Thursday, July 6, 2023

Never Forget They Are Committing White Genocide




Once upon a time White people did not have to worry about hordes of illegal invaders flooding across our borders every day. We did not have the mass media inciting violence against all White people as a way to fight ‘White supremacy.’ Our children were not subjected to relentless psychological warfare in schools, with teachers indoctrinating them with the latest Critical Race Theory curriculum. Our percent of the population was not dwindling every single year, while it was being celebrated as “progress.” In fact, White people still made up a significant percentage of major cities across the Western world.


Now we live in a world where White people have been ethnically cleansed out of major metropolitan areas. This “White flight” was induced by race riots and overall violence and criminality, but the suburbs would not stay safe for very long. ‘Diversity’ always chases White people down, with the government forcing non-Whites into every semi-homogenous community they can find. If a community, school, company or any other organization has a percentage of White people that even comes close to matching the demographics of the area, it’s considered too White and needs to be diversified with some D.I.E. DIE.


We are supposed to look the other way. We are supposed to be well-behaved and smile as our future, and the future of all of our descendants, is jeopardized. Why should White people care that there is an open, organized effort to sweep their race into the dustbin of history? Race doesn’t even matter, or so say the anti-White racists that make a killing as race hustlers, preaching their anti-White doctrine for a hefty fee. Indeed, it is quite lucrative to be a professional anti-White in today’s world, but if you so much as attempt to be a part-time defender of White interests, expect all of your job opportunities shut down and any online payment processing taken from you, so that you are left without a livelihood.


I have said it before, but it bears repeating – popular culture considers it far worse to be a “racist” (who has committed no crime) than to be a rapist. This is essentially entrenched into the laws of many countries, like in England where you can get thrown in prison for years simply for putting up stickers defending the rights of the indigenous Brits, while Pakistani gangs that drug, rape, and traffic little British girls are left to walk free, or at the very worst, get a light slap on the wrist. The ruling class has imported armies of invaders and manipulated the judicial system so as to protect them at every turn while persecuting the victimized.


This is genocide.



I stated long ago in a Salon interview:


The anti-White ‘diversity’ agenda involves government-sponsored racism against White people in the form of affirmative action and ‘diversity’ quotas, which requires employers and colleges to give preference to less qualified non-Whites. With fewer opportunities, White people are able to make less money and are now having much smaller families. The anti-White ‘diversity’ agenda also stipulates that there can be no all-White countries anywhere, and there can be no all-White areas within the confines of those formerly all-White countries. Massive immigration and forced assimilation, along with persistent race-mixing propaganda, will inevitably lead to the destruction of a racial group.


We know who has orchestrated this all. They have told us many times. Whether it’s Barbara Lerner Spectre, Noel Ignatiev, HIAS, rabbi Goldschmidt, etc. we have heard them talk about their plans openly for years now. They hate us and want to see our people eradicated from the face of the earth. However, if you point this out, you’re the bad guy. You’re a “Nazi who wants to gas 6 million jews.” With their vast control over the mass media, political prostitutes, academia, corporations, and banking, they are able to abuse the White “goyim” however they see fit while still portraying themselves as the eternal victims.


There is no getting around the fact that organized world jewry is committing genocide against the White race. Sure, not every jew is in on the game, but you also do not see many honest ones speaking up about it. The “chosen ones” see overcoming the White race as their last hurdle in achieving total and complete dominance over the “goyim” of the world. They took their time during the 20th century, slowly taking over key areas and influencing the culture, but then they began to ramp things up as they headed for the endgame, and now things are moving full-speed ahead. They have pulled out all the stops.


We are at a critical moment in history. What we do now will have lasting repercussions for the rest of our lives. Either we stop White genocide dead in its tracks and bring our people back from the brink or we will continue to suffer a prolonged death, being humiliated, denigrated, and tortured along the way. By waking people up to the genocidal agenda at play, we show them that our backs are against the wall and there is no more escape left. There is no place for us to flee to, there is no escaping the pervasive control grid, and there is no way to vote ourselves out of this. Let’s provide them with the inspiration and moral high ground to fight this war.

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