Sunday, April 3, 2022

Terror, Uprisings, and Murder as Tools of the jewish-bolshevist World Revolution




Background: From 1936 to 1938, NS Germany waged a variety of anti-bolshevist campaigns. Hitler and Goebbels, among others, made major speeches at the Nuremberg rallies. Numerous books and articles assailed the judeo-Soviet Union. In 1937, there was a major anti-bolshevist exhibit produced by the Reichspropagandaleitung, the party’s central propaganda office, that traveled to major cities. This is an excerpt of the program book for that exhibition.


The source: Große antibolschewistische Ausstellung (Berlin: Verlag für Kultur- u. Wirtschaftswerbung Daenell & Co., 1937).


Große Antibolschewistische Ausstellung


After this first attempt to establish bolshevist-jewish world rule, which had been successful only in Russia, Moscow began a systematic campaign to subvert and destroy all national order throughout the world. To carry out these plans for jewish world conquest, the III Communist International was founded in Moscow in March 1919. As Lenin said, it was


“nothing other than the first step toward an international soviet republic and the victory of communism in the entire world.”


Since then, the Moscow central office has sent its hirelings and murderers to every nation on earth, paid for with the last penny of the raped Russian people, to inject the poison of jewish subversion into the peoples, robbing them of the strength needed to defend and protect their national independence, their own cultures, and the foundation of their economies from the threat of jewish world rule.


Year after year, strikes, terror, uprisings, and murder shook the lives of the peoples. Thousands upon thousands fell victim to bolshevist destruction. Hundreds of thousands of healthy people were defiled and murdered, overrun by the rising flood of jewish-bolshevist chaos.


Helpless and unwilling to believe, the world watched the work of the jewish rulers in Moscow, closing its eyes to the enormous danger that threatened. Only a few peoples has the courage and the inner strength to free themselves from the horrible grip of world bolshevism, declaring a battle of life or death. The new Germany and Mussolini’s Italy are Europe’s strong bulwark against the red storm from the east. Japan stands guard on its borders. Spain is destroying Red tyranny in its land.


There are peoples, however, who do not see, or do not want to see, their bitterest enemy. The Führer called out to them to fight for the freedom of the peoples and the purity of their cultures, extending his hand to guarantee peace and order in this world:


“We call on the peoples of the earth to join together against the danger of bolshevism, if they do not want to fall into the pit of a terrible and unforeseeable fate.”


Soviet Russia – The Bolshevist Paradise


According to the promising words of the new rulers, the victory of bolshevism in Russia was to realize jewish-marxist doctrines and give the Russian people, and thereafter the whole world, paradise on earth. Behind this peaceful mask of an impossible and insane vision of human happiness, however, was the foundation of jewry’s plan to build and secure world rule. Even today, the world has only imperfectly recognized these threads of eternal jewish striving throughout world history for absolute power.


This true even though jews have been proven to have acted with ruthless horror to destroy the self-aware forces of the Russian people as they erected the “dictatorship of the proletariat,” the “workers’ and peasant’s state,” through an unparalleled rule of blood. The fact that there is not a worker in the Soviet leadership, much less a peasant, is convincing proof of how little it is a state of workers and peasants. All really important positions in political life are filled by jews and elements wholly dependent on them.


Tortured Russia knows how little the ruling party circles are interested in realizing paradise, and how much they are involved in bloody struggles for power between jewish leaders. Incapable of any creative accomplishments, they destroy all social order, destroy all culture and all ethnic life, creating chaos in which humanity threatens to collapse.



The intentional destruction of the Russian family, just like the systematic destruction of Russian ethnicity, is intended to make impossible any defense against bolshevism’s bloody dictatorship. this fact was stated with brutal openness at the Komintern Congress in 1924:


“The revolution is powerless so long as the concepts of family and family ties remain.”


The corruption of the meaning of marriage into a matter of mere sexual drives serves the same goal. The oft proclaimed right to abortion supposedly frees the woman “from the chains of bourgeois morality.” This freedom results in the destruction of the family and leads to an unlimited exploitation of women’s labor in the service of world revolution. This is shown by the astonishingly high percentage of women in the working class. In 1936, the percentage of women was:


Mining: 21.5%


Coal mining: 19.6%


Hard coal mining: 24%


The metals and machinery industries: 26%


The woodworking industry: 40%


The destruction of the family has had its worst effects on the youth, the living future of every people. Hordes of starving children fill Russia’s country roads, becoming homeless tramps and criminals without a conscience. Bolshevism knew of no other way to deal with this youth misery than through a truly barbaric measure, the death penalty for children.


The battle against God reveals the same desire to destroy ethnic life and dissolve all moral relations. Above all, the law was corrupted by the terror of the GPU, and this system of injustice is used in the battle against the peasantry. As an “owning class,” it was “liquidated,” or in other words exterminated, or else sent to slave labor camps or reduced to wage slaves of jewish rulers in collective farms.


In the course of this destructive work, well over 18 million peasants lost home and farm by 1 April 1936. Their lands were brought together in 246,000 collective farms, that is, state-owned large farms.


This violent expropriation and destruction of the peasantry showed its terrible consequences only too quickly. The land that had once been Europe’s grain basket became a land in which millions fell victim to hunger and misery.


Slave labor camps were established to eliminate all “undesired elements.” Besides the peasantry, this included self-aware workers and the remains of the old bourgeoisie and nobility. Around 6.5 million people live, work, and die under the hard regime of bolshevist oppression.


Russian workers endure the same unbearable oppression. Without any consideration, their labor is exploited through the Stakhanov system, a labor method that exceeds even the cleverest capitalist exploitation of labor. At starvation wages that are insufficient to satisfy even the basic needs of life, the Russian worker lives a life of hard work and misery. The average monthly wage is 40 to 100 Reich marks in “high paying” industries. The prices are as follows:


1 kilogram beef of butter: 4,50 RM


1 pair of shoes: 100 – 150 RM


1 suit: 1,000 RM


For essential foodstuffs like bread, the Russian worker pays nearly twice as much as a German worker, who receives much better pay. These prices are set by the state, but sufficient goods are rarely available. On the open market, prices are two or three times as high, and are entirely impossible for the working population to pay.


Through unending exploitation of the Russian working class and peasantry and the starvation of millions of people, the bolshevist rulers built the Red Army as a weapon for carrying out world revolution.


Nearly 12 million trained troops are ready to throw the world into the chaos of jewish world rule when commanded by jewish rulers.


How it was in Germany: jewry and bolshevism at Work

Red murder prevailed in Germany’s streets for fourteen years. Nearly 6,000 Freikorps members and over 400 fighters of the National Socialist movement fell victim to Bolshevist rage in Germany, victims of systematic subversive activity ordered by bolshevist jewish rulers in Moscow. Here, just as it is there today, jews led the struggle against the people’s will to live. They made themselves the leaders of the German people’s cultural, economic, and political life, even though they were only tolerated foreigners.


The extent of jewish influence in Germany is most clearly shown by the fact that in Berlin, 56% of notaries and 52% of doctors were jews, even though jewry made up only 0.9% of the population of the Reich.


Above all, however, jews dominated industry and commerce. There were three times as many jews as Germans in top German business positions. Jews like Rathenau, Mammroth, Berliner, Aron Hirsch, Siegmund Seligmann, Tietz, Wertheim, Katzenellenbogen, Herzfeld, Friedländer-Fuld, and countless others, were seen as the pick of German business leadership, as the top men in industry and commerce.


The jews had also taken over the press and politics. In 1932, the total circulation of the two largest publishing firms (including newspapers and magazines) was over five million. Both were in jewish hands. The filthy jew Georg Bernhard, the powerful editor of the Vossische Zeitung, who today is one of the worst emigrants inciting against National Socialist Germany, declared with cynical openness the true nature of the relationships between the jewish ruled press and politics:


“The judgment of public opinion is influenced through a few string-pullers, who by using much money in various countries have established a comprehensive press apparatus that lets their mouthpieces loudly say whatever they want said.”


His marxist-bolshevist racial comrade Willi Münzenberg, the leader of the communist agitation press, was no less open when he wrote in the Rote Fahne: “The lie is a weapon in class struggle.” In the same way, however, the jews used politics for their ends. Who does not know the corrupt bigwigs of the System Era, the jews Isidor Weiß, Grezeszinski, Hilferding, Hugo Preuß, Gustav Landauer, Heilmann, Leo Kestenberg, Heinz Neumann. Last but not least, the jewdification of political life is shown by the jewish role in leading the marxist parties. In the Communist Reichstag delegation, 14.5% were jews. Among the Social Democrats, it was 22% .


The jewish spirit dominated the sciences and jewish psychoanalysis and sexual research corrupted the morals of an entire people from a supposedly objective scientific standpoint.


Jewish domination of German cultural life was equally dangerous. Jewish directors, art patrons, and artists promoted art that was nothing other than the realization of Bolshevism in art and culture.


The highpoints of jewish rule, however, were undoubtedly the countless cases of fraud and criminality that must be charged to the jewish account. It was even more dangerous for our people, since jewry presented this type of business dealing as mere enterprise, and uncovered cases of corruption as mere business misfortune. The Eastern European black marketers and fraudsters Sklarek, Sklarz, Barmat, and Kutisker were the worse examples for the way in which corruption and politics were so neatly connected.


It was only a step from jewish dominance to jewish rule to bolshevism. The political, economic, and cultural impact of jewry in Germany would lead, consciously or unconsciously, to the realization of bolshevism in Germany, and to the destruction of the German people.


The Battle and Victory of National Socialism

The Führer mobilized the strengths of the German people against the forces of jewish-bolshevist subversion. He set the National Socialist will for construction against the jewish desire for destruction, and thus drove bolshevism from Germany forever. Out of the classes and parties that had torn each other apart in bloody civil war, he created the German people’s community. He made the family, which bolshevism sees as the greatest hindrance to world revolution, into the core of our ethnic and governmental program once more. The peasantry, which bolshevist rulers systematically destroy as the “class enemy,” received its eternal foundation in Germany through the Reich Hereditary Farm Law. 


Following the will of the Führer, the German people created a Wehrmacht that is the best guarantee for peace in Europe in the face of the steadily threatening danger of bolshevism from the east.


Freedom of religion in Germany stands against the systematic suppression of religion and faith in Soviet Russia. While Germany’s youth, conscious of its responsibility for Germany’s future, works hard, and with healthy joy in life marches forward in ready camaraderie, millions of children perish and starve in the bolshevist proletarian paradise. 


While Adolf Hitler’s great roads cross Germany, linking all regions and groups, bolshevist Russia remains a trackless land. The rapidly growing German economy serves the German people and assures them of work and food. In bolshevist Russia, on the other hand, Russian workers toil in endless drudgery, exhausting themselves for the realization of bolshevist-jewish world rule. For them, life is endless toil, and they are free only in death. In Adolf Hitler’s Germany, work is seen as noble, and the creative German people benefit from its intelligence and the quality of its work. 


Adolf Hitler’s battle and victory has freed German life in every area from the yoke of a rule whose final goal was the destruction of the German people.


In the turmoil that rules the world, and which is led by the bolshevist central in Moscow, Germany and Fascist Italy are islands of order and of peace.

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