Monday, July 27, 2020

Adolf Hitler About Politics of Race, Population and Settlement

We have conquered the land through struggle; now we must cultivate it through peace!

Speech of July 12, 1933 in Berlin

That one must have a valiant domestic policy, if one wants to pursue foreign affairs at all!

Speech of September 5, 1923 in Munich

It is simply impossible to conduct foreign affairs, if in domestic politics the forces for a consequent and enduring advocacy are not present or cannot be utilized at all.

Open Letter to Brüning of October 14, 1931

In the life of folks, strength toward the outside is determined by the strength of the internal organization, the strength of the internal organization, however, is dependent on the firmness of shared views on certain fundamental questions.

Lecture of January 27, 1932 in Düsseldorf

We have the will to now take and in the next years carry out those measures, of which we know that coming generations will recognize and deem them as fundamentally correct.

Speech of April 5, 1933 in Berlin

What remains is the substance in itself, a substance of flesh and blood: our folk. It is the existing thing and the remaining thing, and only to it should one feel responsible.

Speech of May 10, 1933 in Berlin

I convey to the „German Red Cross” on Red Cross Day my greetings. During the war I have myself become acquainted with its exemplary organization, the unshakeable readiness to help of its medics and the benevolent care of its nurses. I am convinced that the „German Red Cross” will continue to fulfill the tasks given it in loyalty toward folk and state.

At the Red Cross Day on June 10, 1934

The Germanic blood on this earth gradually approaches its exhaustion unless we pull ourselves together and make ourselves free!

Speech of April 12, 1922 in Munich

There are...only two possibilities: either victory of the Aryan side or its destruction and the victory of the Jews.

Speech of April 12, 1922 in Munich

While he (the Jew) on the one side spoiled people through the bad example (as private capitalist through ruthless exploitation of people), he also destroyed their blood while he systematically bastardized them. Ever more Jews slid into the upper families, and these got their women from them. The consequence of this, however, was that in a short time almost all of precisely the leading stratum of the nation became totally alien to their own folk itself.

Speech of July 28, 1922 in Munich

If the Jew believes he can triumph, then we want to prove that the Germanic skull is harder than his and that a folk, for whose existence once two million died on battlefields, will indeed still bring up the strength to avenge those who were robbed of their life out there and whose death was made a vain one for the fatherland by swindlers and criminals.

Appendix to „Adolf Hitler’s Speeches”: Adolf Hitler’s Sayings

In wide circles one still does not consider the Jews a race. But is there a second folk, which is so determined to throughout the whole world maintain its race?

Speech of April 20. 1923 in Munich

That stock market Jews became leaders of a German worker movement: a gigantic swindle, the likes of which world history has seldom seen.

Speech of July 28, 1922 in Munich

It is, after all, quite clear that the Jew Isaak Kohn does not stand on the factory grounds out of love for the workers; it is obvious that all these apostles who exhaust their tongues for the folk - but on the other hand spend the night in the Hotel Exzelsior, travel in express trains and spend their vacation in Nizza - that these people do not exert themselves out of love for the folk.

Speech of July 28, 1922 in Munich

The Aryan perceives work as the foundation for the preservation of the folk community among itself, the Jew as a means for the exploitation of other folks.

Speech of April 12, 1922 in Munich

The (Jew) will always and eternally be the born private capitalist of the very worst, exploitative kind!

Speech of July 28, 1922 in Munich

The Jew...was the one, who has driven and intensified lust for money to the extreme... He was the one, who took hardheartedness in the ruthless use of these means so far that the expression „Business, too, walks over corpses!” became something completely self-evident. But he was especially the one who escalated snobbism in the most vile form so far that it had to become a mortal insult to the broad masses.

Speech of July 28, 1922 in Munich

Jewry: It is the folk with the least native creative ability... The the demon of the decomposition of folks, the symbol of the ongoing destruction of folks.

Speech of May 1, 1923 in Munich

The, after all, no master folk, he is an exploiter, a robber-folk.

Speech of July 28, 1922 in Munich

Actually, the Jew can never become a German, even if he claims that so often. If we wanted to become a German, he would have to give up the Jew, and that is not possible. He cannot inwardly force himself to Germandom for a number of reasons: first according to blood, second according to nature, third according to will and fourth in his action.

Speech of April 20. 1923 in Munich

The question now comes to us: „Do we want to bring freedom and power to Germany again?” If yes, then we first save it from its spoiler (the Jew)... We National Socialists...recognize only one folk, for which we fight, and that is ours... The people should not sleep, rather they should know that a storm is approaching. We want to avoid that our Germany, too, suffers death by crucifixion!

Speech of April 20, 1923 in Munich

Beyond all the minor differences we want to empathize the great thing, the thing that binds us. That should forge together and bring together those who still have a German heart and love for their folk for the struggle against the common ancestral enemy of all Aryans.

Speech of April 12, 1922 in Munich

I hrough special measures we enable through family founding and removal of girls from production and the gradual replacement by men.

Interview of October 18, 1933 in Berlin

We have...tried to create a better social order while we at the same time through state measures enabled the formation of new marriages to a vast extent and hence took many girls out of production and led them back to family and home.

Speech of March 21, 1934 in Unterhaching

Beyond the compulsion for common work the duty still stands over man and woman to preserve the person himself. In this noblest mission of the genders also lies based their special tendencies, which Providence in its ancient wisdom gave inalterable to each. It is hence the highest task to enable both life companions and work comrades in this world the formation of a family.

„Adolf Hitler’s Program“, appeal for the election of July 31, 1932

The the smallest, but most valuable unit in the construction of the entire state structure.

„Adolf Hitler’s Program”, appeal for the election of July 31, 1932

Work honors the woman as well as the man. The child, however, ennobles the mother.

„Adolf Hitler’s Program”, appeal for the election of July 31, 1932

The National Socialist race idea and the race knowledge at its base leads not to a lesser appreciation or lower evaluation of other folks, rather much more to the realization of the set task of a solely purposeful life-preservation and life-continuation of the own folk.

Speech of January 30, 1934 in Berlin

We want to dry up our swamps, make unproductive land fertile and improve it, insofar as possible put our folk in the position to supply itself.
Interview of April 3, 1934 in Berlin

What we need for a real folk-state, that is: a soil reform. We did not join Germany’s soil reform at that time, because the distribution of soil alone can bring no relief. The life conditions of a folk are in the final analysis only improved by the political will for expansion. Therein lies the essence of a healthy reform.

Speech of April 27, 1923 in Munich

The further settlement of German soil must in the future be our greatest concern.

Speech of March 23, 1933 in Berlin

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