Friday, March 27, 2020

Adolf Hitler About the Youth

In their (the youth’s) heart there will no longer be any place for prejudices, the self-conceit and arrogance of the individual folk strata of previous generations. For they live together, march together, jointly sing the songs of the movement and of the fatherland and believe in a Germany, which belongs to all of them.

Speech of September 10, 1934 in Nuremberg

They (the German youth) love the clarity and determination of our leadership!

Speech of September 10, 1934 in Nuremberg

The youth has fallen for and is bound to us with body and soul.

Speech of September 10, 1934 in Nuremberg

And when left and right the stubborn stand there and say: „But you (National Socialists) will never get us”, then I say: „We are indifferent to that; but we get your children. We educate them from the start toward a different ideal and educate them toward each other.”

Speech of November 10, 1933 in Berlin

Whoever wants to uplift a folk community, must not start with those alienated from each other in earlier life, rather those who in their youth are still bound to each other. And precisely for that reason National Socialism also directs its sharpest and most penetrating appeal to the youth.

Speech of February 7, 1934 in Berlin

What must in the future lead the German folk to National Socialism can only succeed through an eternally uniform education.

Speech of February 26, 1934 in Munich

The sensible education of the folk (will require) many decades.

Proclamation of September 1, 1933 in Nuremberg

With faithful heart and strong purpose this youth should one day be a better link in our folk’s chain of generations than we were ourselves and could perhaps be today.

Speech of May 1, 1934 in Berlin

What we do not manage with the present generation, we will complete with the coming. For just as tenaciously as we once fought for the grown man and the grown woman, we fight for the German youth. And it grows up in a different world and will first really help to form a different world. In our National Socialist youth organization, we create the school for the education of the man of the new German Reich.

Speech of May 1, 1934 in Berlin

The reverence for the great men must again be imprinted on the German youth as a sacred legacy.

Speech of March 23, 1933 in Berlin

What is further necessary is a change of our education: We today suffer from over-education. One only values the knowledge. The know-it-alls, however, are enemies of the deed. What we need is instinct and will.

Speech of April 27, 1923 in Munich

The youth, who now does not find his way to where, in the final analysis, the fate of his folk is represented in the positive sense, who now only studies philosophy and only sits behind his books or next to the stove at home, he is not a German youth!

Speech of July 28, 1922 in Munich

It will be one of the tasks of the future to again create a unity between feeling and reason, that means to train that unspoiled breed, which with clear reason recognizes the eternal legality of development and thus consciously again finds its way back to primitive instinct.

Proclamation of September 1, 1933 in Nuremberg

No less do we want to take up the fight for a better morality. And we have here, too, not acted theoretically. What has been cleaned up in Germany in these months, is unprecedented! And this cleansing process goes on continuously.

Speech of October 24, 1933 in Berlin

Our „work service” is a tremendous social institution, which at the same time works to reconcile the classes. We have gathered for useful work an army of young people, who previously went bad on rural roads.

Interview of October 18, 1933 in Berlin
In order to especially help the youth, they have been gathered and put to work in our work camps at a reasonable activity with very small wages, but sufficient food. They have no families yet and can hence be easily lodged in barracks and similar quarters near their work places.

Interview of October 18, 1933 in Berlin

It is our inalterable decision to lead every individual German - be he whoever he is, whether rich, whether poor, whether son of scholars or son of factory workers - to manual labor once in his life, so that he becomes acquainted with it, so that he can here, too, more easily command one day, because he has himself already learned to obey.

Speech of May 1, 1933 in Berlin

In a time when millions live among us without an understanding for the significance of manual laborers, we want to educate the German folk through the work service to the realization that manual labor does not shame, does not dishonor, rather much more, like any other activity, bestows honor on whomever fulfills it with a loyal and honest purpose.

Speech of May 1, 1933 in Berlin

We have...built up the work service as a pillar for the combating of unemployment on the one hand and for the education of the folk community on the other.

Speech of October 24, 1933 in Berlin

We want the work service in order to compel each young German to once contribute through his hands to the construction of his folk.

Speech of May 1, 1934 in Berlin

Do you believe that we educate our youth, which is our whole future and to which we all cling, in order to then let it be shot up on the battlefield?

Interview of October 18, 1933 in Berlin

That the German youth again possess a feeling of honor, fills me with joy.

Interview of October 18, 1933 in Berlin

What will...finally triumph, is the fire of the German youth.

May 4, 1923 in Munich

We are not National Socialists, because we possess power, rather we want Germany to become National Socialist, because its sons are National Socialists.

Speech of September 6, 1934 in Nuremberg

You are flesh of our flesh and blood of our blood, and in your minds burns the same fire, which dominates us!

Speech of September 8, 1934 in Nuremberg

My German youth!...What we yearn for and expect from the coming Germany, is what you must, my boys and girls, fulfill. If we want a Germany of strength, then you must one day be strong. If we want a Germany of energy, then you must one day be full of energy. If we want to re-shape a Germany of honor, then you must one day be the bearers of this honor. If we want to see a Germany of order before us, you must be the bearers of this order. If we want to win a Germany of loyalty, you must yourselves learn to be loyal. No virtue of this Reich, which is not first practiced by you yourselves, no energy which does not come from you, no greatness, which does not have its roots in your discipline. You are the Germany of the future, and we thus want that you are as this Germany of the future should and must be one day!

Speech of May 1, 1934 morning in Berlin

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