Monday, November 27, 2023

Zionism – Part II

„World War II was a Zionist plot to make way for the foundation of the Jewish State in Palestine.“ (Joseph Burg, an anti-Zionist Jew).

„Zionism was willing to sacrifice the whole of European Jewry for a Zionist State. Everything was done to create a state of Israel and that was only possible through a world war. Wall Street and Jewish large bankers aided the war effort on both sides. Zionists are also to blame for provoking the growing hatred for Jews in 1988.“ (Joseph Burg, The Toronto Star, March 31, 1988).

„He received me not only cordially, but he was also full of confidence with respect to the war. His first words, after he had welcomed me, were as follows: ‘Well, Dr. Weismann, we have as good as beaten them already.’ I...thanked him for his constant support for the Zionist course. ‘You were standing at the cradle of this enterprise.’ I said to him, ‘and hopefully you will live to see that we have succeeded.’ Adding that after the war we would build up a state of three to four million Jews in Palestine, whereupon he replied: ‘Yes, go ahead, I am full in agreement with this idea.’„ (Conversation between Chaim Weismann and Winston Churchill).

„Let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rings of a ladder leading upward and upward...The Zionist Congress; the English Uganda proposition; the future World War; the Peace Conference where, with the help of England, a free and Jewish Palestine will be created.“ (Max Nordau, 6th Zionist Congress in Balse, Switzerland, 1903)

„Now, in answer to the question would we use force in the Middle East. I don’t know...I hope not. We have no plans to, it is conceivable, I guess. It would be almost as bad as the seven days in May. You conjure up a situation where there is another oil embargo, and the people in this country are not only inconvenienced and uncomfortable, but suffer.“ (General George S. Brown)

„2.2 billion worth of military equipment had been stripped from U.S. Forces in West Germany and America and shipped to Israel in an unprecedented day and night airlift.“ (General George S. Brown, Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff and top American military leader, made the statement at Duke University in November 1974).

„Very odd things are happening in Israel. Our observers were struck with the peculiar attitude of those travelling to Zion after the war. They seemed to see some strange sign which they could not help following at whatever cost. We heard this over and over again. These strange people saw something.“ (Review of World Affairs)

„We told the authorities in London; we shall be in Palestine whether you want us there or not. You may speed up or slow down our coming, but it would be better for you to help us, otherwise our constructive force will turn into a destructive one that will bring about ferment in the entire world.“ (Judishe Rundschau, #4, 1920, Germany, by Chaim Weismann, a Zionist leader)

„Ma’aser is the tenth part of tithe of his capital and income which every Jew has naturally been obligated over the generations of their history to give for the benefit of Jewish movements...The tithe principle has been accepted in its most stringent form. The Zionist Congress declared it as the absolute duty of every Zionist to pay tithes to the Ma’aser. It added that those Zionists who failed to do so, should be deprived of their offices and honorary positions.“ (Encyclopedia Judaica)

„The Zionist Organization is a body unique in character, with practically all the functions and duties of a government, but deriving its strength and resources not from one territory but from some seventy-two different countries...The supreme government is in the hands of the Zionist Congress, composed of over 200 delegates, representing shekel-payers of all countries. Congress meets once every two years. Its [supreme government] powers between sessions are then delegated to the Committee [Sanhedrin].“ (Report submitted to the Zionist Conference at Sydney, Australia, by Mr. Ettinger, a Zionist Lawyer)

„When a Jew in America or South Africa speaks of ‘our Government’ to his fellow Jews, he usually means the Government of Israel, while the Jewish public in various countries view Israeli ambassadors as their own representatives.“ (Israel Government Yearbook, 1953-54, p. 35)

„Israel controls the Senate...around 80 percent are completely in support of Israel; anything Israel wants. Jewish influence in the House of Representatives is even greater.“ (They Dare to Speak Out, Paul Findley, p. 66, speaking of a statement of Senator J. William Fulbright said in 1973)

„The world Zionist movement is big business. In the first two decades after Israel’s precarious birth in 1948 it channeled an estimated four billion dollars in donations into the country. Following the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, the Zionists raised another $730-million in just two years. This year, 1970, the movement is seeking five hundred million dollars. Gottlieb Hammar, chief Zionist money raiser, said, ‘When the blood flows, the money flows.’” (Lawrence Mosher, National Observer, May 18, 1970)

„I know I don’t have to say this, but in bringing everybody under the Zionist banner we never forget that our goals are the safety and security of the state of Israel foremost. Our goal will be realized in Yiddishkeit, in a Jewish life being lived every place in the world and our goals will have to be realized, not merely by what we impel others to do. And here in this country it means frequently working through the umbrella of the President’s Conference [of Jewish organizations], or it might be working in unison with other groups that feel as we do. But that, too, is part of what we think Zionism means and what our challenge is.“ (Rabbi Israel Miller, The American Jewish Examiner, p. 14, On March 5, 1970)

„I am a Zionist.“ (Jerry Falwell, Old Time Gospel Hour, 1/27/85)

„You Israeli you should never become lenient if you would kill your enemies. You shall have no pity on them until you shall have destroyed all their so-called Arab culture, on the ruins of which we shall build our own civilization.“ (Menachin Begin, October 28, 1956, at a Conference in Tel Aviv)

„The League of Nations is a Jewish idea. We created it after a fight of 25 years. Jerusalem will one day become the Capital of World Peace.“ (Nahum Sokolow, During the Zionist Congress at Carlsbad in 1922)

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