Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Talmud - Part II

Part II

M. H.DE HEEKELINGEN, in Israel: Son Passe, Son Avenir: „The former Rabbi Drach, converted to Catholicism, says that the Talmud contains „a large number of musing, utterly ridiculous extravagancies, most revolting indecencies, and, above all, the most horrible blasphemies against everything which the Christian religion holds most sacred and most dear.“

„In the matter of the translation of the Talmud by non-Jews, we have always preferred that of Luzsensky, whose accuracy has been established by the Courts. In 1923, the Public Prosecutor of Hungary caused his Hungarian Talmud to be seized on account of „attack on public morals“ and „pornography.“ In delivering its verdict, the Court declared ‘INTER ALIA:’

„The horrors contained in the translation of Alfred Luzsensky are to be found, without exception, in the Talmud. His translation is correct, in that it renders these passages, which are actually to be found in the original text of the Talmud, after their true meaning.“

The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia states that „The Talmud is the real „bible“ of the Jews and that it supersedes the Old Testament. This volume has been condemned down through the ages for preaching hatred for Christ and all Christians. Read „THE TALMUD UNMASKED“ for the full shocking details.

NESTA WEBSTER, in Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, page 370: „The Jewish conception of the Jews as the Chosen People who must eventually rule the world forms indeed the basis of Rabbinical Judaism... The Jewish religion now takes its stand on the Talmud rather than on the Bible.“

F. TROCASE, in Jewish Austria: „No obstacle discourages them; they persevere throughout the world, throughout the centuries, the unity of their race. The Talmud has given them a powerful organization which modern progress has been unable to change. Deep, ineradicable hatred of everything that is not Jewish stimulates them in war which they wage against Christian Society, which is too divided to be able to fight with the necessary energy.“

GREGORY IX. Condemned the TALMUD as containing „every kind of vileness and blasphemy against Christian doctrine.“

BENEDICT XIII. His Bull on the Jewish issue (1450) declared: „The heresies, vanities and errors of the TALMUD prevent their knowing the truth.“

JULIUS III. Contra Hebreos retinentes libros (1554) ordered the TALMUD burned „everywhere“ and established a strict censorship over Jewish genocidal writings - an order that has never been rescinded and which presumably is still binding upon Catholics.

SOMBART, WERNER. 20th century German economist: „Capitalism was born from the money loan. Money lending contains the root idea of capitalism. Turn to the pages of the TALMUD and you will find that the Jews made an art of lending money. They were taught early to look for their chief happiness in the possession of money. They fathomed all the secrets that lay hid in money. They became Lords of Money and Lords of the World...

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