Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Adolf Hitler About Culture-Politics


It is the task of the government to ensure that, precisely in a time of limited political power, the inner life-worth and the life-will of the nation finds an even mightier cultural expression.


Speech of May 23, 1933 in Berlin

Precisely in a time of economic needs and cares, it is important to make clear to all people that a nation still also possesses higher tasks then to consume itself in mutual economic egoism. The cultural monuments of humanity were still always the altars of reflection on its better mission and higher dignity.


Speech of September 1, 1933 in Nuremberg

Every great political era in world history will display the right of its existence through the most visible documentation of its worth, which exists: through its cultural accomplishments.


Speech of September 1, 1933 in Nuremberg

National Socialism is a world-view. While it encompasses those who due to their innermost inclination belong to this world-view and brings them into an organic community, it becomes the party of those who, in accordance with their essence, are actually to be assigned to a specific race.


Speech of September 1, 1933 in Nuremberg

The folk is beaten as long as head and fist do not find themselves.


Speech of April 12, 1922 in Munich

We want to go to the worker and to the peasant in order to teach them that without German spirit there is no German life, that all of them together must form a great community: Spirit, mind and fist, worker, peasant and burgher.


Annihilation of the quality of the mind: That means, however, not perhaps a blessing for the number or perhaps the worker’s elevation, rather that means misery, woe and need, means final decline.


Speech of May 10, 1933 in Berlin

To again and again bring... to the consciousness of the German folk: You must not fall out with yourselves, you must not split over externalities, you must not feel forsaken, simply because developments have perhaps passed through centuries, which we cannot see as happy in particulars, rather you must again and again remind yourselves that all of you have the duty to preserve your folkdom. Then a path will be found - a path must be found!


Speech of May 10, 1933 in Berlin

The entire system of education, theater, film, literature, press, radio, they must all serve the preservation of the eternal values living in the essence of our folkdom.


Speech of March 23, 1933 in Berlin

The treasures of a great cultural past were in part rescued, in part nurtured and made accessible to countless Germans.


Proclamation of September 5, 1934 in Nuremberg

It was tried to fill cultural life with a nobler meaning, to give art back to the German folk, to adapt science and education to the new spirit.


Speech of January 30, 1934 in Berlin

The poisoning and dissolution of a folk body by the manifestations of our cultural Bolshevism are almost even more devastating than the effect of political and economic communism.


„Adolf Hitler’s Program”, appeal for the election of July 31, 1932

It is no coincidence that the worldview-wise most hazy era in its liberalistic generosity - in others word: insecurity - was also insecure in the area of cultural creativity. In barely a century the art accomplishments of the folks and world-views of almost all times were tried on and then taken off again. In the cubist-dadaist cult of primitiveness this insecurity finally found the solely appropriate, because sure, expression. It is the cultural life-expression of the culture-less dregs of nations.


Speech of September 1, 1933 in Nuremberg

The National Socialist movement and state leadership should also not tolerate in the cultural area that incompetents or charlatans suddenly switch their flag and then, as if nothing had happened, enter the new state in order to there in the area of culture and culture-politics again have the main say.


Speech of September 1, 1933 in Nuremberg

National Socialist Germany has no other wish than to again steer the competition of European folks into the areas where they can give to all humanity, in the noblest mutual rivalry, those unprecedented goods of civilization, of culture and art, which today enrich and beautify the image of the world.


Speech of October 14, 1933 in Berlin

This new state will...give to the nurturing of the cultural a totally different attentiveness than the old.


Speech of September 1, 1933 in Nuremberg

The greatness of folks was in all times the total worth of their great men.


Speech of March 6, 1934 in Leipzig

We Germans can he happy to have not only the worth of our own folk based on and elevated by many great sons, rather additionally to have also accomplished an immortal contribution to the eternal working of the spiritual life and the cultural life of the whole world.


Speech of March 6, 1934 in Leipzig

The German folk...is capable enough, without foreign stolen goods, tributes, contributions etc., to make its own life bearable. And it once endeavoured to shape this life well.


Speech of May 1, 1934 in Berlin

We can image no recovery of the German folk, if German culture and above all German art do not rise again.


Speech of October 16, 1933 in Munich

The German folk...will prove to the world how very much it stands behind a power, which knows no other goal than with works of peaceful work and moral culture to help with the reconstruction of a today not very happy world.


Speech of October 24, 1933 in Berlin

The German folk wants no war, the German folk wants calm, it wants work, to „become blessed in its own fashion”.


Speech of November 9, 1933 in Munich

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