Sunday, December 27, 2020

Adolf Hitler About Racial Art


Art is a noble mission obligating fanaticism.


Speech of September 1, 1933 in Nuremberg

It is the task of art to be the expression of a specific spirit of the time. Blood and race will again become the wellspring of artistic intuition.


Speech of March 23, 1933 in Berlin

It is...ridiculous to think that one could find a new “life/ cultural/art style” without a world-view rejuvenation and this racial clarification, as it is ridiculous to presume that nature entrusts every average bungler with this visionary task.


Speech of September 1, 1933 in Nuremberg

So will the racially-worldview founded tendency of a time also determine the tendency and psyche of art. The race, which puts its stamp on the whole life of a folk, then also sees the tasks of art with its eyes. It solves - in a sovereign manner encompassing all the circumstances and conditions of the purpose and of the material - the work of art according to its meaning. Only the most clear human spirit can hereby find the paths to the noblest beauty.


Speech of September 1, 1933 in Nuremberg

Humanity would become deformed, culture degenerate, if the timidity failed to continue to nurture all useable hereditary factors in life goods and cultural goods, only because decadent or racially alien elements, in their spiritual anarchism or in their origin-based rejection, would love to put the torch to all the accomplishments of the past at all.


Speech of September 1, 1933 in Nuremberg

The “never there before” is no proof for the quality of an accomplishment, rather it can just as well be the proof for its never previously there inferiority. If thus a so-called artist sees his sole life task in presenting the most confusing and incomprehensible portrayal possible of the accomplishments of the past or also of the present, then only the real accomplishments of the past will remain, while the artistic mumbling of such a painting, music-making, sculpting or building character will one day only be proof of the extent of the decay of a nation.


Speech of September 1, 1933 in Nuremberg

The already in the last decades more and more pronounced struggle against the traditions of our cultural life, against the forms of expression of our inherited artistic creation, was nothing other than the rebellion from somebody who, inwardly folk-alien, faced these racially conditioned cultural works inwardly and outwardly lacking understanding and alien; but unfortunately, this sub-humanity and its Jewish intellectual leadership slowly had the say more and more.


Speech of February 7, 1934 in Berlin

But we know of ourselves that in antiquity and in the new period Aryan-Nordic man has always found the compulsive synthesis between the set task, the purpose and the given material.


Speech of September 1, 1933 in Berlin

It is... no miracle that every politically heroic age in its art immediately seeks a bridge to a no less heroic past. Greeks and Romans then suddenly become so near to Germanic people, because all have sought their roots in a basic race, and thus the immortal accomplishments of the ancient folks again and again exert their magnetic effect on the descendants racially related to them.


Speech of September 1, 1933 in Nuremberg

Just as National Socialism in Germany is the fulfillment of numerous prophetic presentiments and actual scientific knowledge, so, too, was the preparatory work done for a new artistic renaissance of Aryan man.


Speech of September 1, 1933 in Nuremberg

One can never separate the art from the man. The slogan that precisely it is international, is hollow and dumb. If one can still hold other sections of life to somehow be acquired through education, for art one must be born, that means: The basic inclination beyond all education and hence aptitude is of the most decisive importance. This aptitude, however, is a component of the hereditary makeup. Not everyone needs to therefore be a creative artist, because he racially seen - is to be counted among this capable kind; but the real genius will indeed emerge only from such a one, and just this race alone will feel and understand him.


Speech of September 1, 1933 in Nuremberg

The given purpose, the constructive ability of the present as well as the technical means, are the elements from which and with which the genuinely creative spirit shapes his works, without fear to utilize the existing and inherited property of the ancestors, courageous enough to combine with it the good new thing he found himself!


Speech of September 1, 1933 in Nuremberg

May the German artists for their part be conscious of the task, which the nation puts to them. Since foolishness and injustice appear to rule the world, we call on them to take over the most proud defense of the German folk through German art!


Speech of September 1, 1933 in Nuremberg

The present German generation, after decades of erring, purified and education by boundless suffering, again seeks the path to its own great masters.


Speech of March 6, 1934 in Leipzig

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