look at it is that if Hirt’s fraud hadn’t been discovered, it would have been all for the good! If by chance one is sympathetic to Hirt, one might be inclined to say that Reid is a reckless meddler for exposing such a beneficent deception. He should have kept his mouth shut!


A more cynical way to state the matter, putting aside the pretense that Hirt was doing good or intended to do good, is that Hirt is sorry only that he was caught.


Reid had asked for repentance but there is no real repentance here at all. A good indication of the lack of repentance is that Hirt continues to lie. This is clear.


Hirt declares in his apology:


“I am seeking help from my pastor. He knows my heart and my intent…. I ask your prayers and support…. Again I ask your forgiveness.”


But according to the information published by Andrew Reid, Hirt is “of the Bahai faith.” The Bahai have no clergy! Pastor is a term associated especially with Protestant Christianity. This is Joseph Hirt continuing to pander for sympathy and indulgence from Christians.


Another class of lie in Hirt’s apology are his attempts to retain some spurious residual status as a Holocaust survivor. Since his claim of having been at Auschwitz is debunked, he must now rely on other episodes that Reid did not address. Whereas Hirt had been claiming trauma from his experiences at Auschwitz, he now claims trauma from experiences in Yugoslavia and Italy:


“My family and I had spent the war years in hiding. We had suffered extreme trauma physically and psychologically, in cramped quarters, in constant fear of discovery or outright betrayal….”


Hirt is trying to maintain that he suffered horrendously during the war even though what is left of his story no longer supports it. By Hirt’s own account – as it now stands – the family, after 1½ years in Yugoslavia prior to that country’s involvement in conflict, then spent most of the period from 1941 to 1945 in one refugee-camp after another – first in Fascist Italy, then in Allied-occupied Italy, then in the United States – which is certainly not an ideal life, but preferable to experiencing an Allied area-bombing, or fighting on the Eastern Front, or being caught in the advance of the Red Army. There are abundant stories from the Second World War much more horrible than what is left of Joseph Hirt’s story. He does not claim that any member of his immediate family died during the war.


He does however still tell two dubious tales of unpleasant interactions with Germans, both of which carry the odor of stale, old war-propaganda.


Hirt says that the Italian Fascist government allowed his family into Italy as refugees from Yugoslavia in 1941 (after they were caught trying to enter the country fraudulently by pretending to be Italian citizens), and sent them to a refugee-camp at Rapino. After the collapse of Italy’s Fascist government in 1943, the guards deserted the camp, and Hirt’s family hired a guide to take them to the Americans:


“… who, as it turned out had accepted money from the enemy, too. We found ourselves led directly into the hands of an enemy snow patrol, invisible in their white gear until they rose from the snow around us. Father was thrown to the ground. His fingers were broken when his outspread hands were trampled by uniformed boots.”


Hirt does not explain by what miracle his family escaped this predicament. Also, the claim that an entire patrol lay waiting in the snow to ambush one little Jewish family seems absurd. This is too much drama. The story implies that Hirt’s family was highly important when it was not.


Another ridiculous story that Hirt still tells is about an encounter with a haughty and sadistic SS-officer:


“I was on the street (in Belgrade) returning with food for the family when an SS officer stopped me and asked my name. I stood at attention, looked straight into his face, and made eye-contact. At this point he hauled off and struck me in the nose and chin with his clenched fist. I ended up on the ground, bleeding from my nose and mouth as he screamed at me, ‘How dare you, you Untermensch, look at me, a member of the master race. You look at the ground. Show humility. Be humble.’ As I lay on the ground bleeding, he kicked me in the ribs as he walked away.”


Of course, Hirt claims to have been permanently traumatized by this alleged incident.


Such a portrayal of pointless, hubristic brutality is like a scene straight out of a Hollywood movie. The story is extremely unlikely, for various reasons relating to the differences between Hollywood and reality.


For one thing, German personnel who physically harmed civilians without specific justification or orders were subject to punishment. Thus, the essence of the story is likely false on its face. But details of this episode (like the details of Hirt’s Auschwitz-episode) also should raise red flags.


Contrary to widespread belief in the United States, Germans during the period of Hitler’s rule did not habitually refer to themselves as members of “the master race.” The accusation that Germans in general regarded themselves as the master-race had been made during the First World War, and even at that time it was essentially false.


The term master-race had been used in English (e.g. John H. van Evrie, White Supremacy and Negro Subordination, New York, 1868, p. 38 ) long before the propaganda of the First World War accused the Germans of regarding themselves as “the master-race” fit to rule over Anglo-Saxons (as represented e.g. by the New York Times Current History of the War, 1915, p. 118).


Noteworthy in this kind of propaganda were quotes from Karl Felix Wolff, a self-taught Austrian folklorist and poet who wrote for Alldeutsche Blätter and Mannus, and, because of his eccentric views, was usefully quoted in the Entente’s anti-German propaganda. To impart greater importance to Wolff’s statements, he was sometimes identified as a “Pan-German leader” (Theosophical Quarterly, April 1917, p. 301), or called “Dr.” Wolff (Anton Nystrom, Before, During, and After 1914, New York, 1916, pp. 47-48), when in reality he was merely a writer without academic credentials.


The term master-race (Herrenrasse), while it had been used by a fringe-figure during the First World War, seems not to have been used in German National-Socialist literature at all. The word does not appear in Mein Kampf, nor in Rosenberg’s Mythus, nor in any German National-Socialist material that I have seen.


Herrenvolk appears several times in Mein Kampf, but this word is not properly translated as “master-race” (although such invidious mistranslation is commonplace). Herrenvolk is a general term referring to any people that happens to rule over another people, like the Normans in Mediaeval England, or, subsequently, the British in their empire. A German publication from 1933 states: “The Romans were undoubtedly the most important hegemonic people (Herrenvolk) of world-history” (Monatsschrift für das Deutsche Geistesleben, 1933, p. 317). Herrenvolk thus denotes imperial achievement rather than racial quality.


Even this misunderstood word Herrenvolk was not, however, an important element of National-Socialist propaganda. Ferdinand Hermens, an associate professor of economics at Notre Dame University who was familiar with the situation in Germany, attempted to correct this misconception:


The point, of course, is that the German press and radio do not talk eternally about Germans as the Herrenvolk.” (F. Hermens, The Tyrants’ War and the People’s Peace, U. Chicago Press 1944, p. 235)


The belief that Germans during the period of Hitler’s rule habitually spoke of themselves as the master-race was due to the residual influence of Anglo-American propaganda of the First World War, which the Anglo-American propaganda of the Second World War largely copied. The gap between propaganda and reality here is such that it is extremely unlikely that Joseph Hirt encountered any SS-officer who referred to himself as “a member of the master-race,” although it is understandable why Hirt would invent such a story if he is still, as formerly in the case of Auschwitz, inserting himself into scenarios about which he has read.


Overcoming the Fear of Questioning


In the first sentence of his “conclusion” about Joseph Hirt, Andrew Reid states:


“The fact that no one has challenged Mr. Hirt’s extraordinary claims is not surprising – who would suspect someone of making such extraordinary claims about such a topic?” (A. Reid, long letter of 8 June 2016)


Anyone even slightly familiar with Holocaust Revisionism would not be saying this. False witnesses abound, and have been exposed as liars since the days of Paul Rassinier. The defenders of the Holocaust faith know it. The general public however has not had this fact impressed upon its consciousness, which is an important reason why Joseph Hirt was able to perpetrate his deception for so long without being challenged.


Reid, who affirms that he is “not a Holocaust Denier,” says that he was emboldened upon seeing an article from a few years ago by British historian Guy Walters (also “not a Holocaust Denier”) that lists seven famous Holocaust memoirs as frauds (Daily Mail, 21 June 2013). With this precedent Reid’s inhibition against challenging Holocaust frauds was reduced. Now Reid’s own well publicized exposure of Joseph Hirt’s deception carries the long overdue normalization of Holocaust-skepticism one more step forward.